Awwwwwwwwww! Dipper and Wendy kissed again! What will happen to them now? Author's Note: I don't know yet if there will be a sequel. Thanks to all the positive reviews, I will try my best to come up with something, but no promises. It'll probably be about the two OC's I'm introducing in this chapter…

Epilogue: 30 Years Later

"How was work today, Dipper?" asked Wendy as she opened the door to the Mystery Shack gift shop. "Any new tourist?"

"Just some new couple from Japan," Dipper replied as he checked the inventory of the Gravity Falls postcards. "They came here for their honeymoon."

"Why is it that you only ever notice the honeymooners?" Wendy asked.

"Because it reminds me of our marriage," Dipper said coyly.

"Mmm," Dipper and Wendy kissed. She then sat down behind the cash register, thinking about how much life had changed for the Ten Chosen Ones.

It had been 30 years since that night when ghosts became visible to the average man's eye. As it turned out, the events that had happened in Gravity Falls that day happened all over the world. The entire planet now knew about the magical and mystical creatures all around them, and the humans accepted them for who (and what) they were. Soon afterwards, Dipper and Mabel had been given permission from their parents to stay with Grunkle Stan year-round.

These days, Mabel still knit her own sweaters, but she wore them less because they were not waterproof. She lived in a half-sunken houseboat by the river were she had set Mermando free. There were holes in the bottom of the boat were Mabel's husband could pop his head in.

Yes, Mabel's husband was Mermando.

Legally, Mabel's last name was now something in Dolphin, but only merpeople (and dolphins) can speak that language. So, Mabel usually went by Mabel Pines.

It wasn't uncommon for Mabel to take over the Mystery Shack for Dipper- on Wednesdays and Sundays. Wednesday was the slowest day at the Shack, which made it easier for Mabel to keep her cool and not turn into a Stan. Sundays were Dipper and Wendy's 'special days,' so they needed someone to watch the Shack then.

Tambry and Robbie had fallen in love the moment Robbie admitted that he was a zombie. This time, it was true love. Zombies no longer existed, for the curse was finally broken. Tambry and Robbie had gotten married, and lived a happy, normal life in New York City, where Robbie was a music producer, and Tambry found a passion for fashion design.

Gideon and Pacifica had an on again, off again relationship. Pacifica was a big time movie star, while Gideon started touring the world with his 'new and improved' psychic act. No one knew how he did it, but Gideon swore to Dipper (with Mabel present) that he wasn't spying on people anymore. Being such huge names in the world of entertainment, Gideon and Pacifica had a bumpy relationship, but they always got back together eventually.

Grunkle Stan and Grandpa Stanley were now ghosts, but they had some pretty interesting experiences during their last few years.

Grunkle Stan devoted the rest of his life to teaching Dipper how to run the Mystery Shack. After about a month of these lessons, the Shack began getting visitors from every corner of the globe, eager to learn about the paranormal beings living in their hometowns. Because of this new wave of tourists, Grunkle Stan began setting up exhibits on the real paranormal beings in Gravity Falls. Having learned his lesson with the Gremloblin, Dipper suggested exhibits with pictures of, and videotaped interviews with, the creatures instead of actually putting them on display. Grunkle Stan agreed, but because The Royal Order of the Holy Mackerel forbade putting real paranormal beings on display. Since the world now knew about them, it was allowed to have pictures and videotapes of the said creatures.

After the ghosts became visible, Grandpa Stanley had gone back to his wife Camila Pines, who greeted him with open arms (and a vacuum cleaner). Despite being apart for 30 years, they instantly rekindled their marriage. Sadly, the sudden reappearance of her husband after years of vacuuming was too much for Grandma Camila. She passed away six months after Stanley returned.

Camila was a kind of ghost who preferred not to hang around her living loved ones too often. So, to cope with his wife's death, Stanley turned towards teaching Dipper everything he needed to know about the paranormal creatures in the world. This was mainly to help solve disagreements between the creatures and the humans, should the occasion arrive.

Surprisingly, although he enjoyed these lessons, Dipper wasn't the best mythical creature-to-human diplomat. He had spent too much time fighting these beings to reason with them properly. Even more surprisingly, it was Soos who was the born diplomat in the family. Soos had listened in on the lessons, and he had a knack for getting the paranormal being and the everyday man to settle their differences. Soos was now a world-traveling ambassador of the humans to the mystical creatures.

As for Dipper and Wendy, they had officially started going out the day after the ghosts became visible. After 15 years of dating, Dipper and Wendy became Mr. and Mrs. Pines. Their marriage was still strong to this day.

Dipper had grown much taller since he was 12. He was also getting a bit muscular. Dipper's attire had altered as well. Every day, Dipper would wear a plain white polo shirt, black slacks, and brown loafers. The only thing remaining from Dipper's original wardrobe was his Pine Tree cap. It didn't really go with the outfit, but the cap had become a symbol of the new era, so Dipper would wear it anyway.

Wendy had remained pretty much the same size over the years. Now 45, Wendy would usually dress in a lavender t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. Long abandoning her lumberjack hat, Wendy's hair was now pulled back in a ponytail.

While Dipper ran the Mystery Shack, Wendy would be in the woods, trying to find information for new exhibits. She usually went out alone, but on Sundays, Dipper and Wendy's 'special day,' they would go into the woods together.

Now that he was 42, Dipper usually went by his real name, Stanley. Only close family still called him Dipper, Wendy included. And Wendy had taken Dipper's family name, making her Wendy Pines.

But there were two people in Dipper and Wendy's life that had special names for them…

"Mom, Dad, we're home!"

Dipper and Wendy turned towards the gift shop door to see two 12 year olds walk inside. The boy resembled Dipper when he was that age, and the girl Mabel. They had the same hair, skin, and eye color as Wendy.

Their names were Tyrone and Mia Pines. They were Dipper and Wendy's children.

"Hey kids! Ready for your after-school 'Mystical and Paranormal Creatures' class?" asked Dipper.

"Yeah, Dad!" Tyrone and Mia cheered.

Dipper grinned. "Then let's follow Professor Daddy into the hall behind the vending machine!"

"Yay!" cried Tyrone and Mia.

Wendy smiled as Dipper and the twins went down into the formerly secret lab. Dipper really is a great father, Wendy thought. I wonder what kind of paranormal activities will happen to Tyrone and Mia once they go into the woods this summer.

The End (or The Beginning)