I don't own CSI or any of its characters. Copyright stuff.

First CSI story, first story for ages. Wrote one for Lost a long time ago. Let me know what you think; if it's worth carrying on or not!

Catherine sat alone in her office waiting for shift to end. She wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she was upset. Another shift had led to another fight with Sara, the woman Catherine yearned for but knew she couldn't have. She sighed aloud to herself as she watched the clock, the hands moving slower than she ever thought possible... "Why do I do this to myself?" She grumbled aloud. She knew that she was going to start a fight when she made that stupid, immature comment comparing Sara to the Vic... But she never expected Sara's comeback to hurt her quite as much as it did.

Sara was in the lab finishing up a report for Catherine. After the shift they'd had it was all Sara could do to not just up and leave the lab and find the nearest bar and drink herself into oblivion. Again. It had become a regular habit for her, going out drinking, taking home anyone to fill the void that Sara knew, deep down, could only be filled by the gorgeous red-haired supervisor she fought with constantly. It could only be filled by Catherine.

That had been what had started the argument with Catherine that night; her supervisor making a comment about how similar Sara was to their victim. Sara didn't agree of course and had snapped straight back at her boss with a snide comment that she didn't really mean... But she knew she was in the wrong. She should never have made the comments to Cath that she did, especially as by the time they'd closed the case, Sara could see that Catherine's observation had been correct... And Sara hated that. She hated that Catherine saw right through the front she put on to cover up the mess that she was underneath.

Sara finished up her report and glanced at the clock. Part of her was hoping that she'd worked past the end of shift so she could just drop the report on Catherine's desk without another confrontation. Another part of her hoped, just a little bit, that Catherine would still be there. Sara wanted to apologise to her for their argument that night, she felt terrible for calling Cath the things she had... All in all, Sara had basically called Catherine a slut and a bad mother. Neither of which she was, and Sara knew it.

Catherine was just putting her things into her purse when there was a quiet knock at the door. "Come in". Sara slowly pushed the door open to the small office and stepped inside. "What do you want Sara?" "I uh, have the report... From the case... I uh..." "Put it on the desk and get out" Catherine looked up and met Sara's eyes for the first time since the younger woman had entered the room. Sara could feel the piercing glare and lowered her eyes to the floor. She stepped forward and placed the file on the desk in front of Catherine and then stepped back. Catherine, too, had dropped her gaze again, but flicked her gorgeous green eyes back up when she didn't hear the door open or close again. "I told you to get out" she hissed "don't make me say it again". Sara looked at Catherine again and murmured, no louder than a whisper "I'm sorry"

"Sorry? You're SORRY?!" Cath raised her voice a little and Sara flinched. "I wanted to apologise for earlier on. I am sorry for saying those things to you; I honestly don't believe them... I was just is wound up by your comment about me and the Vic... But I think that I uh... I was upset by it because I realised you were right. I am just like her. So I'm sorry". Sara turned then to open the door. She had her hand on the handle when she heard Catherine's voice behind her... Closer to her this time. "Sara, wait..."

Catherine had gotten up from her chair the moment Sara had turned her back. She was stood close to Sara now, close enough to touch her. Sara turned round at Catherine's words, shocked to see her supervisor stood so near. Sara's breath caught in her throat as she leant against the door. Catherine was looking at her, but Sara couldn't place the look in the woman's eyes. "This is it" Sara thought "she's finally going to hit me" but the slap Sara was expecting never came. Instead, she was met with Catherine's lips pressing against her own.

It wasn't what either of them had been expecting to happen. Catherine had no idea what had come over her in that moment but seeing Sara looking so hurt and almost vulnerable in front of her had stirred something in Cath and she just couldn't help herself. Sara on the other hand had been expecting a slap and instead her lips were locked with those she had lusted over since she had come to Vegas. Sara felt Catherine's soft lips pressing against hers, the pressure increasing until Sara reciprocated, Catherine's tongue ran across Sara's bottom lip, asking for entrance, but almost as soon as Sara had parted her lips, Catherine pulled away, taking a step back from the other csi, looking down to the ground.

"I'm sorry" Cath whispered, just loud enough for Sara to hear "I didn't... I don't know what came over me" . Sara stretched her hand out and ever so gently lifted Cath's chin until their eyes met again.

"Never apologise for kissing me Cath, never".