To Pandora and the Body Link

My name is Chad Harding, I know, a simple name, nothing of any uniqueness to it. But I guess there was something Grace Augustine saw in me. Something special. I'm a kid, can you blame me for being curious before I was sent into space? Grace told me I would be seeing a brand new world with many new creatures and would get to see many cool things. Of course there was a whole bunch of training and studying, blah blah, but I don't want to talk about it much. I was one of the smartest kids around, even though I wasn't the strongest of a five year old. These were talents she was looking for. Now, in all honesty, I had nothing better to do. My parents died when I was four and my brother Troy was who knows where, so I had ended up in the orphanage. With no ties to keep me on our forsaken planet that was what the grown ups say is polluted, I accepted the invitation she offered after some convincing.

I was now taking off to Pandora. Everybody talked about it, but now I had a chance to go there. I have to admit, I wasn't the most social kid, but I definitely loved to learn new things. To see a planet of green was something I always dreamed. After a year of cryo sleep, for I had been on a new state of the art transports that got us there fast, I finally woke up and saw the planet. I was soon hurried to the shuttle and for some reason needed escorts for I was what they called, "Special Case". Apparently, they couldn't afford to loose me. I shrugged it off, for my grandfather had been a Marine and had told me stories. I respected them, but with some of them looking at me, I felt a little intimidated. As the ride got a bit bumpy, I sort of got a little jittery. "Don't worry kid, I felt the same way during my first drop," one of the Marines said.

"This bird can handle anything, she just gives us a few surprises once in a while," Another one said.

"L-like what. Wow!" I said in surprise by feeling like we were dropping.

"Like this," the first Marine said.

"Yahoo!" the second one said.

I had to admit it was pretty fun like roller coaster. Soon it felt like we were gliding again and the first Marine, who looked a lot like my friend Cody back home said, "Having fun kid? Oh, names Devon by the way."

The Marine held out his hand and not wanting to be rude I shook it and said, "I'm Chad."

"Oh, so your the kid that doctor keeps going on about. Oh, I'm Joe," the other Marine said.

"Let's go exo-packs on, exo-packs on. remember this air is not breathable and you will pass in thirty seconds, your dead in four minutes. Let no body be dead today, looks very bad on my report," another Marine said, who seemed to be the leader of all sitting on board.

Devon helped with my exo-pack and soon I was breathing as the door began to open. "Get ready to see the cool part kid," Joe said.

"Alright lets move it out," the commander said.

"Stick with us little bro. At least til you need to see the doc," Devon said.

Soon all the Marines were moving and I did my best to keep up. "That's it kid we'll make a Marine out of you yet," Joe said.

I smiled at his remark as we made it out of the shuttle. We were about halfway there when someone yelled, "Unridden Banshee!"

Devon and I looked and saw it coming toward us. Just as it was about to swoop down and grab me. Devon pulled me out of the way and brought me to the ground with him. Soon we got back up and the commander said, "Outstanding job Marine, now get Special Case inside before another one comes to grab him."

"You got it sir," Devon said.

Soon I was escorted inside and we had the safety briefing. I was finally called to see Doctor Augustine, or "The Doc", as the Marines lies to call her, and headed to the lab. There she introduced me to my Avatar, a remote control body mixed with human and Na'vi DNA, and all that other scientific whats it. I wasn't the only one who was coming on board with this. One guy with some goofy red hair, and another who looked like the Marines but was in a wheel chair were also getting one. "So Norm I hear good things about you, how's your Na'vi?" Grace asked.

Norm and Grace had a little Na'vi chat then she turns to me. "I'd like you guys to meet the youngest member I hand picked, Chad Harding," she said introducing me.

"Hi, Norm Spellman, wow, when they said a kid would come, they weren't kidding," Norm said in his goofy, nerdy way.

"Jake Sully," Said the guy in the wheel chair as he extended his hand.

I shook it for I knew this guy. "I know you, you're that guy who saved a kid's life over in Venezuela. A lot of my classmates back on earth wanted to meet you," I said.

"Well we're a long way from earth huh kid?" Jake said.

"Yep," I replied.

"Well, when we go back, you'll have some stories to tell," Jake said.

"Indeed, now, let's get you linked up to your Avatars," Grace said.

She led us to the lick room, and asked us how much time we logged with our avatars. I laughed when Jake said zip. And soon he and Norm were linked. their Avatars were soon out the door, so I wondered if I would be that quick.

As I laid into my link chamber, I relaxed myself. I had done this before so it was no different. As I went through the link tunnel, I felt as if something else had tapped into my head. All of the sudden everything was white. But I felt I was somewhere I knew. "Hello my child," said a female voice.

"Mother," I said without second thought.

"Yes dear I have had you pass through my eye in a very special way, when you wake, you will have a new body, and when the tie is right that body will be yours permanently, and you will have a great future ahead," Mother said.

"I am ready," I told her.

"I'll see you when you must return my child," she replied.

Soon, I was awake and felt different. "How? This is impossible? His avatar should be out cold," a distant voice said.

"Check his vital signs," another voice said.

Soon I heart the sound of my heart beat and saw the doctors staring at me. "What's going on? Why is everyone freaking out?" I asked.

"Wait we got something, he's back on the other end," The doctor said.

I tried to get an answer, but none came. So we went through the basics and soon I was out the door and meeting up with Jake, Norm and Grace. "Hey, there's sleeping beauty," Jake said as he gave me a nuggie.

So we went about the day, doing what we needed and I picked up a few things from Jake as we trained.

End of Chapter one. Hope you enjoyed it. So they have a kid in the mix this time, and it seems Eywa has some plans for him. How will Chad help the team? What will become of him? And where will his journey on Pandora take him. Let's find out. I do not own the movie or Characters, just the OC's. I will update when I can. Let me know what you think.