A/N: Hi earthlings ((: So I edited this first-ever Gintama fanfiction I've made years ago. Is it years or months? O.O Anyway, for those who have read this, thank you for reading even if it do have many incorrect stuffs. That's all pitches and pies. I love you so maaaatttttcccchhhhh :DD

I don't own Gintama.

Kagura and Okita Sougo are one-year married and things are going too well for the couple and the people surrounding them, (Of course that includes the non-stop argue of the infamous love team of the Gintama.). And arguing with so much force (That sometimes the street got blown off) was a normal or too-well things going on between the newly-weds.

Kagura shooting Okita then her husband dodging it or sometimes using his katana to destroy every single thing his wife has thrown to him. So basically there are no designs hanging on the wall and vases on the side of their houses.

"I want a dozens of sukonbu. Now." Kagura was standing in front of her husband who was lazily lying on the floor with his both hands under his head. Sougo opened an eye and look up to her,

"You want it, go buy it yourself." He then closed his eyes again.

"I want it now, sadist. Buy me. Now." Sougo felt chills run down his spine so he fully opened his eyes only to see his wife glaring at him intensely. Sougo was quite confused for her wife was being stiff already without them bickering at all.

War hasn't started yet so why his Kagura only does is looking down at him like he's going to be eaten? He's not scared at all. Not at all.

"Why so serious-

"Are you going to buy me or not?" He sighed and sits up straight then scratches the back of his head.

"That's too much, China. Are you going to die or something?" A nerve popped from her head.

China murmured something before speaking, "Would you shut up and just go buy me?!"

"Not until you tell me the things you muttered earlier before destroying my eardrums."

"You won't hear it anyway because I just broke your freaking eardrums if you have those things on your freaking ears because you can't even hear me screaming here saying buy me sukonbu, stupid!"

Kagura groaned and turn her back on him and walk towards the door while stomping (with the wooden floor being casually destroyed) she was muttering something and Sougo was lucky enough to hear it.

"So annoying, he couldn't even buy his wife sukonbu. So f-cking lazy bastard asshole. I'll just go to Megane to buy me what I wanted." With that, Sougo's ear flickered and a nerve popped from his forehead. In a swift movement he grabbed her wife's wrist and kissed her passionately. Kagura's eye widened before returning the kiss.

"Just punishing you from doing something irritating." Then he walks out the door. Kagura smiled evilly after his husband had gone out, of course to buy her the food she wanted.

"Tch. That bastard's really got a thing for Megane.."

"Sukonbu's gone, buy me another dozen." Sougo's ear flickered a bit and then he stared seriously at his wife.

"China, what the hell is wrong with you?" It was only yesterday when he bought her fourth dozen of sukonbu and he can't ignore the fact that Kagura's been going mad about eating her favorite food.

Kagura seems to be ignoring him because of the piece of sh—t (that's what he thinks about her food) she was eating.

Sougo think seriously.

Then realization hit him and he swore if what he thinks is true, he's going to give one thousand yen to her Gin-chan.

"Ow, Souchiro-kun? Why are you here?" Gin-san asked with his oh-so-boring tone with a new release of Jump series.

"Here." Sougo handed the white-haired samurai one thousand yen and walks out. Gintoki was out of words before he spotted the sadist samurai walking down the stairs.

"H-Hey, what-

"My wife's pregnant."

Gintoki was again out of words when…

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" The perm head's scream was heard all over the Kabuki-chou. And he immediately changed his expression.

"Ah Shinpachi, I'll be out to buy parfaits. I'll be late this evening… I think I'm lucky today so I have to go to pachinko." He said with his hands going like he's already on a pachinko doing his game.

When Sougo came back from where he went, Kagura follows him until they reached their leaving room,

"Are you still mad?" Sougo turned to her with cold eyes. The yato clan woman was pregnant for three months and she kept it all for over a month. That's why her tummy was a bit huge. Who wouldn't be mad at that?

"Not at all, China." He deadpanned.

"I have a name, bastard."

"I have a name too."

Silence grew larger, until a heavy sigh was heard by the let out of the long orange-haired woman and then she step out of the room leaving the puzzled shinsengumi captain. The fact that his beloved wife didn't do the usual thing she would do make him go mad.

"I'm not overly freaking mad at you, it's just that… why the heck on earth you didn't told me?" He asked Kagura who was now leaning her back against the wall beside the open door with her bangs covering her eyes with closed fist.

"Okay… I asked you and then you said yes, then I dashed off to Danna. I'm sorry, okay?" Sougo slowly walked to the open door,

He muttered something before completely going out the room, "This is so out of character."

"Kagura, I'm not mad-

There he saw her tears coming from her covered eyes with clenched fists resting on her chest, he walks to her front and held both of her wrist.

"C-China, what the heck is wrong with you? H-Hey… why the hell are you crying? Stop joking around…" This was the second time he saw her cry, the first one was before they became a couple. And her tears back then drove him insane that he couldn't do anything and yet he kissed her.

She was driving him insane again.

He dropped her right hand carefully and then brought his hand to her cheek. And then he held her head up to meet her worried eyes,

He let out a heavy sigh, "I'm so happy that I'm going to be a father." Then he hugged her tightly.

"Guess I have to be cautious for six f-cking months. Pregnant women are sensitive." He whispered in her ears which made her wife giggles.


A/N: I'm sorry for the cusses and the randomness *bows in front of you* Thank you for reading and if you do have time, please review. Thank you pitches and pies. I also know Sougo's out of character.