The Superfamily
Steve looked over at the clock. It was 2:09 AM, and he couldn't sleep. It's not that he was troubled over anything; he was just so excited about everything that was going on lately. He and Tony had just recently adopted a 4-year old named Peter, so the Avengers had become one big Superfamily. He looked over at Peter, then looked over at Tony, watching his chest rise as he slept with one leg hanging off the side of the bed. Steve smiled. His life couldn't be more perfect.
When they woke up, they smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. They got up, and walked out to see what is was. There was Clint, surrounded by the other Avengers, flipping pancakes. "Oh, hey guys!" he said. "We made some of my famous pancakes to celebrate your new kid!" Tony grinned, and went to sit down. "Thanks, you shouldn't have!" He caught another whiff of the sweet smelling batter. "Or, then again, I think it was a wonderful idea." Clint laughed.
"Where is the spider-child now?" asked Thor. "Still sleeping," said Steve. "He's really tired out." "He's the cutest thing ever!" said Natasha, hoisting herself up onto the counter. "And that means a lot, coming from me." "I agree with Natasha. I think he's gonna be real happy with you guys," said Bruce with a smile.
Suddenly, they heard a sound coming from the bedroom. It was Peter, and he was walking out of the room. "Good morning Peter! You like pancakes?!" said Clint. Peter nodded. Thor picked him up, and held him in the air like he was flying. Steve bit his lip nervously, not wanting him to fall. "Uncle Thor will take you to visit Asgard today, if you'd like!" his voice boomed. Peter grinned.
"No. No more Asgard," said Steve, shaking his head. "Not after he nearly got killed by…what are they called…Bilgesnipe? And I don't really want our four year old son hurtling through space." Thor pouted, and put him down. "He had fun! We are superheroes, capable of giving the boy a childhood any other child would dream of!" Tony looked at Steve. "He's got a point there." Steve turned to Tony. "I just don't think it would be a good idea." "Yeah, you're probably right. Sorry, Point Break, wait until he's at least 7."
Just then, the elevator door dinged, but didn't open. They heard a muffled grumble, and a smash, then saw fingers emerge, prying the elevator doors apart, practically destroying them. A very grumpy, messy haired Loki emerged. "You're elevator's broken, Stark," he said, glaring at him. Peter hurried over and hid behind Tony and Steve. Tony raised his eyebrows at the rubble that was now his elevator. "Someone having a bad morning?" "Ha," laughed Natasha, "He's always having a bad morning!" Loki sat down with a cup of coffee.
"Enough! I can't help it if I'm not a morning person! Besides, I was kept up the whole night by that infernal child crying!" The Avengers all grinned at each other. They had all bought earplugs, but didn't tell Loki about them just to see how mad he'd get. "It's not his fault!" Steve defended. "He's a toddler. Toddlers cry sometimes." "Loki muttered something under his breath about 'making you cry,' and took a big sip of his coffee.
Tony picked Peter up, and sat him on his lap. "What do you wanna do today, Peter?" Peter made a gesture that looked like a spinning wheel. "You want to go to the carnival?" asked Steve. Peter nodded. "Alright! Looks like we got a day at the fair!" said Clint, beaming as he served the pancakes.