Alright, I'm sorry it's taking so long to get the part 2's out. I'm working most days so I don't have much time to draw or anything let alone write. So these will be coming slow as my summer is busy but I'm not abandoning them ever. So please bear with me, and I'd appreciate if there were no rude (or comments that sound rude) remarks in my reviews demanding I write this and fast. That hurts, and makes me not want to write them at all. There fortunately have been no more problems.

Since these will take a while, I will upload them each as I finish them rather than all together. Sorry if it takes a bit longer to get the one you want.

We were both naked in my bed now. There had been a few more knocks and loud complaints, from people obviously upset that the game was over already. Honestly they could just continue it elsewhere for all I cared, because all I was focused on was the here and now. Which was mainly Castiel sucking and biting my neck, while massing my inner thigh.

I could feel him pressed up against me, skin to skin and I let out an impatient little whine. Truth be told, I was scared shitless. Was I really doing this? Were we really doing this? Yeah, I liked Castiel a lot. I always have, despite how difficult he could be at times. Hell, I may even love him. Who am I kidding, I do. We understood each other and here we are now, not a thing between us and just centimeters away from crossing a line that could and would change everything. Did I really want to take that step right now so fast?

He brought his face back up to mine and surprised me with a slow and gentle kiss. He pulled back and I became lost instantly in those stormy eyes of his and I thought to myself, yes, this is exactly what I want to do. This time, I pulled him to me and started a kiss again, slow and steady. My fingers tangled through his bright red locks, keeping him close to me. "Are you sure about this?" He asked against my lips and I nodded my head. He managed to pull back away from me, only a few inches though, so he could look at me eye to eye. "There's no going back. I don't want you to do something you're only going to regret later." My heart ached. I could see it, rather, I could feel it, how much he wanted this, but he was putting me first. He wasn't about to let me make a mistake.

"How could I regret you?" I answered softly and nuzzled my face against his neck. "I want to do this. This is what I want. It's not perfect, the timing or the situation, no, but I wouldn't have it any other way." My voice was soft near his ear and I felt him shudder from the tickle of my breath.

He gently pushed me back to the bed again and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. His hand that he still had placed on my thigh slid upwards, between my legs. He rubbed my sensitive skin, sliding a finger up and down my opening. I gasped, arching my back as he toyed with me. "You should see your face little girl." I heard him snicker, and he kissed the corner of my mouth. "You've never looked more beautiful." I close my eyes and relished in the feel that made my insides turn. He was really working me over and leaving me with a feeling I just couldn't begin to describe.

I felt the beginnings of an overwhelming sensation growing inside of me and just getting ready to pour out when suddenly I felt his touch leave me. My eyes opened, to see his face hovering inches from mine. He pushed my legs apart, settling between them. He caressed the side of my face with one hand, staring down at me with determined grey eyes. He waited, watching my expression, waiting for any hint or sign of me going to shut down and block him out. Instead I nodded my head, encouraging him. I felt him there and waiting before I felt him enter slowly. It hurt a bit, and I bit my lip but I kept nodding my head, telling him to keep going.

He slid in and out slowly at first, to ease the pain. I kept reassuring him that I was okay, and it was the truth. The pain eventually began to subside, and I asked for more and he gave it. He went at a steady pace now, all the while covering me in kisses, my lips, my forehead, my cheek, my ear, my neck, my chest, and my breasts. I kissed him back with as much passion. It was an amazing feeling, being this close to someone. It was a feeling I never wanted to lose.

My mind was turning foggy, my head back and my eyes closed. My toes curled under and all these sweet noises were released from deep inside of me. He covered my mouth with his, silencing me. There was a party still raging on outside, but to me it was all a million miles away. Somewhere on the outside music blared and people danced but in here was a totally different world. Every part of my being just broke apart and shattered all in the hands of Castiel and he unfurled himself with me.

When it was all over, he moved to lie beside me, keeping me close to him, with one arm around me and our legs intertwined. We were both breathing hard and staring at one another. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly and I nodded, closing my eyes and leaning into him. I was more than okay, I was great. Fantastic even. I felt different in a way I wasn't entirely sure how.

"I have only ever really cared about one girl in my life before." He mumbled against my hair. "When she broke my heart, I thought I was over and that I'd never get that feeling back again." I picked up my head and looked at him. "Then here you are." He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my lips gently. Still with his face inches from mine, he continued. "I know you'd never do anything like that to hurt me. This, right here, is something I don't want to lose, not now, and not ever."

I smiled. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. I wasn't there when his heart was broken the first time, but I learned the after effects of it later and I wanted to make sure he never felt like that again.

It was much later before we ended up leaving my bedroom. It was well into the night now, but there were still people partying. It looks like they had another game going on in the corner somewhere and music was still playing with a few people still dancing. Everyone else was chatting away and drinking and having snacks. At least my guests could still enjoy the party with me. Good thing I couldn't spot Amber anywhere either for that matter.

I kept glancing down at my clothes, making sure everything was on straight and nothing was backwards or inside out. "Relax. Stop making it so obvious." I looked up at Castiel, standing there watching me with that smirk on his face as calm and collected as ever. He leaned forward and said in a low voice so no one could hear, "You might as well have a neon sign above your head pointing at you that says 'I just had sex'" I felt my face heat up and he started to laugh before planting a small kiss on my nose. "You are so fun to tease little girl." He said and stepped back and I frowned. He gave me a wink and I forgot my annoyance with him, letting my heart melt just a little bit more at the sight of him.