Rivamika first kiss

Mikasa had always had a certain fascination with Corporal Levi, partly because of his equal strength to hers and partly because he was such an intriguing person- she desperately wanted to know what lay behind those dark, emotionless eyes of his. As time went on, she found that that spark that had been set by Levi was not so small anymore. No, it had begun to grow and spread into a fire that consumed her body.

Now she couldn't help but notice the way his arms bulged when he was training with the maneuver gear and how he would rub the back of his neck in a very, very attractive way.

This was bad. Mikasa should not be feeling this way for an older man, not to mention her superior! Yet, God how that fire burned in her when they trained and he got close to her, or accidently brushed her waist or hips or chest. He may not have noticed it, but every touch sent tingles down her spine.

Now they were training privately together nearly everyday and it took everything she had to stop herself from staring at him or lingering a little too long on top of him during their hand-to-hand fights,

That day, when she found herself, again, lying on top of him she could have sworn there was something there in his usually cold eyes. A flicker of recognition, like he was finally becoming aware of their closeness and that maybe, just maybe, he liked it. So, submitting to herself to her impulsiveness and the desires that had been plaguing her for days, Mikasa pressed her lips against his. They were soft and surprisingly warm for such a cold man. But what was even more surprising was his movement as well, and not to pull back from her, but continuing the kiss, deepening it and confirming that that flicker in his eyes Mikasa had caught before had in fact been a sign of his desire for her as well.