
Chapter One

Isabella Marie Swan had never been considered popular or even pretty; she was simply average in every way. Standing at 5'7, weighting just over 120 pounds, with brown eyes and straight brown hair, the only thing about her that actually stood out was her pale complexion in a sea of bronze and tanned skin that was her school life in Phoenix, Arizona. She was referred to as the 'albino' behind her back, and did her best to not let anyone know how their loud whispers wounded her sensitive heart. That had meant becoming a loner, and spending most of her free time in between classes buried in one book or another in the library. After school, Isabella (since she'd turned 8) would always hurry home and start dinner or clean up around the house before her mother (and later on in life, her step father) would come home. After dinner, she'd wash dishes, take a shower and then complete any school work she hadn't finish during school. Her life was predictable and perhaps a little boring, but Isabella liked knowing what to expect – especially being raised by a free spirit like her mother. Yes, she thought, remembering the countless phases her mother had gone through over the years, a little predictability was very much appreciated. She remembered when she had turned seventeen, and her mother had desperately wanted to follow her step father, Phil, around the country for his work (he was a minor league baseball player), Isabella had offered to release all of her precious predictability and be home schooled to make her new family happy. The only other options were either being emancipated and becoming a legal adult to live on in Arizona alone (which Renee was dead set against) or Isabella moving in with her estranged father in Forks, Washington (which she was dead set against).

Don't misunderstand, she loved her father very much (even if she did refer to him mostly by his first name), she'd just never been very close to him. This was probably due in part by Charlie's inability to express anything emotional. Isabella had actually been able to finish her secondary education in a school in Jacksonville, Florida, and when Charlie had come to hug her after the graduation ceremony, his great emotional display of pride had been a light shoulder squeeze and a soft "you did good, Bells". Isabella had inwardly cringed at the nickname. Charlie was the only one that called her that anymore…

After high school, she'd started attending classes at a local junior college in Jacksonville while still living with her mother and Phil, until that awful day… The day (or night, really) she'd come home to find Renee and Phil literally ripped to pieces, front door busted open and blood everywhere. Animal attack the police said, but what kind of animal could or would do all that? Afterwards, Isabella (desperate to be closer to her only living family member) transferred to the university in Seattle, Washington and started visiting her father at least once a month, and called him every Sunday at 6 in the evening (just after the news and hopefully in between any sports he might be watching). The dorm she'd moved into included only one roommate, who seemed to be everything Isabella was not.

She was native, Quileute to be precise, making her skin russet and exotic. Her eyes were so dark, they were nearly black, and her raven hair fell down in flawless silky strains. Isabella envied Rachel Black greatly, yet the girl was so outgoing, so energetic, she couldn't hate the girl or even be mad at her. In the nearly two years the girls had known each other, they'd become the best of friends, despite being polar opposites. For instance, Isabella had lucked out and gotten a part-time job at a local coffee house, while Rachel had chosen employment at a strip club. Isabella wanted to become a teacher, move closer to her father, and perhaps even start her own family someday. Rachel liked life in the fast lane. She was currently taking classes in photography and wanted to go anywhere and everywhere, as long as the road didn't lead back to La Push Reservation.

La Push Reservation, now that was a surprise the first time Isabella heard it. She instantly felt a tugging in the back of her mind from a forgotten memory, and soon figured out she and Rachel had met before. In fact their fathers were nearly inseparable. "When you go back to Forks, will you check on dad for me," Rachel would often ask her when talk about their futures would arise. She'd once told her friend her secret fear that if she ever set foot on native soil again, the council may ban her from ever leaving again. "It hurts too much to call him," Rachel had cried out once, when she was really drunk. "I can hear the betrayal in his voice, Is. He thinks I've abandoned him and Jake. Like it was easy for me or something. But, damn it, I wasn't made to be a nursemaid my whole life! I want to live. Why should I feel guilty for wanting to live, Is?" Isabella was glad days like that were few and far in between, though she'd patiently soothed her friend and hold her hair back when she'd get sick, and even help her to bed.

Rachel, about a year into their friendship, had told her she was like a sister to her. "Better than a sister," she muttered bitterly. "I have a sister, a twin, and she's a bitch from hell. You're the sister I've always wanted. You know, if I could pick one anyway." Isabella took those words to heart, and promised – if she ever made it back to Forks – to check in on Billy Black often. The day had come at last, it seemed. She'd graduated college at the top of her class for instruction in primary education, and had almost immediately (a mere two weeks later) gotten a temporarily job in Port Angeles. (It was only for one year, as the usual second grade teacher was in the middle of a rather difficult pregnancy.) Rachel, not yet being able to find her dream job, settled for a photographer position in one of the mall stores and moved into Isabella's new duplex with her (Bella took the ground floor, and Rachel lived on the second).

Charlie had been pleasantly surprised the first time he'd visited her (Isabella was too, considering she'd always had to go visit him in the past). The area was nice, though all of Port Angeles was considered a low crime area, and he off handedly mention Billy might like to stop by sometime (once he saw Rachel Black was her roommate). "I knew you talked about her, Bells, but I just couldn't believe it was our Rach you were really talking about." Isabella had ducked her head and nibbled her lower lip, certain the patriarch of the Black family would be furious with her. "He could come if he wanted," she answered softly. "Rachel would like that, she misses him a lot."

Charlie had frowned, blood rushing to his face, turning it red in his anger. "Then why doesn't she see him if she misses him so damn much?"

"Sometimes when you can't see someone you love, it hurts too much to talk to them, Ch- dad. Rachel is scared if she steps foot on Quileute land, the council won't let her leave again," she replied, turning her back on him so he couldn't see in her eyes how closely Billy and Rachel's relationship had once mirrored their own. "She loves her father deeply. I've seen her fall apart at the thought of how much she's hurting him. At the same time, can't you understand that there is so much in life she wants to do before she settles down in one place? Can't he understand that?"


"No," she argued forcefully, her love for her friend giving her the courage to stand up to her father and his judgments. "Rachel loves her family, and someday she wants to be with them again. But right now… Right now, she's a twenty-four year old woman who feels she has to live her whole life in the little bit of time she's given before someone drags her back to a place she's spent her whole childhood and teenaged existence desperately dreaming of leaving behind. She's wants to know when she's old and grey that she'll have something worthwhile to remember. Is that such a bad thing?"

"I don't think," Charlie started, the hardness in his eyes and his challenging tone causing Isabella's own ire to rise. "Then don't think, dad," she snapped out, stunning her father into silence. "This matter is between Rachel and her family, okay? I don't want to fight with you, please," she sighed, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. "Billy is welcome here any time; just don't expect Rach to go to La Push, alright?"

He had nodded his head, gave her a weak hug goodbye, and had left. That had been two weeks ago, and tonight (a Friday, thankfully) Charlie was bring Billy with him to her duplex for a visit. Isabella had stopped by the grocery store on her way home to pick up a couple of cases of Rainer beer (Charlie's favorite) to go with the pot roast she'd put in the crockpot that morning. She parked her car (a 2005 Ford Taurus in platinum) on the curb (Rachel's truck was in the garage, as they'd both thought it better if Charlie parked in the driveway – in front of the garage door – so he wouldn't have to maneuver Billy's wheelchair over the curb's concrete bump). Taking out her black leather briefcase, which contained her student's school papers and her clutch bag, Isabella slipped its straps over her shoulder and grabbed one six pack of Rainer with each hand, closing her car door with her hip, and headed towards the front door.

"Need some help," a velvety voice called from behind her, causing her to start with fright and drop the cases of beer in her hands. The pale, bronze hair boy behind her somehow managed to catch both six packs without a single bottle breaking. "Big night," he asked, his butterscotch eyes gazing into hers impishly with a crooked smile on his thin lips.

Isabella shook her head no. "Not exactly," she smiled back tentatively. "My father and my roommate's father are coming to visit. Hints the beer," she nodded her head towards the cases still safely in his hands. "Personally, I can't stand the smell of it, let alone drink the stuff, but our dads love it." He laughed a hauntingly beautiful sound that sent unnatural chills down her spine. "Well, thanks, um…" she bit her bottom lip as she tried to recall if she'd ever met him before.

"Edward," he offered softly. "Edward Cullen. I live next door if you ever need anything…"

"Isabella Swan," she replied unthinkingly, turning to unlock her front door before turning back to take the cases of beer from Edward's hands. He shook his head and offered – or rather insisted – he carry the cases in for her. So, through the living room and into the kitchen she walked with Edward Cullen right behind her. She quickly took the Rainer and put them in the refrigerator to chill, then went over to the crockpot and turned it down to the 'warm' function so the food wouldn't overcook waiting on Charlie and Billy to arrive.

"Isabella," Edward called to her, his unusual eyes seeming to take in everything in her kitchen and living room all at once.

"It's Bella," she corrected. "Most people call me 'Bella'."

He nodded, the edges of his lips twitching upwards. "Bella, then. I've been meaning to introduce myself for a while now," he admitted. "Perhaps some other time – when company isn't expected – we could get to know one another better."

"Perhaps," she replied, walking him to the door. "I hate to be rude, but I have papers to grade and dinner to finish."

"Papers? You're a teacher, then?"

They were outside now, and everything inside her was telling Isabella to run as far from Edward as possible. "Elementary," she answered vaguely. He was looking at her again, intensely. As if he was attempting to comment everything about her to memory. "Um… don't take this wrong," she started, feeling more than a little uncomfortable, "but aren't I a little old for you?"

He laughed then, as if she'd just told the world's funniest joke. He shook his head at her inquisitive expression. "Inside joke," he mumbled before clearing his throat. "No, Bella," he smiled, his eyes looking her over once more, "I think you're perfect for me." She swallowed thickly as he turned and walked away. Sighing once he was gone, Isabella went back inside and did a quick run through of the first floor (including her bedroom and attached master bathroom), touching up anything that needed cleaning.

"Make sure you set an extra place," Rachel said when she came back downstairs in a pair of faded jeans and a white t-shirt, while Isabella set the table. "Dad doesn't go anywhere without one of the reservation boys. Your dad probably forgot to mention it."

"You know how he is about details," she laughed, shaking her head.

"I saw the new neighbor earlier today," Rachel continued, leaning against the kitchen counter as her roommate set out cups and utensils. "He was just staring at our house, Issy. Isn't that creepy?"

"I met him actually," she added, looking towards her left to catch Rachel's gaze. "He seemed…"

"Creepy," the native offered with a smirk. Isabella shook her head. "No," she replied. "It was like he was trying too hard to be normal. He even seemed to be… flirting with me."

Rachel laughed loudly until her face was red. "Flirting with you? You think the guy's weird because he likes your ass? I know you're shy and all, but you don't have to live like a nun. You can date."

"Don't you think he looks a bit… young for me?"

Rachel shrugged. "He lives there alone from what I could tell. That means he's at least eighteen; making him four years younger than you, max. It's not like you're robbing the cradle, Swan," she teased. "You're a twenty-two year old virgin for godsake. Do the world and yourself a huge favor, get laid."

"Rachel," she chastised, her eyes wide with shock.

"What, I'm not saying you have to sleep with creepy neighbor guy –"

"Edward," Isabella filled in.

"-I'm just saying," Rachel continued with a glare, "you shouldn't hide behind your books or classwork all the time. You're quite the catch, Is. "

"Sure," she muttered with an eye roll. A knock at the front door stopped her rebuttal. Sighing, she went to answer the door, while Rachel sat down to wait nervously in the living room. "Hey, Bells," Charlie's warm voice filled the air. She hugged him quickly, and then leaned down to kiss Billy's cheek. "We're glad you could make it," she smiled, noticing the large, muscular Quileute man pushing Billy's wheelchair when she straightened up.

"Your admirer is staring again," Rachel's amused voice filled the air as she stared out the living room window, while Isabella ushered everyone in and closed the front door. "Ha ha," Bella replied humorously. "Seriously, Is," her roommate continued to tease, "what did you do to that guy?"

"What," she gasped out, blushing when her father raised a curious brow at her, "I've only talked to him once-"

"Must've made some impression then, Swan," she giggled, only looking sheepish when she turned to face her father. "Hi, dad." He nodded at her and gave a rough, "daughter," in greeting. "You remember Paul Lahoute?" Billy jerked his head behind him, motioning to the previously unknown man.

"Yeah," she sighed, "hey, Lahoute." Rachel's eyes flicked quickly towards his, then everything seemed to stand still for the two, and Billy cursed under his breath. Isabella's brows creased curiously. "Rachel? Rach," she called. "Um…would you like to invite… Paul, was it?.. to join us for dinner? I made extra." Rachel shook her head, then smiled. "You cooked fifteen pounds of beef, Swan. You call that 'extra'?" The native man smiled in amusement towards Rachel, moving around Billy to take hold of her right hand and thread their fingers together. Isabella took note of the blush gracing the normally bold woman's cheeks before pushing it aside to ask her about it later, and led everyone to the dining room table.

"So, tell me about this admirer, Bells," Charlie said as he piled carrots, potatoes and pot roast onto his plate.

"Rachel was teasing," she answered, mock glaring at her roommate (who giggled in response). "He's our neighbor on the other side of the duplex. Honestly, I hadn't seen him until today. He surprised me when I came home and helped me carrying some things in."

"He asked her out," Rachel volunteered.

"I'm not going," Isabella snapped.

"Why not?"

Isabella glared at her friend. "You're the one that called him creepy, and now you want me to date him?"

"You need to date someone," she quipped.

"What's his name," Charlie cut in.

"Edward," Rachel sing-songed, causing the men at the table to snicker while Bella rolled her eyes.

"Edward what," Charlie pressed.

"Cullen." Billy and Paul tensed as soon as the name left Isabella's mouth. "But honestly, dad," she sighed, "I'm not interested in him. He's… Well, he's not my type."

"She has good taste," Billy smiled, seeming to relax slightly after hearing of Bella's disinterest in the boy. The rest of the night went by smoothly, and ended with Billy inviting both Rachel and Bella over to the reservation next weekend. Isabella gave her father a stern look and was about to refuse, when Rachel cut her off by accepting. "We'd love to, dad. You will be there, right, Paul?"

A goofy smile covered his face as he readily agreed. That signaled the end of the night, and as soon as the two girls were alone together Isabella cornered the native girl. "Spill," she stated in a no nonsense voice. "What was with you and Paul?"

By the time next weekend came around, Isabella was desperate to get away from her house – or rather Edward Cullen – for a few days. She'd called ahead and Charlie had agreed (quite happily) to let the girls stay with him at Isabella's new step mother, Sue's, home if Billy didn't have any room. "It's a tribal bonfire, Bells," he'd told her, sounding better than he had in years, "they tend to go on for a while."

Charlie and Rachel had both insisted she didn't need to bring anything, but Renee had always told Isabella to never go to a party empty handed. Besides, with the money she'd inherited from her mother and Phil's life insurance, as well as the money she'd gotten out of selling the Jacksonville and Phoenix homes, Bella figured buying a little extra soda and making some finger foods weren't going to bankrupt her anytime soon. Not that Rachel knew about Isabella's savings since she only spent what her job provided her with. Bella thought of it more as a rainy day fund, and the storm clouds simply hadn't rolled in yet.

By the time Rachel came home and the girls had loaded her truck up, it was nearing eight thirty at night. Slightly disappointed that they'd be late ("fashionably late," Rachel insisted), Isabella called her dad from her cell phone to assure him they were on their way. "Rachel had to work until close tonight," she explained, "but we should be there by nine."

"Don't worry, Bells," Charlie reassured. "Billy doesn't even start telling the legends until ten." They talked a few minutes more, ending with Isabella telling Charlie she'd see him soon and she loved him.

"Cullen's really bothering you, huh," Rachel questioned when they were seven miles from the reservation. "He just seems to be everywhere," Isabella sighed out exasperated. "He was outside the duplex this morning when I left, which could have been coincidence. But then he was outside the school when I left today, and at the grocery store. Not to mention he wanted to help me bring my groceries in – wouldn't take no for an answer, really. And then, he cornered me in the kitchen. I thought he was going to kiss me, and I could swear at one point he even smelled me, Rach."

"Charming," she scoffed. "Okay, new rule, no letting creepy neighbor guy in without me being there, deal?"

"Deal," she smiled, relaxing at the thought of not being alone with Edward again. By the time Rachel parked at the old Clearwater house, Isabella was actually feeling like a twenty-two year old, instead of the middle aged adult she normally acted like. They unloaded the sodas and headed towards the beach, stopping halfway there when they ran into Bella's step brother Seth. He assured the girls he'd have the rest of the supplies carried out to Second Beach in no time. "Just enjoy yourself, sis," he grinned. "It's nice to see you again, Bella."

"I doubt Leah will agree," she teased as Rachel pulled her off towards the bonfire.

"I don't see Jake," she frowned, looking around at the party goers. Isabella smiled sadly at her friend. Sure, Billy seemed to be happy having his daughter back, but after a week her brother hadn't called her even once. She knew Rachel dreaded that her brother might not be able to forgive her. Of course those depressing thoughts left as soon as Rachel caught sight of Paul Lahoute. The girl practically ran to him, forgetting her roommate was even there at all. "Nice," she muttered to herself, though the smile on her lips revealed the true happiness she felt for Rachel Black.

"Bella," a familiar voice called to her. "Sue," she replied, getting swept up in a warm hug, "how have you been?"

"Better now the whole family's here," she beamed at her step-daughter. "I saw Seth and the guys carrying up a truck load worth of food, I'm pretty sure your dad told you not to bring."

"Aren't you glad I didn't listen," Isabella smiled. "By the look of some of these guys, I have a feeling you're going to need all the food you can get."

"You have no idea," Sue chuckled. "If you're bored, I know Sam Uley's fiancée, Emily Young, could use some help in the kitchen." Isabella agreed and followed her step mother towards the Uley's house. Sue introduced the two women and went back towards the party. Emily and Isabella worked quickly and efficiently together, yet formed an almost instant and effortless connection. "It's been nice having another pair of hands in the kitchen for once," she grinned, her brown eyes sparkling with mirth as some overly muscular men carried out their freshly made goodies.

"I know," she agreed, returning Emily's smile. "Rach is great, but she's a disaster in the kitchen. One time, she almost burnt our dorm down boiling water!" Their moment of shared merriment was interrupt when Sam Uley entered the room and swept his fiancée into his arms for a kiss so intense, Isabella had to look away. In fact, she felt so uncomfortable, she silently excused herself back outside.

"Yeah," a warm masculine voice sounded from behind her, "they get like that a lot," he chuckled. "I'm Embry, by the way," the man said, offering his hand to her, "Embry Call."

"You're one of Jake's friends, right," she asked, taking his hand in a light shake before releasing it. "Oh, sorry," she blushed. "I'm Isabella Swan – well, Bella – Rachel's roommate in Port Angeles."

"Is that where she's hiding at now," he asked, raising a brow.

"I wouldn't say she's hiding," she defended. "After all, her father just came to dinner last week."

"Touché," he chuckled. "Come on, let's get you something to eat before the rest of the guys show up. It's like watching vacuum's suck things into bottomless pits around them." Isabella laughed and followed Embry to the line of picnic tables. She nibbled on a hamburger and some Doritos while sipping unsweetened ice tea from a red plastic cup, smiling as Embry chatted cheerfully beside her the whole time she ate. Isabella did notice how much he ate compared to her, in fact all the mountain shaped men seemed to eat constantly, but she put it down to high metabolisms. When it was time for Billy to start telling the legends, Embry sat next to her on a log, and even put his arm around her when Isabella started to get cold. Good Lord was he hot! Literally, the man felt like a sauna – not that she was complaining. Not with the sea breeze blowing off the ocean like it was. As Billy's stories came to a close, Isabella noticed Embry's eyes kept glancing towards the woods. "Look, Bella," he said nervously, "there's somewhere I have to be now, but I'd like to see you again before you leave."

"I'm staying the night at Sue's," she answered quickly. Embry seemed to gain his confidence with that statement. "Good," he sighed. "Meet me on First Beach at nine?"

She nodded. "I doubt Rach will be up before noon. See you then, Embry." A smile stretched across his face and lit up his eyes as he turned and disappeared into the woods. A yawn escaped her mouth, never having been the type to stay up late, and Isabella began her way to Sue and Charlie's home. She stopped to get her overnight bag out of Rachel's truck before entering the house, taking a quick shower, and curling up under a cover to sleep on the living room couch.

The next morning, she was the first to rise. Isabella silently got ready for the day, and then snuck out to go to First Beach. She knew she was easily a half hour early, but took it as an opportunity to practice meditation. It was an odd sensation that overcame her after only a few moments. Normally, meditation cleared her mind and allowed her to focus on the day's events more easily. This time, however, Isabella felt as if she were being rooted to the very sand she sat on. It was as if the earth were talking to her, whispering words she still couldn't quite understand. With her mind's eye she saw a large russet wolf watching her, guarding her. He stood in a meadow in the middle of the day, the bright sun shining upon him until a cloud moved to cover the sun. Suddenly she wasn't alone in the meadow with her wolf any more, Edward Cullen was there and he was glaring at her wolf. She could hear the wind whispering to her again, trying to tell her something urgently that she still couldn't understand.

"Bella?" Her eyes snapped open to the sight of Embry's concerned face looking down at her. "Hey," she smiled in greeting, standing up and dusting the sand from her pants with her hands, "when did you get here?"

"Just now," he answered, eyeing her curiously. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," she shrugged, "just working on my morning meditation." Embry nodded, taking one of her hands with his. "Look, um, the reason I asked you to meet me is," he started, shifting nervously from one foot to the other, "I like you, Bella. And I was wondering if you'd… I don't know, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" His dark cheeks had blushed red as he stuttered along in a way Isabella thought was simply adorable.

"I'd love to," she assured him. "Do you come into Port Angeles often?"

Embry shook his head. "But I could," he blushed again, "for you." Isabella blushed as well, mentally cursing her shy nature.

"Let's do this the easy way, meet you at the theater at eight on Friday?"

"Sure, sure," he said, trying to sound nonchalant. "That'd be great."

"Great," Isabella repeated. "Well, I bettered get back up to the house before Charlie gets worried. See you Friday."

Here are some answers to questions I thought you might have:

1. Did Embry imprint? No. Like in many fictions, Embry can't imprint because he's only half Quileute. He simply likes Bella.

2. Does Charlie know about the wolves? Yes. His wife is a member of the council, so after their marriage Charlie was informed about the wolves. He doesn't, at this time, know that the Cullens are the vampires the wolves have a treaty with.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!