Summary: Short but Cute Drabbles and Fluff containing the Naruto and Hinata pairing. (Notice: Has no plot line- Random occurrences)

Multi Chapter Fan fiction (This will not be drug on through thousands of chapters. I apologize, I'm not the person to usually do multi chapter fics especially since I'm a new writer and I'm just getting a hold of this. Today, however, I feel like writing a few chapters or so. It all depends on how you the reader feel about my work.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.


The cold midnight breeze swept across the valley way near a young girl who was seated on a patio seemingly indulged in a book. The young girl was so engrossed in her book that she didn't become aware of the tedious wind that passed her by until the pages of her book went flying and flipped and turned the opposite direction of her reading site.

She gasp lightly, clutching tightly to the book she held to her chest now becoming fully aware of the boisterous gust of wind. As the tormenting air picked up, Hinata wondered was it time to finally go in and settle down. Thunder struck the ground and Hinata took that as a warning sign from kami, which she obliged, gathering up all the things she took outside, she shut the door behind her and locked it.

She quickly shut the windows in her home before walking to the bathroom to cut on the hot water in the shower. She turned the lid to hot just in time for a loud knock to startle her and the poor girl ended up bumping her head on the bath tub faucet.

"Ow." She groaned, rubbing her head with the back of her palm as she wobbly stood on her own two feet to take a look in the mirror at just how bad it really was.

On the center of her forehead was a large sore red bump circling a red rim on its outer rings and Hinata swore she could feel pulse leaking out of it. She lightly touched it only to grimace and pull away as the sore felt like a pounding of a hammer through her head. Hinata compensated that she might not only have a giant red bump on her forehead but also a mild migraine as well.

Hinata opened the mirror, taking out a bottle of Advil and she closed it and turned around. Another knock after the other were like bells to her sensitive ears as she felt like passing out or worse beating the person on top of the head who was responsible for the loud noise unknown to them that caused her great pain.

"Coming!" She shouted at the door.

She swung the door open and she was definitely not ready for the bone crushing hug she received afterwards which put her on the edge.

"Hinata, I'm so glad you're alright! I was so worried about you."


"Yes it's me." Naruto said softly, gazing down at her with much passion in his eyes.

Hinata resolve slipped as she found herself staring deeply into those pools of cerulean blue she missed so much every time he would turn away and leave. But what she couldn't understand was….what was he doing here?

They were standing in the same spot for who knows how long until Hinata snapped out of her trance by Naruto's voice. "So can I come in cause its getting really chilly out here, ya know?" He grinned at her causing her heart to flutter within her chest. Not that he would know anyway.

Hinata perked up at the sound of his voice. " Oh how rude of me please come in Naruto-Kun. I have some coffee in the kitchen but its two hours cold so you probably wouldn't want any of that!"

"Oh, it's okay I had some this morning." Naruto said, taking a look around her apartment." Wow nice house."

Hinata shut the door behind her not forgetting to lock it. "Thank you Naruto-Kun. It took me hours to get everything in here, can you believe?"

"I can…" Naruto started but drifted off the end when he turned to face Hinata just to see a large bump on her forehead." Oh my god Hinata! What happened? Did I do this to you? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, it was really cold outside and the wind was blowing and I felt frustrated at worrying about you! I was just so relieved to see you okay and I.."

Naruto cease his panic when his ears perked up at a light stuttering noise- wait- that wasn't stuttering. He looked over Hinata, seeing her cuff the back of her hand on her mouth giggling profoundly.

She's just too cute. Naruto thought fondly watching the girl continue to snicker and grin to herself.

"Oh Naruto!" Hinata said in between laughs." You- can…- be so silly- sometimes, you know that?"

The blonde boy known as Naruto blushed in embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head. " So, how did you get that bump on your head?"

She held up a finger signalizing for him to wait as she popped a pill into her mouth earning a questioning look from the boy that now choose to sit down on the couch.

"Well, it all started when I was outside on the patio reading a book my father had given me concerning our legendary keke genkai and then all of a sudden this huge gust of wind comes out of nowhere and knocks all of my pages of my books back. I had to admit I was a little annoyed but I kept my composure like any normal Hyuga."

Naruto laughed when Hinata did a pout.

"..then I ended up coming inside since the wind didn't seem like it was going away anytime soon and thunder had scared me a little. I was going to take a shower but I heard your knock on the door and I hit my head on the faucet by accident."

"Then, it was my fault." Naruto admittedly felt bad and looked over at Hinata apologetically.

Hinata waved him off with a sweep of a hand." It's okay Naruto. I have the Hyuga will inside of me and look, I even have pills!"

She showed him the pills as if it were some kind of prized possession but he still looked sadden at the fact that he practically caused Hinata head to be bruised and now it looks like a swollen red plum on her head- not that he'll ever tell her that.

"Hinata come here." The girl was surprise by his sudden actions.

"Uhm, okay." She responded lowly over walking to Naruto. He grabbed her hand, settling her down slowly on the couch. "Where are your medical supplies?"

"In the mirror in my bathroom, why?" Hinata asked confused as Naruto got up and headed to her bathroom to get medical aid without saying a single word or acknowledgement to her question.

Wait. Hinata slowed. Is he..going to do what I think he is?

Realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

N-Naruto-Kun wants to aid me! Her cheeks burned at that thought. But Naruto-Kun only does that for Sakura-San when she's hurt!

Well, he's probably just doing it for me since I'm his friend and all. I'm nothing special to him like Sakura-San and Sasuke-Kun of course. I can barely breathe right now just speaking to him. Oh, he must think I'm such an idiot. I mean, it is pointless wasting my time fantasizing about him when he would never be with someone like me. He has the beautiful, confident Sakura Haruno, why would he settle for someone like me…a weak link? The spark in her eyes were long gone replaced by a gaping sadness as she didn't even notice the fragment of her dreams kneeling right beside her.

"Hinata don't look so sad. We're gonna get ya all fixed up! I promise." Naruto lifted her chin up with his finger only to see a stray tear fall from the corner of her eye.

"Hinata, what's wrong?" Hinata turned her head away from him not wanting him to see her cry in fear of him pitying her and thinking she was a weak link like everyone else thought she were.

"I'm fine." She bit her lip to contain from crying. Naruto could tell her words came out forced and a little hoarse at that.

Maybe her head is hurting her worse than I thought. He bore at Hinata a little longer. No, that can't be it. There's something else that's bothering her and as her friend, I'll do everything to find out what it is that's causing her pain.

"Hinata, you don't have to be afraid to cry in front of me. You've known me for years and I'm still the same Naruto Uzumaki you know today!"

Yeah, and the same man who I can't seem to confess my feelings to.

"I'm sorry Naruto. I-I've g-g-got you so w-worked up over nothing, really!" She whipped the tears away with the back of her palm. "My head is just..really hurting and I'm in need of that medical condition like you told me! So please, hurry!"

Naruto knew she was lying, as she was not a very good liar either and she didn't seem to want to talk about it so he left it alone and said." Let's not keep you waiting any longer!"

He flashed her one of his signature smiles which made her heart soar in her chest. She blushed bright pink when she felt Naruto hand on her left cheek and his eyes sorely on her. "This may hurt a little Hinata, and I'm sorry if it does but I don't want this bump to become infected and worse for you to end up in a hospital so bear with me on this one."

She nodded slowly, her cheeks still resting a pink tint on them.

Naruto dipped the wet rag in peroxide, he moved closer to her, (resulting in her blush to darken), and carefully placed the rag on the center of her forehead. Naruto formed soothing waves of noises trying his best to calm the clinging girl, but it didn't seem to help.

He patted around it a little more before an idea popped in his head. I hope she doesn't get mad at me for doing this. He stroked her cheek gently in a motion of circles. He then kissed along her neck tracing butterfly kisses along her jawline ending his master piece with a soft peck on her cheek. He glanced at her now cherry red face in a panic. "I'm so sorry Hinata! Please don't hit me." He dropped the rag unconsciously, wrapped himself in a tight ball ready for the hit to come.

There was none until he opened his eyes.

She hit him right in the kisser. Literally, not physically but emotionally. The next thing she said made his heart skip a beat.

"I could never hit you Naruto. No matter how much you hurt me emotionally and maybe even sometimes physically, I would never do such a thing to hurt you."

"I hurt you…emotionally?" Naruto looked at her ashamed." I'm sorry whatever I did…"

"No Naruto, it is not what you did." Her bangs hid her eyes and she whispered." It's what you didn't do."

She exposed her hurt eyes to him. "..Remember Naruto when we were little and we use to play out on the grass fields until we got so tired that we went inside and fell asleep on your couch?"

Naruto wore a knowing expression.

"We use to have fun all day until my mother came and picked me up. Sometimes, I couldn't stay with you because father was so strict on us and as we grew, I don't know if you know this or not, but things begin to happen."

"My brother, Neji-Nii, turned on me for some odd reason, I could never figure out why. We use to be so tight as if nothing could break us apart but when he started hanging around with the wrong crowd he kept rambling on about destiny and what not..he said mean things to me…did mean things to hurt me and all I ever did was stood there and watched him do those things and say those things to me!"

"I love my brother so much and it hurt me so bad." Hinata face took on a look of pure pain." Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse people begin to bully me at school. Calling me names like wall flower, weak, stalker and so much, much, much more. I couldn't take it and when kami decided that wasn't enough, he wanted to take away my pride too. I fell in love with a boy I have been chasing for so many years! Too bad, he doesn't feel the same way and my mother is dead and gone without her I'm left in the world to wonder into nothingness."

"Naruto-Kun that boy was my only hope and I just- I just." She broke down from there and Naruto pulled her into a loving hug. He stroked her back gently." Shhhh Hinata, I know. I know. I understand where you're coming from."

"When I was little people shunned me, calling me demon and even going as far as to burn down my apartment building. The villagers use to think of me differently. About my love life…" Naruto drifted off much to Hinata distaste. She didn't want to hear about how Naruto became girl friend and boy friend with Sakura and yet she didn't say a word..because she was too much of a coward to speak up.

"I chased Sakura-Chan for years after years after years. She was only interested in Sasuke, wanting to be by his side til the end. I felt I didn't belong in Team Seven and neither did I belong in her life since I wasn't able to ful fill her promise of the life time. day, I asked kami, if my life were to end in just one day, then what will I do in the spare time that I have left?"

Hinata stomach twirled at the thoughts of her Naruto- Sakura's Naruto- dying.

"I answered; to fulfill all the promises to my friends. That way, when I die everyone will be left with a parting gift of mine."

Naruto really wasn't aware of how much these words affected her.

"Imagine my face when I asked Sakura-Chan out on a date and she finally, after many years proclaimed a yes."

Hinata breathe hitched in her throat.

"I remember that day like no tomorrow. I had the biggest grin on my face."

Naruto smiled at the memory, Hinata, however, had a deep frown on her face ready to burst out in tears any second now until he said something that made her back track.

"But, something felt wrong. This wasn't right."

Hinata looked up at him in much confusion.

"..the date..the everything felt good at first but as weeks past the feeling between us begin to slowly slip away through each passing day."

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest.

"I asked myself countless times' did I truly love Sakura-Chan' for the next passed weeks."

"…and I couldn't answer that…"

Her heart was on a limb of breaking.

But how can you break something that's already broken? Hinata thought sadly.

"…until now…"

Her head snapped up only to be caught in a lip lock with Naruto. Her eyes bulged out her sockets.

Naruto…Naruto's…kissing me.

At first she was too shocked to respond but sooner or later she melted into the kiss, pulling back after suddenly remembering he was still dating Sakura.

"Wait Naruto! This isn't right, you still go with Sakura-San and what about your dream of wanting to be with her forever? I don't understand!"

Naruto shook his head." No Hinata, I don't go with Sakura-Chan anymore. I recently broke up with her two weeks ago because both of us know she is still in love with Sasuke and during that time of spending time with her, I realized she was not the one for me all along. Today you've opened up my eyes for greater possibilities I should've seen a long time ago."

"I'm sorry it had taken me this much time to realize you were here all along…"

The Hyuga pinched herself on the arm to see if she was dreaming. "Oh my God, I'm not dreaming."

Naruto laughed at this but was cut short when Hinata pounced on him.


"Unknown to the both of them, the bath water was still running in the background. So imagine their faces when they see water all over the floor? Okay, let me stop right there, Naruto cut off the bathroom water when he went to get the medical supplies from the mirror. See, problem solved people! I hope everyone at least enjoyed some parts of my Fanfiction. I hope I didn't confuse anyone and I hope it didn't sound rushed. Please review and until then, I love you my reviewers."