
Wake up. Train. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Never ever ask questions and always do what you're told. Look straight ahead but yet notice everything and everyone around you. It's your job, no your duty to be the best of the best. Nothing but perfection is excepted. If you do not exceed perfection you will be severely punished. Forget who you are, who you were you are now one of us.

The day we entered the program was the day we lost ourselves. There was no such thing as individuals, personalities, or even memories. Walking into the facility was like being reborn. Nothing else matters but what is going to happen next. You give up everything in order for others to gain it all.

You never truly know what is being gained, but you know that you are to never fail. You are silent and deadly. Strong and lethal. You are feared. You are no where but yet everywhere. You might as well be nothing, the wind you feel on a cool fall night has more meaning more feeling than you will ever have.

Training. You are taught the best from the very best. You never complain, and when you're feeling tired you make yourself not tired. You're body will be worked until the point of total exhaustion, when you're head hits the pillow at the end of the day you will be numb, empty a useless shell.

Your job is your life. Nothing else matters but your next mission, your next hit. You will live for these missions, they will be like a drug you will not survive without one. You don't question why this mission needs to be done you will just do it. You do it because you have to, because you want to.

The past is gone, your present is all you have, and your future is never to be known.

Welcome to the life of the assassins.

This my dears is the what is to come after Sweet Treats... I hope you all are ready for what is to come... After all you have no choice...ASSASSINS ARE COMING FOR YOU AND THEY NEVER, I MEAN NEVER FAIL...