A/N: Hey, finally got around to another update! There's several different parts of view again, but all or most of the characters should be in the same area starting in the next chapter. There will be some potential spoilers about stuff learned about Sanji in the manga in this chapter of the fic and future ones, but as this fanfic is an AU, many characters that are in the manga right now probably won't make an appearance, unless I find a way to tie it in that keeps the fic AU, so for now, the info is mostly going to be used as a way to drive the plot for this fic onward.
For someone who really needed to get some rest and recover, Law found that he could not let his guard down. Not when he suddenly found himself surrounded by enemies who would take his exhaustion as a sign of weakness. Not only had several zoans from Kaido's crew ended up in the village where he'd just been treating Kidd, but many of the pirates who'd presumably been shipwrecked before had shown as well, tipping the favor of the battle against them. The only consolation was that some of the Straw Hat crew had had the foresight to move the villagers to another part of the island when it seemed their home was going to become a battlefield. Law and Kidd might have been able to get out of sight as well, had the artificial zoan users not shown up as quickly as they had.
Law grimly set his back to one of the abandoned village huts, and blocked attacks from the lanky man who wielded a spear. The other man's wild hair made the lanky man look even less sane when coupled with the grin he wore. Law merely blocked the spear, wondering at the suddenness of the battle that had suddenly been brought to them.
"Oy, Trafalgar! That bastard's mine."
Law's jaw set as he blocked a particularly nasty swipe that would have gotten him in the gut had he not brought his nodachi in a vertical line across his body. The dark haired Heart Pirate didn't even spare the wounded red haired captain a glance. Kidd was in no shape to fight, as evidenced by his more or less still form lying on the ground, the man's furred coat being used for a pillow.
"I could have sworn he was dead." The lanky man taunted, as he looked for an opening through Law's defense. "I would have thought taking sea stone in the body would have incapacitated or killed him outright."
The other pirate was a talker, and Law was in no mood to listen or return banter with such a person. He was exhausted, and didn't want to chance using his powers unless absolutely necessary. That meant that the Heart Pirate had to keep his attention on his opponent, and ignore the cursing red head, who clearly did not like the fact that Law was taking on someone he wanted to destroy with his own hands.
"Oy, Trafalgar, I know you can hear me!"
Only the untimely appearance of Luffy prevented Law from giving Kidd's irate words a response.
"Hey, Traffy! Hi!"
Law and the pirate he was facing off against barely had time to move out of the way before Luffy careened through the middle of their fight.
"Over there, Par!" The Straw Hat captain was laughing away as he attacked from the back of a massive leopard, the large beast reaching out and swiping with one massive paw as it went, clearly enjoying itself.
Law grunted as he was forced to block a heavy swing from the lanky man, who had swiftly recovered from the sight of Luffy and the leopard. The Heart Pirate cursed when his leg slipped from the force of the attack. Just to make things worse, Law's leg decided to buck from underneath him soon after being given another harsh strike against his blade. It sent Law down to the ground, and he knew that he didn't have much time before his opponent took advantage of his momentary weakness. Law raised his left hand as he fell and grit out the word 'room' and hastily swapped himself with a boulder on the ground near where Kidd was resting. Law presumed that Killer was nearby and fending off the zoans and anyone else who was getting too eager to finish off a downed enemy.
Another pirate rushed into the village and hollered out to his comrades. "Hey! New orders! Don't kill them! Capture them! Our boss has decreed that they are to be sacrifices for our deity!"
Law sagged against the ground, not realizing just how much effort it would take to use his powers, nor the fact that his grip had weakened around his nodachi's hilt. It wasn't a good thing, but at the very least, the lanky man had not made moves to continue his assault. Law didn't think he could stand to block another blow right now. He might very well lose his grip on his weapon and be wounded in the process. The Heart Pirate captain struggled to keep himself upright despite his exhaustion as the tone of the battlefield shifted from blood lust to anticipation. Law gritted his teeth and griped his nodachi's hilt tightly when the pirates turned his and Kidd's way. There was no way he could fend that many people off on his own. Not unless he was willing to gamble that he could take care of them all with his powers before he made himself too weary to move. Either way, he would end up at the mercy of his enemies, again, and that didn't sit well with him. And Kidd, damn him, had to be annoying and distract him in the least helpful way ever.
"That bastard's mine to take down." Kidd growled at Law from beneath the oxygen mask. Clearly he didn't seem to care that they were outnumbered, and that his crewmate wasn't in sight.
Law didn't have time to respond, as suddenly he was set upon several pirates who'd jumped to the lanky man's orders. Law managed a few blocks before he went down. It was pathetic, really, and it was quite off-putting that the use of his powers, despite being brief, had rendered him this exhausted. Law's nodachi was knocked out of his hands at some point during the one-sided tussle, and after hearing a curse from Kidd, glanced out of the corner of his eye to find one of the pirates menacing Kidd with a blade. Killer was nowhere to be seen, which made Law blink in utter confusion. He could have sworn that the man had not left Kidd's side since the fight had begun, but then again, Law had been so preoccupied that he hadn't had time to notice anything other than not getting himself killed.
And where in the hell had Luffy and that gigantic leopard gotten to anyway?
"Looks like two of them got away, but the boss said we only needed one or two of 'em, so these two will do. Tie them up and get them back to camp. Tomorrow morning, we get off this island once we appease our deity!"
A ragged cheer went up, like it was what the shipwrecked sailors had wanted to hear for the longest time.
Law was further confused, questions swirling through his mind as his wrists were bound behind his back. Where had Straw Hat gone off to with that leopard? Had someone drawn him away from the village, so as to corner the weakest and capture them instead of someone who put up more of a fight? Where was Killer, when his captain had been so vulnerable to attack and unable to defend himself? Where had the zoans from Kaido's crew gotten to?
"Thought you could fight back, huh?"
Law grimaced when a foot stamped down on his shoulder none to gently. He had many things that he could have said to that, but it was beneath him to speak to an enemy until he'd had time to assess the situation. And then the Heart Pirate had even more time to think things through when one of the pirates none too gently knocked him over the head, sending him straight into unconsciousness.
At the very least, Law didn't have time to think about how humiliating it was to continue to be captured in this manner, when he had had not had the time to recuperate. Ordinarily, enemies would have found him much more difficult to deal with, and likely would have thought twice before attempting to try and capture him.
"Fufufu. I wonder what the navy has up their sleeves this time." Doflamingo laughed to no one in particular. The blond haired pirate tapped his foot against the deck of the Thousand sunny as he observed the open sea from over the railing.
With a grin, Doflamingo turned his attention back toward the island. If that fool Caesar got himself killed on the island, it would be very inconvenient. Doflamingo needed to have a bargaining chip should he run into Kaido, and he didn't need Straw Hat and his crew making his life difficult by drawing the marine's attention to them. But from the way Straw Hat's crew was acting on the deck a further distance away, something had happened, and there were whispers of getting the ship under way in the next day or two as to avoid navy detection.
It was all very amusing, however, and Doflamingo was interested to see what would develop in the next few hours. A chance to escape would need to be calculated, but for now, Doflamingo was content to sit back and observe. Doflamingo also used the time to think about how he could turn the tables on a certain Heart Pirate captain who thought it would be a good idea to use him as a barrier between himself and Kaido.
Payback would be very satisfying if the older pirate could get the details laid out to something more than just a vague idea that had occurred to him.
Law wondered if there was a way to lodge a complaint with Straw Hat over the number of times they had been captured, because the moment he opened his eyes, he was met with Luffy's beaming smile. Law promptly closed his eyes, feeling that this had happened far too often as of late, and it needed to be rectified immediately before he lost his damn mind.
If he hadn't already lost it, that is.
"I'm glad you're all right, Traffy. Metal guy said they hit you pretty hard."
Luffy's smile was too much to deal with, what with a pounding headache from being struck and the embarrassment that, as a captain, Law had allowed himself to again be taken off guard and captured.
Law didn't think that he could face his crew like this, and he had no idea why in the world Luffy was being so blasé about the whole being captured by their enemies. It wasn't something to be taken lightly, especially depending on who they were being kept prisoners by. At the very least, Eustass was equally as displeased about being captured, though right now, the red haired captain seemed more interested in correcting the way Luffy referred to him. Law couldn't help but smirk at the obvious ire Kidd's voice. Law had long since given up changing Luffy's mind about what to call him, as it was like ramming his head against a wall. The wall was immovable, and Luffy was as immovable as that wall once he decided upon something. There was no getting through to the younger man once he'd made up his mind about something, and the Heart Pirate captain felt that Kidd would just have to get used to the name change as one of Luffy's quirks while they were all in an alliance.
"I do have a name, Straw Hat." Kidd paused before he scowled at Luffy's smile that was turned on him. When it seemed like he was going to press the issue, Kidd ended up merely letting out a ragged sigh, as if it weren't worth it to argue at that point. Or perhaps because he realzied he called Luffy Straw Hat. Either way, the red haired captain sagged further onto the ground where he laid more or less motionless, and let out a low groaned curse before speaking, "I feel like shit."
"Did your stitches rip?" Law asked automatically, before thinking better of it. "Not that I'm in any position to fix it, with my head feeling like someone smashed a rock against it and no medical supplies on hand."
"Don't think so." Kidd said quietly after a moment, as if he were fighting to stay awake. It was proof of how miserable he must have been feeling that he didn't rise to Law's baiting. "Gonna kill them." The red head added in a kind of slurred voice. "Gonna..." The red head trailed off before he could say any more, and it was hard to tell if it was because the pain had stopped him or because Kidd had passed out again.
"Where are we?" Law asked, directing his question Luffy's way. The Straw Hat pirate captain didn't seem to be in as bad a shape as either himself or Kidd. It was easier to focus on what they could do, and what options they had, instead of waiting around for something to happen. There wasn't a guarantee that someone would come to help them out like the young girl had before, so they had to start figuring out how to help themselves.
"Dunno." Luffy said with a frown, before he made an expression like he was thinking. "There are a lot of those ragged guys around outside this place, so maybe it's their base or something."
It would make sense, considering what the man with the spear had said about sacrificing them to a deity. Law gingerly sat up and leaned against the nearest wall of the room to take a look around, and found it to be a small room, and only one high window that would be difficult to reach. It didn't bode well for an escape, not when Kidd wasn't in any position to be moving around, and Law himself wasn't in the best of shape either. Law didn't doubt that his body could give out on him at any moment, based on how terrible he felt after using his powers last, and from the strike to his head making him feel woozy and unfocused.
"Hey, there's a small hole down there." Luffy said suddenly, as he dropped down to the ground and peered through it.
Law saw a smile form on the other captain's face.
"Hey, Momo. There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you!"
Law couldn't hear what the boy in the other room was saying, but when Luffy turned to him, he was laughing.
"Hey, Traffy. Those pirates outside think Momo is their deity. Isn't that funny?"
"They do?" Despite feeling wretched, the gears in Law's mind started to turn. "Is that why they took him off of your ship? Because they saw him out of human form and thought he was their deity?"
Luffy dropped back down and held a whispered conversation with Momonosuke before he responded to Law. "Yeah, that's why. Momo kept looking like an eel so they wouldn't hurt him before Kin'emon found him.
Law figured that this could be used to their advantage, but it would involve the samurai boy's assistance, and the hope that their crews would be nearby to assist them. Luffy provided another way to make things work to their advantage with his next words, whether the other captain knew it or not.
"Momo said that he is being treated well, and the only reason he is in the room right now is because they want to get the place ready for a sacrifice. Otherwise, they let him do whatever he wants. Unless he tries to leave the area." Luffy stretched his arms up to launch himself to the high window, and grabbed the bars to peer out. After a moment, Luffy spoke excitedly down to Law. "Hey, Traffy! It looks more like they're getting ready for a party than a sacrifice! i guess they do have a lot of sharp blades. Oh,they have an execution stand. Are they gonna execute somebody, Traffy?"
Law resisted the urge to bury his face in his hand. He really had no idea why Luffy would be laughing about that, as it really wasn't a laughing matter. Law very well knew why the stand was there at all, and it had to do with the fact that he, Kidd and likely Luffy were to be sacrificed, or executed, for the shipwrecked pirate's deity, who they happened to believe Momonosuke to be in his dragon from.
And since Kidd didn't say anything derisive to Luffy, the Heart Pirate captain figured the other captain was unconscious or in too much pain to speak. It made sense, given that the medication Law had given him earlier would have been wearing off about now. In any case, this was a mess that they'd landed in, but Law was carefully formulating a plan, and hoped that it would work, as it would involve Kid using some of his powers. of course, the success of the plan would ride on the red haired captain being up to doing anything with the state he was in, and for Luffy to not go gallivanting off before they could regroup.
It was a stretch, but Law figured something might go right if he could only convince Luffy his slowly formulating plan would work. Law figured mentioning Luff'y's hat in any plan would at the very least get Luffy's attention and perhaps, his cooperation, however small.
It was worth a shot.
"Oh my, it looks like someone is going to be executed." Robin commented of the stand the ragged pirates were putting together just short of the shore.
"Likely your captain and those other two upstarts." Crocodile said disinterestedly.
"I would think that that is more than likely. I couldn't find any sign of Luffy in the village, and Law and Eustass Kidd were not there either." Robin paused as she looked over the base camp of the shipwrecked pirates. "I hope they aren't being tortured."
Crocodile was clearly used to Robin's morbid commentary, because he merely crossed his arms and tapped his hook against his forearm. "I hope you don't except me to assist with their rescue, do you?"
"Well, you aren't in an alliance with my captain, so you aren't obligated to." Robin agreed, as she produced a Transponder snail. "However, given that you have no ship and the only ones are my captain's, and some of the other supernovas, I would think it's in your best interest to get passage off this island in one of them, before the marines show up." Robin offered a smile as she dialed a number. "Isn't that right, Mr. 0?"
Crocodile couldn't help but smile at that, puffing away at his cigar before shaking his head. "I'm not looking for an alliance. Your captain is a loose cannon, and I have no intention of getting dragged into a battle with Kaido, as it seems Doflamingo may be." Crocodile moved away, the purple haired pirate speaking over his shoulder as he went. "However, it would be in my best interest for your captain to avoid any untimely executions, because I really do not have the need for Kaido chasing me down." Crocodile faded into a trail of sand, which wound its way along into the base camp of the shipwrecked pirates.
Caesar wasn't dead, and for that, the scientist was grateful for. However, the zombie rabbits were currently piled on and around him, or attempting to do so, clearly unaffected by his gaseous form. And since that was the case, Caesar cautiously went back to solid form, which only made the rabbits more intent to squash close to him.
It had been like this for at least two hours, and the rabbits showed no sign of moving away from him anytime soon. It had been a mistake coming to this island, and since Joker had not shown up at his high pitched screech, he'd quieted, as if that would encourage the rabbits to eat him or something.
They hadn't.
No, they seemed far more curious over the way their paws could go through Caesar's body if he didn't want them touching them, though now that he'd confirmed they weren't trying to eat him, he hadn't bothered, and had endured currently an hour of the beasts being pressed up against him while they made what sounded like friendly growls. Distributing, really, to hear that come out of a small creature, and a rabbit, at that.
But another, lower growl sent the rabbits scattering, and Caesar only had time to see a pair of glowing eyes before he let out another loud and frightened screech of 'Joker' before deciding that, as much as he would dislike it, Straw Hat's ship was the safest place to be.
"Where'd Luffy go?" Brook questioned as he and Sanji finished making sure that all the villagers had been evacuated to the far side of the island the moment the fighting had begun near the villager's homes.
"Probably still fighting those guys." Sanji said, flicking his lighter on to light a cigarette, before starting at the sound of a Transponder snail going off. The blond haired cook answered it. "Hello?"
'Hi, Sanji, is everyone all right on your end?'
Sanji went heart-eyed at the snail. "Yes, Robin-chan! Everyone's fine. What about Luffy?"
'He was captured along with Traffy and Eustass Kidd.' Robin didn't sound too concerned. 'The shipwrecked pirates are building what looks like an execution stand.' There was a catch of breath. 'Oh dear, I think one of them spotted me. You all should come to the north side of the island. I'm thinking this is where Momonosuke is as well as Luffy.' The snail went quiet.
Fire burned in Sanji's visible eye in place of the heart, and he handed off the snail to Brook. Sanji dashed off into the surrounding forest, nearly lighting himself entirely on fire as he let out a yell of 'don't you bastards dare touch Robin-chan!' as he disappeared from sight.
"Should we go as well?" Brook asked of Chopper and Usopp, who were nearby as they all watched their crewmate rush off to aid Robin.
"We should make sure that no one gets hurt. I need to see to Kidd too." Chopper agreed with a worried expression. "He was already in bad shape before."
"Are…Are you sure it'll be safe? Those guys are going to try and execute Luffy." Usopp asked nervously.
"I'm sure Sanji will have things under control by the time we get there." Brook said as he absently twirled his cane. "He'd probably flay the flesh off their bodies if anything bad happens. The very thought makes me shiver." A pause. "Though I don't have any skin. Yohohoho!"
A blast of fiery fury in the forest nearest their base camp was the first indication to the shipwrecked pirates that not all was well. The next was a man flying through the air and landing before the execution stand, burnt and moaning, before a blond haired man landed amidst them, looking pissed as hell about something before he proceeded to kick the shit out of the nearest men, yelling about daring to lay a finger on 'Robin-chan.'
The pirates relaxed slightly when they noticed a newly gained ally make his appearance, and the blond haired man's attitude changed in an instant at the scene.
Sanji ground to a halt at the sight of the not-Kaido in the base camp of the shipwrecked sailors, but that wasn't what had his attention in the least bit. It didn't matter to him that the pirates in this camp and Kaido's crew could be affiliated, because he had far more pressing concerns.
Luffy was held in one gigantic paw of the not-Kaido, who was in man-beast form, and grinning unpleasantly at the way the blond haired cook had halted all movements. The reason that Luffy wasn't fighting back was because it appeared as if he was sound asleep.
"Your captain is foolish to eat food when he doesn't know if someone spiked it with something that could have been detrimental to his health."
Sanji bristled, but didn't move, aware that his captain was in a perilous position.
"It's been agreed for me to take your captain to my leader, in exchange for the other two captains to remain here to be sacrificed. I don't need to tell you that it would be in your captain's best interest to not make a scene here, wouldn't you say?"
"Let him go." Sanji grit out; his cigarette had long since dropped to the ground. There was a very long pause, in which the surrounding pirates and the not-Kaido laughed at him, before Sanji took a deep breath and let it out. "Take me instead of him." There was more obvious laughter this time around, but Sanji let it roll off of him, because he had to do this. His captain's life would be in danger if he didn't, and at the moment, Sanji didn't see any of his crewmates in his immediate vicinity.
"And why would I do that? You're a nobody. Taking you would gain me and my leader nothing."
There was no way Sanji was going to let Luffy be taken just like that to an emperor when the blond haired cook knew vert well that Luffy would otherwise be swinging a fist at an opponent. Sanji couldn't even begin to image what would happen to Luffy if he were incapacitated and in the presence of a person like Kaido. Sanji couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let that happen, and despite the gamble he was going to take now, Sanji refused to just stand by and watch his captain be taken away before his very eyes when there was something he could do to prevent it. Regardless of what his words might bring for him in the near future should certain parties get word of it, Sanji squared his shoulders, looked the not-Kaido in the eyes, and spoke the words he would have rather never uttered, because it wasn't true. "I'm a Vinsmoke."
It was as if Sanji had spoken magical words, because no one was laughing now. And despite his words obviously carrying weight, the very thought of being associated with the name repulsed the blond haired cook, as it brought back unpleasant memories. But it was worth whatever the fallout may be, because the not-Kaido set Luffy down on the ground and regarded Sanji with in a different light in his eyes, as if seeing him for the first time.
"You had better hope that you are not lying. Or I will find this one…" The not-Kaido indicated the snoring, open-mouthed Luffy on the ground, "…and I will kill him."
Sanji didn't move from where he was standing until the not-Kaido beckoned him. Sanji started to move forward, nerves rattled about someone knowing a secret, and that that secret could get out and ruin things further, when a voice called out to him. The voice made Sanji halt, a pang of guilt surging through him.
It was Robin.
Sanji carefully turned and smiled awkwardly. It wasn't a smile he normally gave her; it was one that begged her not to ask any questions. He turned to the not-Kaido and spoke. "Mind if I leave a message for my crewmates?"
"Make it quick." The not-Kaido growled. "I am prepared to leave this island. My leader summoned me not an hour ago."
Then it made sense that the man had been trying to make off with his captain, if such a summons had been made. Sanji walked over to Robin, and his voice dropped low, so it wouldn't carry. His face was serious, all playfulness gone from when he'd fist come to Robin's aide minutes before. "I don't think they are going to hurt me now. I told them something about my past. Something I'd rather have stayed buried and forgotten. Tell Luffy he shouldn't worry about me, and that he should focus on getting Momonosuke away from these guys."
"He will come after you when he's gotten Momo out of here, Sanji." Robin returned, equally as quiet. "Or split the crew up so that he could come right after you when he learns about this."
"I know, but if my name attracts certain people's…attentions, I don't want him to get involved." Sanji held a hand up to prevent Robin from replying to that. "I know he'll do what he wants, but just tell him anyway."
"I will." Robin said, slipping Sanji her transponder snail as discreetly as she could. "You're not alone, you know."
A grateful look flashed through Sanji's visible eye, before he smiled sadly and turned his back on Robin to head toward the not-Kaido. He didn't want it to be this way, but since their crew was scattered, and there was no point in endangering Luffy when he was vulnerable, the smart thing was to go along with the enemy. Sanji lit another cigarette acted as nonchalant as he could as he spoke in a disinterested voice. "Where's your ship anchored?"
Sanji didn't look back once as he left the base camp of the shipwrecked pirates,as he was more concerned with taking in every detail he could about the not-Kaido and the zoan that soon joined them as they made their way across the isalnd. Just because Sanji had taken Luffy's place didn't mean he was going to be idle. If there was way to keep information about himself on the down-low, then all would be well in hopefully a matter of days, before any contact with Kaido would be made.
Unfortunately, the first thing that the not-Kaido did when they were on the ship was to bark orders at a crew, before taking a paper offered to him and showing it to Sanji.
Never mind being discreet now. Sanji saw with trepidation that his wanted poster had an actual photo of him on it now, and not some shitty sketch like usual. That changed things quite a lot, and it sent Sanji on a frantic search to figure out how to deal with this new development, as there were some people he really hoped didn't get a good look at his wanted poster. All Sanji could do was hoped that there would be no interest in him, like before. Suddenly, the thought of having Luffy rush to his recuse seemed like a very bad idea, because Sanji had no doubt in his mind that was exactly what his captain would do when he learned what happened.
It wouldn't matter to Luffy that Kaido could become an obstacle to get to Sanji.
Zoro had lost his way after he had begun to give chase to Gujo while in mid-fight with the man, but that seemed to grind to a halt when the green haired swordsman caught sight of Sanji willingly leaving with the not-Kaido. What the hell did that idiot think he was doing? Before Zoro could decide what to do or think about his crewmate's actions, Gujo reappeared from the surrounding foliage to attack him with a downward swing of the large broadsword.
"Miss me?"
Zoro offered a sharp smile in return. "I was wondering where you'd gotten to. Our fight wasn't over."
"I won't let you go after your friend." Gujo had clearly seen Zoro notice Sanji's departure. "We want to make sure an emperor's crew has no reason to prevent us from leaving this island. I thought they'd take your captain, but I guess any pirate from the Straw Hat crew is a good enough bargaining chip."
"That shit cook's an idiot." Zoro said, more to himself than to Gujo as he realized the larger man's implications. It would just figure that Sanji would do something like that to help their captain, but what the hell had the blond said in order to take Luffy's place? He was the ship's cook, as well as a fighter. What could Sanji have possibly said to convince a member of Kaido's crew that he could be equal in importance to their captain? Whatever had been said had obviously had worked.
"I think I'll defeat you and add you to the planned sacrifices tomorrow morning." Gujo laughed, cutting into Zoro's thoughts.
Zoro dodged with a narrowed eye, before he brought his katana up to block Gujo's strike. He didn't have time for this fool now, what with Sanji's sudden departure. There was no doubt Luffy would go after him immediately, and to do that, they needed to finish dealing with these other pirates, and find Momonosuke, which was their original reason for coming onto the island in the first place.
"I don't have time for you right now." Zoro said as he back-stepped away, and wrapped the bandanna from his arm around his head before taking his blades up again.
"What's that for?" Gujo laughed.
"I'm done playing with you." Zoro said simply, as he took up a stance before rushing toward Gujio. Zoro shattered the man's broadsword with haki infused blades.
Guo backed away in shock over the sudden destruction of the broadsword, before looking up in time to see Zoro poised and ready again. Gujo draw another blade sheathed at his side and ran at Zoro, clearly furious with what the green haired swordsman had done to his blades.
"780 pound phoenix."
Zoro calmly sheathed his katana as he removed the bandanna, not bothering to watch Gujo hit the ground. Securing the bandanna back around his forearm, Zoro rushed in the direction of a scuffle up ahead. "My captain needs me, so there's no more time for me to waste on you." Zoro figured he should relay to Luffy what he'd seen with Sanji, because Luffy was the captain, and he got to make decisions about what to do about crew members who went off with the enemy, no matter what their reasoning may be. Zoro stopped just short of the chaos unfolding before him on the shoreline, hands on the hilts of his katana. Clearly he'd missed the main event.
"Where's Sanji!" Luffy bellowed, as he smashed himself into the enemy pirates around him. He'd apparently been cuffed with sea stone, and was clearly worn out, but that wasn't stopping Luffy from wrecking hell on the pirates around him while he demanded to know where Sanji was.
Zoro made eye contact with Law, who was keeping himself upright against a tree.
Law had the look of a man who wished the ground beneath him would swallow him up, and take him from the sights he was being subjected to. Apart from Luffy, it was obvious that the other reason for the Heart Pirate's distress was one Eustass Kidd, who was currently in the process of telling Basil Hawkins off.
"I'm not dead yet, am I, you asshole?" Kidd seethed, even as Killer approached him and prevented him from lunging at Hawkins in his injured state.
"One percent doesn't mean death." Hawkins was saying calmly. "Only that it was a high likelihood."
"And where the fuck have you been?" Kidd ignored Hawkins in favor of glowering at his crewmate.
Law ran a hand over his face and looked sorely tempted to strike out at Kidd with his nodachi, if only to silence the red haired captain for a time.
Zoro saw Robin heading over to him, and he relaxed his stance, since everything appeared to be under control. After catching sight of Usopp sending a few pirates flying with bamboo stalks, Chopper coming out from underground to strike another, and Brook freezing another, Zoro turned back to Robin, "What the hell happened here?" His words were punctuated by Luffy punching a man in the face nearby, still yelling his head off and very clearly upset.
"Sanji! Where are you?!"
A/N: Thanks for your patience with the weird timing I have begun to have for updating this fic. I'd like to try to update this more regularly if I am able to. I'd say one more chapter for this island they're on, then a chapter where everyone gets caught up on what's going on before leaving that island (perhaps both aforementioned things together in one chapter), and then moving on to the next one, and to where Sanji is.