Authors Note: I'm back and I promise this time I will actually try to keep the story interesting.

Like always my pairing will be Draco and Hermione, taking place in 8th year of Hogwarts, k, good Read. Comment, Review

Hermione's Point of View:

After the war everything changed. Harry, Ron and I aren't close anymore. We hardly talk. They both have witches on their arms so naturally, they completely forget about me. I havent had much to do with either of he boys since June, now it's September and they decided they don't want to finish their education, but I do so here I am sitting in the head compartment of the Hogwarts express awaiting to meet the new Head Boy.

To pass time I decided to pull out a muggle book of mine, one of my person favorite 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher (A/N: The book is a personal favorite of mine) About twenty minutes later the heads compartment door opened, and I came face to face with the new Head Boy, Draco Malfoy.

Now you would think I would be appalled that Draco was Head Boy, but you are wrong. During the summer after the boys started pushing me away we started talking after I bumped into him at a small wizard pub. He told me he was unsure if he wanted to go back to Hogwarts because of everything that happened, but here he is.

I jumped off my seat and hugged him. "You came back"

He returned the hug with that trade mark Slytherin smirk of his. "Of course I did Mia, I couldn't let you go through this year with no one." The sad thing is he was right, if he never came back it would have just been me. Ginny and Ron refused to come back to school, and Harry just didn't want to go.

"Well thank you" I smiled.

"Anytime" He took a seat beside me on the two seat couch.

"Draco..?" I ask quietly.


"Can I ask you a question?" I ask timidly, not knowing how he would react to the real question.


"What happened to you after the war?" He took in a sharp breath. "Never mind, forget I said anything." He shook his head and hugged me to him.

"Not a lot did happen to me Granger. My father was sent to Azkaban for life, and my mother and I did so community service for what we did because we were forced in to it. The only other thing that happened to me was I moved out of the manor." He said simply. "You don't read the news anymore do you?"

"Not really, they normally only publish lies." He chuckles.

"You look tired, try to go to sleep." I nod and close my eyes quickly falling in to a dreamless sleep.

Draco's Point of View:

She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping, she's wearing a normal muggle T-shirt but that's not what gets my attention, it's the faint pink scar on her arm. I run my finger over it softly, I feel my eyes prick with tears, I didn't want that to happen to her. I wish I said something, maybe it would never have happened.

I look out the window and notice were almost to Hogwarts, I look down at the peacefully sleeping girl who's using my stomach as a pillow. I gently shake her.

"Mia, come on. Were almost at the school. You need to change in to your robes." She mumbles an swats my face. "What was that for?"

"Finding the snooze button" She mumbles.

"Funny Granger, but get up." She mumbles something else under her breath well getting up. "Sorry I didn't quite catch that" She sticks her lounge out and puts on her tie and robe.

"Happy now?" I laugh at her sassyness. One thing I missed about her most during the summer.

"Nope, cause now we have to get off the train" She rolls her eyes.

"I'm not moving. I refuse." I sigh, she is stubborn.

"Were going to do this the easy way, or my way Granger" She still made no movement. "Fine with me then, my way." I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. Lets just say she started moving then.

"Draco, put me down!" She laughed.

"Noope, you wouldn't get up." I exit the Heads compartment in to the crowd of other students, considering the Golden Girl, of the Golden Trio was over the Ex Death Eaters shoulder, got us a few stares.

"Draco Malfoy!" boomed the voice of the head mistress. "Put Miss Granger down immediately " She scolds. After I put Hermione down the smile on her face is priceless.

"It's fine Professor, he was just joking around. We were having fun." She looks surprised at the statement, she nods and carries on.

"Ready to go Granger we have to show the first years to the boats" She nods and follows me. We stand a bit farther off so they don't get mixed with the older students. "First years over here!"

"First years!" Hermione calls, and a group of students surround us.

"Welcome to Hogwarts guys. Follow us and we lead you to the boats." Hermione takes my arm, and we lead them to Hagrid, who is awaiting for them to arrive.

"Thanks, Head Boy, and Girl, you're welcome to get in one of the boats if you would like?" Hermione shakes her head.

"No thank you Hagrid, we will walk. It's fine." She declines politely.

"Alright, but straight to the castle you two"

"Yes professor" We say in sync.

As we started walking, I noticed they re did some of the gardening on the school grounds. "Granger look" I point out a few different flowers as I turn around behind me and get a small red rose. When she turns back around I hand it to her. A small smile plays on her lips.

"Thank you Draco." As much as she tried to be happy, it wasn't hard to tell she was bothered by something.

"What's on your mind?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Come on Granger what's bugging you?" She stops walking and looks like she's about to cry.

"I lost everyone.." Her voice is small, but audible. She quickly wipes her tears away with the sleeve of her robes. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back.

"Want to talk about it?" I feel her tears start soaking in to my robes.

"My friends, my parents, everyone's gone. The Weasley's wont talk to me. Everyone left me" I hug her a bit tighter.

"I wont leave you Mia" I rub her back still her sniffles stop and I pull away, I use the sleeve of my robes to dry the tears on her face. "You know, pretty girls like you shouldn't cry"

A blush plays on her cheeks. "Shut up ferret.."

"I thought we were over the whole ferret thing!"

"Nope your still a ferret" She smiles. This is going to be some year, with us as Head Boy and Girl.

Authors Note: Heeeeey what do you guys think, should I continue?