Author's Note: Happy New Year's Eve/New Year's Day to everyone reading! I'm happy to say that I still plan on writing in 2016 and have no plans to stop anytime soon. Half of this chapter was written in the past few hours as I kept changing my ideas on it and were I wanted it to go. If there are mistakes or issues you find within the chapter, please feel free to tell me in a review or PM so I can fix them. I'll probably go through within this week to edit, but it should be decent at least.


"Weiss! Come here!"

The heiress was no match for the red flash that chased her, especially in the small enclosure she was limited to. "Gotcha!" The younger girl triumphed.

"L-Let me go, Ruby!" The pinned member of Team RWBY squirmed underneath Ruby's surprisingly strong grip.

Ruby shook her head dramatically. "Not until you tell me what's up!" Her cheeks were puffed out, pouting for show.

Weiss looked away, frowning herself. "You're… You're such a kid, sulking like that."

"I'm not sulking! Tell me what's wrong!" Ruby shouted back. The other members of RWBY were absent from the dorm, meaning Weiss couldn't be helped right now. It's debateable whether they would've helped her anyway. "I don't want a repeat of last year!" The heiress gulped at that. Those words felt sharp.

"It's… It's not a repeat of last year… Don't call it that." Weiss bit down on her bottom lip. "Could you get off me now?"

Ruby shook her short hair furiously. She was persistent. No matter how much Weiss struggled, Ruby's advantage never faltered. "I'm just waiting!"

"Waiting for what?!" Weiss felt pain when she saw how much this small act hurt Ruby. She tasted metal, soon realising she'd drawn blood from her lip.

Weiss thrashed once more before sighing and loosening her muscles. "I'll tell you tonight. Please just get off me." Ruby exhaled, moving off the girl. She was in the bathroom before Weiss managed to get to her feet. "Ruby?"

"What?" It was a pretty harsh tone for the normally bubbly girl. That was the first step in realising that something was terribly wrong with her.

"I have… Something I want to ask you, but you have to come out…" Weiss called out through the door. There was a few long seconds of silence before she heard the doorknob twist, but right as Ruby stepped out, the other door smashed open.

Blake and Yang marched in with wide smiles. "Heya, Pals!" They were confused, why were they so happy? "Sorry for being gone for so long!" Yang was equipped with her favourite duffle bag from an earlier New Year's Eve. Blake seemed a little tired, but happy, next to her was all smiles. There was a reason people compared her to the sun.

"What have you got there?" Weiss asked, pushing the little spat to the side for the time being.

Yang brought out her cheeky grin, cracking her knuckles. "I was thinking we could do something like the first New Year's Eve we spent together. No partying out in Vale, just alcohol with close friends and playing a game!" Weiss rolled her eyes, digging her fingers into her palms. Ruby calmly nodded.

Blake stepped forward. "It seems like she is set on playing Truth or Dare again." Yang confirmed with a nod and a thumbs up. Weiss rolled her eyes once again.

"No sorry, I-"

"Oh come on! Don't be like that! You always try to get out of these sorts of things, yet you have a blast every time!" Yang argued, cutting Weiss off quickly.

The heiress shook her head. "No, I mean I-"

"She's right, Weiss. I think we all know how much you enjoyed it the first year." Blake spoke up this time. Weiss shook her head once more, getting a little irritated.

"I'm not going to b-"

Ruby cut her off this time. "I'll play, but Weiss seems to be busy. We could get JNPR to play instead."

The blonde swung the duffel bag onto Blake's bed. With a pout, she defended Weiss spot in the game. "We can't do it without Weiss! It won't be fun!"

"Why do I feel like you just want to use the game as an excuse to pick on me?" The Snow Angel sighed, crossing her arms coldly. Yang was beginning to pull out bottle after bottle, taking stock.

Blake laughed, knowing just how much Yang loved that little game of hers. On the other hand, Ruby didn't even flash a small smile, she was expressionless, almost chilling. "But, we could get JNPR as well as Weiss! Double the fun!"

There certainly was enough alcohol, but Blake had to speak up to defend the other team. "I'm not sure if they'd be willing to put up with the drunk you…"

"Hey! I take… No offense to that actually." Yang laughed the insult off, inspecting the different brands of beer they had bought. Someone already scooped one of the duvet covers. Ruby popped off the cap and began to down one before the night had even begun. "Woohoo!" Yang cheered.

Blake took off her coat and dropped it at the foot of her bed. "I told you, you were a bad role model." Yang pouted in Blake's direction, but she paid no mind to the pathetic attempt of guilt.

Weiss stood still, watching Ruby down a bottle of cheap beer. It was oddly nostalgic. It was this scene that lead to their rather complicated relationship. All she needed was a bottle in her hands then they would be on the track to make another step together, but that wasn't going to happen at this rate.

"Come on, Blakey." The blonde was dangling a bottle pulled fresh from the duffel bag. The condensation slowly dripped before the amber eyes of the Faunus. "Let's start now. Ruby's already going strong."

Blake rolled her eyes with a gentle smile and took the bottle without much of a second thought. "Shouldn't you be looking after your sister, not encourage her to get wasted?"

"Sister duties are off on New Year's Eve."

Her Faunus ears twitched as she laughed. "Is that so?" Yang grinned back, scratching the ears atop her head. "Hey! Stop that!" The laughter continued, unable to stop.

"Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?" She teased. Yang normally only got away with this when Blake was too drunk to feel the embarrassment.

"I will hit you."

The threat didn't matter much to Yang, in fact, it made her grin grow. "You know my semblance. If you hit me, I'll only come back stronger!" The maniacal laugh following made her seem just like a villain from a daytime kids show.

Ruby sat on the floor, staring into space. The heiress wasn't sure what to do about their fight moments ago. She felt guilty, but she wasn't sure if she should or not, she had a valid reason for doing it after all. Weiss thought about the options she had. She could pick up a bottle and sit beside Ruby, talk it out and hope everything sorts itself out. Or she could go through with her original plan and hope Ruby discovers it before it is too late.

It had all been planned and if it went to her plan, she should be moments away from spending an unforgettable moment with the younger girl. Screw it! Weiss cursed in her head, spinning on her heel and leaving the room.

"Oh… Well there she goes." Yang mumbled, echoed by the beer bottle. Ruby saw the door close in slow motion. Weiss…

"Does this look right?" She asked herself, scanning the mirror up and down. She'd slipped into a tight dress that clung to her body up until it reached her hips. It then puffed out, hanging down just past her knees. It was her normal white, with light grey decorating the edges. Her hair stayed the same, no time to do anything fancy with it, plus she liked it this way. She frowned, crossing her arms and swayed her hips to the right. "Oh well… I can't be fussy tonight… Not like it's been going to plan anyway." Her sigh was met with silence.

She entered the streets of Vale again, crowds swarming to different clubs, houses and any party in general. Excitement was in the air and alcohol could already be smelt from majority of the passer-by's. Quickly, she melted into the rush of people, attempting to reach her destination without being assaulted by drunkards.

It didn't take long and with minimal road bumps along the way. She was swept of her feet by a shaggy man at one point, but his wife swiftly ended his drunken serenade. Her feet were now firmly planted at the destination of her travels, the reason she switched into a nice dress and the reason she'd been a little too busy and flustered to talk to Ruby properly lately. On the balcony of one of Vale's finest hotels with room service food akin to an actual restaurant. The atmosphere was said to be perfect and with the date being New Year's Eve, they were serving many special dishes and drinks. Weiss just hoped Ruby would come. She never got to personally invite her due to their fight earlier, but she had a back-up plan, not because she was expecting the fallout, rather she expected herself to get too nervous to actually spit out the details of the date she'd prepared. Nestled under her pillow was a small package containing an invitation, a rose and a small heart chocolate. It wasn't unique by any stretch of the imagination, but nobody would call Weiss a star at the art of fluffy romance.

In order to get Ruby to check there, she either had to hope she'd find it soon or she'd message someone to get her to find it. Either way, she badly wanted her to come.

The display in front of her was a table, designed for two, with a tablecloth draped over. A single, tall candle stood in the centre with rose petals scattered decoratively around it – that was a design point asked for by Weiss. There were two wine glasses tipped upside down, waiting for use. Beside that was the wine that was apparently imported from some famous wine village down south, someplace Weiss had never heard of, but it was foreign and sounded fancy. The table was laid out nicely, but the room was decorated as if Weiss and Ruby were A-class celebrities. There was a reason this hotel was considered the best in Vale. Weiss scanned the room, but felt rather unconcerned about the whole thing, it was mostly Ruby and the meal she cared about. She wasn't sure if they were going to spend the night here anyway.

"I hope she comes…" Weiss whispered into the wind.

Two bottles and a half down, Ruby took a slow swing. Yang and Blake weren't too active either, to Yang's disappointment. "What is Weiss even doing? What could be so important that she'd abandon her best friends on New Year's Eve?" Yang complained.

"Well, a lot of things really." Blake noted, flicking the page of her book.

Yang pouted, "Yeah, well I don't care. New Year's Eve is the day I can get wasted and no one can judge me, yet here we are being boring!"

"No, we still judge you."

"Hey!" Yang's pout grew at Blake's cheeky comment. Ruby didn't partake in their banter, but rather glumly looked out the window. She too was wondering where Weiss had gone to.

"I guess I should message someone then…" Weiss sighed, sitting alone at her table for two. Her finger ran down her scroll, eyes dashing over the names in front.

Ruby Rose – "No, I can't tell her directly… She'd probably ignore it anyway…"

Yang Xiao Long – Absolutely not. She would crash their evening in a heartbeat.

Blake Belladonna – As much as she may help, Yang watches her too closely for it to be safe.

Jaune Arc – "I have his scroll code? Why?" She quizzed herself. "Actually…" He might be useful to her. As much of a buffoon as he is, he has his uses.

With blazing fingers, she typed a short, precise message on his scroll, telling him exactly what to do. He shouldn't be able to mess it up. Right?

To her surprise he responded quickly, already getting on the case. Now all she could do was hope she comes. It was 10PM.

She didn't have anything to keep herself busy with, so she let her fingers play in the sprinkled pile of rose petals. Flicking a few in the air, her eyes watched them intently as they floated off the balcony to the illuminated streets below. The lights beneath her were bright and the roamers were loud, but it seemed so far away up here.

Her hand fell onto the buzzer nicely placed in the petals. This was a small button that sent a message to the hotel kitchen below, telling them to send wait staff. Weiss debated whether or not she should begin. If Ruby would turn up or not was up in the air, but her hunger had arrived without a second thought.

Before she could press it, the scroll in front of her buzzed twice. A notification popped up reading, New Message, Jaune Arc.

She seemed a little agitated. Is she angry at me? Anyway, she blew me off but did say she'll look if she feels like it. Oh and I got Nora to distract Blake and Yang so they don't know I told her about the package.

Weiss quickly responded with thanks. Also mentioning she wasn't angry at him as he always fretted about things like that. If she feels like it… Weiss mulled this over in her head, but quickly laughed it off, dropping her scroll back onto the table. Ruby was far too curious to leave it too long, she'll read it in no time.

With confidence back, it was now the time to quickly freshen up. Leaving her seat, she dashed into the posh bathroom. It was similar to her old room's bathroom back at the Schnee residence. Large and expensive was the best way to put it. She ignored the bath that resembled a spa of sorts and the separate shower that had three different showerheads, instead she went straight for the mirror. That wasn't hard to find considering it was built into the wall and extended from one side of the room to the other. Her scarred face reflected back at her.

She picked up the comb that was left displayed on a small, fluffy towel. This hotel went all out to keep its reputation high. Correcting her hair that had become scruffy in the night breeze and rushing through the potentially deadly crowds swarming in the streets.

Delicately shifting her dress and checking the little bits of make-up she'd applied, she was more or less happy with what she looked like. As she left the bathroom, she saw her scroll light up on the balcony table. Without a second to spare, she dashed over to it. It was from Yang.

I don't know what happened, but Ruby rushed out the room without a second word. I suspect you have something to do with this… I'm not sure what, but enjoy yourselves.

Weiss smiled. Ruby was coming and Yang had sent a nice little message. A few seconds past and Weiss was alerted of a second message, also from Yang.

Actually, no. Don't enjoy yourselves. Have a terrible time because you've left Blake and I to have an incredibly boring time in the dorm by ourselves. You're the worst.

Never mind. The niceness had passed. Weiss shrugged the insults off and flicked a quick reply back.

Just enjoy the alone time together. We know you're together.

It was true. They'd be sneaking around all year, but it was painfully obvious. Ruby and Weiss on the other hand, they never had a choice to be stealthy about it all. The younger one in the pair was far too easy to read and because of their lovey-dovey nature on previous New Year's Eve's, it was a little too late.

Weiss uncontrollably grinned just thinking about last year's make-out frenzy they drunkenly stumbled into. She stretched back into her seat and stared out towards the bright lights, ready to wait longer. Although that wasn't necessary. A loud knock startled Weiss, but caused her heart to flutter. It has to be her! Weiss screamed in her head. She leapt out of her chair, through the bifold doors that separated the balcony to the main room and quickly arrived at the door. With a large smile and puffed out shoulders, Weiss swung open the door. She was correct.

A red caped lover stood on the other side. She looked spent. If Weiss had to guess, she literally ran from Beacon to here as soon as she read the letter. She held the rose in her hand that was packaged with the invitation. In a hurry, Weiss grabbed her by the hands and roped her inside the posh room, the rose dropping to the floor. Ruby didn't even have the time to form words, but she did carry tears in her eyes. The heiress hugged the girl tightly, sliding down her small frame slightly.

"I-I'm sorry, Weiss…" Ruby murmured, letting a few tears drop down her rosy cheeks. The white haired member of this pair didn't let the tears hit the ground, catching them on her fingers. "I… I snapped at you and was so mean to you… But you… You were doing all this…" More tears appeared.

Weiss smiled, shaking her head. "I'm at fault too, you know. I shouldn't have been ignoring you. I was just scared and nervous." She pressed her cheek against Ruby's, making a kissing noise next to her ear.

"Scared and nervous?" Ruby questioned, feeling more at ease in the arms of her New Year's lover.

Weiss nodded, dropping the hug. "I was afraid you'd find this stupid. It's not like me after all. Would you look at me and think 'this girl will get so caught up in love that she'd buy an expensive hotel room just to impress her date?'"

Ruby giggled, lightly kissing her on the cheek. "Yes, I would!" The tears now irrelevant due to Ruby's warm smile. "You may have a cold exterior at times, but in your core is the nicest and most caring girl I know, even beating out my sister… Well, you know how she can be." Weiss thought back to her rude message from Yang only moments ago.

"Yeah, I know." They both couldn't contain a laugh, at Yang's expense of course. "Let's go eat. If we wait too long everything on the menu will be sold out." With a nod, both girls left the main room as Weiss escorted Ruby out to the balcony.

Ruby grinned ear to ear. "I wouldn't have thought I'd be on a date in such a fancy place on New Year's Eve when I was just a kid." She was humble and cute, Weiss had to resist getting out of her seat to kiss her. She hit the buzzer to get someone from the hotel wait staff to arrive. "This is incredible! Have you seen the view!?" She was practically hanging off the balcony, looking over the edge at the bright lights of the city below. Weiss couldn't help but laugh at the small girl loving the world, she didn't suit the fancy hotel, but that was okay in Weiss' mind.

The wait staff was extremely fast compared to any other place she'd been to, but that was mostly due to every other guest having already eaten before 10:30PM; the time it was now. The tall waiter seemed a little disturbed by Ruby's appearance and general attitude in the posh, expensive vicinity. Weiss held back her instinct to scold Ruby and just let her do her thing. The waiter calmly waltzed towards the table, he carefully placed down a napkin in front of Weiss, the hotel name presented on it with big yellow lettering; cursive of course. "May I take your order, Ma'am?" His voice suited the stereotype of posh waiters to a T.

Weiss hummed for a few seconds, running her eyes down the menu. "I'll take the Ravioli please."

He nodded and scribbled onto his notepad. "And the girl?"

Ruby froze and looked up from the bright lights. "Oh… Ha… haha..." The caped girl awkwardly slid back into her seat, blushing profusely. "I'll take…" She quickly snatched the menu from Weiss, despite having one presented before her. "Oh! You guys do pizza?!" Her silver eyes lit up. They weren't quite the same moons as the year earlier.

"Ah, yes. We do. It is a very uncommon choice though. I'd advise… Against it." He remarked, spinning the pen in his hand. His sneer was rubbing Weiss the wrong way. She could tell he was looking down on her lover.

Ruby frowned. "Oh…" She continued to scan the menu, but it was all a bunch of big fancy words that intimidated her to no end. The waiter attempted to hide his smug smile.

"She'll have the pizza. Hawaiian." Weiss calmly spoke, locking her fingers together. He was unaware of the glare she could give, but he quickly found out it was a mean one; one with authority.

The waiter took a deep breath. "Alright then." He sighed straight after. "There is not long of a wait, you'll receive your meal soon." With that said, he quickly left the room.

"What. An. Asshole." Weiss rolled her eyes, but Ruby was sparkling.

"Aww! Thank you, Weiss!" Ruby was honestly surprised she knew what pizza to order for her, then again she always ordered the same one.

The heiress hid her cheeks to let the blushing pass. The waiter wasn't lying, the food arrive very quickly. He reserved his snarky comments and left the room soon after delivering them their dinner. The expression on Ruby's face was extremely childish, but the most heart-warming thing Weiss had seen all year. All while eating her Ravioli, she watched the girl gobble down the pizza. The cheese stretched over her chin, dangling down spectacularly. Weiss couldn't stifle her laughter, she was adoring her to no extent.

She had her own charm, something Weiss had fallen in love with and continues to fall in love with every New Year. Weiss smiled softly as she poured the girl a drink from the foreign wine, then herself one. "Cheers." Weiss held her drink up, staring into the girl's eyes. "To the new year." With one hour to go until they began another year, Ruby held her glass up too, clinking them together delicately.

Ruby chuckled. "I was about to say that this wasn't feeling the same as our other New Year's Eves. Not enough alcohol!" Weiss laughed too, but quickly pointed out that this was different. They weren't in their dorm room drinking cheap alcohol.

Soon enough, Ruby had downed her first glass and was on to round two. Immaturely, Weiss didn't want to fall far behind, chugging the remainder of the glass. This started an unspoken race between the two. In less than ten minutes, the bottle was empty.

"Uh, Weiss. Do we have any more?" Ruby questioned.

"Well, since the alcohol is already in the mini-fridge here, we can take it and they won't say a thing, but we aren't allowed to order any because of our age."

"Oh…" Ruby pouted.

Weiss shook her head. "Are you implying that you can't have a good New Year's Eve with me without alcohol?"

"No! No! Not at all! I just-"

"I'm kidding. We can't have any more of that rich wine, but I did manage to snag some beer and bring it up here earlier." Weiss cut Ruby off to bring her some good news. She smiled and immediately jumped out of her chair to hug her. The mad dash over to the hotel had sobered her up from the drinks she'd had earlier, but now they were all beginning to catch up to her.

"Thank you, Weiss!" She gave her a rather slobbery kiss and sat back down, ready to be served another beverage. Weiss did so quickly, nothing amazing, just typical beer they'd been drinking in the previous years. And then, the race was back on.

They weren't sure why, but they were determined to win. Perhaps it was a nostalgic feeling from the beginning of their drunken relationship. Weiss did understand that she was able to come to her feelings easier when she was drunk, so that helped.

By the time the clock hit 11:30PM, bottles were beginning to make the rich hotel look more like a trashy motel. Ruby was giggling to herself and Weiss was helping her inside. The wind had picked up and the cold had begun to show itself. She shut the bifold door and returned to Ruby's aid. She wasn't that bad, but Weiss wanted to make sure she didn't do something stupid.

"Weiss… I love you…" She grinned, spinning around and locking lips with the heiress. It was their first proper kiss of the night. She tasted chocolate and soon after realised that it was the chocolate heart she'd put in with the invitation. Once they separated, chocolate had dribbled down Ruby's lip and chin. "I can't thank you enough for organising this…" Ruby smiled.

"Idiot." Weiss laughed, licking her chin to clean it of chocolate. "Thank you for coming." She laughed again. "It really seemed like you weren't going to show."

"I'm…" She zoned out for a few seconds. "Sorry..." Without much warning, she cupped Weiss' cheeks and pulled her in for another kiss. This one was different, there was power and lust behind it. It suddenly turned into a messy make-out session. Within the little breaks they had for ten minutes, Ruby managed to say, "I'm sorry for being rude today. I love you so much."

Her lips trailed around Weiss cheeks and neck. It was beginning to give Weiss flashbacks to the hazy make-out session they had last year right before they passed out. Weiss wasn't as drunk as last year, but the sensations were better than ever. The beautiful dress she donned was shortly being nudged off. The heiress let the dress go, leaving her in her underwear. Ruby's lips continued travelling down her body.

They never made it to the large, soft bed. Right beside the discarded flower, Weiss was being undressed by the giggly Ruby.

The younger girl held Weiss' body tightly as she slowly kissed any part of her body that was visible. Weiss was beginning to succumb to her primal desires and just go with what was happening. Throughout the past year, they'd talked about sex. Ever since the drunken snog at New Year's, it suddenly seemed like a realistic topic they should discuss. However, with Ruby being immature at times and Weiss getting flustered around that topic, they never got very far aside from both stating, it was something they were looking forward to doing together. Now that it could potentially happen tonight, Weiss felt more flustered than ever, but she wasn't going to stop Ruby.

The drunken girl still had control of the body and let her hands run along Weiss' almost naked body. "Could… You take the bra off… I don't think I'm going to be able to…" Ruby giggled, her face as red as her cape. Weiss blushed too, awkwardly trying to take her bra off while being pinned by the younger girl, it felt much like earlier in the day. This was the first time Ruby had seen the girl's petite breasts in a sexual light. Any time previously was in the changing rooms and there was little to no sexual tension in there at Beacon.

Ruby was drawn to them, carefully caressing them; as carefully as Ruby could in her drunken state. Her skin was soft and felt delicate. Ruby was afraid of causing harm, but her mind quickly switched to a different idea. One hand kept gently groping her breasts, feeling the nipples slowly erect over time. The other hand had trailed down to Weiss' panties. It was no lingerie or anything special, Weiss simply hadn't expected this sudden turn of events. That didn't matter to Ruby, she simply began running her fingers against the fabric.

With the inexperienced two, that was enough for Weiss to begin breathing heavily. This was it. It was going to happen. Not much time had passed between the beginning of this and now, but Ruby was already pulling down Weiss last article of clothing. This wasn't as romantic as Weiss had originally thought her first time with Ruby would be, especially in this romantic room, but she was content with how things were playing out. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but that didn't matter currently.

As Ruby's fingers grazed Weiss' pussy, it brought a strange electric feeling throughout Weiss entire body. Every time Ruby's fingers ran along, Weiss was feeling it again and again. Ruby's mouth was intent of kissing her body while her fingers began their job. Her middle finger extended into Weiss, another strange feeling that even self-pleasuring had not prepared her for. She gasped, her naked body stretching, her fingers tightly gripping anything they could. She was not prepared for the pleasure she was about to receive.

The younger girl was not skilled at this, but she didn't have to be. Every movement was causing the drunk, nervous heiress to react in pure ecstasy. She was moaning above the fireworks that had begun. The unfiltered light shone through the bifold glass door. Every colour under the sun coloured Weiss' pale body at the moment clocks all over Vale had reached midnight. The New Year began now.

Through squinting eyes, Weiss watched Ruby's loving and drunken expression as she leant in for the first kiss of the New Year. Fireworks. Every year, fireworks. Weiss' right arm shot up to arch over Ruby's neck, tightening the kiss. Ruby removed the finger from Weiss and let her body fall on Weiss. Their lips and tongues were having difficulty separating. Their tongues dancing together, blending their saliva and creating a unique mixture of their relationship.

Neither wanted the kiss to end, but shortly after, Ruby had to stop. She was out of breath and was beginning to fade. "Weiss…"

"Y-Yeah, Ruby?" Weiss rose an eyebrow. The drunken girl rolled off of Weiss and spread out like a starfish on the immaculate carpet.

"New Year's Eve is my favourite day." She giggled, grabbing Weiss hand. "But… I hate New Year's Day."

Weiss looked at her with the same eyebrow raised. "Why is that?"

"Hangover…" Ruby complained, but it only took a few more seconds before she began to snore. She was a drunken mess that Weiss couldn't help but enjoy spending time with. The heiress scooped her small body off the ground and tucked her into the large bed. She swiftly got her underwear back on and snuggled in next to her.

Although their love-making had been cut short by Ruby's drunken state, Weiss didn't mind. It was a step for them and an incredibly enjoyable night. Whether Ruby remembers it or not, she'll have to find out in the morning. Now she was simply wondering what will happen next year.

"I can't wait for next year, Ruby. I love you."

Blake and Yang had spent the night drinking in the dorm together and, like Ruby and Weiss, gotten frisky themselves. Yang had fallen asleep in Blake's bed, taking up the entirety of it after reaching her sexual limit. Blake on the other hand, had not achieved such a height, but Yang mirrored her sister in more ways than one.

"I guess we'll see what happens next year. Happy New Year, Yang." Blake grinned, having to take Yang's bed instead.

Author's Note: Some smutty action, but not a lot. If you haven't realised by this point, even though they are experiencing New Year's, they aren't aging (like Family Guy or The Simpsons). I decided to do this because if they were aging, they'd be out of Beacon soon and while that could be a fun advancement, it is not what I currently wish to do with this short series.

Anyway, Happy New Year and I hope you can look back on 2015 with a smile and carry on into 2016 looking forward to what is to come. Every year has it's ups and downs, so keep your chin up and do something with this new year.

I plan on releasing more Heated Excitement this year as well as more Kagerou Project One-Shots and hopefully return to Co-Workers to Lovers and Daily Heartbeat. I also have plans for RWBY one-shots/mini-series as well so we'll see how the year goes for this account.

If you only read this story, I guess I might see you next year.