Disclaimer: I do not own Xmen any of its character's or the plot. I make no money off of this. It is solely for entertainment purposes.

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Remy rushed down the crowded New Orleans street not caring when he bumped into people. Not caring when they shouted at him. Not even caring when the ominous clouds above split open releasing a torrent of rain upon the city. The storm seemed fitting. His Tante Mattie had told him when he was young that the rain was God's tears.

He rushed up the steps of the church and pushed open the large wooden doors. He stepped inside the old church and automatically breathed a sigh of relief. He felt at home in the large cathedral, all stone, stained glass, and old wood. His Tante Mattie had brought him here every Sunday since he was a small boy. Softly, he walked down the aisle and stopped when he reached the front. He dropped to his knees, crossed himself, and slid into the nearest pew. He pulled a rosary out of his brown duster and began to pray rocking back and forth gently. As his emotions swelled inside him the beads in his fingers grew hot.

Remy looked up at them and saw them glowing red. With a yelp he threw them as hard as he could and watched as the rosary he'd had since his first holy communion exploded in the air. Remy slid to the floor clutching himself and sobbed. The old Priest, Father Halbert came running to see what the noise had been. He found the boy, hands over his face, crying.

"Remy my boy, what's wrong with ya?" The Father inquired. Remy wouldn't look up he told himself. No, it would be wrong. Remy didn't belong around the Holy and righteous any longer.

"Look at me child" Demanded Father Halbert grabbing Remy's wrists. He tried to fight but he was too hysterical at this point to stop the elderly man. Father Halbert peered into Remy's face, expecting to see his angel blue eyes staring back. When the boy gazed up at him the Priest's heart nearly stopped. He dropped Remy's wrists backing away quickly.

"What is this?" He gasped, "What demon has possessed you boy?" He continued his voice raising. "Why have you allowed the Devil to overcome you child?" His words were an accusation now "Get out of this place! Demon, you have no home here!" the Priest shouted before running back to his office. Remy supposed he was going to call the police or maybe Jean-Luc.

"God don't let Tante Mattie see me like this" he prayed "Let me die before she sees her boy turned into a demon this way God"

The police did arrive on the old man's request. However when they arrived they saw no sign of the "evil demon boy" Father Halbert had spoken of, just a teenaged Cajun boy repeating a soft prayer to himself in French. Still they had to question him. The officer approached the boy and touched his shoulder.

"Son, could I ask you a few questions?" He asked. The Cajun boy stopped praying and turned slowly to face him. The officer shrunk back in horror from the red on black devil eyes staring at him from the boy's tear stained face. He retreated in shock grabbing his partner as he ran from the church.

Remy turned back to his prayers, repeating over and over to himself a soft quiet litany: Mon Dieu, donnez-moi la sérénité. Aide-moi à accepter ce que je ne peux pas changer. Donnez-moi la paix….Mon Dieu, donnez-moi la sérénité. Aide-moi à accepter ce que je ne peux pas changer. Donnez-moi la paix…. Donnez-moi la paix…. Donnez-moi la paix