This next chapter is dedicated to a friend and fellow fanfic writer, Kamen Rider Bushido, who tragically passed away on June 1st due to a brain tumor. I favorited a few of his stories and was inspired to do more episodic fics by him. Thanks for everything man.

Locked within her office, Detective Rumiko searched thoroughly through the folders containing the notes and evidence from the several known cases that occurred during the past few months. Ever since she had the misfortune of meeting Fran Madaraki she was no stranger to the weird happenings that occurred in Amidahara. However, these new cases were even stranger, to the point that not even Fran herself had a definite answer. People mutating into monsters and attacking people within their line of sight, a legion of robots that seem to be taking orders from an unseen organization, and finally masked heroes who appear to fight these monsters as if it were tokusatsu filming without cameras.

The biggest case of them all was the case of the dragon monster that killed several people in its rampage, including an officer. Moments after the killings, a bizarre electrical storm rattled the city, greatly affecting electrical devices. It was also suggested that the electric storm was what caused one of the train cars to run on its own before going off rail and crashing into the street. The oddest thing though was that the night of the electric storm was also the same night Aoi Tatsu vanished and his grandparents were killed. Was it some type of coincidence?

Sighing, she took a her cup of coffee and drank down what was left of it. Setting it back down, she packed up the files back into the folder and walked out of her office. For now, they didn't have much of anything to work with. They just needed to wait for another attack and hope to get more evidence there. And knowing how things were looking as they were now, it would happen very soon.

And how right she was. Passing by a televisions owned by the station, she turned and stopped as she saw a breaking news report on a monster attack happening in a convention center.

"Criminy. Another one," Rumiko frowned, adjusting her eyes. Looking around in the station, she saw to her shock that all of the officers hadn't made an attempt to prepare for emergency. It didn't like anyone was moving at all. They were all just walking around doing their business as if the there was nothing urgent going around. "Hey! Don't you all know that there's another monster attack happening right now?! What's wrong with you?!"

"Didn't you hear, Detective?" one of the cops told her, "We've been ordered to stand down. Another unit is on route and is going to handle these cases from now on?"

"Huh?" Rumiko asked, "What other unit?"

"Hardline Delta." Rumiko's eyes widened at the name.

"Hardline Delta..." Rumiko frowned, "So they've decided to jump in now, hm?"

Opening Theme: It's Time to Say Goodbye by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams

Royal Knights Saga

Episode 21: Lightning, Ice and Venom

(Insert Song - Confrontation - Guyver: the Bioboosted Armor)

"Who... who are you?" Kurumu demanded. It was only a short moment when she, Moka, and the other girls were getting mixed up in the crowd and lost sight of Shinichi, Netto, Fran and the rest of the group. They somehow winded up on the roof of the arena, where the cause of the sudden transportation stood before them calmly. That wasn't the only thing though. Her senses were giving off clear warning signs. They were telling her that this guy, whoever he was, was dangerous.

Aoi gave a shrugged, "I'm not surprised you all don't recognize me. I do look much more different than before." He turned to Moka and gave an apologetic look, "Sorry about your legs, Moka-sempai. It looks like it wasn't permanent though."

The vampire's eyes widened. The only other one who could've known about that night was... "...Aoi-kun?" The gem on her rosary slowly began to glow red.

"Aoi? Aoi Tatsu?" Ruby asked. "Isn't he that friend you told us about?"

"But you said he was short and scrawny!" Yukari said incredulously, pointing at him. "And this guy looks like hot stuff!"

"Yeah, the benefits of the Freak Chips," Aoi nodded. "I can alter my appearance however I wish. Just one of the few things I've learned I can do."

"Why are you here?" Mizore demanded, "Why did you come back?"

"I just wanted to see the Gunpla tournament. I even had a Gunpla of my own to compete. In case you've forgotten, I still do enjoy Gunpla," he gave a small frown, "But to activate a Freak here of all places. The one responsible for that is going have a little talk with me. I didn't even get to show off my new model!"

"Wow, he really wanted to be here," Kiko muttered.

"Aoi-kun, why did you join up with Shinichi's enemies?" Qiao asked.

"Why do you think?" he answered. "Because I have nowhere else to go. And before you say that I could've moved in Fran-san's place, don't. It isn't that simple." He swept his hand over his hair, "Anyway, my orders are to keep you from interfering. Shinichi-sempai should be meeting up with an old friend very soon."

"You're here to stall us!" Kurumu accused.

"Guilty as charged," Aoi shrugged. His eyes flashed with lightning. "Just so you know, I'm not that little wimp anymore." He struck a battle pose confidently, completely unlike the Aoi they knew. Moka's fists clenched as her eyes flashed red and she gripped her rosary seal. She strode over to Aoi. "Huh, Moka-sempai?"

She swiftly plucked the cross from her choker, causing her to transform into her true form. A demonic aura rose from her body like a flame as her hair turned silver, her eyes narrowed and turned blood red, and her figure became curvier while at the same time becoming more suited for battle.

"AOI TATSU!" Inner Moka roared as she dashed at Aoi and swung her leg to land a kick. Aoi raised his forearm to block blocking the leg. The resulting impact created a shockwave, nearly blowing everyone else from their feet as they shielded themselves and held onto their skirts.

"Huh, so it seems that Ms. Hyde is still pissed off," Aoi grimaced, kicking the vampire away from him. "I was warned about that, though."

"I guess if we want to get to Shinichi, we need to go through him," said Kurumu as she turned into her true form, spreading her wings and lengthening her claws. Mizore did the same, covering her arms with ice to form claws as her hair turned into ice as well. Ruby and Yukari grimaced as they both summoned their wands from their sub-space pockets.

"Yeah, what fun. Woo hoo," Qiao deadpanned, her hair turning gold and fox tails appearing out of her backside. Kiko also transformed into her Night Elf form as her elf magic enveloped her, while Usha changed into her Lilim form as a black and red bubble changed her form as well. A magic circle appeared before her and she reached into it, pulling out her scythe and clenching it in her hands.

Aoi saw the gathered monster girls and smiled before he punched Inner Moka in the chest, sending her reeling. She quickly stood her ground as she stood in front the others, getting into a battle stance as glared at Aoi. He dusted his hands together and said, "Try and get through me then. Oh, how did Sempai always say it?" His eyes glowed as a blue Chinese dragon face tattoo appeared on his face. "Oh, right. Henshin." Lightning and wind surrounded his body before completely enveloping him. From within, parts of sapphire armor began to snap onto him one by one. It dispersed to reveal his Seiryu Freak form which was truly frightening. Everyone with the exception of Yukari and Ruby could still remember the last time they faced this form and how they could barely hurt it. Even worse, now Aoi was in control of this form.

The Seiryu Freak pointed his hand to the sky, causing storm clouds to gather and swirl above them. Lightning crackled within the clouds as he glared at the girls. A bolt of lightning fell but the Seiryu Freak caught it in his hand, forming it into his main weapon. It resembled an odachi and its hilt was wrapped in a blue wrapping, outlining a series of rhombs on it, ending in a light pommel and had a similarly light, mildly prominent fuchi, a metal disk separating the hilt from the handguard. The handguard itself took the form of a tsuba, a flat plate perpendicular to the hilt, which had its two faces covered in intricate decorations, and possessed a mildly rounded, elongated shape with four points curving inward, generating soft nooks, which made the tsuba itself vaguely reminiscent of a stylized four-leaf clover. The weapon came with a matching saya, a lacquered scabbard, which was dark navy in color, ending in a light shape, and had a decorative rope tied around its middle part in a ribbon, with two edges left hanging.

"Blade of the Thunder Gods, Raijinken," the Seiryu Freak boasted, stamping the top of the sheath in front of him and using it like a cane, both hands on the hilt. His voice had become almost distorted and mechanical, "Truly an awesome weapon. The power of this blade is enough to destroy a city with one swing. Perhaps a demonstration is in order."

The Seiryu Freak's eyes narrowed as he chose his target with his newly enhanced vision. In the far distance, he could see his old school. His anger rose at the memories he had of that place. Of how he was bullied each day. It was time to erase that place from this world.

It was a "blink and you'll miss it" moment. He readied his blade and gripped his hand on the hilt, causing the girls to flinch. Then his arms suddenly went into a blur of motion, almost as if they hadn't moved at all. And then, there was a loud boom in the distance. Turn to the direction, the girls all looked on in shock as the saw a cloud of black smoke rising up from the distance. Presumably, it was where the Seiryu Freak had aimed all along.

The school was no more and only a smoking crater was left in its wake.

"...Holy shit," Kiko simply sputtered.

The Seiryu Freak laughed, "This is my power! My power to destroy everything that made my life miserable! I have been reborn as the new God of Thunder!"

"Be silent," Inner Moka ordered sternly, stopping the Seiryu Freak's rant. "You're just like every other human. You're like this because you're drunk with power. But take it away, and you're still just a miserable human."

"Is that a fact?" the Seiryu Freak glared at her, "Moka-sempai, my eyes have been opened. In this world, the strong do what they wish and the weak have to struggle to survive. It is the weak who must take what they can in order to stand up to the strong. You simply don't understand that because you've always been top tier." He pointed his sword at them. "Enough talk. Let's go."

Inner Moka cracked her knuckles before charging at him again. Qiao shook her head in exasperation as she ran in after her. The Seiryu Freak watched as both S-Class monsters charged at him, getting ready to strike.

(End Song)

Only minutes after the chaos erupted in the stadium and Netto found himself separated by the others. The last thing he remembered seeing was Shinichi being dragged away by that Scorpion Freak. And then he got pushed and shoved within the crowd as everyone struggled to escape. Due to his small size, it was quite easy for himself to get lost. Now he's venturing through a staircase to figure out another way to navigate through the arena. At least now that he's alone he could call the others to find where they were. He just hope they were alright. Recently a Freak attack meant that the perpetrators where very close.

His ears picked up the sound of something flying through the air. Acting fast, he quickly jumped back to the base of the stair flight. As soon as he did, a long spear shot out of the air and sank into the steel. The weapon in question was a green metal rod with golden accents swirling around it. The blade that was impaled on the stairway was curved and thin and appeared to be coming out of the maw of a golden snake head. As he looked at the spear in surprise, someone dropped down and landed gracefully on it, standing on one leg with the other one folded behind it while placing their hands on their hips, looking down at him. To Netto's surprise, that person was another Rider, and a female one at that. She wore a black bodysuit worn over with green segmented torso armor and covered in scales to look like a snake's hide with gold trimming. Her green shoulder armor resembled that of vipers skulls. She wore green reptilian scaled gauntlets with white colored scaled armored gloves that were tipped with razor sharp claws and small nozzles on each wrist. She also wore steel-plated metallic shin high boots with blue-colored armored knee pads. Finally, she was wearing a green helmet with silver mouthguard framed by 'fangs' and had blue eye pieces. What Netto noticed most of all was that she had on a Battle Driver around her waist, just like Shinchi. "Sorry, but can't let you interfere," the female Rider said.

"Who are you?" Netto demanded, standing tensely.

(Insert Song - Dazzling War - WitchBlade)

"Me? I suppose you can call me Nuwa. At least everyone does," Kamen Rider Nuwa said nonchalantly. She hopped off her staff in a backflip before landing and pulled out her weapon. She spun her weapon around her before holding it over her shoulders. "You and I going to have a little dance while Dusk does his thing."

"What?" Netto frowned.

"Come on, now. Don't play dumb," Nuwa said, slowly striding down the stairs with her hips swaying. "I've been watching you with Dusk you know. You know, it's took me by surprise to see someone as cute and malleable as you being able to cut down all of those Freaks. Then again, most girls do like a strong man, don't they? Maybe that's why those girls like hanging around you so much? Strong and soft all in one package. That's not a bad deal, you know."

"So you set up that Freak attack just to get me alone with you?" Netto asked.

"Hm? Oh, no no no!" Nuwa laughed. "That would be Ispolin's doing. I think he should be meeting up with Dusk right now." She gave a mock gasp as she covered her mouth, "Oh dear, looks like I've said too much. Oh well, I guess I have to kill you now!" She lunged forward, raising her spear for a strike. Netto quickly rolled to the side, quickly avoiding two more slashes as soon as he got back up. A sharp kick to the side knocked him back to onto the wall, causing him to groan slightly as he felt the impact. He ducked from another kick as Nuwa's foot carved into the wall. He flipped on to the top of the stairs and activating his Cyber Reactor. He spun around to face Nuwa, arms crossed before he pumped them back.



Laughing, Nuwa jumped up into the air with a spin before coming down at the transformed Mega, armed with his Photon Debugger. Both blades clashed wildly with sparks flying about, Nuwa thrusting sharply like a striking viper and Mega struggling to keep up. He pushed his blade down against her's, forcing them into a deadlock. "How about we make a game out of this?" Nuwa asked, leering at his helmet. "If I win, I get to take you home hand have my wicked way with you!"

"And if I win?" Mega dared to ask,

"What makes you think I'll let you?" Nuwa kicked her leg on the blades, breaking the deadlock, and followed by stomping her heels onto Netto's chest. From the impact, Mega slammed into the wall with a hack. Nuwa gave a skip and a hop before flipping onto his head, spinning him around before hooking her legs tightly around his neck. Mega grimaced as he struggled to break her legs loose, only for them to tighten even further. Nuwa grinned as she caressed his helmet. "Well?" she asked as she leaned upside-down, visors facing each other, "Doesn't that feel good?" She didn't even wait for a response as she pulled herself back and shifted her momentum to spin him around again. Releasing her legs, she sent him tumbling down the stairs. Mega grunted painfully as he rolled down and slammed into a wall. Struggling, he got back on his feet and rubbed his neck.

"This girl... is nuts..." he coughed to himself.

Nuwa giggled mirthfully, stabbing her spear on the ground so that it could stand. In a flash of light, it vanished completely. "Are you having fun? I know I am." She gave a soft, seductive moan as she ran her hands up and down her body suggestively. "Just seeing you struggling and squirm is already getting me hot~," walking down the stairs, she pulled out a Battle Chip that had the image of a fail. She placed it on top of her the slot of her Battle Driver and pressed it down.

"Scorpion Flail On! OK!"

In her hands, a black mace with small silver spikes materialized. It was connected to an electrical chain and a black hilt. She gripped the electric chain, and surprisingly didn't get zapped from it, as she began to swing the ball over her head. The blunt weapon was making loud whooshing noises as it swung around.

"Before you try to kill, let me ask you something," Mega began.

"What do you want to know?" Nuwa asked, cocking her head slightly.

"What are your plans for Aoi Tatsu and Shinichi?"

"You mean Seiryu? Sorry, but we haven't been told much about him. Besides, I could care less about Dusk right now. I'm just here to play with you," Nuwa continued walk down to him, like a cat stalking it's prey. Mega frowned as he readied his sword, gripping it with both hands, slowly backing away. He was running out of room to fight, and the ball and chain would only make things more complicated. From what he could tell, this Rider was an experienced martial artist and a weapons master. At least she had to be if she could use that flail like nothing.

Without warning, she struck, swinging the ball right him. Mega parried the ball against his blade, adjusting its path and slamming it into a wall sideways from them. Seeing a dent made from the impact, he gulped. That weapon was thick! Nuwa laughed as she rushed at Mega, swinging her Scorpion Flail from side to side. Mega was forced to retreat to a lower flight. He was already swinging his sword out, ready to counterattack, and blocked another blow from the flail. Nuwa retreated back and Netto went after her. It turned out to be a mistake went the steel ball flew from under her legs and struck his chest. The hit knocked him backwards, back down the bottom. He still managed to stand his ground as his legs buckled from the landing. Preparing herself, she swung her flail over her head again before launching it out. The energy chain quickly wrapped around the Photo Debugger, tying it tightly. Mega growled as he tried to wrestle his sword out of the energy chain, but to no avail. Nuwa twisted and gave a sharp tug, taking the sword out of his hands and sending it plumbing down to the abyss of the stairways. He grimaced again, looking at his falling sword as it made clashing sounds as it fell. Nuwa to the chance as she swung her flail around her before kicking the ball towards Mega. The ball struck his chest as he was knocked off his feet and sent over the stairs.

Mega gagged from the hit, coughing slightly as he looked up. "Alright... I might need to change up my strategies a bit," he groaned.

"HAH! Nuwa shouted, jumping down with her flail swinging. Mega gaped, instinctively spreading out his legs as the ball swung down. His instincts were right as the mace smashed right between his legs, creating a loud gong sound that rattled his eardrums. Mega clenched his teeth and covered his ears as the sound echoed loudly. Underneath him, the floor began to crumble. Before he could catch himself, the floor caved in and Mega ended up falling through.

"Huh, I guess we were both lucky," Nuwa mused, "It'd be a shame if his family jewels got crushed. I still wanna have that taste." She gave a short laugh as she jumped into the hole after Mega.

(End Song)

As all of this was going on, there was another faction making movement towards the arena.

"This is Hardline Delta HQ reporting to all units... a terrorist attack is taking place in the Fudo International Arena. Reports say that another monster attack has disrupted a Gunpla tournament. The attack is still at large and the monster has taken one of the participants hostage. I repeat; the monster has taken one of the participants hostage."

Several black armored vans skidded in front of the arena, each one bearing the mark of a yellow eagle with the letters H and D on each wings. The vans opened up and several men and women dressed in brown military style shirts and pants with black boots, gloves, and black protective helmets which concealed their faces stormed out of the vans. There was one other vehicle, a black car with the yellow eagle marking on the hood, skid before the soldiers to a stop. The door opened, and out stepped out another man. He was dressed in the same uniform as the other soldiers, but rather than a helmet, he wore a black cap. He was tall and imposing, clearly having a lot of muscle. His skin was tan, and he had brown eyes. His hair was green and long, tied in a small ponytail. From the way the soldiers were standing before him all attentive, he was the leader.

"Captain Kurogane, sir!" one of the soldiers announced.

Kurogane gave the order, "Search the arena. Get whoever is left out of there!"

"Sir, yes sir!" the soldiers obeyed.

A sudden flash of lightning interrupted the soldiers before they moved out. Looking up, the saw random flashes of lightning striking the rooftop, along with other flashes of energy that erupted outward. Since it was so high up, no one could see what was happening. Kurogane frowned. What was going on? "I need a chopper up there."

(Insert Song - KILL wa ILL - Kill la Kill)

Meanwhile, the girls were still in the middle of their confrontation with Seiryu and things were not looking so well for the young monster ladies.

Both Kurumu and Mizore tried to get a rush in, only for a gust of wind to suddenly blast them backwards. Kiko tried to give it a go by shooting her arrows. A bolt of lightning suddenly came down in front of her, blinding her as she was forced to shield herself from the sudden burst of electricity. Qiao dashed behind him and swung her tails rapidly at the Freak, golden blurs shooting out at him. A barrier of lightning appeared around him, blocking the tails from striking him. The barrier expanded and knocked the fox girl back, punting her onto the fence that surrounded the rooftop. This fight was a painful reminder on how their last confrontation had gone. The only difference was that Aoi Tatsu was now in control of his Freak form. What was really unnerving was that he could destroy an entire building and was just holding back against them.

Inner Moka leapt at Seiryu and landed a kick to his chest which barely made him buge. Unfortunately, it did no damage. She was irked by this development as her pride as a vampire would not allow herself to accept that she was not as strong as an artificial monster like the one Aoi Tatsu had allowed himself to become.

"I really don't want to kill you since it would make Shinichi-sempai sad," Seiryu said to the female monsters as his horns began to sparkle. Inner Moka gave a gasp as she suddenly felt herself being levitated into the air, lightning surrounding her body. In a swift movement, she was thrown into Kurumu, knocking the both of them down.

A blast of intense cold wind slammed into Seiryu and in a matter of seconds he was frozen solid in a block of ice. There was no time to rest as the ice quickly broke apart in thousands of pieces. Seiryu gave off a sigh as he dusted the ice shards from his shoulders.

"Really? Freezing me? Did you really think that would work on me?" asked Seiryu pointedly.

"If it was meant to distract you, then yes it was!" Seiryu's eyes widened as he quickly jumped upward, avoiding a blade that was aimed at his midsection. He tucked and rolled into the air, before landing back to the ground. He turned and saw Usha with her scythe gripped in her hands, glaring at the dragonian beast. "So we're doing that now huh?"

"Now!" Ruby's voice called. Vines and vegetation quickly wrapped around Seiryu, covering his body into a green cocoon. That was all it managed to do before the vines were cut in half. Green juice spilled out as the vines opened up and fell to the ground.

"Why are we even fighting?" Seiryu asked. "We should be friends. The people you are protecting from me, with a small exception, the majority would fear and hate you for what you are. They won't care that you protect them. To them, you are like me. We are all monsters in their eyes."

"Well, you have a point there," Kurumu said begrudgingly. "But I highly doubt the people you're working for are any better!"

"That is why we will change the world. Make everyone a monster just like us, then nobody will be pushed around. Nobody will be ostracized for being different. We will all be the same. Isn't that much better?"

"Shut up... just shut up!" Inner Moka snapped, running towards Seiryu once more. She jumped in and thrusted her leg into his chest again, this time applying more force in her kick with a loud booming echo and pushing him back slightly.

"If you honestly think that's gonna stop me, then you're-" A flash of crimson aura surrounded Inner Moka as she began to pull in Youki, the air around her thickening. Seiryu grunted as he actually felt himself being forced back from the pressure as the vampire started increasing her power. The ground beneath them started to shatter as her aura began to grow.

"Fall... Fall!... FALL!" Inner Moka grunted under her breath.

"Impossible! You've been holding back this much the whole time!?" Seiryu gawked.

"A vampire's power is not what you think it is!" Inner Moka shouted over the roars, "It does not come from mere muscle! It is the very essence of vampire channeled into strength! To think that I am all but raw power was your greatest mistake!"

"Well that's fine! I'm good at adaptation!" Seiryu's body lit up with blue energy as an electric aura cackled around him. Red vampiric power clashed with blue dragonic lightning in a clash to see who was superior. The women present were forced to shield their eyes as the energy started to blind them.


In a bright flash of light, both Inner Moka and Seiryu were flung backwards from the power struggle. Qiao came back around, stretched one of her tails out and caught Inner Moka safely before setting her back down. "I didn't need your help," Inner Moka told the fox coldly.

"You just go knocked back from a blast of power and was nearly thrown off the roof! I don't think you're ego needs time to be mended right now," Qiao retorted.

"That wasn't a problem, I can handle this myself just fine," Inner Moka said, leering at her with a glare.

"And a hell of a job you're doing! Congratulations," Qiao said sarcastically, leering back.

"Now is no time for arguing, girls," Ruby scolded, looking at the recovering mutant dragon. "He's getting back up."

"No wonder Sempai keeps you close!" grunted Seiryu as energy crackled around his body. "Unfortunately, while a valiant effort, it still won't be enough," he added sinisterly.

"Is there anything we can do to stop this guy?" Yukari asked worriedly.

"You'd think we'd have an answer by now..." Kiko answered. "It's almost like facing down a god."

The tense staredown got interrupted by a sudden gust of wind from above them. Looking up, the fighters saw a black armored helicopter flying up above them. "This is Hardline Delta! All of you are to stop what you are doing and surrender! You're all under arrest!"

"Che! Arrest this!" the Seiryu Freak spat, electricity sparking on his horns.

A bolt of lightning came out from nowhere and blasted the tail of the helicopter. It caught fire instantly as burnt shrapnel flew about and the flying machine began spiralling out of control, the pilot struggling to fly back in control. The youkai girls all watched in dead silence as the helicopter spun around out of the sky and out of sight.

"So..." Seiryu asked, folding his arms, "Where were we?"

(Change song - Attacking The Impending Enemy - Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor)

"Argh! Let me go!" Shinichi shouted as he was still trapped in the Scorpion Freak's grip. The door they had gone through led into a stairwell and the mutated beast was going down the steps with its prey. Shinichi was gripped by the waist and any extra pressure would bisect him in an instant. Fortunately, he had Fran to put him back together. However, he really wasn't looking forward to being cut in half anytime soon.

"I said let go!" Shinichi repeated as he unleashed his arm pincers and charged them up. He aimed and fired a blast at the Scorpion Freak's face. It shrieked as it released him, sending him tumbling down the stairs to land on another level. Shinichi looking down. The only floor below them was the basement.

As the Scorpion Freak was recovering from the point blank plasma blast, Shinichi shouted tauntingly, "Hey, come and catch me! If you think you can!" He ran towards the basement with the Scorpion Freak giving chase.

The basement was filled with crates that were arranged all over the floor. The Scorpion Freak scanned its surroundings for its target. Unlike previous Freaks that only caused random and wanton destruction, the Freak Chip used to mutate this unfortunate creature had been pre-programmed with a set of instructions. The Scorpion Freak was programmed to destroy Dusk if necessary if it couldn't capture him alive due to his own resistance.

The basement wasn't properly lit and had very dim lighting, making for a very eerie atmosphere. Many people feared to venture into their own basements due to the dark as they didn't know what could be lurking there. Many ghost stories involved the basement

Sensing movement, the Scorpion Freak quickly lashed out with its tail, breaking several crates and spilling their contents. However, his target was nowhere in sight.

"Change OK! Complete Dusk!"

Dusk shouted as he jumped out of his hiding spot, slotting in two Battle Chips.

"Duskalibur On! OK! Pincers On! OK!"

The Scorpion Freak heard and turned to see Dusk lunging straight at him. With a swing of its head, it swatted Dusk out of midair and to the floor with a loud crash.

"Ow..." Dusk groaned. "Mental note: don't shout when doing a sneak attack." He rolled out of the way to avoid the claws and returned to his feet. He opened up his Pincer Claw and fired at the Scorpion Freak, knocking it back to a stack of crates. He then dashed ahead, dodging the stinger coming at him so he could slash at its chest. The Scorpion Freak shrieked in pain from the blow and lashed out with a claw, swiping Dusk across the chest in return. The stinger tail came down and Dusk was barely able to dodge as it clipped his right shoulder. As the fight with the cyborg and the mutant continued, four unwanted guests arrived down the stairs.

"Hey, Shin! Are you down here!?" Takeru yelled.

Dusk's eyes widened in surprised when he heard that voice and turned towards the stairs to see Saji, Takeru, Ranko and Fran coming down to the basement. "Oh, fuckberries!" he cursed under his breath.

The Scorpion Freak took notice of the newcomers and charged at them. Dusk tried to block him but the Scorpion Freak sprang over him to get to them. Takeru and Saji screamed at the sight while Ranko speechlessly took pictures. Fran, however, calmly took a gun out of her cloak, pointed it at the Freak and pulled the trigger, shooting the Freak in the head. At the same time, Dusk managed to grab the Freak by its tail and gave it a tug to bring it down to the ground.

(End Song)

"Alright," Dusk walked over only to stop as the Scorpion Freak started to change and revert back to human form and a perfectly healthy one too. Not a sign of drainage anywhere. "Huh?" Lying next to the human was a dead Freak Chip. "What happened?"

"Success!" Fran cheered as she ran over and scooped up the Freak Chip before putting it safely inside of a box. "I knew that serum would work!"

"What serum?" Dusk asked.

"Oh, well, remember when you had me study Tatsu-kun to find a cure to his condition? I used the data to synthesize a serum that would deactivate Freak Chips!" Fran grinned, pulling a syringe out of the boy's head. "I thought it would work and I was right!"

Saji and Takeru had collapsed to their knees as the latter uttered, "Dude, my life flashed before my eyes."

"Any regrets?" Saji asked.

"That I'm still a virgin," Takeru said.

"Of course..." Saji sighed.

A slow clapping was heard and everyone's attention turned the boy who was walking down the steps into the basement.

"Bravo, old friend. Bravo. Was not expecting that," the boy spoke in a Russian accent.

"That voice...that accent..." Dusk said as he recognized them. The man was handsome, with pale skin and limp blonde hair. His blue eyes were as cold as the smile he wore on his face. He was wearing a black leather vest with a black shirt and white pants with brown boots. He also looked rather tall and muscular too.

"So, you recognize me, yes? I heard you lost your memory or at least it's a bit fuzzy," the boy continued. "So let me introduce myself. I am Aleksei Izmaylov, or Ispolin."

"Or #08," Dusk frowned.

"Yes, #13. That is correct," Aleksei reached into his pocket and pulled out Battle Chip. There was a VIII, the Roman numeral for 8, inscribed in white. There was a flash around his waist as a Battle Driver appeared.

"Stand By! OK?"

"Henshin," he spoke, pushing his transformation chip into his belt, causing the window to glow white.

"Change! OK!"

Aleksei crossed his arms as cocoon of ice enveloped him. As it covered him completely, the cocoon began to freeze sold. A single red glow was seen from within the cocoon before it exploded in thousands of shards and mist, shielding everyone's eyes. As it cleared, a new figure stood in Aleksei's place. His armor was a mixture of black, grey and white. His body was covered in thick, clunky robotic armor that made him resemble a monstrous cross between a bear and a cyclops. Over his robotic build he had an ice-like armor covering his body. He also had a series of pipes jutting from his back. His helmet was blue with a single red eye acting as his visor. Over his helmet was an organic looking pelt resembling a polar bear head and the rest of his bodysuit was covered in polar bear like fur. His feet were covered in white steel boots. Finally, his arms were in the form gigantic pile drivers.

"Complete: Ispolin!"

(Insert Song - Offense And Defense - Guyver: the Bioboosted Armor)

"WHOA!" Takeru exclaimed in shock at the sight as his cousin continued to snap photos. Ispolin looked over and frowned.

"Sorry, but we can't have any witnesses for this," spoke Ispolin coldly as he glared at the civilians. Before he could move to attack, Dusk rushed him and knocked him down with a kick, "UGH!"

"RUN, NOW! GET OUT OF HERE!" Dusk shouted at the teenagers.

"Why should they run? An audience is better, no?" Ispolin asked. "Besides, I rarely have the chance to play and Nuwa is actually having friend with that Mega friend of yours." His circular visor glowed and he fired a beam of ice at Dusk. He jumped out of the way and the beam froze the wall behind him. Ispolin then fired ice at the floor, creating his own personal ice rink to skate on but causing Dusk to slip.

"And now my favorite sport! Skating!" declared Ispolin as skates slid out from under his boots and he skated towards Dusk. He reared a fist back as Dusk was regaining balance and bashed him hard with one of his piledriver fists. Dusk screamed as he was sent flying, crashing into the wall. Ispolin was then upon him, punching him repeatedly with his piledriver fists, driving him into the wall of the basement.

Dusk yelled as he was hit repeatedly by the punches before collapsing to his knees. Ispolin sneered at him, "Look at you. You used to be the greatest of us, but now you're on your knees. What can you do now?" He raised his fists again to perform another piledriver pummeling. "Just die, Dusk. You're an embarrassment to us."

"Gust On! OK!"

The sudden blast of wind sent Ispolin flying before he crashed to the wall on the other side of the basement. Cancelling the chip's effect, Dusk took out his Nosferatu Chip and slammed it into his Battle Driver's Activation Slot.

"Change! OK!"

Bats flew out of Dusk's belt and circled around him as a red aura surrounded him. He hovered upward a foot off the ground as the bats formed a protective cocoon around his body. The dark cocoon of bats erupted and Dusk was revealed in his Nosferatu Armor.

"Complete: Nosferatu!"

"He changed..." whispered Ranko as she took photos of Dusk's change.

Ispolin was getting back to his feet when a kick sent him crashing into the wall again, followed by a series of kicks that caused him to cry out. Then, Dusk used his feet to grab Ispolin from under his arms and flipped backwards, tossing the polar bear cyborg into the ceiling. Dusk then followed up with a haymaker to the gut and then grabbed hold of Ispolin to send him sprawling along the floor.

"An upgrade!?" Ispolin shouted.

"Courtesy of a good friend of mine," Dusk said simply. Ispolin roared and threw a destructive haymaker, but Dusk quickly ducked away from it. He then blasted freezing winds at him but was countered by Dusk's demonic aura. The air turned cold and the teens shivered not from the temperature, but due to the eerie demonic energy that saturated the air.

Dusk continued to ignore the cold as he attacked and pummelled Ispolin with a barrage of punched before finishing off with snap kick to the midsection. Dusk slid his Bloodriver Sword Chip into his belt and then the Charging Overdrive Chip to finish the fight.

"Bloodriver Sword On! OK!"

"Bloodriver Sword: Charging Overdrive!"

"Yблюдок!" cursed Ispolin, pulling out his own Battle Chip and slipping it into his belt.

"Barrier On! OK!"

A transparent barrier surrounded Ispolin just as the black blade of the Bloodriver Sword came down. The runes of the blade glowed as it grinded against the hardlight shield. Dusk grunted as he attempted to force more pressure on the sword to break the shield, but to no avail. In surge of energy, Dusk ended up being blasted back and rolling across the floor, his sword collapsing next to him.

"Ah, that was close," Ispolin said, his barrier vanishing. "It seems that you have forgotten that out of all of us, I have the highest defence. It would take more than a simple swing of that sword to stop me."

"I'll admit that my mistake was thinking that I could finish the fight quickly," Dusk said, standing up and pulling out another Battle Chip. "That's not the same mistake I'll make again!"

Ispolin suddenly punched the floor, causing it to rattle and making Dusk lose his balance. Ispolin then bent his legs and dashed forward, shoulder-tackling Dusk. Dusk lost his grip on his Battle Chip, causing it to fly up into the air before gravity took hold. Ispolin opened his palm and allowed the Chip to land into his hand.

"Your second mistake was assuming that I'd let you try to get another drop on me!" Ispolin said, slipping the chip into his belt.

"Machine Gun On! OK!"

A high tech machine gun materialized on Ispolin's right arm. Ispolin aimed his machine gun at Dusk and fired, forcing Dusk to scramble or else be riddled with bullets. He turned to the captive audience and shouted, "GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!"

"Oh, they're not going anywhere!" Ispolin aimed and Dusk quickly moved, placing himself between the teenagers and Ispolin. The bullets slammed into his armor, causing sparks to erupt as he cried out in pain.

"Oh, shit!" Takeru shouted, watching Dusk collapse from the bullet hell.

"Damn... that hurt a lot more that I thought it would..." Dusk coughed, getting back up with smoke seeping from his chest armor. The Bloodriver Sword vanished in a swarm of bats and reappeared in his hands. Glaring at Ispolin, he held his weapon tightly. Suddenly, without warning, the ceiling collapsed on them. Takeru screamed shrilly while Saji pulled him and Ranko away to take cover. Fran, luckily enough, was not crushed by the debris.

"...Huh. What?" Two figures rose from the rubble and Dusk recognized Mega being one of the two. "Mega!"

"Ugh..." Mega groaned, shaking the cobwebs out of his head. "Dusk?" he coughed. "That you?" A hand suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him against the wall.

"Forgot about me, cutie?" Nuwa giggled, walking out of the smoke and dusting her hands.

"Nuwa, what are you doing!?" Ispolin demanded. "Why haven't you killed him yet?" Nuwa rolled her eyes in response.

"Oh, you're one to talk," Nuwa retorted. "I see you're still playing with your food too." She turned to Dusk and waved, "Been a long time, hasn't it? I don't remember your armor looking like that though."

"What's it to you, Nuwa?" Dusk asked.

"Oh, you remember me! How sweet!" Nuwa giggled.

"I still have some gaps, but I only know one person who gets off on fights like you do," Dusk said.

Mega picked himself out of the dent from the wall and dusted himself off, "Round 2, bitch," he said, putting his hands on both sides of his belt. "Access: Shishi!"

"Inferno Leo!"

In a flash of red codes, Mega's blue balanced armor turned into its heavy red and orange armor. His eye pieces flashed as flames erupted around him and outward, sending a wave of heat from his body.

"Flames?!" Ispolin shouted, shielding himself.

"Huh!?" Nuwa gasped.

"Too hot!" Takeru shouted, shielding his eyes. Both Saji and Ranko both backed away from the flames, Fran in the meanwhile had on a pair of sunglasses for some reason.

"Hey, ready for some payback?" Mega asked Dusk, his flames starting to simmer.

"Better believe it!" Dusk declared boldly.

"You don't know when to give up, do you?" Ispolin frowned. "Nuwa, let's go."

"You handle your own troubles," Nuwa said as she swung her mace. Her voice seemed to be sounding out of breath, "I'm not done playing!" She gave off a battle cry as she ran towards Mega.

"Oh damn, she's about to have one her episodes again," Ispolin growled. A blow to the chest knocked Ispolin to the side, causing him to tumble over the floor.

"We have some unfinished business too," Dusk said, pointing his sword.

"право, there's that too," Ispolin said, getting back up and brandishing his fists.

"So uh... shouldn't we try to get out of here and stuff?" Takeru asked, watching the two pairs of armored fighters facing off.

"I'd rather stay here and get more shots," Ranko said, still snapping more pictures. "This is going to sell for sure!"

"The journalism profession may put people in dangerous positions, but right now the best option is to live another day," Fran said, taking Ranko by the arm and running to the stairs. "It's time to go, now!"

"Ma'ma, yes ma'am!" Saji nodded, following her with Takeru in tow.

Nuwa grunted and huffed as she swung her mace at Mega, who blocked each throw with his hard body armor. It wasn't fazing him at all and it only served to frustrate Nuwa even more.

"Alright hot stuff, how about this?!" Nuwa threw her mace to the side and pulled out another Battle Chip, slipping it into her belt.

"Hook On! OK!"

A four way claw quickly materialize on Nuwa's left arm. Pointing it at Mega, the claw opened up and fired, revealing itself to be a grappling hook. Mega quickly ducked to the side, letting the hook miss him completely. "You really have to work on your aim!"

"Who said it was meant for you?" Nuwa quipped, tugging the energy rope on the hook.

A creaking sound behind him later and Mega barely had enough time to turn around before a stack of crates came tumbling on top of him. He climbed out of the pile and looked up, just in time to see Nuwa leaping over him and shooting her hook at him. He slapped the hook away and scrambled back to his feet.

"Hyah! Hah! Ho!" Nuwa cried as she swung her hook swiftly, her strikes moving even faster than when she was using the mace. Mega was forced back as he crossed his arms to shield himself from the blows.

"Man, this girl is relentless..." Mega grimaced.

"Strike Cannon On! OK!" Large shoulder cannons equipped onto Ispolin and fired several volleys of missiles onto the target. Dusk deflected each of the missiles with his sword as he fearlessly charged forward. As soon as he came within range, he slashed and slashed the Bloodriver Sword against the large gauntlets. He doubled back from an oncoming haymaker and retaliated with a kick the midsection, the blade on his toe slashing across the armor.

"You're good at defense, I'll give you that much, but you don't have much to work with when it comes to hand-to-hand," Dusk boasted.

"Watch what you say, comrade," Ispolin warned, pulling out another Battle Chip and slipping it into his belt.

"Hammer Drive On! OK!"

The gauntlets began to glow in bright blue as the piledriver arms started vibrate rapidly. He lunged and slammed both arms against Dusk, sending him skidding out of control with sparks escaping from his feet. He gave out a scream as he was sent smashing through a wall from the force of the attack.

Coughing slightly, he climbed out of the hole and shook his head, "OK... that hurt like hell." Still dizzy, he reached out for another Battle Chip for use. As he did this, Nuwa took notice and fished out another Battle Chip, one depicting a shadowy hand. She slipped it into her belt.

"Thief On! OK!"

To Dusk's surprise, the image on his Battle Chip was seemingly pulled out and sucked into Nuwa's belt. It's job done, the chip popped out, this time depicting an image of some sort of cannon. She pulled the chip and waved it at Dusk tauntingly, "I'll be borrowing this." She plugged it back into her belt.

"Blaster Cannon On! OK!"

A familiar cannon snapped onto Nuwa's left arm. Grinning savagely under her helmet, she took aim, "Time to go BOOM!" Energy shots blasted out of the cannon and exploded around, Mega forcing him to put up a flame shield around himself as the basement began to rattle and shake.

"Nuwa, you допинг! You're going to bring down the arena if you keep doing that!" Ispolin scolded.

"Che, fine!" Mega grunted, reaching to tap his belt, "Let's see how you like this! Access: Ryu!"

"Storm Dragon!"

Now in his sleeker green form, Mega blurred out of the way just before she to take aim again. Nuwa blinked at the sudden change of the situation.

"So he's fast now?" she frowned. A green gale swooshed into view. She raised her hand and quickly grabbed a foot before it could knock her in the head.

"What the?!" Mega gawked. He was planning for a surprise attack, but didn't know she would have seen it coming.

"I've spared with Saix plenty of times. Fighting fast opponents isn't anything new for me," Nuwa said with some disappointment in her voice.

"Can Saix do this?" a sudden blast of wind erupted from Mega, catching Nuwa by surprise as she was sent flying back from the wind burst. "And next! Access: Tenma!"

"Diamond Pegasus!"

"Eat this!" Mega fired volleys of ice directly at the flying Nuwa from his gun, covering her in ice shards.

"Gwaaa! Th-this is...!" Nuwa screamed out. Mega then landed a powerful kick, shattering the ice and sending her flying. She collided against the floor, tumbling across before slamming into a wall.

"Shit! Nuwa!" Ispolin shouted.

"Pay attention!" Dusk scolded, floating a Battle Chip into his belt.

"Charging Overdrive! OK!"

Demonic energy gathered around Dusk's legs before he took a running start and leap up. Fortunately, the ceiling was just high enough to allow him to perform his attack. The gathered energy formed a pair of crimson bat wings which spread from his ankles as he performed a drop kick. That wasn't the end of it though. The powerful blunt force was complemented only by the sharp slashes of the bat wings as they connected with Ispolin.

Ispolin screamed as he was sent flying and his armor exploded before he collapsed in his human form, his transformation chip forcefully ejected from his Battle Driver to land next to him

(End Song)

Aleksei groaned, gritting his teeth as he cursed in his native tongue. "Damn..." he swore as he picked up his chip.

"Walk it off, Aleksei," Dusk said, stabbing his sword in front of him, "I suggest you don't make it worse."

"I know when I'm beat," Aleksei frowned, "I suggest you try telling that to her."

"What?" Dusk frowned, turning to Nuwa.

Nuwa slowly rose to her feet and she started to pant. Her shoulders trembled and her fingers twitched. Then, her panting started to turn into a sensual moan as she ran her hands down her breasts and they came to rest on her crotch. If one could look closely, they could see a green aura simmering around her.

"...Is she...getting turned on?" Mega asked awkwardly. Dusk grimaced.

"Now I remember. She's in her Battle Lust Mode."

Mega did a double-take, "Did you just say 'Battle Lust'?"

"She gets sexually aroused in combat either through causing pain or receiving pain in battle," Dusk explained. "And the more aroused she is, the stronger she gets."

"Her horniness makes her stronger?..." Mega echoed in disbelief. "Honestly, that would be really hot if she was not about to kick our asses right about now." A sudden blast of green energy erupted from Nuwa's direction, taking the shape of a green snake, the maw opening wide. Both Dusk and Mega jumped out of the way, avoiding the spirit snake as it exploded behind them. "Did... did she just shoot Ki at us?" Mega gawked.

"She's a highly trained fighter, even more skilled than I am," Dusk said, "And I don't think that was Ki. It looked... more refined."

"Hah... hah... it's been so long..." Nuwa moaned as her body shuddered. Her hands were outstretched from firing the blast and were slowly moving about, afterimages trailing, "The sensualite... the thrill, the pleasure... I want more... give me more...~"

"Give you... what?" Mega blinked. The next thing he knew, Nuwa was directly in front of him. He was given absolutely no time to react.

"MORE!" she roared, slamming her palms into Mega's chest. Green energy swirled around them as Mega was painfully blasted through the wall. Nuwa gave a crazed laugh as she chased after him.

"Oh shit!" Dusk shouted, seeing his partner blasted through the wall. However, that one moment distracted Dusk from Aleksei. Reacting quickly, the Russian raised his hands and summoned a quick burst of snow. Dusk shouted in shock as he shielded himself. The snow burst vanished as quickly as it came, and Aleksei was gone.

"Well, that was a thing," Dusk said to himself. He'd would worry about Aleksei later. He would come back. Right now he had to go after Mega and Nuwa.

Dusk jumped into the hole and followed the trail of carnage to the ground floor of the stadium, coming to the now abandoned arena. Still no sign of the firefly or the snake. And he could feel himself feeling drained from Nosferatu's power. He needed to hurry up and find the others. As he complicated where to go, he felt a wave of aggression rushing up behind him, fast. Turning around, he swiveled around several swings from an iron bo staff before blocking a blow with his fist and knocking out of the hands of his attacker. The attacker then switched to sending a flurry of kicks, forcing Dusk into an defencive again, blocking with counterkicks. Dusk had only enough time to knock the cap from the attacker before he got knocked back from a kick to the chest. Standing up straight, Dusk could see that the aggressor was a tall man with tanned skin, green hair tied in a ponytail, and a brown military style uniform, and he was pointing a gun at him.

"What are you?" the man asked in a stern voice. "What do you want?"

"You know, it would impolite to not introduce yourself after you tried to attack me from behind," Dusk frowned.

"I am Kagemaru Kurogane, seventh commander of Hardline Delta," the man now known as Kagemaru introduced, "Now answer my questions."

"Right... well, I doubt you'd understand," Dusk said offhandedly as he turned to the opposite direction.

"Stop!" Kagemaru shouted in a firm voice, making Dusk freeze and turn his head, "I'm bringing you in."

"That won't be happening," Dusk shrugged, "I've never been good at following orders." He bent his legs and leapt high into the air, landing on one of the rails which were bound to a balcony. While taken aback at first, Kagemaru quickly regained his posture and fired shots from his gun. Dusk got off the rail and ran sideways across the balcony. Kagemaru continued shooting until Dusk was out of his sight. Frowning, he holstered his gun.

"Captain!" a small unit came up behind Kagemaru and saluted. "What happened, sir?"

"Follow me!" he lead his team up the nearest stairs to chase after Dusk.

The door exploded with green energy and Mega was sent crashing through it. He tumbled across the floor and crashed into a wall. He quickly swerved to the left to avoid getting with with a heavy blow. He bobbed and weaved around the punches as they glowed with green streaks. He quickly cartwheeedl out of the way, trying to gain more ground.

"Ahh... how totally delicious you must be to make me like this," Nuwa moaned. "I really don't wanna break you in too bad, but I just can't control myself anymore~," she cupped her hands in front of her and shot green energy blasts toward him. Thinking fast, Mega enveloped his wings around him to shield himself as the energy shots exploded against them. He gritted his teeth as he felt the blasts rattle his shield. In a split second, he raised his wings, blowing away the green energy blasts, and beat his wings to blast a wind of icy air. Nuwa, caught off guard, shielded herself from the wind.

"Back off!" Mega shouted, shooting an icy burst from his hands towards Nuwa. Nuwa about to make her move when...

"Big Shield On! OK"

A large blue hardlight-shield appeared before Nuwa, blocking the ice blast and covering the walls in ice from the recoil. Mega quickly stopped his attack as soon as he took notice. Seeing that happen, the shield vanished and revealed who was responsible.

This new person, unsurprisingly, was a Kamen Rider as well. From her figure and stature, this new Rider was clearly female. She was also very tall, easily towering over Nuwa slightly and was a head taller than Mega. The bodysuit was black and the armor is bright blue. The torso armor had gold nodes on the abdomen, collarbone, and the oval-shaped shoulder pads. Green gems were placed on both sides of the shoulderpads. Her gauntlets were short, reaching the center of her forearms, and were also trimmed in gold. Her boots were blue and gold with gold diamond shaped shin-guards and had pointed heels. Her helmet was styled after a Roman ridge helmet, with blue plating, red compact eyes, and a mouthguard that resembles a small beak, making it look like the face of an owl, with the Roman numeral IV on the forehead. Around her waist was a long white and gold wiremesh skirt with the center slit opened to allow easy movement, accompanied by the Battle Driver all of Shinichi's comrades came with.

"What's the big deal, Athena?' Nuwa demanded, fuming, "I had him!"

"We've been compromised," Athena answered her in what sounded like a thick Greek accent. "There are soldiers already moving here and Ispolin has failed. We need to retreat for now."


"We must leave now," she turned Mega and gave a scoff, "And you are supposed to be Dusk's newest partner. I'm surprised you made it this far. Don't become cocky though; it's in man's nature to fall." She didn't even what for him to retort as she pulled out another Battle Chip and slipped it into her belt.

"Tornado On! OK!"

A stormy wind gust surrounded them, forcing Mega to shield himself from being blown away. As soon as the wind cleared. They were gone.

"Netto!" Dusk came running out of the broken door and ran up next to Mega. "What happened?"

"Nuwa and another girl called Athena made a break for it," Mega told him. He noticed a slight heavy breathing in Dusk voice. "...You OK? You don't look to hot."

"It's... nothing," Dusk told him, shaking his head. "Do you know where the girls are?"

"I wish I..." a loud bang interrupted them. The ceiling above them shook as dust and debris fell on them. "The roof!" Mega realized.

Seiryu was starting to get board. He knew he was much stronger than he used to be, but this was just asinine. What to do now? His opponents were starting to get tired. His answer came when his horns sparked, but not from an incoming attack. It was a message being sent from a separate frequency.

"Understood," Seiryu responded. He then addressed the monster girls, "It would appear our time is up, ladies."

"Running away?" Inner Moka taunted. She and the girls were exhausted and their clothes had cuts in them.

"On the contrary, this is a tactical withdrawal. My job was to stall you and now that I am not needed, it is time for me to go," Seiryu said as he surrounded himself in a tornado that obscured him from view.

"You're not getting away!" Kurumu shrieked as she flew and slashed at Seiryu, only for her claws to hit nothing but air as he vanished. "Dammit!"

"Ah mou! This is the worst!" Kiko groaned.

"And how would that be? We're lucky that he went easy on us," Ruby said.

"It's not that! He tore up our clothing in the fight!" she frowned as she pulled her skirt, "Doesn't he realize how expensive this is?!"

"Really? That's what you're worried about?" Mizore sighed.

"If you have outfits like mine, you'd be complaining too," Kiko reasoned.

"Guys, I think we have a problem," Qiao pointed at the attack choppers coming. "We need to go, like right now!"

"Smoke On! OK!"

A smokescreen surrounded the girls, concealing them from view as the choppers neared them. As the propeller blades blew the smoke away, the agents were ready to drop down to confront the girls. However, they found nobody in sight. Their targets had just vanished into thin air.

"That was too close," Mega remarked as he, Dusk and the girls stood a distance away. The convention centre was surrounded by cops and Hardline Delta agents.

"Anyone hurt?" Fran asked.

"Nothing requiring surgery, Fran-san," Dusk assured. "I just... need a break." His armor vanished before he collapsed due to exhaustion.

"Shinichi!" Kurumu gasped, dropping down next to him worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"It seems he isn't used to that new chip just yet," Inner Moka theorized. "It isn't surprising though. A vampire's strength is taxing on newcomers."

"Probably needs to cut back on its use until his body is more accustomed to it," suggested Fran as she easily lifted Shinichi up. He was fast asleep now.

"Where are Saji and the cousins?" Netto asked, his own armor canceling out.

"I told them to stay back for a little bit," Fran answered. "Can't have too many patients on hand." She blinked as she just remembered something, "Oh, Moka-san. How are you in your alternate form? I thought only Shinchi could only remove your seal."

"Call it a spur of the moment," she answered, quickly putting the seal back on her choker. Pink light fade in around her as her silver hair turned pink once more, signaling that Outer Moka regained control. The vampire gave a soft moan as she collapsed backwards, falling into Usha's arms.

"It's time we made ourselves scarce," Usha said.

"Yeah, let's do that," Netto agreed.

"You all should come back with me. You all seem to require a bit of medical attention, a nice hot bath, and a good meal," offered Fran.

"You had me at hot bath," grinned Kurumu.

Hardline Delta HQ

Photos of Dusk and Mega were put up on the whiteboard along with photographs of the various monsters which had been sighted in the city. There was also a picture of Aoi Tatsu, the boy who had vanished. On his desk were reports of said sightings. There were also witness reports about Dusk being present during the hotel massacre. Kurogane's eyes narrowed as his eyes focused on Dusk's picture. He was a person of interest of this case and had gotten away.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Kagemaru as he threw a dart which hit the picture of Dusk dead centre in the face. "I'll get you next time and take that mask off your face."

In an undisclosed dark room, the sounds of erotic moans and grunts echoed within. A girl with long dark hair laid naked on her bed, her fingers thrusting in and out of herself as her breasts jiggled with each movement. Her hair matted her forehead as she let out another cry of pleasure as she arched her back from another climax. Withdrawing her fingers after taking a moment to let her body settle from her orgasm, she stared at the juices soaking them and sighed.

"Damn that was good," she whispered to herself.

But not good enough. It was she had to always do whenever she got too into fighting. She couldn't help it. She needed something else. She needed him. Her body shuddered pleasantly as she curled up to the side, a smile growing on her lips, "Netto Kusanagi..."

Ending theme: Good Fight by Trocadero

TAILSMO4EVER: Thus we introduce new Royal Knights and a new opposing party. So what exactly is Hardline Delta. I'm sure you already have some ideas, make it what you will.