*New Beginnings*

It was a cool winter day and Blizzard sat with her mate Amaimon in their usual place, Mephisto's office. It was just another normal day, Blizzard sat in Amaimon's lap reading one of the many books she had barrowed from True Cross Academy's library while Amaimon read over her shoulder. It was nice being able to just sit and rela-


And there went the quiet. As usual Rin had come into Mephisto's office and as usual he broke something. At this point Blizzard had gotten used to the constant screaming matches and had since learned to tune them out but today she was NOT in the mood to hear any of this. Blizzard slammed her book shut and got up from her spot on Amaimon's lap. The demon King of Earth looked at his mate in confusion.

"Where're you going Blizzard?" Amaimon asked with a lollipop stick sticking out of his mouth.

"Out. For a walk. Alone." Blizzard knew she sounded a bit too harsh but the noise was just getting on her nerves today. She all but stormed out of Mephisto's office and Amaimon was the only one who actually noticed. Once she was outside Blizzard's nerves began to calm a bit. The winter months in Asshia were just beginning and to Blizzard it was perfect. Simply walking around in the cold afternoon air was just what she needed. No one around to bother her, just Blizzard and her thoughts. It had been about 3 or 4 months since the fight with her now deceased brother Claude. Blizzard was happy living in Asshia and every now and then she would go back to Gehena to visit her friends there and of course Frost but all in all she loved he now home. And the fact she was always with Amaimon made it even better for her. Although lately there hasn't been much for the two to do. It's been quiet as of late and to tell the truth, the two were getting quite bored. Again. Blizzard let out a small sigh.

"I wonder what we can do now. Mephisto said not to cause any trouble and that's all we're really good at. I mean, reading is fun but Amaimon gets bored with it after a few hours." Another sigh escapes past Blizzard's lips. "I don't know what to do now…" Blizzard rounded a corner and just as she did- BAM! She walks right into someone! Catching herself before she fell to the ground, Blizzard was quick to try and apologize. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't wa-"

"What are you doing out here young Lady?" Huh? Young Lady? Who exactly did she just run into? As Blizzard looked up she saw that she had accidentally run into a female teacher. "You should be in class right now. Or are you a new student? Either way, you shouldn't be out here. Come with me." The woman grabbed Blizzard's hand and started dragging her towards the main building of the school. Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit! What am I gonna do!? I can't just say 'Hey sorry Lady but I'm actually a demon and don't go to this school'. How the hell am I getting out of this situation!? Blizzard frantically search for an answer but was unable to find one. Before she knew it she was in the main office and the woman was asking her questions again.

"Now what is your name Miss?" Finally Blizzard snapped out of her thoughts and quickly answered the woman's question.

"Blizzard." The woman looked at her like she was insane but surprisingly didn't question it.

"Last name?" Shit. Last names, right, normal people had those here in Asshia.

"A-Azural?" Wow, way to use your right hand man's name Blizzard, real original.

"How do you spell that dear?"

"Um, A-Z-U-R-A-L." Another weird look but still not a single question about the subject.

"Okay, now, how old are you?" Fuck, fuck, fuck. How old was she again? 300 something? Fuck. How old were the Princes?

"Um, 16?" Again with the weird look. The woman must think she's insane by now.

"Okay Miss Azural, here's your schedule and your new uniform. Go get changed in the bathroom and then I will escort you to your first class." The woman gave a smile and handed Blizzard and small bag and a sheet of paper and pointed her in the direction of the bathroom. Not wanting to cause trouble at this point Blizzard did as she was told and changed into the uniform she had been given. The woman had been waiting outside for her and, as she had said, escorted Blizzard to her first class. The second she was walked into the room all eyes were on her and for some reason that made he extremely nervous.

"Hello Mrs. Dalton, who is this young lady here?" The woman teaching the class addressed them both. Blizzard immediately looked to the floor.

"Good morning Ms. Shiki. This is a new student, Miss Blizzard Azural. I found her wandering school grounds. Poor doll must've been lost." I wasn't lost you practically forced me into this. Blizzard's thoughts were racing like crazy right now. She had no idea what was going to happen now. The only part of the school she knew was the library! And that was a completely separate building! And she was only allowed there at night!

"Well it's always nice to have a new student. And you get her here just in time too! I was just about to start today's lesson. Hmmm," Ms. Shiki scanned the room, looking for something. "Ah! Miss Azural, there's a seat open right next to Mr. Aslion. That will be your seat from now on okay?" Ms. Shiki gave her a smile and she quickly nodded. Silently making her way to her new seat, she felt everyone still staring at her. This had to be the WEIRDEST DAY of my entire life. Blizzard took her seat and kept her head low all during the lesson. She tried her best to understand what Ms. Shiki was saying but nothing made any sense to her! From what little Blizzard knew, this was most defiantly some sort of math class. She remembered Rin complaining about it all the time to Yukio. Just when Blizzard thought she was going to go insane a bell rang. It was the bell that ended class! Thank Satan! She was about to get up and bolt out of class but then she remembered something. I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I'M GOING! So Blizzard just sat there staring at the wall until someone's hand was on her shoulder and she jumped.

"Whoa! Sorry there New Girl, didn't mean to scare ya." After getting her heartbeat back on track Blizzard saw it was the kid she sat next to, Aslion if she remembered correctly.

"I-It's fine." What do you want? Please just leave me alone!

"Do you want some help getting to your next class? The school is pretty big and it can get kinda confusing to most new students." Blizzard practically jumped out of her seat with joy.

"Yes please!" After realizing what she had just done, Blizzard's face lit up a scarlet red from pure embarrassment and she looked down in shame. "I-I mean, that's very nice of you. Thank you for the help." She heard a laugh and shot the taller boy a glare.

"You're a pretty weird girl Newbie. My name's Evan. Here, let me see your schedule." With a small grumble to herself, Blizzard reluctantly handed over her school schedule to Evan. She heard him laugh again and shot another glare.

"What is so funny to you?" You're really trying my nerves kid.

"We have the same exact schedule. That's what so funny. So basically, you get to follow me around all day long Newbie." Evan had a smug grin on his face and for once Blizzard was thinking of breaking Mephisto's rule about not causing trouble.

"My name is Blizzard! So use it!" She huffed and started to walk out of the room, only to come slowly walking back, head hung in shame once more. "I don't where I'm going." Evan simply laughed more and led Blizzard to her classes for the remainder of the day. Blizzard's thoughts at the end of the day?

Mephisto is gonna kill me.