Gabriel held Castiel against his chest as he sobbed. "Shh little brother it'll be okay, it's all going to be okay." He shot a hateful glare at their master that he knew he would be punished later for but he didn't care. Castiel was his responsibility, he had practically raised him and yet here Lucifer was selling him. "You can't take him from me, he needs me." Desperate hands clutched at his shirt, the poor omega's body racked with sobs. Gabriel had to fight to keep himself from doing the exact same thing.

"Separation anxiety," Castiel's buyer, an alpha, asks inclining his head towards them.

Lucifer followed his gaze to the two boys. "Horribly, it's my own fault keeping them together for so long."

Gabriel was still glaring at them even with the warning look he was getting from his alpha. "Please," he whispers, protectively holding the boy tighter getting ready for them to pry him away from his brother.

"He should calm down once the other is out of sight though," Lucifer says quickly not wanting him to back out of their deal. He always knew Castiel was worth big bucks and was not disappointed.

Castiel sobbed harder at his words not wanting to think about not seeing Gabriel every day. They had been fine only a half hour ago when they were washing dishes together. Gabriel had been attempting to hit a high enough note to break a glass as Castiel threw bubbles at him trying to make him shut up. Both had been engulfed in laughter when the door opened. At first he had just expected they were going to be yelled at for not doing their work but instead it was Anna holding back tears and telling them that Gabriel was to report to Lucifer's office along and bring Castiel with him. He should have known something was up when the man sitting across from Lucifer kept looking him up and down. Then they started talking about his papers and such and that was when he realized what was happening. He had stayed strong up until the stranger had started asking about his virginity and other questions pertaining to that sort of thing. He felt Gabriel's arms wrapped around him as he fell to the ground sobbing.

"Gabriel," a voice says firmly. "Return to your work."

"Please Master," Gabriel's voice pleads. "He's never been away from me longer than a day. He's going to be so scared. Don't do this."

"Gabriel," this time his voice rung around the room and the warning was clear. "Get back to your work now!"

"I'm sorry Cassie. I'm so sorry baby brother," he tried to pull away after kissing him on the forehead but a loud whimper came from his brother's throat and his hands only clung on tighter. "I'm sorry." He couldn't hold back tears any longer and he cried as he had to pull Castiel off of him. "Please forgive me little brother."

"No," Castiel screamed, the first thing he had said since entering the room. "Please don't leave me!" Gabriel had to force himself to leave the room shutting the door as Castiel chased after him and clawed against the door that he found to be not wanting to open, he wasn't sure why.

"Castiel stop that right now," Lucifer warns but got no response from the young boy desperately wanting back to his brother. "Would you like to inspect him before you make a final decision?" Castiel saw them both get up and walk towards him. That was when he started to run and it obviously frustrated Lucifer because he said his name in a way that showed obvious agitation before turning to his buyer. "I'm very sorry for his behavior he's not usually like this."

"Makes sense I wouldn't want some stranger touching me either." The stranger looked at Castiel who was ready to bolt again if they came near him. "It's alright," he whispers. "I just want to get a good look at you." His voice was gentle but Castiel didn't trust him one bit not with those wandering eyes.

Castiel shook his head in response and bolted to the opposite side of the room when he took a step towards him.

"Castiel knock it off," Lucifer growls marching towards the boy who cowered down too afraid to run. A hand grabbed his collar holding him in place as the stranger came over and took over the grabbing of his collar.

"Shh, calm down. Can you open your mouth for me?" The boy shook his head trying to pull away when the hand not holding him there grabbed his jaw and opened his mouth forcefully and inspecting his mouth. "You stop fighting me or you'll regret it." Castiel instantly picked up on the change of mood and shrunk down. His hand moved down feeling along his body touching everything but his crotch. "Now I'm going to make sure everything is in order down there and you aren't going to fight me."

"No," Castiel cried out pushing at him as he stuck his hand down the front of his pants and made sure that he was as he put it in order.

"Well he's a very nice looking boy," the stranger says pulling out his hand and letting go of his collar. "I will take him."

"Excellent," Lucifer says sighing as Castiel ran from them and to the door. This time it opened and he ran from the room and down the hallway to the kitchen. "He's just going back to the kitchen. We can go get him once we have the rest sorted out."

The buyer nodded watching his fleeting form anxiously.

Gabriel was startled as the door burst open and Castiel latched onto him. He had to hold to the door knob shut as he left the room earlier so it didn't surprise him but still. "Castiel," he says grabbing the sobbing boys face. "What did you do?"

"He touched me so I ran. Gabriel please don't let him touch me. I want to stay here with you. Please don't let him take me away."

Gabriel wished he could help his brother but there was nothing he could do. "Cassy I'm sorry. I wish I could change this but I can't."

"Please Gabe I'll help more and then I'll be worth keeping around."

"Come along Castiel," a voice says behind him and he knew it was the man that bought him.

"Gabriel please," Castiel pleaded grabbing his shirt again.

"Castiel I love you so much," Gabriel whispers kissing his forehead. "But you have to go with him now."

"No Gabe I don't want to. I want to stay here with you." He looked back at Uriel and his new owner in the door. "Please I'll do anything just don't make me go."

The stranger sighed and stepped forward causing Castiel to recoil into Gabriel. "Come on." He pulled him from Gabriel and held him by the waist as he screamed and kicked trying to get away and back to his brother.

"Well if he runs at least I know where he's going," the man mutters carrying him from the room and towards the door. "Thanks again Lucifer."

"No problem Dean. I hope to see you again soon."

This Dean held Castiel's arms firm against him so he couldn't hit him but allowed his legs to kick freely and his mouth to scream. He carried him to a '67 Black Chevrolet Impala and had to put him on the ground and hold his collar as he opened the door. "Get in!" Castiel shook his head and clawed at Dean's hand. There was a long sigh and Dean wrapped a strong arm around his waist and threw him into the back. "Stop that right now." He got into the driver's seat after locking the door and started down the road. "You're going to ruin my car doing that," he glared at him using the mirror. "You break anything and the cost of the damage will paid for by your ass."

"Please let me go back to my brother," Castiel whispers drawing his knees up.

"Sorry baby but you're coming home with me. It's not that bad, I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun. Maybe Lucifer can bring him over to play after I get you trained a little." The rest of the car was silent aside from the quiet sobs and hiccups. When they pulled up to the Winchester House, Castiel unburied his head from his arms to look up. It wasn't anything great just a two story house, nothing compared to Lucifer's place. "Welcome home Cas." He got out and opened up the back door. "Come on," he says holding out his hand to him. "Cas take my hand."

Castiel stared at his hand for the longest time and started to cry uncontrollably again.

"Fine," Dean growled, slamming the door and locking it again before stomping over to the house and slamming that door as well as he went inside.

Not too much longer a guy came out and opened the back door crawling in and sitting next to Castiel. "How are you feeling?"

The omega looked up at him sniffing the air and realizing the stranger was a beta. "I wanna go back home."

"Aww you are home. My name's Sam what's yours?"

"Castiel," Castiel whispers back.

"Did you wanna come inside Castiel?" Sam asks offering his hand. He simply got a shake of the head in response. "Come on. We'll let you take a warm bath and then you get to sleep in a warm cozy bed."

"I just want my brother back."

Sam nodded slowly. "I wouldn't want to be separated from my brother either. He's a pain in the ass but I love him."

"Are you one of Dean's slaves?"

Sam shook his head and chuckled. "Nope that would be my dickhead brother."

"Oh I see."

"Come on," he held out his hand to him again. "I won't bite." Castiel allowed Sam to lead him into the house and into a room after he said he didn't want to shower. "Goodnight Castiel."

"Goodnight Sam," he whispers back before crawling into the bed and under the covers.