
A gentle breeze.

An encouraging grin.

A mother and father long gone.

Where are you?

I'm scared.


A salvation.

A way of life.


Steal, rubbish bins. Don't get caught. Run.


You are of use.

Your greatest ally, and greatest enemy, she is unreachable.

You wear a mask.

They call you the joker.

You laugh as you kill.

You disappear.

The blood drips as you run.

Don't get caught.


You can't get caught until you kill her.

Wow. Hasn't it been a long time since I updated? Well, this wasn't exactly meant to do anything except check if people actually want this story. I know a lot of you do, but dammmnnnn... The story was so shitty I just gave up. I'm not sure if I'll actually update this, but hey, if you want me to, I guess you can drop a review.

Life's getting busy next year so chances are I'd prolly only update Unexpected Sun, since it's a collab effort. But whatevs. Writing romance is tiring. But writing stories so off canon is tough, so if you want me to maybe update, perhaps you could drop some suggestions. Never know. Maybe it would spark something.