I'm back again!

Christmas break is on its way, so expect more of me soon. This chapter...Well. You'll see.

Let's get right to this.

"Vallisara, I need you to drink this."

I just sighed and accepted the drink pressed to my lips. Weeks of trying to cure my blindness were making me very doubtful that I would ever truly see again. Images of Calcelmo and Aincantar flashed in my head, and my heart constricted. They had no idea if I was alive.

I don't even know if they're alive still...

I swallowed the drink, praying to Auri-El that this would be the one. I closed my eyes tightly, scared to open them to only see the blanket of white I've grown so accustomed to. Karliah's soft voice reached my ears, "It may take a few minutes to reverse the optical nerve damage that was inflicted by the poison. Just relax, Guildmaster. As soon as we've figured this out, we can return to Markarth." Her voice suddenly became darker as she added, "And, I'll kill the mer who did this myself."

I shook my head softly, saying, "He won't be easy to get rid of. We will need a plan. And help. He's got too many friends in high places. I wouldn't be surprised if he has already been pardoned and is roaming Markarth, waiting for the moment to retaliate. He will stop at nothing to find me, and the first people he will go for..." I trailed off, thinking of my uncle and brother. And then images of Ondolemar flickered in my mind, making my bite my lip.

Ondolemar... Auri-El, protect him...

My shoulders felt like the weight of a dragon rested upon them at the worry I felt for him. Faolan would stop at nothing to find me, and he already loathes Ondolemar.

Gods, I'm so selfish... To put him in danger just because I... I what? I struggled to find the words to describe my interest in the Justiciar. But I couldn't deny it any longer. I enjoyed being around him. For once in my life I felt... Safe. Safe to be somewhere. And that somewhere... Was with him.

Images flashed in my mind of his bed, of his sleeping face. Of the words he'd muttered last time I was there.

"I'm afraid of what I'll do if I let you stay."

I could feel my face grow very warm at the thought. At the insinuations he made that night. I could also feel my heart flutter in my chest with worry. With Faolan still around, Ondolemar would be facing incredible danger just being seen around me, much less...

Karliah stopped my train of thought, cutting in, "Do you plan to open your eyes anytime soon?"

My eyes shot open in surprise at her voice, and I stared deeply into her lavender irises. I felt my heartrate pick up as I continued to stare in awe.

"Your eyes... They're... There."

She laughed with mirth, her hands clapping to my shoulders. "Thank Nocturnal, you can see!" I didn't know how to respond, I was so in shock. I just looked around at the cistern in amazement, relieved to see the light flickering in from the boarded up well, casting a spotlight on the middle of the room.

I heard the quick but quiet footsteps of many, and looked over to see Brynolf rushing towards me, sweeping me up in his arms in excitement. "By the Gods, lass, we were starting to give up hope!" He twirled me around, carefully setting me back down onto the stone ground, which for the first time in months I could see.

I blinked and the crushing weight of my responsibilities cut my celebration short. "I have to return to Markarth."

"Are you mad?!" Brynolf grabbed my shoulders, shaking me. I shrugged his grip away, saying, "Maybe, but I have to return. I know a place I can hide. I just need to get word to my uncle and On-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence, and Karliah looked at me suspiciously.

"Who is this person you so desperately want to see again, but don't even trust us to let us know his name?"

I sighed, running my hand through my dirty blonde hair.

"Ondolemar. He's a friend. And he is in more danger than anyone else."

His right hand balled in rage as he read the letter from the First Emissary in his left hand. He grit his teeth as he looked at the courier who delivered it, who flinched at his harsh gaze. He set the paper in his hand alight, muttering to the courier, "Leave. Now." The man needed no more warning than that, and scurried away from Ondolemar.

Pardoned?! He wanted more than nothing to stalk the mer down and burn him alive. He couldn't believe that someone in the Summerset Isles had enough power to pay for Faolan's bail, and convince the First Emissary to pardon him over a Justiciar's word.

"Ah, so I see you've received Elenwen's letter."

Ondolemar's head swiveled to stare at the mer he wanted nothing more than to kill on the spot. Faolan laughed ruthlessly, saying, "Oh, I know that look. You want to kill me. Well, do it. I'd love to see you try. Even if you succeed, you'll rot in jail and be removed from your position as Justiciar. Who knows, they might even send you back to the Summerset Isles to be executed. Yeah, I'm that powerful."

Faolan strode over to Ondolemar, getting into his face with that crazed grin. Ondolemar's emerald eyes were sharp enough to cut through steel, but Faolan didn't even flinch. His grin grew more menacing. "You on the other hand, I can't lay a hand on here. Not yet, at least. Soon though. I'll torture you the same way I did Val, and when you crack and tell me where she's hiding, I gift you with the sweet embrace of death. And not long after, I'll even be nice enough to reunite Val with you..." He laughed, and growled, "After I've had my fun with her, of course."

Ondolemar's soldiers snatched his arms and pulled him back as he started to lunge for Faolan. Faolan laughed again, stepping away. "Good thing your soldiers are here to keep you in line, Justiciar."

Ondolemar grinded his teeth in anger, but stopped trying to rip the mer's jugular out, no matter how much pleasure it would give him.

Sick bastard. You'll pay.

I was just outside the boarder of Markarth and the sun was just setting when I turned to Karliah. "I need you to get this letter to Calcelmo, and this letter to Ondolemar. They'll be in the Keep. I suggest you change into the spare clothes you brought so not to be recognized by Faolan."

She nodded, and asked in her smooth voice, "And what of you, Guildmaster?"

I looked across the rocky landscape, and again felt relief to see it once more. "I know a place no one else knows. Faolan won't find me."

Karliah nodded, and looked away as she said, "I expect you to write to me when the time comes for this ler to be put to justice."

I smiled softly at my companion, and nodded. "Of course. May Nocturnal guide you."

"You too."

And with that, she took off, and I made my way to that waterfall cave from so long ago.

A soft knock at the door woke Ondolemar, who was confused as to why someone would need him at this late an hour. He stood up, and grabbed a silver dagger off the table on his way, knowing his need for caution.

He opened the door, pressing his knife to the neck of a dark elf woman with mesmerizingly purple eyes. She laughed, and held a letter out to him. "Burn it after you read it." Was all she said. He looked down at it and grabbed it, but when he looked up to inquire more about it from the mysterious woman, she was gone.

He looked around quickly, and shut the doors, locking them. He lit a candle at his desk and opened the parchment, squinting for his eyes to adjust.

Waterfall. Hurry.


His eyes widened at the small letter at the end of the note, and his hand lit the parchment ablaze as he turned and dressed, grabbing his sword and leaving. He realized he could be foolishly walking into a trap. It could be a fake letter from Faolan. Ondolemar didn't care if he walked into a trap. He'd die trying to kill Faolan and give Vallisara justice.

His thoughts flickered to her, the image of her sleeping in his bed, curled against him the most prominent among them. This was a win-win situation whether it was a trap or not. If it was, he'd kill Faolan. If it wasn't...

"Val..." He muttered softly, and realized he was wasting time. He had to go. Now.

I took a deep breath as I plunged into the cool water, trying to relax and clean my dirty hair. The moonlight made the water glow silver, and I found myself at peace for the first time in months. The wounds had mostly healed, although most left fresh scars on my body. I glanced over at the pile of smallclothes next to the lake, wondering if I should hurry to dress before Ondolemar got here. I decided I'd better get out now, before the cold water started to freeze me. Climbing out, I dried myself with a weak flame spell, and dressed in my underclothes. I snatched up the large shirt I'd brought to sleep in, and dressed in it quickly. "I should probably gather firewood." I muttered to myself, and slowly went around the forest picking up sticks. When I'd gathered a good handful, I made my way to the small path up the cliff and to the cave absentmindedly, wondering if Ondolemar would come.

He could think it's a trap from Faolan. I wouldn't blame him. The letter was very vague and suspicious. I slid behind the waterfall and set the sticks down, but before I could even process what was happening, I was pinned to the wall, a blade to my throat.

Fear coursed through me at the thought that maybe Faolan had intercepted my letters as I struggled to break free.

"Stop or I'll kill you."

I blinked and all at once stopped wiggling, and looked up to see a dark hood. The blade to my throat was cold and I knew if I wasn't careful I'd slit my own throat. The memory of sneaking into Ondolemar's room popped into mind, and I sighed in relief.


The ball of light in his fingertips illuminated my face for maybe a moment before it disappeared and Ondolemar stepped back into the darkness of the cave. A flare danced from his fingertips to my firewood on the floor, and I watched the light dance across his face. His face spoke of nights laying awake without sleep, and silver stubble graced his thin jawline. I froze in place at the look in his eyes though. The deep green danced and spoke of millions of things I didn't understand, and wanted desperately to know.

"Vallisara." His voice was raw, despite how softly he said my name. His eyes searched mine in disbelief, as if he thought he was dreaming. I stepped forward towards him, smiling. "I'm here. It's really me."

He seemed frozen in place for a moment, and unsure of what to do. His eyes were still flickering with emotions. I reached up and pushed his hood back, his long silver hair messy from his rush here. I placed my hand on his cheek, and he seemed to lean into the touch, trying desperately to believe it was here as he closed his eyes.

"Ondolemar, I'm so glad to see you're okay. Is my uncle and brother-" He nodded, and I sighed in relief. His eyes opened, and he grabbed my wrist, pushing it from his face as his eyes grew serious.

"How did you get away? Faolan is roaming free." His jaw clenched visibly, and I said softly, "I have friends who know things."

Ondolemar looked over my body, and I felt a heat creeping into my cheeks as he examined me. He looked up at me and said, "Did he... What did he do to you?" I winced at the memories, and Ondolemar quickly snatched my shirt, pulling it up. I protested weakly, but he didn't care as he undressed me. I now stood in my underwear in front of him, and his long and graceful fingers traced my new scars from the weeks I was being tortured.

His eyes seemed wistful and distant as he stared. "I'm sorry." He said, his voice barely audible. He looked up to me, his eyes brimming with pain and guilt. I shook my head, saying, "There was nothing you could do. It's over now."

His hands held on tight to my hips as he stared at me. "I won't ever let him touch you. Never again." His pain fueled a fire in his eyes, where revenge was his only motive. I flinched at the intense look, and he released me, guilt washing over him again.

He muttered softly, glancing up to me, "I'm glad to see you're okay. I will come visit you when I can, so we can devise a plan to catch Faolan, and..." His voice trailed off, the rage igniting in him evident. I reached out to him, replying, "Ondolemar, are you leaving already?"

His eyes scanned over my barely covered body, and he swallowed, averting his gaze. His voice sounded defeated as he answered, "It's for the best I go. I just... I don't think... I shouldn't stay."

My heart hurt, and I reached out to him, my hand resting on his face again. "Please stay." He looked down at me with an unreadable expression, and I could the war waging between what he should do and what he wanted to do.

Suddenly he pressed me against the stone wall, my eyes widening as he whispered in my ear, his hot breath sending chills down my spine, "I won't be able to control myself this time."

"I-I...I.." I stuttered as I searched for words, but my thoughts came to a screeching halt as he slowly pressed his lips to my neck, sucking gently on my skin. I sucked air in, unable to form any response as he pulled away and said in a tone I'd never heard him use before, "If I don't leave, I..." He stopped, his lips reuniting with my skin, burning a trail along it like fire.

"Ondolemar..I..." I tried desperately to speak, but my mind was reeling. I knew how bad this was. I knew how much danger this was for the both of us.

But by the Gods, his lips were melting me. You gotta... Tell him... To stop... I gasped lightly as his hand pressed against my hip, pulling me closer to his body. I couldn't even describe how many thoughts were racing through my mind, and I realized I was losing the will to push him away.

Suddenly, he pulled back, looking me in the eyes intensely. I stood frozen, unable to articulate. "I can't stay. Not when I feel like...This." He said, breaking eye contact. "I can't trust myself to do what I'm supposed to do around you."

My whole body felt weak. I didn't know what to say. My mind agreed and knew just how difficult everything would be after this night, if I let it progress. The danger I'd be putting him in by letting him keep going.

But my heart spoke before my mind could. "Then don't."

He looked up at me, his emerald eyes dancing in shock as I looked back at him seriously. Within me, my heart was going to beat out of my chest, and my mind had completely shut off. Gods, I need to take it back before-

His lips cut my thoughts off, crashing down onto mine as he pressed his body flush to mine. My inner fight was gone as I parted my mouth for him, allowing his tongue to dance with mine. The cold stone against my back barely registered as my skin ignited to his touch. His fingers deftly removed my bra, and I moaned lightly as his hand brushed against my nipple, hardening it. I reached up and tangled my hands in his long hair, deepening the kiss. He continued to play with my breasts, teasing them in encite moans from me.

He broke the kiss for air, his eyes shining as he tried to catch his breath. wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me to the fur bedrolls I'd piled on the floor to make a soft place to sleep.

Before I could say anything, his lips found their home on my neck, working their way down to my exposed breasts, leaving small marks on my skin. I sucked in air as his tongue worked my nipple, sucking and swirling in a maddening fashion.

"Ondolemar..." I moaned unintentionally, and he moved up, hovering over me once more to look into my eyes. I could see the passion and need burning within his eyes, but also the hesitation. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked, and I could see the struggle within him to accept whatever answer I gave.

I slowly reached up and started unbuckling his robes, whispering, "I want you to take these off."

He just stared at me in awe for a moment before a smirk graced his lips, and he said teasingly, "Ask nicely."

He leaned back down and his mouth started working my other breast, and I pleaded, "Please. I can't stand it anymore."

And swiftly, he started removing them until he was in his small clothes as well. I pulled him down into another kiss, even more hungry than the last. His hands moved across my skin, memorizing every line and scar, and I found my hands running down his back, gaining a soft shudder of approval. Before he could stop me, I flipped him onto his back, sitting on his hips and looking at him. I grinded against him, feeling his member fully harden through our smallclothes. He moaned as I started to suck on the skin at his collarbone, and moving my hips back and forth rhythmically.

"Vallisara..." He shuddered and flipped me back over, the role of power reversed again. "I can't stop now." He muttered into my neck, and I replied, "Then don't." I felt his weight removed from me as his fingers hooked my bottoms and pulled them down, and I kicked them off. I helped remove his from him, and we just sat still for a moment, our eyes drinking in each other. He leaned down and kissed me, softer and less demanding than before. I whimpered softly as he pulled away and I felt him position his member at my entrance. I looked into his eyes with worry, and I quickly stated, "Ondolemar, I've.. Please be gentle." His eyes widened softly at the remark, and understood the meaning behind it. He nodded and kissed me tenderly, holding me close to him.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked, pulling away for a moment, doubt filling his deep green eyes. I nodded tentatively, and with my okay, he very slowly pushed inside me. I sucked in air in surprise, feeling pain as he pushed in, my muscles clamped in nervousness. He kissed my neck, getting me to relax. He waited a moment for me to fully adjust, asking quietly, "Do you want to continue?"

I looked into his eyes and whimpered, "Yes. please."

He obliged.