
The Aftermath

Chapter 3

"Somebody call security, patient in room number eight is having another episode!"

That's the first thing Sasuke heard when he walked into the mental facility early in the morning, and as nurses and finally security guards are running towards the yelling voices, he begins to run as well.

"Shit", he mumbles as he sees the scene in front of him. The tall, muscular man with spiky orange hair, and red-orange eyes that are raging in flames was throwing everything around him.

The nurses in the room were huddled in the corner of the room and security guards had tasers and constraints, trying to cautiously get close to the ranging man.

It was all in futile attempt as the angered man continued to wreck everything and currently had a chair in his hands ready to throw it over his head.

"Jugo, stop".

With just those two words, the man in front of him froze, chair midway in the air, and finally noticed the dark haired man standing in the doorway.

"Sasuke", and just like that, Jugo let go of the chair and made a thump as it fell to the ground and it was like a wave of calmness passed over and his rage disappeared.

Immediately Sasuke saw the hospital securities tackle Jugo down and restrained him with straps and Sasuke subconsciously wanted to protect Jugo from all the abuse he was receiving but knew it was protocol.

Soon enough, a nurse was finally able to inject Jugo with a tranquilizer and in mere seconds Jugo was unconscious and Sasuke was ushered out.

"I'm sorry, Uchiha-san but can you please wait in the lobby area, Jugo won't be able to receive any visitors today as scheduled, his condition is very unpredictable its hard decipher what sets off his rage episodes", the main nurse told Sasuke.

"I transferred him for a reason, you guys are suppose to be the best, if you can't treat him then I will take Jugo and my business elsewhere" Sasuke said in a menacing voice which made the nurse nervous, "Mr. Uchiha, you must understand that we haven't had enough time with Jugo since his transfer, we are getting used to his schedule and phases"

"then you need to play catch up faster—"

"Now now Sasuke,", Sasuke felt a long pale arm wrap around his neck and was instantly filled to have a rage episode himself as the intruder continued, "you know they are trying to their best, don't worry doc, just make sure our Jugo is doing good" and the nurse sighed a quick relieved and scattered before Sasuke had time to say anything.

Immediately Sasuke pushed the arm away from him and started to walk away from the lean built tall man with straight white hair and purple eyes he wanted to pull out, "Ey Sasuke stop, where the hell are you going, we need to see Jugo".

Sasuke gave no response but sensed that the man started falling behind him, "dude Sasuke, I know we're not in the best terms but we gotta act like it for Jugo, don't you want him to feel better, we're the only people he's got—"

"Shut the hell up Suigetsu", Sasuke snarled out as he turned around to face the ignorant man, "you don't know shit so don't start yapping your mouth before you know the facts, you ignorant moron".

Immediately the man named Suigetsu squinted his eyes at Sasuke as he was debating whether to head Sasuke into another fight, "what the hell happened?"

"What the hell do you think you happened you idiot."

"He had another episode", Suigetsu whispered as he finally connected the dots.

"No shit" Sasuke said as he turned around and headed toward the exist, "ey Sasuke where the hell do you think your going", Suigetsu said as he started grabbing onto Sasuke but Sasuke pulled away immediately.

"If you ever touch me again I will fucking kill you" Sasuke practically growled out.

Suigetsu exasperated out, "look Sasuke, we have to stop this, seriously, aren't you tired, I mean don't do it for me, do it for Jugo and—"

"And, what, were you seriously going to say Karin?"

"Well yea I mean the reason she doesn't come see Jugo anymore is because of all the ill temper"

Sasuke started chuckling, "Are you fucking serious, the reason she doesn't come see him is because she doesn't give a shit, she never did, the only reason she became friends with Jugo is because of me, or what, don't tell me it was because of you", Sasuke said in a mocked voice.

"Damn it Sasuke seriously you need to let this go—"

"Are you still sleeping with her?"


"Yea peachy lets go back to old days huh"

"I don't even know why you're still so upset about this, its not like you love her, you sleep with every fucking girl-"

"What, what, do you think she's doing huh, your fucking pathetic if you think you're the only one she's fucking, she worse then me" Sasuke sneers at Suigetsu.

"Look Sasuke you don't even know what your talking about, I don't how you guys can be in marriage like that, why are you guys still together—"

"Why the hell don't you ask my wife, after I found out about you guys I asked her for the divorce"

"What", Suigetsu looked in disbelief at Sasuke started laughing, "apparently your not too bad in bed but aren't a worthy suitable husband for Karin's status."

Suigetsu was loosing his patience and beginning to get infuriated at Sasuke, "Shit Sasuke, I'm not going to tolerate your fucking insults anymore so you better shut the fuck up or else I'm going to mess that pretty face of yours"

Sasuke smirked and started walking away, "No Suigetsu, fighting you isn't worth my time, you can fuck Karin all you want, saves me the trouble", and leaving Suigetsu in belief and rage, he walked away from the mental hospital, abandoning once again his best friend who went insane and his once known friend who was having an affair with his wife.

"Just a regular peachy day", Sasuke muttered to himself as he got into his luxurious car and drove off to another "peachy" day.

"Ah, Mr. Uchiha, I'm glad you were able to make it", a tall beautiful blonde women who looked no more than 40 in a white lab coat extended her hand out to him.

"Sorry for the delay, Senju-san, I had some things to take care of"

"Oh dear boy, please don't call me that, that's what people called my grandfather, call me Tsunade"

"Alright Tsunade then, well I don't want to take much of your time, so if you don't mind showing me around the hospital, and afterwards we can talk about investing"

"Directly to the point. Just like your father, well what can we do, Uchiha's will be Uchiha's", Sasuke mentally winced about that comment as Tsunade started showing her off to the recently established hospital.

"I must say, its very impressive with how much this hospital has grown for barley marking its tenth anniversary"

"Well, here at Sarutobi Hospital, we make sure we educate and prepare our doctors to perfection, the staff is becoming well know that getting a position is has grown to be quite competitive"

The last thing Sasuke wanted to do after he left the mental institution was go to another hospital, but business was business, and he was actually very interested in his next company's program of investing in hospitals which will take his company into becoming globally recognized.

So therefore, his first destination was here at Boston, trying to get the most recognized doctor of Japan to allow for an agreement that will help both of their companies.

"Look Sasuke, come meet our first year resident's, we don't just pick any applicant, we get the best of the best", Tsunade said as she showed Sasuke to the conference area where a group of people dressed in white coats were having a meeting.

"Oh Chief, good morning!" said a group of mid twenties year olds.

"Good morning kiddos, just wanted to see how the schedule for today is going"

"Its all going good Chief, we are just splitting up to go and finish our rounds", said a tall brown haired boy with glasses.

"Aa that's great to hear, anyway, I'd like to introduce to you Mr. Sasuke Uchiha, you'll be seeing him more often, he will be observing you guys for a while so make sure not to embarrass me", Sasuke mumbled a quick greeting to the crowd of doctors in front of him.

He saw that the only two female residents were openly staring at him and he tried not to show his annoyance. He wasn't in the mood for this.

He needed to start discussing his business proposition but Tsunade was a strong-headed woman and told him that she would not accept any partnership with him until he had spent time in her hospital and get acquainted with everything involving the medical center, which in her words meant getting to know the hospital like it was the back of his hand and that included getting to know the staff, fan girls doctors included.

He never had to go through this much trouble for a business deal but he knew that he needed the legendary doctor Tsunade for his company to expand globally. And he never failed. He always obtained everything he wanted, sometimes without much effort, but this was not the case. He would have to abide by Tsunade's request for the success of expanding his company to go smoothly.

"—where in the world is Dr. Haruno, her first surgery is starting in an hour, she should be here by now", Sasuke heard Tsunade loudly ask the residents in front of her, he really just wanted to finish the tour of the hospital so he could head out.

He had to go back to the temporary office he leased for his current relocation and make sure that his employees were keeping everything in order.

This was the biggest project he had ever done and he was a man who needed everything to be perfectly in order, if it was anything but perfect then that meant failure, it was a motto he was enforced while growing up.

"Um she's helping out in the E.R, Dr. Yakushi was swamped with victims from a car crash and called in Sak—Dr. Haruno in", said a shy dark haired girl.

"What! Does that man not know that her first surgery is about to start and I can't have her tired! I swear men these days don't think at all"

"Umm yea—" Sasuke saw the scene in front of him and it almost wanted to snort.

The shy dark haired girl who was taking Tsunade's exclaims like a frighten kitten reminded him of his dobe of a friend's wife.

He will never know how such a shy introverted girl ended up falling in love with the loud annoying dumbest blonde in the world. Because of that, out of all the women he interacts with he treats the pearly eyed women the "nicest". She has to suffer everyday living with that ramen loving idiot he grew up with.

"Mr. Uchiha, sorry but would you excuse me for a moment, I have to prepare for a surgery, it will be an open surgery, one of the first resident has been chosen to perform a solo surgery and I need to get the room prepped"

"Don't worry, Tsunade I understand, maybe I can come back tomorrow when you're less busy—"

"Oh no, Mr. Uchiha, by all means I would like very much for you to stay and watch, it will strengthen what I said earlier about having the best doctors in my hospital, we only train the best and it'd be great for you to see some hospital action for us to negotiate a deal" Tsunade finished with a sly smile as they started heading out the door.

Sasuke almost gritted his teeth but remained as stoic as he walked in.

He knew what she was doing, she really meant when she said that he had to understand how this hospital ran, meaning he would have to spend a lot of time in the hospital if he wanted any negotiation to occur.

He internally sighed. "Aa I agree Tsunade, I wouldn't want to miss this surgery, from the talks of it, it seems that we are leaving this surgery to a skillful doctor"

"Oh of coarse my dear, I wouldn't expect anything but flawless from my apprentice"

"This person must be really special if you have accepted an apprentice once again"

"Every once in a while you find someone you can't say no to, anyway you have your pass on and should be able to wander around, in about 40mins head to the open operating room", Tsunade waved him off as she started heading in the opposite direction.

So here he was, 40 minuets later, sitting at the end of the gallery of the observation room located above the actual room where the surgery was about to start.

Whispers and conversations around him revolved around how this intern was so lucky to assist in this surgery and how she deserved it.

Some conversation focused on how it wasn't fair for a resident who just started to take on this surgery, Sasuke pointed those whispers to jealousy.

It would be a lie to say that he wasn't intrigued himself.

Someone actually becoming the apprentice of the legendary Tsunade is something you don't really hear.

This would be good for his company, Sasuke thought. To have more people well trained and prepared will help the company gain more spotlight and therefore more funds for his projects with Tsunade.

'Speak of the devil', Sasuke thinks as the blond well recognized doctor comes in the operating room complete in scrubs and mouth mask.

A second later, another figure steps in the room with the same appearance as Tsunade, but Sasuke realizes that this "apprentice" is female due to her soft features and shorter built then the blonde. He is faced with her back as she is being put on her gloves, "oh look Sakura's about to start", exclaims a girl a few seats next to him.




He's heard that name before, somewhere.

Sakura… and then finally the mystery girl turns around to face the audience above her indicating that the surgery is beginning, and Sasuke is directly overseeing a girl with the biggest green emerald eyes.

Emerald eyes that are showing a bit tad dread, minor anxiety, but immense honor and admiration.

And then Bam! It hits him like a wrecking ball. Those huge emerald eyes that reveal so much emotion— he's only seen them once.

Those same green sparkling eyes that dazzled him at a nightclub over half a year ago in his foreign home.

Those same emerald eyes that burned with desire and passion and a night full of pleasure and satisfaction.

Those same grassy vibrant eyes that he was only suppose to see once but saw again a few hours later where he almost felt regret not because of his unfaithfulness acts but because she was prominently the best he "literally" ever had but had to turn the exotic beauty into something that never happened due to the relationship he did not know he had with her.

Sasuke stretches his back lightly as he lets himself immerse on that one drunken night. He could practically still feel the soreness of his muscles and scratches the little tigress left him.

But that blissful memory had turned sour once he found out who she was.

She was his wife's cousin.

His fucking wife's cousin.

He fucked his wife's cousin.

Sasuke wanted to laugh, the universe played some twisted games. Maybe it was karma finally getting back at him.

Sasuke barley recognized the bubblegum women at the birthday party, she was good-looking for sure, but the way she gawked at him since he stepped into the room made him annoyed thinking she was another fan girl.

But turned out she wasn't—or maybe she was, depends on how you look at it.

She was his one night fuck and he had his first scare that she would reveal it to everyone at the party.

But turned out he had nothing to worry about, the petite women who was sweating bullets, kept her mouth shut and since then he hasn't seen her since and he was grateful for that.

He didn't want to start any drama, especially family drama, especially Uzumaki drama, those redheads would never forget. He was glad he saved a bullet, but apparently there she was, dressed in scrubs and playing doctor with Tsunade.

And who would of thought that green eyes women, who could bend her body so easily to shape it to any position, would turn out to be a doctor.

Not just any doctor, Tsunade's apprentice and as the surgery went by so fast and Sasuke saw the emerald eye girl in her element, he wondered if he wasn't married, and especially not to her cousin, how fast it would take him to get her back in his bed.

"Mr. Uchiha, Dr. Sarutobi, asked for your presence after the surgery", the same timid shy girl from earlier says and Sasuke obediently follows.

They head down the stairs and head outside the operating room, "you did well Dr. Haruno" he hears from inside the surgery room and a second later the two figures come out.

Tsunade is taking off her cap as she finally spots him before the shorter girl does.

Sasuke focuses his attention on the blond women to give the other women time to recognize him. "Mr. Uchiha, how did you like the surgery, are these standards satisfying for your project?"

"Definitely", Sasuke smirks at the girl who is staring at him, recognizing who he is immediately.

"Oh let me introduce you to the main star, Dr. Sakura Haruno", Tsunade lightly taps the said girls arm and she quietly jumps at the reaction.

Sasuke's smirk grows wider.

This is the woman he remembers from the party.

This is the woman he doesn't need to feel anything towards, the girl or rather fan girl he doesn't have any attraction towards, her jumpy attitude is actually quite amusing to watch.

She looks like a confused kitten—although Sasuke has never had any interaction with a confused kitten—or kitten in that matter, so he wouldn't know but at most, in this stage she can just be labeled as cute and he can accept that.

He won't have to worry about any misunderstandings or any future problems because he can handle fan girls like this any time.

"Sasuke Uchiha. Dr. Haruno, you did amazingly well, Tsunade did not lie about your skills."

"What did I tell you Mr. Uchiha? With a bit more practice she'll be ready to take on her own surgeries, any who Sakura once again good job. Mr. Uchiha, I have to finish the paperwork for this surgery so I'll met you once more at my office to discuss minor details".

Sasuke saw Tsunade head back the opposite direction with the timid girl who gives Sakura a congratulatory smile before leaving just him with the girl in scrubs.

The girl in front seems to get out of her trance as she takes off her cap as well and begins to walk away from him; he believes it to be due to her flustered state of seeing him.

"Aa, Dr. Haruno", he says in an amusing voice, as she turns back her attention to him all of short bubblegum hair falling down her shoulders.

"Listen, you don't have to worry about any misconception of that time, you can feel at ease- "

Sasuke doesn't get to finish.

His smirk is gone, as she crosses her arms and tilts her head and looks at him with those green eyes with feign confusion, "Pardon me, Mr. Uchiha, but what are you talking about?"

Sasuke mentally freezes.

No he actually freezes.

Does she not recognize him?

"About that night in Japan—"

"Mr. Uchiha, don't worry, I don't ever remember anything happening", she says with a glint of mischief and amusement in her eyes as she walks away from.

A few seconds pass and as she is out of his sight he literally starts laughing in the hallway.

What a little minx!

Oh never has he ever felt so ridiculous in his life.

Here he was thinking how flagger basted she must be to be in his presence and he was just trying to be nice and let her know that it was okay, that it never happened and there won't have to be any awkwardness but that little bitch beat him to it.

That right there was the passionate women he fucked.

That was the woman who was in her element a couple minutes ago, who looked like she's always putting her hands in people's stomach.

He could deal with fan girls any day.

But girls—women like her are the kind of women he looks for; such outstanding spirit and passion that brings promising fantasies under the sheets.

Well shit.

Now things have changed.

He doesn't care if she's his wife's cousin.

Hell, he doesn't care if he's married—it's never stopped him before.

She's a woman and that's all that matters.

Guys please review!

This chapter was extremely hard to finish. Writing in Sasucakes POV is always a bitch, I can never get his personality right but remember this is an AU story.

So tell me what you thought of this chapter, you guys wanted Sasuke POV so here it is. So tell me what you thought? (REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW)

I always hate writing set up chapters but isn't it intriguing of finding out more backstory of Sasuke's life!

My blondie boyfriend made a cameo as a quick reference and of coarse he's married to Hinata duhh!

So should he make an appearance in the story?

Share your thoughts!

Remember reviews motivate me! Especially since schools not freeing up my schedule!

So if you want me to update! Review!

Thanks for reading!