Hi everybody,

Firstly thankyou those of you who have stuck around- I am honestly ridiculously ashamed of how much I have neglected this series considering how much I tried to build it up.

My excuse for this delay of nearly 2 years? I really don't have one I'm afraid. I just sort of lost inspiration and couldn't come up with any new ideas, so this series just sort of fizzled out of my mind until I recently got back into Warriors for good again.

I really do want to get this series up and running again, my only issue is lack of ideas.

I know that in the description I promised Onestar, Dustpelt etc, but apparently back then I had leads on where to go with these characters and right now frankly I have nothing.

So just keep harassing me until I get something! Suggestions are always welcomed!

My only condition- please only living cats as of Firestar's death in The Last Hope (Dustpelt just scrapes the marker)! I know people suggested Tallstar and Spottedleaf but it's hard when one is already in Starclan and the other is just kind of gone.

I promise to try and get the series going again! I just need a flow- thankyou all for being so patient and for those who may be relatively new to the series, I'll try not to let you down, this must have been a pretty crappy first experience of my writing.

Thankyou everybody!