"Umm, Percy? You in there? We have some catching up to do seaweed brain. Get your fish tail out here!" Annabeth yelled through Percy's dorm. She was planning to try to recreate their romance. A Percbeth day was on the way. Annabeth heard a few things get knocked over (classic Percy) and the door opened with Percy standing in the doorway smiling like an idiot. And Annabeth took his hand and dragged him out into the hallway and in an explosion of pages they were out next to a shop in one of New York's parks surrounded by shops.
"Come on Perce! Keep up! I want to show you something!" Annabeth yanked Percy out of a daze… he was staring at a blue muffin from the window of a bakery and his faced got smashed into the glass. "Hold on wise girl, hold on!" Percy screeched as Annabeth yanked him. Annabeth thought something happened and screeched to a stop on her heels and they ran into each other. Percy fell upon Annabeth and Annabeth got a face full of grass and dirt. "Ouch, Anniebeth, you just smashed my face into a bakery window, and now I'm on top of you!" Percy laughed while holding his forehead. Annabeth grinned. "Get off me Perce! Your heavy!" Annabeth complained. "Oh, so I'm fat? I guess I won't get off you since you just insulted me." Percy crossed his arms like a little kid. "No you're heavy from all those muscles…" Annabeth muttered under her breath. "Did you just say I have muscles wise girl?" Percy asked devilishly.
"Aww, come on. I heard you Annie, I got muscles."
"You weren't supposed to hear that."
"Oh, I know, but I did."
"Shut up…"
"Well, chase I think you have a pretty fine ass."
"Percy!" Annabeth hit Percy.
"Hey wise girl, we're even."
"Ok, now will you get off of me?"
"Hmmmm, but I don't want to get off you." Percy hummed. Then he did something Annabeth was waiting for. He kissed her. Then they practically made out for a few minutes and then an old man yelled at them and they ran away laughing. "So, does this make us a couple again?" Annabeth asked Percy. "Of course, my wise girl." Percy hummed. Annabeth took off running towards some building that was tall and very big. It looked like a really nice place, but Percy still didn't know what it was. The sign said Avrilas music. Percy was confused, oh so confused. But Annabeth dragged him into the beautiful building, he saw musical instruments. Must be a music store…"come on seaweed brain, I have something I want to show you. It's a song I wrote," Annabeth looked down shy. "For you." She finished. Percy was surprised but then he heard her start singing and it was like an angel.
You walked in
Caught my attention
I've never seen
A man with so much dimension
It's the way you walk
The way you talk
The way you make me feel inside
It's in your smile
It's in your eyes
I don't wanna wait for tonight
So I'm daydreamin'
With my chin in the palm of my hands
About you,
You and only you
Got me daydreaming
With my chin in the palm of my hands
About you,
You and only you
For you oh oh oh ohh
For you oh oh oh ohh
For you oh oh oh ohh
For you oh oh ohh
Now I can't wait
To hold you in my arms
I know I was made for you
I'm in love with all of your charm
It's the way you walk
The way you talk
The way you make me feel inside
It's in your smile
It's in your eyes
I don't wanna wait for tonight
So I'm daydreamin'
With my chin in the palm of my hands
About you,
You and only you
Got me daydreaming
With my chin in the palm of my hands
About you,
You and only you
And I want you
Got to have you
And I need you
Like I never have
Loved before
Oh I want you
Oh I need you
Got to have you
Like I never have
Loved before
So I'm daydreamin'
With my chin in the palm of my hands
About you,
You and only you
Got me daydreaming
With my chin in the palm of my hands
About you,
You and only you
For you oh oh oh ohh
For you oh oh oh ohh
She ended the last note and Percy was sitting there with his mouth open. "Close your mouth Seaweed Brain." Annabeth smiled "that was amazing Annabeth, I- wow" Percy was speechless. Annabeth just grinned widely.
The two were walking down on the sidewalks just talking. Percy was feeling weird, like someone was watching them; he stayed a little closer to Annabeth and kept an eye out, without Annabeth noticing. And Annabeth was feeling weird too, she felt something, like a 6th sense, and it felt like Percy was closer than usual. And she noticed his eyes flashed behind them for a second then came back onto her, something was weird.
Something or someone tackled me and Percy. I crawled on the street scrambling away from the attacker. I see Percy stumble from the sudden force, and got knocked onto the ground. He stood and swung blindly once, at the man. Then it turned into a full out fight it went on for a while. I wanted to help Percy, but i was in shock and I couldn't move it's like I was paralyzed, and I couldn't even use my powers. Then I saw someone fall, not dead, but injured terribly. I couldn't make out who it was, my vision was too blurry. Then it was black as midnight.
I tried…
And I failed…
ambulances rushed to the scene. An old woman found the two, when she heard a clatter of a knife outside her apartment. It happened late at night. Paramedics, everyone was there to take care of the poor couple who got attacked by a random guy. They both got rushed together, they were going to be in seperate cots, but the woman saw the love they had for each other, and she insisted they share a large cot. They gave in quick, and the two were whisked to the hospital together.
-5 years pass-
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Percy was sitting in her room; it was filled with cards, presents, and get well balloons. He has been there every single day, every week, every single minute. The only time he left, was when he ran out of clothes. Then he went home and packed clothes for a few weeks or as much as he could fit into his bag. Otherwise he would never leave, he was still a patient, and he was injured badly. But not as bad as Annabeth… he was knocked into a coma for two years. And he has a unique disorder; he goes crazy when he isn't with Annabeth. The only way to keep him sane is to keep him with her. And when- if she wakes up from her coma he will be relieved from it, knowing she's ok. The problem with him is the disorder, makes him mad, as in crazy if he doesn't know she's ok, so the only way to keep him sane is to make sure she's as ok and she can be, so he's next to her. Percy was sitting beside the hospital bed, in which Annabeth was sleeping on. He got a sudden tear in his eye, thinking about what he could've done to save her. The heart monitors constant beeping to the sound of Annabeth's heart beat, started to beep faster, more rapidly. This made Percy snap out of his reverie. "THERES BEEPING! BEEPING! BEEPING! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" screamed Percy. (He was a bit mental for a while and this snapped him back to that stage) The nurses at the end of the hall looked up briefly, thinking the guy was hallucinating again, and looked back down to their work. "DO YOU NOT HEAR THE BEEPING?!" Percy screamed, and kicked the door without a wince of pain. That got the nurses attention and they rolled their eyes, and made way to Annabeth's room. The moment they arrived, they did notice the heart rate monitor was, indeed beeping ferociously, signaling, Annabeth could be awake. When Percy saw the nurse's surprise, he knew they thought he was delusional. "…idiots…" he muttered. One of the nurses closer to Percy gave him a quick glare, but he glared so hard at the nurse, she quickly got back to work calling in Annabeth's doctor, and preparing everything in case she woke up. Percy couldn't see anything because at least 10 people were clustered around the hospital bed that contained the girl he has been waiting to see open her eyes for 5 years. Percy didn't care if he was pushing nurse after nurse, he needed to see her open her eyes. He pushed through the circle of people around the bed and stood right next to her, staring at her closed eyes, praying he would be able to see her stormy grey orbs again. Annabeth's body took a sharp intake of breath, and it seemed like everyone was holding theirs. But, she did not open her eyes, but she was breathing very slowly, then she stopped. Percy looked at her in horror, and then he started to sob. "Please Annabeth, wake up, I love you, don't slip back into that nasty coma, please." He cried, and his voice cracked. He felt a light tap on the shoulder, and he turned around with a tearstained face, his eyes all puffy and he looked like he hasn't smiled in 5 years. Oh wait, he hasn't. He turned around to be enclosed in a warm hug from his mom, who was crying along with him. All his friends (don't say, oh what happened to them the entire story? They were still in contact with them) were in the doorway of the hospital room with wistful, distant looks when they saw him. It turned into a group hug with too many teary faces to count. Thalia spoke up, "Percy, we wanted to stay here with you today, and try to cheer you up a little." She still had a tear stained face when she said this, but she made a sad attempt to smile a little. Percy glanced around the room, and for the first time in 5 years, he smiled sadly, and nodded.
-don'tmindme, justalinebreak-
Percy actually had some fun talking to his friends, but he still couldn't get his mind off Annabeth. Soon, the day was over, and his friends had to leave since they were only passing through the city and heard what happened, but they had to leave. So once again, Percy was alone.
*in the middle of the night*
Many nurses were stationed in Annabeth's room, since she was in a critical state, it was either she died, or woke up in a critical condition. Either way it was a horrifying thought. Percy didn't want to sleep but his ability to stay awake started waning down, and he enduringly fell asleep.
The monitor beeped and the lines were making patterns, Annabeth has started to wake up from her coma, and the word actually has some hope for a miracle.
"Mr. Jackson, Ms. Chase has started to wake up from her coma-"a nurse told a sleeping Percy soothingly. Percy was in a hospital chair that was basically his second home since the incident happened. Percy's eyes popped open out of his sleep, and he rushed past the nurse nearly knocking her over, to Annabeth's side. He feels a crashing wave of shock to see her like this, she looked very sickly, and she had bountiful needles and tubes stuck in her arms. Percy kneeled down next to her bed and starts to cry. A mix of sadness and joy washes over him. She's finally out of her coma. He looks up with his pained sea-green eyes, and sees her stormy grey ones staring at him with softness in her eyes, and he sees tears slipping down her cheeks, and he feels tears streaming down his face as well. He takes her cheeks and guides her lips to his and he kisses her, a passionate kiss, one that he has been yearning for, for five years, since that night in the ambulances. "I love you so much, don't you ever leave me again." Percy tells her with tears still streaming down his face. "Not if I can help it." Annabeth smiles back with tears of her own on her cheeks. "Wise Girl, I've missed you so much!" Percy smiles; it was a real, genuine smile. "I have too Seaweed Brain, I've missed you too!" Annabeth smiles back. When she called Percy Seaweed Brain he felt a painful pang in his heart, but he felt overwhelmed with joy. "I love you." Percy told her. Annabeth smiled meekly, "I love you to-"and she froze. The monitor beeps had longer intervals between them, they became longer and longer, until they stopped.
Annabeth Minerva Chase/Jackson
"We all knew his love was too strong, and that he'd kill himself trying to bring her back, and I knew it was going to happen and I am deeply devastated that he left this world so early. But this is also a wedding, so smile for them too. May we join the two to be legally married, it's what they would've may we be silent for a two minutes to honor both of their lives, and celebrate their marriage. But please let their story live on, tell you children, and then tell their children's children, we can never forget their tragic story. We will not let their legacy die out, they will become legends. Don't forget she who died in love, and He who died from attempting the impossible, reviving the dead, The couple who got married after they died."
Annabeth Minerva Jackson Perseus Triton Jackson
July 12, 1994- September, 18 2014 August 18 1994- October 12, 2014
Hey guys! I hope you liked the alternate ending! It's definitely longer than any other chapter I've written. I think it's a sad ending; if you thought it was sad, please tell me, I want to know if I can project a feeling to a reader from my writing. So please tell me how I did ;) Thanks