I am very sorry for the late update but I'm just too busy (and obessed with Nagi no Asukara) to actually open , since, you see, Nagi-Asu didn't have a fandom here. But the fandom exists now and I'm so excited to I return! XD

Thank you cara2611, oXXo, Guest, Seraphicpapilion, ilovereadingandwriting13, ElementalMiko13, and m928 for the reviews! I really appreciate them! Please continue to support this story :3

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

In the morning, she awoke with a start. Her eyes shot open and beads of sweat formed all over her body, making her feel somewhat uneasy. Sensation of her skin crawling in the morning right after she woke up wasn't at all pleasant. Rather than surprise, it was more to disgust. Recalling the last line in her dream, she shuddered, her face turned blue and she had to put her palm on her mouth to prevent herself from throwing up. She had never wanted to hear anyone say that line aside from her Onee-sama, let alone a male. It was plain disgusting.

I must be getting tired due to Judgment work…

After charging her "Onee-sama's morning sleeping face" parameter, she let out a sigh of content before she slipped off her warm blanket and proceeded to brush her teeth. In the middle of her activity, her phone suddenly went off. Retrieving the small phone from the pocket of her pajamas, she immediately choked after reading the content of a certain message:

Japan has changed a lot, eh?
I would be glad to know if you haven't, my dearest sister *heart*

-Your dearest brother, Ginsei

"Goddammit!" it was Kuroko's most unlady-like curse of the month.

[The White Siblings and the Least Squares]



by: lil'chrome-chan



Chapter 2: Siblings



The image showed the figure of a very young girl running around the garden framing a gigantic, pure white mansion. Her lovely auburn hair tied in pigtails swung cheerfully along with the wind and her black ribbons danced along. Innocent laughter echoed as the girl suddenly turned around, finally showing her cute face as she smiled and waved.

"Onii-sama!" she called cheerfully.

The little girl kept waving until the screen suddenly blackened after a visible damage caused by a metal spike sticking out from it and presumably others of the same kind damaging various parts as well.

"What on Earth are you showing Onee-sama, you pathetic excuse of a man!?" Kuroko suddenly appeared between the two and the damaged television, her hands on hips, with her hair wet and her body only clad in a towel—very modest.

"—Kuroko!?" Mikoto gasped.

Ginsei played with the remote control, throwing it in the air while creating a magnetic field to make it seem like it was flying around. "I was only showing her how cute you were as a little girl, Kuroko. That aside, that appearance of yours… could it be you're inviting me?" he asked playfully. "You know your big brother doesn't mind."

Annoyed, Kuroko groaned and snatched the remote control and threw it elsewhere before going back to the bathroom to dress up.

"Wipe your bloody nose, you pervert!" Kuroko shouted one last time before slamming the door.

Mikoto sweatdropped as she saw Ginsei wiping his nose while laughing even after being verbally-abused. The guy reminded her of something Tsuchimikado Maika had told her before… a maso-something.

They were inside the hotel Ginsei was staying in after Kuroko seemed to be in a mess after chasing him and he heavily insisted that she needed to take a proper bath before going home. On their way here, Mikoto still couldn't really believe in the fact before her. For as long as she knew, Kuroko had never mentioned her family at all. It could be because she had family issues or she just preferred to not share it with anyone, Mikoto had no idea. But after seeing the junior's interactions with her brother—though they bicker often, she couldn't say that they didn't get along. And from the brother's side as well, Mikoto learned that Kuroko was well-loved.

Maybe she just didn't find the opportunity to talk about her family before.

But then again, something bothered the Electromaster.

"—and when she called me Onii-sama I just can't help but feel how cute she was, you see. Now that I recall, there was this one time when I came to her school to attend her class performance and—" Ginsei kept talking non-stop about Kuroko's childhood and cuteness.

Mikoto sweatdropped, 'Well, I can't say that her brother's all that normal, though…'

"—she is the cutest thing alive, I'm telling you. If not for her, I will—"

"Say, Ginsei-san," Mikoto cut off the long ramblings "how many years apart are you and Kuroko? The two of you look quite close."

A happy smile made its way to Ginsei's lips, "Just call me Gin," he said "I am a college freshman now so we are six years apart. I have been taking care of Kuroko for as long as I remember, since I'm her big brother. I didn't let the maids touch her either!"

"E-eh…?" Mikoto jerked off slightly. "Eeto… How do I say this, I think Maika told me something about this before. Ah, I remember," she nodded. "Gin-san, isn't this what you call an incest?" she asked innocently.


"Uwah! He didn't even hesitate for a moment!" Mikoto was shocked. And when Ginsei stayed quiet, Mikoto decided to speak up again, "Isn't that… I don't know, kinda forbidden or something?"

Ginsei suddenly slammed the wodden table, resulting in Mikoto jerking away slightly in surprise. When she saw his eyes, they were practically on fire. "I have been pouring all my sincere feelings into this incestuous path longer than you could imagine! Your single objection cannot stop me from loving my little sis—" and he received a flying kick from Kuroko.


Mikoto sighed contently, "Nothing's beats a refreshing bath…"

From her desk, Kuroko giggled as she looked at Mikoto throwing herself into her own bed and rolled to hug her giant Kirugumar teddy. Her mind was about to come up with another plan to sneak into her Onee-sama's bed in the middle of the night but was interrupted as Mikoto suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, Kuroko, do you come from a happy family?" she asked, lying on her stomach as she faced her junior.

Looking a bit troubled by her senior's request, Kuroko scratched her cheek and scowled. "Uuh… I can't say that it's a place I can call home, but… at least they don't treat me badly."

"Heee? Why's that? Where's your home, then?" she asked in pure curiosity.

Chuckling, Kuroko returned to look at her computer screen, "Onee-sama, please remain blissfully ignorant."

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

Kuroko's face was red with endured rage.

Commotion was occurring at the Judgment 177th branch office just as she was entering the location. She could hear Uiharu and Saten excitedly interrogating somebody. Hell, she could even hear Konori-senpai sounding like a fangirl for a short moment. When she was wondering what on Earth happened, all she saw was an overly-familiar figure standing at the center of attention with that sickeningly-sweet smile plastered on his face.

Everything got worse when he saw her and immediately rushed to her side. She could've sworn she heard those three girls squealed.

"Shirai-san, is he your acquaintance!?" Saten was the first to ask.

Kuroko opened her mouth to answer but Ginsei beat her into it. "I am Kuroko's older brother, Shirai Ginsei. I came all the way from Germany to Japan to see my cute little sister. Please call me Gin," he bowed "thank you for taking care of Kuroko."

"Hey! He didn't even want to introduce himself before you arrived, Shirai-san." Konori-senpai commented.

"More importantly, Konori-senpai, this guy—the one Shirai-san was chasing yesterday—is her brother!" Uiharu squealed.

"I can't see any resemblance!" Saten commented.

"Why thank you very much. I am very happy to know that we do not resemble each other," Kuroko said indifferently as she made her way to her desk to look at her computer screen to see if there was a new case occurring. When she found nothing, her glare landed on her smiling brother, "Why are you even here—in my workplace, in the middle of the day, and without anything to report. This isn't a place to hang out—save for Saten-san coming over to eat snacks and chat—so please step out of here."

"Hey, I think I heard my name being mentioned just now."

"It's just your imagination, Saten-san," Uiharu patted the taller girl's shoulder.

"Is that so? Hmm… Uiharu, don't you think Onii-san's face is kinda familiar? I think I've seen him somewhere," Saten patted her chin and scowled, trying to recall where she had seen his face.

"Now that you mention it…" Uiharu began thinking as well. After seeing Kuroko and Ginsei continue bickering—though it was more to a one-sided bickering—Uiharu pound her palm, "I know! The article you showed me yesterday! I think it's about those ESPer siblings from outside the Academy city or something of the kind."

"Right! I think one of them was an Electromaster and the other…"

"—a very rare ability, I heard!" Uiharu continued excitedly. "But even the article didn't state it. Hey, does that mean the rare ESPer is also Shirai-san's sibling? That's really wonderful!"

"What the hell, so Shirai-san came from such an amazing family. You can never tell just by looking at her, eh? All I can tell is that she's a pervert," Saten snickered.

"I heard you!" Kuroko slammed the table as she rose from her seat. "When you are about to badmouth someone, whisper!" she snapped.

"Ehehehe," Saten stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Good grief!" Kuroko groaned as she let herself collapse on her chair. She had gotten tired at the beginning of the day.

Ginsei leaned forward, "Think you want your big bro to give you a relaxing massage?" he said as he placed his hands on her shoulders, ready to do anything he thought would arouse his younger sister despite knowing it would fail.

"Hands off!" Kuroko glared.

Her brother sighed and smiled.

"You think she has family issues?" Saten whispered to Uiharu.

"I bet she does. Look at how she treats her brother. Poor Gin-san…" Uiharu replied.

"I said I heard you! Sheesh, can you two not gossip here? This isn't a café," Kuroko scolded, folding her arms. "And I don't have family issues!" she added.

"Eeh? But I wanna gossip!" Saten complained.

"Me too, me too!" Uiharu added.

"Very well, the three of you may get out of this place at once and do not come back before you finish gossiping!"

With that, Kuroko kicked the three of them out of the office, leaving only her and Konori-senpai in-charge. Massaging her temple, Kuroko could finally find peace—something she had missed from the moment she entered.

Mikoto never would have thought that she was unbelievably clueless when it came to her junior's taste. She knew that anything she bought would probably earn a huge smile—and maybe some unwanted, bone-crushing hugs—from Kuroko, but for once, she wanted to buy the younger girl something she would actually like. Last year she had forgotten Kuroko's birthday and even though Kuroko did let it slide only by pouting and shedding some crocodile tears, and even after Mikoto gave her a late birthday present, the older girl still couldn't help but to feel a bit guilty until now.

This year she would definitely find the perfect present for Kuroko.

Despite everything, Kuroko had stayed by her side for more than a year now. The younger girl had proven that her care for Mikoto was genuine and not just a form of carnal desire. Mikoto could still remember the time when the Teleporter went out to fight with Musujime Awaki out of her knowledge and had ended up hospitalized for a while. And even so, the younger girl blamed everything on her own incompetence.

If Mikoto were to look back, she would realize that the younger girl was undoubtedly her best friend. Putting her perverted antics and overly-clingy habits aside, she was a very good girl Mikoto almost felt it was a waste for such girl to stick with her every single day and night.

"…-sama… Onee-sama… Misaka called for the umpteenth time after being ignored by her older sister who seemingly is in a very deep thought," an overly-familiar monotonous voice was heard from the side.

Mikoto turned to the side to find her own reflection. She jerked away slightly in reflex. "Oh shit, I'll never get used to seeing you appearing out of nowhere," she muttered, caressing her chest in order to cease her shock.

"This is Misaka 19090. Misaka adds her serial number in order not to be confused to the other Misakas," the clone said.

"Oh, okay."

"On another note, this Misaka loves milk tea more than the other—"

"No, seriously, I don't need to know that…" Misaka sweatdropped.

"Rather than that, Onee-sama, what are you doing in front of a lingerie shop? Misaka asked, curious as to why her older sister was looking like a pervert who just failed stealing somebody's panties and decided to buy some instead," the clone then let out a pitying sigh.

"Wha—I wasn't!" Mikoto was flustered.

Shit, she didn't even realize that she was standing in front of a lingerie shop and was supposedly looking at a certain pair of erotic lingerie while thinking minutely just now. She must have aimlessly wandered here after her brain automatically set the fact that Kuroko's hobby was to collect sexy lingerie, as main priority.

"Rather than that, Onee-sama, what are you doing in front of a lingerie shop? Misaka repeats her question since Onee-sama seems to have ignored it," the clone said.

Mikoto wanted to look for a favorable excuse but then again, she would gain nothing by lying to her clone. "Well, I was looking for a present… for my junior."

"A present, is it? Misaka asked as she tilts her head to the side in attempt to look cute," and she tilted her head.

"You don't need to force yourself to look cute, you know…" Mikoto sweatdropped at her clone's exposed hidden motives.

"That aside, that junior must be very lucky to receive something from Onee-sama… Misaka wants a present as well. Misaka said as she flailed her arms about in attempt to look childish." On the contrary, she looked laughable when trying to look childish with that poker face.

"…" Mikoto remained silent, not knowing what to reply to her clone.

"As to what present you want to buy for your junior, Onee-sama, Misaka shall connect to the Misaka Network in order to search for information regarding female middle schooler's taste in clothes. Misaka offers to help her older sister," the clone gave a thumb-up.

Scratching her cheek, Mikoto smiled apologetically at her sister, "I appreciate your feeling, but my junior is something else. She doesn't have any normal middle schooler's taste."

The clone tilted her head quizzically, "Why doesn't she? Misaka asked curiously."

"Ah… Now that you mention it, I've always wanted to tell you this," Mikoto patted her clone's shoulder "Beware of Shirai Kuroko. I know it's weird for me to say this about my junior, but she's dangerous." I have no idea what she'll do if she were to find any of you, or worse, many of you.

"Dangerous? Why did you befriend such dangerous person, Onee-sama? Mikoto interrogates as she smells something fishy about Onee-sama's warning."

"Alright, she is a very good girl, I can assure you that. My biggest worry is her perversion. Umm… just imagine her as a Level 5 pervert. She is that dangerous. And while we're at it, let's talk about your underwear preference too. If I recall correctly, some weeks ago my classmates saw you and accidentally took a peek at your panties. It's ruining my reputation and—"

"Onee-sama, what is a pervert? Asked Misaka in a slightly serious tone."

'Alright, she just ignored everything I said and focused on the pervert part only, huh?' Mikoto sighed inwardly. "Pervert is a deviant. You don't need to know too much about it, just be more careful. You never know what they'll do," Mikoto explained.

"Ah… I understand, Onee-sama. Mikoto nods like a good little sister, hiding her desire to learn about perversion and to meet this Shirai Kuroko."

"—seriously, don't do that!"

"I can't believe I spent all my free time lining up to buy the limited edition Gekota pajamas when I'm supposed to look for a suitable present for Kuroko…" Mikoto sighed, a few shopping bags in hand. Sometimes she wondered why she always went overboard when shopping. She always went hope with the minimum of five shopping bags from different stores.

The sky had darkened, making it impossible to go for another search while avoiding risks of being killed by the dorm supervisor.

"Guess I'll give it another shot tomorrow," Mikoto sighed and head to her dorm.

Mikoto was about to take the first step when a sudden weight fell on her back without warning and she almost stumbled forward.



The younger girl giggled and continued to cling onto her. Mikoto had learned that the auburn-haired girl would never let go of her before she got angry and hit her in the head. She was such a masochist—wait, that trait of her junior was very similar to Ginsei. They were siblings after all—Mikoto was once again reminded of that fact.

"Onee-sama, were you having a stroll? Ara, you bought a lot today."

"I had a blast," Mikoto chuckled. But I never found what I was originally looking for, though.

Kuroko smiled happily at Mikoto's words. Nothing pleased her more than knowing that her Onee-sama had fun. The teleporter took a glance at Mikoto's shopping bags, "May I help you with that, Onee-sama?" she offered, holding out her hand.

"Ah," Mikoto looked at her full hands "thanks," she smiled handing her junior some of the bags.

"Now, shall we head home?"


One their way home, they had a small talk—a pointless afternoon talk that didn't thrill Kuroko at the least. However since Onee-sama brought it up, she had no choice but to hold back.

"Say, Kuroko…"

"Yes, Onee-sama?"

"How was your day?"

It was just a pointless question, indeed. It was just a way to start a conversation. However Kuroko certainly didn't have a good day especially after her dear brother just came to her office out of nowhere and cause a riot. Note the sarcasm.



"Let's… not talk about this, shall we?"

Mikoto tilted her head in confusion, "…okay?"



To be continued

This chapter is just a bridge chapter and the real plot will be shown by the next chapter so stay tuned! :)