
*Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha and Company. Rumiko Takahashi does. (Except Koneko, she's mine.)

Koneko carefully traced the pattern of a spider that remained on her neck as she stared into the mirror. It was fully healed now, white instead of the angry red it had been for so long. But it still was clear against her skin.

Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her and kissed the other side of her neck. "It will go away."

"I know," she said, dropping her hand to lean back into him. "Your mom thinks it might fade in a year." A normal scar would have faded quicker, a combination of demon healing and magic, but Naraku's acid was more difficult to heal.

He hummed in agreement, and they stood in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. But all too soon, they heard pounding on the door and Inuyasha's voice on the other side.

"Would you two hurry the fuck up? You're going to be late!"

Koneko groaned. "Why does he even care? He hates plays."

"I believe Kagome is coming over."

"Ah. Now it makes sense."

They pulled apart to finish getting ready for Yuuko's latest play. It was rare that they had break at the same time as her performances, and their university was too far away to make a lot of weekend trips, so they were both excited to go. It was the first time since that first night when everything had changed.

They passed Kagome on their way out. She waved. "Don't forget we're meeting up with the others tomorrow."

"Like I'd forget with Ayame texting me every five minutes," Koneko laughed. "Have fun with the puppy."

"Oi!" they heard Inuyasha yell, but they just laughed.

Sesshoumaru held the car door open for her like the gentleman he was before climbing into the driver's seat. But he didn't turn on the ignition right away. Instead he thought for a moment before turning to her.

"The last play was about me centuries ago. I hope this isn't a repeat."

Koneko smiled. "As long as you didn't spend a lot of time around Oscar Wilde, I think you'll be safe."

He shook his head, but still seemed thoughtful. "Time moves strangely. The biggest changes in my life didn't occur over centuries, but weeks."

She nodded and grabbed his hand. "I think we can wait another century or so before the next big change though."

He smiled. "Agreed."

*I can't believe I actually finished this story. Promising to and actually doing it are two very different things. So with this, I retire from Inuyasha, at least for a while. I want to thank everyone who stuck around those years I fell off the map, and everyone who joined me later. I've grown so much since I started this at least five years ago. Thanks again for reading!