Knock, knock.

"Oh, Elsa! Guess what day it is today!" Anna's singsong voice rings out from the other side of my bedroom door.
I play along "I'm not sure... is there something special going on today, Anna? I'm not aware of anything in particular."
She flings the door wide open, her face shining with elation.
"You're getting married!"
Anna grasps my hands in hers. Her blue eyes are much bigger than usual... I think someone is just a tiny bit excited.
"I'm so happy for you, Elsa!" She exclaims.
"I'm quite happy myself." I admit.
"I would ask you if you want to build a snowman," she says. "But Lumi and Olaf seem to be quite satisfied as it is."
"So it does seem."
"Hey!" She blurts out. "Maybe when they get married, you can make them some snow babies!"
Oh, Anna...
"We'll see." I say simply.
"You should be getting ready!" Anna tells me. "I'll leave you alone... unless you want me to stay and help. I do quite enjoy helping!"
I invite Anna to stay with me until the wedding. I find that she proves to be quite useful, stating her opinion on my attire and making tasteful alterations.

Time goes by admittedly slow, but it is finally time for the moment I do believe we have all been waiting for.
I don't think I ever thought I, the Snow Queen, could actually ever get married. After all, who would've wanted to marry someone like me?
My whole life was spent trying to conceal something that was beyond my control.
Now... I am free.
This is all because of Ember.
Today, both of us are free to let it go. We do not have to be held back any longer.
Fire and Ice will officially unite to restore balance to nature.

I would love to describe my procession to you, but as the bride, I do not even get to witness this myself.
Wouldn't you think that whoever came up with the concept of wedding ceremonies would've thought this through just a little bit better? I mean... I don't even get to watch my own wedding. What's up with that?
I can tell you that my wedding, unlike Anna's, actually has a flower girl. Sorry, Olaf.

I am given the signal.
It is time for me to make my way down the aisle.
I emerge into the throne room, demanding everyone's attention by my presence alone.

I am donned in a dress that looks as though it was sewn together out of fire itself.
My hair is styled in it's signature braid.
My face is set in the expression of an exhilarated bride.

I proceed down the aisle, my eyes set on Ember, and his on mine.

As I walk, my dress sparkles like authentic flames. It shimmers in every fiery hue of red, orange, and gold. No one can take their eyes away from me.
The Snow Queen does not look so much like snow anymore, now does she?
Except for my footwear. I am wearing Anna's wedding shoes (she insisted), the ones that look as though they were carved of ice.
You would probably think that I would feel rather uncomfortable walking around in shoes made of ice, being that my feet were completely frozen not all that long ago.
I find that the shoes do not cause me any discomfort at all.
After all, the cold never bothered me anyway... or at least it doesn't anymore.

I make it to Ember.

This is Kristoff's cue, as he is the one performing the ceremony.
Perhaps some would say that it is rather odd that an ice harvester is performing my wedding, however you might be pleasantly surprised to know that Kristoff does this job nearly as good as my father would have.

"You may now kiss the bride." Kristoff proclaims.

Ember and I share a heart-melting kiss.

All of Arendelle sighs with contentment.

Anna has Kristoff. Elsa has Ember.

Ember and I dance for hours without end.
We are Fire and Ice, twirling around and around the ballroom together.
I find that I don't mind dancing, which is a miracle of its own.
I know what Ember and I have is one of the most beautiful and precious things in the world.
I thank Fate every day for bringing us together.
I thank Fate for giving me my ice powers. I thank Fate for making me the Snow Queen.
After all, Fate never hiccups.

Fire and Ice
Burning and Freezing
Both will suffice
Both are quite pleasing
Crystals and Flames
Chilling and Blazing
Both can be tamed
Both are amazing
Ashes and Frost
Crackling and Frozen
All is not lost
For we have been chosen
Both will suffice
Fire and Ice

I suppose this should be the part of the story where I tell you that we "all lived happily ever after". As a princess in a fairytale, I presume it would be quite disappointing to you if I don't.
But, in order for me to tell you this, I myself would have to know.
I do not know, as my story is still being told, page by page and day by day.
Life is full of disappointments; let it go.

The End

Whoa! The story is finally finished, guys!
I will honestly tell y'all that it has been the longest time since I have actually completed a story. This makes me extremely happy.

I had been waiting for Frozen to come out for about a year.
I had discovered that Disney was making their own rendition of The Snow Queen when I was searching around for just about any adaptions of the story that I could find. I really, really was wanting to read a book called Winter's Child by Cameron Dokey, but my library didn't have a copy of it.
The concept of The Snow Queen was alluring to me.
I started looking all over the web. This was when I learned about Frozen. Naturally, I was elated that Disney was making it.

Disney put a very interesting spin on the story.
I rather liked Anna, but Elsa proved to be more relatable to me (no, I do not claim to have unnatural magic ice powers).
Disney succeeded in giving Anna her Prince Charming (or ice harvester), however, they chose to leave Elsa alone, swinging open the door of fanfics wide open.
I really, really wanted Elsa to end up with a Fire Prince.
I hope Disney makes a sequel; I definitely think they could if they wanted to.

Let It Go is still being played on repeat, I'll have you know. I really like both Idina's and Demi's versions of the song. I can't choose which one I like better; I think they each bring something different to the table.
The other songs are quite enjoyable, as well. I rather like the broadway feel they have to them.
Since it was a musical, I thought it would be cool to add some poetry into my story. I also sneaked in some lyric references.

Anybody up for some Fun Facts? This is a short compilation of interesting details having to do with my fic.

-Gerda and Kai are the names of the main characters in the original story of The Snow Queen written by Hans Christian Andersen. They made their cameo in my story as the sister ships, the Gerda and the Kaia.

-Ikkuma is the actual Inuit word for 'fire'. This was not just some random gibberish I made up to make myself feel clever. Although, I admit that I still feel rather clever for using it.

-The name 'Hemming' was possibly derived from the Old Norse word 'hamr' meaning 'shape'. It also might have originally been a nickname used for a person believed to be a shapeshifter. Hence, we have Hemmin.

-Theoretically, Inuitia was intended to be a kingdom located at the top of Greenland. There actually are Inuits that live in parts of Greenland. Although I doubt they live in kingdoms made entirely out of ice, some do live in igloos (Inuit: Iglu) during the winter months. Seaweed (kuanniq) and tubers are a part of some of the Inuits' diet, depending on region and season. The mystery meat I spoke of could have been whale, walrus, seal, polar bear, or muskoxen... take your pick.

-Lumi means 'snow' in Finnish. I tried to mainly use Norwegian names in my story, but I figured since Finland isn't that far away from Norway I could probably get away with it. Besides, 'Elsa'
isn't Norwegian.

-Celeste is derived from the Latin word 'caelestis', which means 'heavenly' or 'devine'. I think most of us are familiar with Princess Celestia from My Little Pony?

-It took me approximately 20 consecutive days to write this story. This is my first fanfic ever.

You get extra points if you already knew any of that.

In case you happened to notice any holes in my plot that you feel left you without absolute closure; I probably did it on purpose. I am possibly working on a sequel. This one is going to be focusing on Ida (Ember's sister). The concept has me intrigued thus far, and I assume that it is a good thing to be intrigued by your own story.
It will obviously still be based around Frozen, so no worries there.
It will most likely be a few weeks until I post it. If I post it. I suppose that's always a good disclaimer to add. We shall see. Tell me your thoughts about it, if you wish to.

Also, I LOVED reading all of your reviews! It was cool getting to hear each of your opinions, critiques, and compliments. I admit that it was probably the highlight of my day coming home to find all of your messages about my story.
Thank y'all so much!

This is really long and you get even more points if you are still reading.

Until we meet again,