~ is internal conversation between host and symbiote
bold is symbiote speaking with symbiote voice
"You've been cleared?" I ask, smiling warmly at Martouf/Lantash as they step into the room where I am sitting with my teammates. They are back to wearing their normal tan Tok'ra uniform, and look very much more comfortable.
He nods. "Yes, I have. We both have." He makes a wry grin. "And we have talked to Jacob - for quite some time."
"I'm sorry about that." I grimace.
"He is your father. We understand." Martouf says, sitting down on a chair beside me. He leans over to kiss me.
"What will happen to Ren'al?" I ask.
"I'm not sure. She is not in a cell, but she has been confined to her quarters, with a guard posted outside the doorway. The Council will interrogate her and pass judgement when they have looked into the case further. The fact that Tanith is no longer here, but has escaped to serve his master more directly, makes it harder to tell what truly happened."
"Surely they do not think Ren'al worked with Tanith?" Teal'c asks.
"No...probably not, but they suspect she has been fooled by him, possible brainwashed. She will be examined by the healers later today. She is being uncooperative, but I believe that is mostly due to her personality. She is a very proud person, and admitting error does not come easy for her."
O'Neill snorts. "Just like the rest of you guys!"
Martouf dips his head, giving Lantash control. "I will admit that the Tok'ra regrettably share some of the Goa'uld pride and arrogance, but we are not all the same!"
"I didn't mean... damn, okay, I know what I said!" O'Neill sighs.
"Our people seem to have drifted apart during the time Martouf and I have been gone. No doubt there are errors on both sides. We will do our best to work to better the relationship." Lantash says.
"So will Jilinet and I. I'm sure it will help the Tok'ra to have a queen. Not only will they listen to her, but she is proof the Tok'ra are no longer a dying race. That should stop Delek and others like him, who are probably just worried the Tok'ra will go extinct." I say.
"Agreed." Lantash smiles at me. "It would seem this problem with Ren'al has completely taken attention from our son. I do not believe we will hear any complaints."
"That's good - and I suspect many of the Tok'ra are also very happy to have you and Martouf back again. And they'll be happy to have a queen, when that becomes common knowledge." I say.
"Most of the Tok'ra have still not been informed?" Daniel asks.
"No, for security reasons, we are waiting until Jilinet wakes up again." I tell him. "In fact, I have talked to Anise, and she agreed with me that it would not be a bad idea for me to stay on Earth until I give birth, and Jilinet wakes up. That should also stop any comments from Delek - if he should decide to say something, which I doubt." I take Lantash's hand. "I hope you'll agree to come with me? I'm sure General Hammond will let you stay on the base - otherwise my dad will talk to him."
Lantash nods. "Of course Martouf and I will accompany you, Samantha. Our home is with you."
O'Neill rolls his eyes, but doesn't comment on it. "Then what are we waiting for? I mean, I'm guessing you guys don't have a lot to pack."
"We'll get you some clothes on Earth - you can't wear Tok'ra uniforms off base anyway." I say.
"Hey, wait for me!" My dad says, walking into the room. "I thought I'd go with you for a couple days." He smiles at me. "My only daughter has been gone for many months, and returns pregnant. I'd be a bad father if I didn't spend some time with her!"
"I'm fine, dad! And Martouf and Lantash will be there too."
"Sure, but I'm still coming with you." My dad looks to O'Neill. "So, as you were saying - what are we waiting for?"
We all get up and leave to go to Earth. Lantash takes my hand, and we walk with my dad and my team mates to the Stargate.
Things have turned out really great! Martouf and Lantash are alive and well - and they are now my mates. Jilinet is my closest friend, and she will wake up as soon as I have given birth to our son - which will be fairly soon.
Yes, there was no way I could have imagined this when I agreed to the mission to Apophis!
(This is not the end - I have ideas for a continuation!)