Standing Up

*Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha and Company. Rumiko Takahashi does. (Except Koneko, she's mine.)

Koneko was bored in class. She really wasn't interested in Science. When she grew up, she wouldn't need it. Once again, her mind wandered to what she would do. Her mom could get her a part in a play. Yuuko always had an influence in the theater as she would get leads very often. It would be simple for her to get a part for Koneko. But there was another option. She would be an awesome translator. Her gift helped with that. Whenever she looks at someone, she learns all the languages they know. Koneko wasn't sure if anyone else knew about this gift but her mom. When she was really young, she remembered her mom telling her to keep something a secret. There is nothing else to hide so it had to be this. Right?

Her head snapped up when the door opened. A tall, mature-looking young man with shocking white hair and gold eyes entered the room with a handful of books. As soon as her eyes landed on him, a familiar feeling came over her. Koneko frowned at her desk; she thought that by now she wouldn't go through this again. She had gotten all the languages that she could get her hands on, even most of the animal ones! But this one, it was very similar to dog. But he's human, how could he know dog? There were other people in the school that knew animal languages. That is the most confusing part of her gift.

Sesshoumaru quickly scanned the room before subtly sniffing. As an Inu demon, he could tell by that sniff that: there were five demons (two girls, three boys) and 27 humans (14 girls, 13 boys) in the class, and of those 32, most of the girls and (to his horror) one boy became aroused upon his entrance. The teacher nodded at him and turned to the class, "This is our new student, Sesshoumaru Taisho. Let's go around and introduce ourselves."

He cursed his mother silently for making him go here as he had to watch one boy stand up while trying to conceal the bulge in his pants. Just because he looked the right age, doesn't mean he should go to school. He already knew this stuff due to his many years of life. Sesshoumaru was aware that this was his mother's idea for him to find a girl. As he gazed disdainfully at the eager girls who wanted to get at him, he decided it would be a failed attempt. He definitely didn't want a girl that threw herself at him.

What caught his eye was one girl who didn't even look at him. She was just staring at her desk like she was avoiding eye contact. When it came to her turn to state her name, she just sat there. "Miss Niseika!" the teacher yelled. The girl jumped and then blushed when she realized it was her turn. "Koneko," she said, just loud enough that the humans could hear.

Sesshoumaru was slightly vexed when she went back to ignoring him. Immediately, he scolded himself. 'You just thought a moment ago that you didn't want a girl who was obsessed with you. Now here is one that obviously isn't, and you think she isn't paying enough attention to you!'

When everyone was done introducing themselves (some more eager than others), the teacher assigned him the only empty seat, the one next to the girl Koneko. As he sat, he heard her huff in frustration. She wasn't avoiding eye contact anymore at least. When Sesshoumaru looked over, she was smiling. "Nice to meet you," she whispered. "Sorry about that. I was a little distracted." He was confused now. Distracted by what? He knew he sometimes had an effect on people, but she didn't seem affected. What is with this girl?

Koneko had been concentrating so hard on the new language that she didn't notice it was her turn. She was completely embarrassed. When he sat down next to her, she was disappointed that she lost concentration in exploring the language. Taking a moment, she finally looked at her new table partner. When she saw how cute he was, she understood the envious looks she was getting. With white hair and golden eyes, it was hard not to think so.

"So," she continued after class. She had offered to show him around school as he was new. "Is that natural?" Koneko asked while gesturing to his hair and eyes. When they turned the corner, something caught her eye. "I'm guessing that's your brother," she said pointing to a white-haired kid in the center of a crowd. Taking in what was happening, she got mad. The people were the bullies in the school, Naraku and his friends. They were causing him to trip and drop his stuff.

Koneko marched over to them with Sesshoumaru following. He wanted to help his brother, who he had gotten close with during the last hundred years, but was curious to what she would do. He could tell Inuyasha was getting stressed. When he does, he tends to reveal his ears. If her idea didn't work, he would have to step in.

"Naraku!" she yelled. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Naraku smiled at the ignorant girl. She didn't know he was a half-demon and had to be treated this way. Of course, he was a half-demon too, but his friends didn't need to know that. This particular girl he had tried to go out with, but she denied him. She was the only person to deny him, which is why he liked her. His friends had made comments about his interest, but they were easily put back in their place. "Koneko," he said. "Are you here to take me up on my offer?"

"Absolutely not!" she fumed. "I wouldn't go out with a jerk like you! Now, why are you bullying him?"

He smirked, "Because he is new and has to learn. I know you find me irresistible, just admit it."

Her growl was impressive to the demons as she went to punch him. She yelped when Naraku easily grabbed her fist and spun her around so her back was to his chest. He put his lips to her ear and whispered, "There now. Isn't this nice? Told you she liked me," he continued louder.

"You bastard, let me go!"

"Not just yet," he teased. "Say you'll go out with me and I will."

"Never!" Koneko hissed and she struggled in his grasp.

"Enough of this," Sesshoumaru said as he stepped forward. "Let go of her."

Naraku was furious when he saw it was a demon who stepped up. From the looks of it, he was related to the half-demon they had been tormenting. "What do you want, old-timer?" he asked on account of his appearance and actual age. He could tell this was an old demon who shouldn't be in school at this point.

Sesshoumaru gazed at him coldly as he spoke, "You may have deceived your friends, but you can't fool me."

Naraku's eyes widened as he released Koneko and backed away. He and his friends left the half-demon alone and went to look for other victims. Sesshoumaru and Koneko helped pick up Inuyasha's books before she asked, "What was it you threatened him with?"

Instead of making something up, Sesshoumaru smirked and said, "I have no idea."

Koneko laughed, "I think you'll really like my friends."

During lunch, she introduced the two Inu to her friends. "Guys, this is Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. They're new here. Boys, this is Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kouga, Ayame, and Kagome. I think we'll get along just fine."

And she was right. After hearing the story of what happened, they were immediately accepted into the group.

"It's awesome that someone finally stood up to him," Sango exclaimed.

"What about Koneko?" Inuyasha asked, confused.

Koneko rolled her eyes. "He's been desperate to go out with me. That's an unfair advantage."

"You have to admit," Kagome pointed out, "sometimes it's a good thing."

"Ugh, yes," Koneko agreed. "But most times the bad outweighs the good."

As the school year continued, they all became good friends. Sesshoumaru was surprised at how much he enjoyed it despite being hundreds of years too old. 'If this keeps up,' he thought, smirking at a joke someone told, 'I might actually have to thank mother.' Then he caught Naraku glaring at him from the corner of his eye. 'Or maybe not.'

Slowly, but steadily, Sesshoumaru fell for Koneko...