When I woke up, the sun was already beginning to stream through the window. I was still lying on the couch with my head in Stiles lap. I took a second to look at him, his limbs were sprawled across the couch with his head lolling over the back. Two things suddenly occurred to me. One, I was still in his house and I would be brutally murdered by my parents when I got home. Two, we had school in less than an hour. I slowly sat up, wincing as I felt my neck and back crack back into alignment. Catching a glimpse of myself in the wall mirror, I gasped at the horrid bedhead that I had acquired overnight. A yawn behind me alerted me that Stiles had woken up too.

"Up and at em sleepyhead." I yawned, throwing a pillow at his still waking up form. He blinked a couple times before also realizing that we had school soon.

"Holy shit we're going to be so late." He groaned, looking at the time on his phone. His lips twisted into a devilish smile when he remembered that I wasn't supposed to stay the night, "Oh my god, you are so dead when you get home." He grabbed me and led me upstairs to his room to get ready. He quickly began flinging his clothes off and scouring his closet for replacements while I ran into the bathroom to deal with the mess that was my hair. I managed to twist it into a tight bun with fewer loose strands than should have been humanly possible but hey, no complaints here. I quickly brushed my teeth with a spare brush and ran downstairs to wait for him.

"Stiles! Let's go! Mr. McHardy will literally kill me if I'm late to first hour again." When no sarcastic response called back I began to get worried. I glanced at the clock on the wall, nearly ten minutes had passed when I decided to go check on him. I placed my hand on the doorknob saying a silent prayer that I wouldn't find him nearly naked again. Flinging it open I screamed in terror. Someone was holding Stiles against his bedroom wall by the throat. My scream caught in my throat when I saw that it was Brynn.

"Brynn what are you doing?" I yelled, prying her hands off of him.

"We were having a nice chat about how and why Stiles is causing you to throw yourself into a murderous rage," She looked back at him as if she wanted to throttle him right then and there. "ISn't that right, Stiles?" She glared at him and he flew across the room, smacking into his closet door before stumbling to his feet again.

"Stiles has nothing to do with those at all!" I said to Brynn, trying to keep my cool instead of levitating her out the window.

"And how would you know that? Just think about it, Rose. He's been there every time you went off, he's the only constant." Her eyes shot daggers at him while I protectively stepped between them.

"Rose, I- I swear I didn't do anything. I mean I'm a hundred and forty pounds of pale human flesh. There's no way I could have done that… right?" Stiles suddenly coughed and sputtered as he floated a few inches off the floor. I whipped my head over my shoulder to see that Brynn was holding her hand out to control his movements. Judging by the furious glare in her eyes the situation was about to escalate to the level of "extremely violent."

"He's lying!" She snarled, stepping closer to him.

"How do you even know?" I begged her, grabbing her free hand and staring into her eyes pleadingly.

"I just know, okay? There's no other explanation." She looked down at the ground for a split second in doubt, hoping that I wouldn't catch it.

"There has to be another way to tell. We can't just throttle him and smash him through walls till we get an answer, Brynn." She bit her lip in indecision before a look of shame crossed her face. Letting her hand fall to her side, he collapsed to the ground.

"There is one way." She murmured. She walked up to his side and stared into his eyes. I walked near her to observe what she was doing from a better view. "Stiles, what do you know about Rose's fits?" As she said this, her irises flashed a deep and luminescent purple and her pupils contracted to small black pinpoints. Stiles' eyes glazed over as if he were suddenly daydreaming.

"I don't know anything." His voice was dreamy, almost as if he were under painkillers.

"Are you sure?" Brynn's eyes flashed purple again as they stared into Stiles' large amber ones.

"Yeah." Brynn snapped her eyes away from his, an even more frustrated look crossing her face.

"Well. I guess he passes. The kid doesn't know anything."

"Wait, how did you do that? The thing with your eyes?" I asked.

"Oh, that? That's what we witches call compelling. It's pretty simple, just look into their eyes and tell them what to do while using your magic to dull their mind. It won't last for too long, just a few minutes, but it's a useful skill to learn. Let's just say it's gotten me out of more than one Sticky situation at a few 21 and over clubs when I was your age." Brynn shrugged as if this method of mind control were no big deal before walking out of the room as if nothing had happened.

I sat Stiles down on the bed, inspecting his neck for any bruising that might have occurred.

"You okay?" I worriedly gazed at him. "If you want to stay home we ca-"

"Let's just go." He grumbled with a pout. Clearly his teenage ego had been hurt by how easily Brynn had incapacitated him. I smiled and ran downstairs after him.

"We were just about to get into the car when Stiles' phone started to ring. Whipping it out of his pocket, he put it up to his ear.

"Hey dad what's going on?" The hint of a smile that quickly turned into a look of horror alerted me that this was not a good conversation. "You what? Are you okay? How bad is it? Listen, I'm going to come down to the station an-." His defeated face told me that his father had cut him off. "Are you sure?" Stiles croaked out. I could tell he was holding back tears judging by the hoarseness of his voice. "Okay… yeah… bye dad." Hanging up, he looked at me just before I pulled him into a long hug. I could feel the air from his shuddering gasps leaving his lungs.

"What happened?" I asked quietly, not letting go.

"My dad was hit by a car at the school last night. Something about a mountain lion." A fleeting but meaningful look between us let me know that it was werewolf-related He cleared his throat. "Nothing major, doctors say he'll be fine but…"

"Stiles I get it, okay. He's all you have left. It's sweet of you to care so much about him." I said. He allowed a weak smile to tug at his lips before opening the passenger side door of the Jeep for me to climb in.

The drive was an awkwardly silent one. His jaw was pulled taut and he didn't smile once. I played around with the radio till I hit one of Stiles' favorite stations in an effort to cheer him up but he maintained his cold composure. I sighed, knowing that Scott would have hell to pay if Stiles seriously blamed him for what happened to his dad. I knew Stiles was a pretty laid back kid, but I could also tell that the bond he and his dad shared was one that he valued above all others. Pulling up to the school, we parked and walked to our class.

"Ah, so nice of you to join us. I'll be marking you both tardy." Mr. McHardy said as Stiles and I entered class. Stiles began to groan but I hushed him and whispered.

"Hold on, I want to try something." I said, a mischievous twinkle in my eyes.

"Rose, what are you doing?" Stiles' voice had a warning tone to it.

"Just go sit down, I got this." I shoved him in the direction of his desk and winced when I saw Scott's expression. His puppy eyes were apologetic and he opened and closed his mouth constantly trying to figure out what to say to Stiles.

"Mr. McHardy," I stared at him directly in the eyes while concentrating and felt my mind meld with his. "You should just let Stiles and I off with a warning this time. I promise we won't be late again." I felt my eyes burn briefly while his took on that daydreaming look.

"Ah, of course, Rose. I think I'll just let you two off the hook today. You won't do it again." He repeated back to me with a soft and dreamy tone. Stiles looked at me, eyebrows raised. I shrugged and flashed him an innocent smile. The teacher returned to his usual demeanor a few seconds later as if nothing had happened. I threw down my stuff and sat in my usual seat next to Stiles.

"Still not talking to me?" Scott peered hopefully over Stiles' shoulder while Stiles ignored him.

"Can you at least tell me if you're dad's okay?" Scott asked, "I mean it's just a bruise right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothing that big? You know I feel really bad about it right?" I could see Stiles' fist clenching in anger beneath his desk.

"Okay what if I told you I'm trying to figure this whole thing out and… I went to Derek for help." I choked a little when I heard this, I wasn't even sure I could trust Brynn right now, given that she had nearly killed Stiles just this morning and I still had no idea what Derek's motives were for helping me or Scott out. I shot Stiles a meaningful look and nodded to show that he should cut Scott some slack. As much as I'd love to play the blame game, it really wasn't all his fault.

"Well if I was talking to you I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you." Stiles clenched his jaw shut and furiously went back to scribbling notes down. He looked as if he might actually break his pen from the force he was using and I could tell he was trying to concentrate but mere seconds later he spun around in his desk and gave Scott an exasperated look before talking, "What'd he say?"

After the bell rang to signal the end of the hour, all three of us headed to our next class, "He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles asked Scott, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try and kill someone."

"That someone usually being me or Stiles." I pointed out.

"I know! That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it." Scott looked at the ground as if he was ashamed of what he had become.

"Well how's he going to teach you to do that?" I asked quietly. I knew that Derek could help him, he had to, but after today's events with Brynn which Derek was no doubt in on I was having a hard time finding the will to trust either one of them.

"I don't know. And to be honest I don't think he does either." Scott looked up at us and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Okay, when are you seeing him again?" Stiles groaned into his palm and then scrunched up his forehead like he always did when he was thinking hard. I could practically see the gears turning inside his head.

"He just told me not to talk about it, act normal and get through the day."

"Just tell us when, Scott. We can't help you by just ignoring it." I sighed.

"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work."

"All right. That gives me till the end of the school day then." Stiles perked up and his brown eyes lit up with a mischievous glint.

"To do what?" Scott looked up at him with his innocent brown puppy eyes.

"To train you myself."

"Actually that gives us till the end of the school day." I corrected him.

"We'll be fine on our own, Rose. I got this." He said smugly, the little brat.

"Actually, you don't. For starters, none of us really knows how this wolf thing works and I also presume that your genius plan will involve getting Scott to wolf out, right?"

"Well that may or may not be correct… is that going to be a problem?" Stiles glared at me.

"Well last time I checked, whenever he does that he does try to kill people, and to be honest I don't trust him to keep you safe if he's going furry every five seconds." I shot another patronizing 'I won't take no for an answer' look at him. Stiles crossed his arms and huffed defensively.

"And how are you going to be of any help in that area?" Scott asked. "I mean, what's to say I won't just hurt you both when I turn?

"I can take you, Scott. Don't worry." I rolled my eyes when they both cracked up; boys and their egos.

"I'm sorry but you think that a five foot four girl with a bad attitude and magic witchy powers can take down a wolf?" Stiles laughed. "I doubt you could even take me."

"That sounded like a challenge, Stillinski."

"It was, Rose. Go ahead, try me." Stiles smiled wolfishly and put up his hands in front of him in a fighting stance.

"If you insist." I checked the hallway to see if anyone else was watching. Content that we were alone, I concentrated on the spell that Brynn had taught me. The spell was simple enough, causing swelling in the blood vessels of the brain to cause a massive migraine without doing any real harm. Both Stiles and Scott gripped their heads and screamed out in pain, collapsing to the ground. I quickly incapacitated them and lifted the spell. Bending down next to Stiles, who was still lying in a fetal position gripping his head, I leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "I want you two think about this next time you guys throw paper airplanes at my head in math class." I smiled, walking off as both Stiles and Scott cussed me out from down the hallway.

I sat down at the lunch table to catch up with Allison and Lydia. It felt like I hadn't seen them in forever with all this stupid werewolf and witch stuff taking over my life. Allison was explaining to Lydia some old French tale about her ancestors when she pulled out a book. I glanced over and choked on my juice when I saw that the photo looked exactly like a werewolf.

"…You're ancestors killed a big wolf. So what?" Lydia twirled her fork in the air and rolled her eyes at Allison's enthusiasm. I couldn't blame her, I would have done the same thing a few weeks ago.

"Here, just look at the picture." Allison flipped the book around so that Lydia could see.

"What does it look like to you?"

Lydia took in the dramatic image of the black wolf, standing on its hind legs with eyes as red as burning coals. Her perfectly glossed lips fell open in temporary shock while her eyes appeared far off as if she was having a flashback.

"Lydia…" I shook her lightly, snapping her out of the daze.

"It looks, like a big wolf" Lydia snapped at us. "See you in history." She flashed us her signature dazzling smile and stalked off to find Jackson. Allison sighed and returned to her reading while I glanced to my right and saw Stiles and Scott sitting at a table while Scott hid from Allison behind a large textbook.

I trotted across the room to them and laughed at Scott. "I think the book is making it a little more obvious to her." I patted him on the back. "Besides she's reading anyways." I pulled up a chair and turned my gaze to Stiles who was loudly crunching on a green apple. "So, do either of you have a plan yet?"

"Yeah, I think so." Stiles managed to speak regardless of the apple chunks in his mouth.

"Does this mean you don't hate me now?" Scott's puppy dog face was almost laughably innocent and hopeful until Stiles retorted,

"No. But your crap has infiltrated my life, so, now I have so do something about it… Plus I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

"Are you really comparing fucking Derek Hale to a small green man with a lightsaber at a time like this?" I grinned at Stiles.

"Yeah whatever, you teach me." Scott said, still trying to hide from a preoccupied Allison.

"Yeah," Stiles changed his voice to impersonate Yoda's, "Your Yoda I will be." I burst out laughing at his impression, causing a few people from neighboring tables to look over at us. "I said it backwards, get it?"

"Yeah… I know." Scott said in a monotone, clearly unimpressed.

"Alright you know what? I definitely still hate you. Uh huh." Stiles got up noisily, knocking the chair from behind him and pulling the book Scott was hiding behind from his hands. Scott attempted to grab it back and run but the damage had already been done; Allison had spotted him from across the room.

"Scott!" She made her way over to me while Scott ran like a dog after Stiles. "What's his deal today?" She looked to me for an answer. I shrugged it off while she ran after him. I almost felt bad lying to her but how exactly does one tell their best friend "Oh, I forgot to mention that your boyfriend is a bloodthirsty werewolf who might come to eat you by the next full moon"?

I met Stiles and Scott on the lacrosse field a few hours later when we all had free period. I zipped up my jacket and turned my back to the cold winter air while Stiles rummaged through his duffel bag. He procured a belt-like device and held it up to Scott.

"Put this on."

"Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors from the track team?" Scott looked at it questionably.

"Yeah, I borrowed it."

"I think you meant to say stole it." Scott said with a bemused smile.

"Temporarily misappropriated." Stiles shot back. "Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs. You're going to wear it for the rest of the day so we can keep an eye on you."

"Rose, did you get what I asked for?" Stiles squinted up at me. I reached into my pocket and tossed him coach's phone. I had levitated it right off his desk into my bag during econ class.

"Where'd you get that… temporarily misappropriated I suppose?" Scott laughed at me.

"Nope… that I stole." I quipped, winking at him playfully.

"And why exactly are we doing all of this?" Scott looked to Stiles for an explanation.

"Alright, well your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right?" Scott nodded in response. "When you're playing lacrosse, when you're with Allison, basically whenever you get angry or emotional. Maybe learning to control that is tied to controlling your heart rate." Scott suddenly wore a silly grin on his face.

"So I'm like the Incredible Hulk." Stiles and I rolled our eyes in tandem.

"Yeah, I guess you're kinda like the Incredible Hulk, Scott." I laughed

"No like I am like the-" Scott began only to be cut off,

"Just shut up and put the monitor on." Stiles sighed. Stiles and I walked across the field to a safe spot where Stiles opened up another bag with dozens of lacrosse balls inside. Swinging his lacrosse stick over his shoulder, Stiles yelled, "Just remember, don't get angry!" Under his breath I heard him whisper, "This should be fun." He scooped up the first lacrosse ball and before I knew what he was doing, he chucked it full speed at Scott's chest. I was torn between laughter and nervousness over Scott even though I knew he'd heal within minutes. I glanced down at coach's phone to see the number indicating Scott's heart rate increasing slowly. Stiles was laughing maniacally like a three year old at Chuckee Cheeses while hurling the balls at Scott, regardless of the speed. I winced as one caught him between the legs and he fell over in pain.

"Oh… son of a bitch!" Scott yelled. I couldn't help but laugh at Stiles' method of training Scott. It was laughable but also kind of genius. It went on for about fifteen minutes before I glanced down at the now-rapidly beeping phone.

"Stiles," I warned, "Watch it. He's getting to around 160." I whipped my head back up to see Scott, now with golden eyes who had ripped out of his duct-tape handcuffs. I ran up to him, "Scott. You began to turn."

"It was definitely anger, but it was more than that. The angrier I got, the stronger I felt."

"So it is anger then? Derek's right." Stiles thought out loud.

"I can't be around Allison." Scott panted, still short of breath.

"Just because she makes you happy?" I asked. I didn't get why that was a bad thing at all.

"No… it's because she makes him weak." I murmured softly in realization. My phone's alarm went off indicating that the hour was nearly up and we had to return to the school. I briskly walked to class while the boys headed to the locker room.

Two hours later I walked into my overcrowded economics class with a very upset coach. (Something about a missing phone?) I made my way over to my seat on Scott's right while Allison started to walk down the aisle. I noticed that Stiles was sitting behind me and I shoved him in the direction of the open seat behind Scott, but my efforts were in vain; Allison had already sat down right behind Scott. The whole point of today was to keep them separate as much as possible and this wouldn't be good news if Derek found out.

"Hey," She said to Stiles and I before turning to face the front and talking to Scott. Their awkward banter caused Stiles and I to roll our eyes and make gagging motions at each other.

"Alright, everyone let's get started." Yelled the coach after he blew his whistle painfully loud. "How about a quick summary of last night's reading, any volunteers?" He glanced around the classroom to see only one hand in the air. "Put your hand down Greenberg everyone knows you did the reading." He surveyed the classroom. "McCall! How 'bout you?"

"Wha?" Scott slurred, snapping his attention to the front of the room.

"The reading, McCall." Coach sighed.

"Last night's reading?" Scott asked with a deer-in-the-headlights expression.

"No, the reading of the Gettysburg Address." The coach said sarcastically. This simply incited another "what?" from Scott.

"That's sarcasm. You familiar with the term?" The coach was beginning to get angry. He was a pretty laid back guy but he wasn't one to put up with people who didn't get their work done.

"Very." Scott glanced over at Stiles and I who were the main sources of sarcasm in his life. (God bless us or else the kid would have no sense of humor.)

"Did you do the reading or not?"

"I think I forgot." Scott said bluntly.

"Nice work, McCall. It's not like you're averaging a D in this class. You know I can't keep you on the team if you have a D. Tell you what, why don't you summarize the previous night's reading." Scott's blank face told him everything he needed to know.

"No? How 'bout the night before that? How about you summarize anything you've ever read… in your entire life?" Coach was shouting now and getting severely pissed. Normally this would have been a bad experience for any student but throw in the fact that Scott turns into a friggin werewolf every time he gets mad and you've got yourself one big disaster.A blog? The back of a cereal box? How about the 'adults only' warning on your favorite website that you read every night? No?" Scott attempted to sputter out an answer while Stiles and I exchanged looks of caution but Coach but him off. "Thank you McCall. Thank. You. McCall! Thanks for extinguishing any flicker of hope that I had for your generation!" I pulled out Coach's phone and hid it underneath my desk. The number on the screen showing Scott's heart rate was almost peaking at 170 beats per minute. "Great job Scott, you can start next practice with suicide runs." I winced and prepared myself in case I had to put Scott down like I did earlier in the hallway but nothing happened. He seemed fairly calm and collected, if a little bit shaken by coach's verbal assault. I glanced at the phone and showed Stiles who shared my look of confusion. I glanced at Scott again and caught sight of Allison, leaning forward over her desk and holding his hand. I sighed in relief, knowing that she had managed to calm him down without even trying.

Class ended an agonizing hour later and Stiles and I practically dragged Scott into the hall to get him away from Allison.

"It's her," Stiles said, tapping Scott on the shoulder to get his attention.

"What?" That seemed to be Scott's favorite word to say today and even I was surprised he wasn't making the obvious connections here.

"It's Allison, dumbass!" I hissed at him. "The night of the full moon, you were thinking about her, right? About protecting her and stuff. Also on the night of the first lacrosse game you told Stiles that you could hear a voice out on the field. That could be what stopped you from turning so that you could score."

"And then after the game in the locker room, you didn't kill her!" Stiles chipped in. "At least, not how you were trying to kill me and you totally owe me curly fries for that." I laughed loudly to which I was reminded by Scott that I had tried killing him twice already and nearly done it once so I at least owed him three orders of fries. "Look all I'm saying is that she brings you back."

"That's not always true though. Whenever I'm kissing her or touching her I-"

"No that doesn't count; when you're doing that you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex." A goofy grin spread across his face and I mentally facepalmed at the working of his teenage mind.

"You're thinking about sex right now, aren't you?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Yeah, uh, sorry Rose." He and Stiles both grinned stupidly.

"Whatever, the point was that it's different. I don't really think she makes you weak, Scott. She gives you control, kind of like an anchor." Stile explained.

"Because I love her, yeah." Scott said while I raised an eyebrow at his choice of words.

"Did I just say that?" Scott wondered out loud.

"Yes, Scott… yes you did." I sighed.

"I love her." He repeated as if it were a foreign language.

"That's wonderful bro now can we just move o-" Stiles was cut off by Scott.

"No I mean it Stiles, I think I'm totally in love." When Scott said this I rolled my eyes. His puppy-like demeanor made it impossible to be annoyed with him but at the same time this revelation had to wait till later.

"And that's, uh, beautiful. Now, before you go off and write a goddamn sonnet can we please figure this out, please? Because you obviously can't be around her all the time."

"So what do I do then?" Scott looked up expectantly at Stiles.

"I don't really know, yet." Stiles admitted while I shrugged my shoulders. Stiles began to wring his hands anxiously and scrunch his eyebrows together while pacing back and forth.

"Someone's getting an idea, aren't they?" I mused.

"Yup." Stiles said, popping the 'p' sound at the end.

"Is this idea going to get me in trouble?" Scott whined.

"Maybe." Stiles murmured softly, still deep in thought.

"Is this idea going to cause me physical pain?" Asked Scott hopelessly.

"Scott, Stiles and I both love and adore you but that one's kinda a given by now. Come on." I laughed sarcastically, patting him on the back. All three of us snuck past the teachers at the door and escaped into the parking lot.

Author's note: FIRST OFF IM HORRIBLY TERRIBLY AMAZINGLY SORRY FOR THE HELLA LONG TIME BETWEEN UPDATES! School decided to take a nasty twist and screw up my schedule plus I magically gained a social life for three weeks which kept me busy so here it is guys, it's not the whole episode (season 1 episode 6 I think?) but it's the longest chapter yet!