Okay so super nervous since this is my first OUAT fic. Can't wait to see if this goes alright. ~Artimas (My cute little cats name :3 ) For the sake of this story they do not know where storybrooke is, it was such a small clip in the show literally the last ten seconds that I don't even know how they learned the name...maybe through Lancelot. Whatever lol.
**Update: I have decided to come back to this story. It has been long enough. I'm sorry everyone I had a baby and life just got in the way, but with pharmacy school and worry, I really need a release for stress. I will try for 1 chapter every other month.**
BTW I own nothing! Shucks.
Chapter 1: Prison
Emma's head was pounding. It was so severe, it caused even her ears to throb. She didn't want to, but she persuaded herself to force her eyes open. This proved to be far more difficult then intended. Her vision was cloudy the fine details around her lost. She let her eyes rest once more, this was not helping. Her body felt as if she was hit by a car. Her arms felt heavy, and numb. She willed herself to move, but couldn't manage even the smallest twitch of her pinky.
Thinking back, the last thing she could remember was shoving the compass into Mary Margaret's unsuspecting hands and pushing her through the portal back to Story Brooke. At least she hoped she made it to Story Brooke. Guilt surged in her stomach. That hurt look on her mother's face. She could still hear her screams of protest as she disappeared in the waters of LakeNastos. Mary Margaret had fought to have a happily ever after, she fought to give Emma her best chance, and look at her now. She was at an all time low, and she didn't even know where. One thing she knew for certain was that she was alone. No one to save her now. Her heart sank, just another part of the Emma Swan adventure, she thought bitterly.
Cora's smiling face, and greedy hand ripping into her chest flashed to the forefront of her mind. Her body tensed a tingle surging down her upper half. That's right, she was with Cora. Was she now? Her faced scrunched in concentration, the room had to stop spinning in order to find out where she was. She needed a plan. Motivating herself bit by bit, she finally opened her eyes taking in her new surroundings.
Her body was stiff and she attempted to roll her shoulders. She scowled, she was bound. Trapped, her wrists cuffed uncomfortably above her head. She laughed at her misfortune, it was just like in the movies.
"Ridiculous" she scoffed.
She had to have been here for a while. Her body seared with pain, as she attempted to loosen her restraints. A thousand needles poked at her skin, as she tried to push away the sleep from each limb. Warm blood trickled from her wrists to her elbow, staining her pale skin.
I really hope I don't have to cut off a hand. Her mind flashed to the movie saw, as her lip turned in disgust.
A small circle of light surrounded her and a wooden stool. Someone had obviously been watching her. She glanced around for her captor but sighed in relief when no one walked out of the shadows.
The light twinkled innocently at her from a small oil lantern, just out of reach. In all honesty the area was bare, nothing to help her current situation. The light was dim enough to hide the rest of the room in shadow. Maybe if she could reach it with her toe. Her legs had come back to life, and although uncomfortable she managed to stretch one foot close to the stool. But to her frustration not close enough.
With a large exhale she chalked her captors viewing point as a lost cause. Licking her lips she glanced around for plan B. And that's when the fear in her chest came to life. Their was nothing. The chains were to thick, the light was to far, the room just to dark...she was in trouble...
"No, no you don't...now is not the time to panic" she chastised herself, casting a glare inward. She needed a plan, but first she needed to know what the hell was going on. Starting with where she was.
Calming her mind was easy. She glanced around making a small game out of it. Like 20 questions. She was indoors, or maybe underground, that much was certain. Beneath her, she could feel the hard wood floor, and the stagnant air gave her the impression of a cellar or a basement. Maybe a dungeon? That wasn't too much of a leap in the magical kingdom of whatever the hell. Wherever it was it didn't see a lot of foot traffic. Dust coated every surface, spider webs clung fast above her in the rafters. She could easily spot one set of large foot prints leading to and fro. Most likely her captors.
Suddenly, the floor lurched. Her stomach summersaulted. It did it again, but this time she realized it was the whole room.
"What the…" she cut her own sentence short as a prickling sensation rose along the back of her neck. Someone was watching. Her mind desperately tried to link the missing pieces, slower than she would have liked it came to her. She had to be on a boat.
She rolled her eyes in her sudden recollection, only one selfish bastard could be the cause of her discomfort. Hook.
"Don't want to talk?" Her voice was piercing. "Doesn't seem like you at all." Her words were cold, cool as ice. She tried to find him, straining her neck to glance behind her, but the pain it caused her forced her forward. He was here, she knew it, she could almost smell the rum.
"Come out Pirate!"
"Now Swan…however do you manage to get yourself into these predicaments?" She gave a keen look towards the arrogant voice of Hook. Feeling his eyes scan her body.
"It's a pity you can't be trusted." He finally slipped from the edge of the shadows and into the light. Somehow he managed to look both incredibly amused and equally smug. His good hand lazily rested on his cutlass. "I would have much rather had you tied down to my bed then here." He gestured about the room with his hook giving her one of his brightest smiles, topped off with a wink. She couldn't tell if he was being charming or a bastard. It seemed as though men were the same wherever you went. Even in the Enchanted Forest they could be pigs.
"Pervert." Although it came out as a whisper she knew he had heard her, his smile growing larger. He reminded her of red, all those teeth ready for an attack. Inwardly cursing herself she whished he looked a little less excited. It annoyed her how in his element he was.
"I see you haven't lost your edge Miss Swan." With a nod of his head, he continued towards her. Gracefully bowing down and hooking the lanterns handle. Her leg twitched with the thought of kicking him. He merely chuckled, before settling down on the stool. It was a game of control, and she was clearly the loser. Not for long she thought.
"Where's your master little lap dog? Or has the witch found someone more useful?" Daggers shot from his eyes his usual sultry expression scandalized. It was a swore spot, pirates valued freedom above all else.
The light tore away at the shadows behind him as he casually set down the lantern. Her stomach sank. The prison was mostly empty, a few barrels, and bottles stored here and there. She could find no easy escape, and panic once again clawed it's way through her chest and into her throat.
"She'll be back." He shrugged. "There's no way out love." He was reading her like a book. Emma tried to ignore him. Tried to push back against the fear beginning to seize her. He mind reeled to a stop, out of the corner of her eye she could see his lips turning upwards into a smirk. He was laughing at her.
She sighed wearily, "Do me a favor, gloat somewhere else."
"This is my ship lass, and I'll very well do as I please." He leaned in, grazing his hook down the side of her jaw. The metal was cold, sending a small shiver down her back. "I'll do whatever I please Swan." His eyes lingered on her lips for a moment, his tongue tracing his own. She willed herself to jerk away, but the restraints wouldn't let up. Damn him.
"What do you want Hook?" Her voice was far more airy then she liked. He winked once more before leaning back. Running his good hand through his hair and down to rub his neck.
"As much as I'd like to keep playing this game with you lass and believe me…" His eyes scanned her body, lingering on her chest before continuing "…Its very tempting…No... I'm here for one thing, and one thing only. Tell me how to reach the crocodile, and then your free to go."
"The what?" She lost her cool, her eyes widening in disbelief. "A crocodile? A fucking Crocodile?" She was going through this hell, because he thought she knew where some stupid animal was. Her voice spiked. "…you have got to be kidding me!"
Hooks body grew ridged. How did she not know? Cora promised she would. He shifted uncomfortably. Her eyes wild as she continued to curse at him. No she was good at this, making him believe empty words. She would not trick him again. His eyes captured hers.
"Don't lie to me Swan.. You know where the dark one is, and you will tell me how to get there or else." His voice was demanding, and hatred filled his eyes. It was so intense she dropped his gaze.
The Dark one was a name she knew. Of course Rumple had pissed off Hook, he had taken his hand for starters. She almost rolled her eyes at the thought but instead forced herself to return the fiery gaze of the pirate. She would not turn the Imp in, even though she would be better off without him. She swallowed, if she told Hook where to find Rumple, then he and Cora would be in Story Brooke. She couldn't risk that.
"Go to hell you bastard."
A sudden flash of sympathy danced behind his crystal blues. He leaned in close this time, she could feel his hot breath at her neck. The smell of whisky, spices and salt radiating from him. She had no time to enjoy the combination.
"It could have been easier lass." Suddenly he was walking away shaking his head and shrugging, he gave her one last look, almost pleading with her to just answer him. When she didn't, he sighed. "Gave it my best, she's all yours Cora."
An icy feeling crept over her skin at his words. She felt unhinged, and vulnerable her heart rate rocketing. She swore everyone in the room could feel her pulse. He had given her the chance to leave unharmed and she had denied it. Now she was being handed to the wolves.
"Hello Emma dear…I never got to welcome you home." Cora stepped out, her smile as fake as her greeting.
"Home?" Hooks voice could be heard in the distance, of course he was going to watch. Emma glanced towards him just barely making out his figure casually leaning against the wall, he appeared to be inspecting the edge of his hook. That selfish ass.
"Yes…she didn't tell you." Cora's lips formed an all knowing smile, her eyes dancing with excitement. "No time for that now I'm afraid." She feigned remorse before reaching out with one finger and turing Emma's head and gaze back to her. "Lets get this over with, shall we?" Emma could only nod in response. "That's a good little girl. I just need to know one simple teeny tiny little thing. infinitesimal really. You remember my daughter Regina, I need you to tell me everything about where she is?"
That's when it clicked. She was the map. Her hands tightened into balls and she clenched her jaw. She simply glared at the woman now sitting on the stool Hook had occupied moments ago.
"Time is running out Emma."
She needed answers to make sure she was right, she wasn't good at this whole magic thing. "So you can't get there can you?" She eyed the woman, hoping her ability to read people would not fail. Cora's eyebrows scrunched, and then once again her perfect façade returned. Bingo.
"I believe dear, I'm the one asking questions today. Now do the right thi-"
"I'm not your pawn Cora." She looked past her interrogator and locked eyes with Hook. This was his fault. She was going to die because of him. She knew he was bitter of her betrayal, but this was way harsher than a giant. Fear enveloped her, and she wanted him to see it, to live with his choice. Her life was as good as over. He didn't seem to care, glancing away. This was just another detour towards his revenge.
Emma dejectedly dropped her eyes to the floor. He had no ties to her, he owed her nothing. So instead of wallowing in her own self pity she had better prepare herself. If this was the way things where going to work, then so be it.
They would never get to Story Brooke. If they did Henry wouldn't be safe. Her parents would be killed, and God only knows what her and Regina could do together.
Maybe it was better this way, maybe she was never meant to be their stupid savior. Maybe she wasn't supposed to have her ending, with Henry. Perhaps death was the answer. No magic could bring things back from the dead, they wouldn't be able to use her after this. Was this her destiny? Was this moment the one that saved them from death?
"You leave me no choice." Emma's thoughts cleared, and her head snapped back up. Cora's voice sounded pleased with her defiance. Gracefully she lifted her arm and the tip of her finger dangled centimeters away from Emma's forehead. Her hand was bound with such dark magic that it prickled against her.
"Hopefully you won't die." With a small grin she made contact.
The pain was unbearable. Her head felt as if it had split open, and she could feel her skin burning and peeling off. The bindings on her wrists ached as her body violently thrashed. Her muscles felt as if they were turning. The world around her began to slip away. Then it all stopped. Her body was heavy, and her breathing raspy. Her clothes stuck to her like a cold and clammy second skin. The pain… She could feel tears running down her cheek. She prayed she hadn't said anything.
"Now I don't want to ask again." Cora snapped her fingers threateningly.
Emma forced herself to speak. If she hadn't broken yet, she wouldn't.
"…screw you..."
Cora's eyes narrowed in annoyance, but Emma got her wish as the Queen's cold finger pushed against her face.
Instantly her eyes glossed over and as the waves of pain ran through her she stopped fearing for herself, this time it was for her family. She prayed this woman never find a way to them. She was worse than Regina by far. Her mother had been right, why hadn't she listened. Why had she confided in this witch!
Her mind began to break and her memories and thoughts played out before her. No, she would not let her win, she would not let her get to Henry. Her mind would not be used against her.
Focus Emma...this idea proved to be difficult, god how she would miss her son. For a second she could see them happily playing on their castle, fiddling with his walkie-talkie. Then sitting together at Granny's with a cinnamon and hot chocolate. Finally, her thoughts turned, Regina. One arm over Henry's shoulder protectively as she yanked him away.
She almost broke, Regina would finally have her wish. No one would be standing in her way. Emma lost, and ultimately the Evil Queen had won.
Maybe she should tell Cora. She only wanted her daughter back, this had nothing to do with her and Henry. They could leave. The words were on the tip of her tongue.
But, what about Mary Margaret? What about David? No, she was doing this for all of them. She would die, bury away the towns location. This was a honorable death, this was for family.
Hook watched the scene play out before him from the corner of the room, the woman with the golden mane gave no indications of defeat. He could feel his skin crawl when she looked at him, piercing him with those gorgeous eyes.
Her plead for help shook him to the core. And yet here he stood watching Cora kill her. He couldn't help but feel disgusted. What was he doing? He had never gone this far before. He may be a ruthless pirate, plenty of blood on his hands, but dark magic was something he tried to avoid. Should he stop this?
Her golden hair was practically glowing, and her brow appeared to relax. Was she dead? Her mouth twitched upwards into a smile. Disbelief hit him. Emma Swan was mocking the Queen of Hearts.
"How dare you! You stupid girl!" Cora's rage flared at the reaction, and before Killian could blink an eye she had both hands stretched over the woman's face. Finger nails digging into the flesh.
A gasp hitched in his throat as Emma released a blood curdling scream. Her bones creaked and her body contorted. Her eyes rolled so far back in her head that all you could see was white, and blood trickled from her nose. What seemed like hours passed and finally her screams became more dull, as if her throat couldn't keep up with the demand.
"Cora…Your going to kill her luv" Hook finally found his courage, and much to his surprise his voice came out shockingly smooth and carefree.
Cora's hands wretched back "Your right Hook, I…I… forgot myself…" Her breathing was heavy, and after readjusting herself she faced the pirate. "I'll be back in a weeks time, I have to procure a few more things..."
She looked frazzled, but he didn't dare question it.
What the hell had happened? Did something besides him stop her?
Keeping his thought to himself he merely shrugged in reply, giving the air of boredom. Cora accepted the response, and once again turned to their prisoner. Approaching at a reluctant speed, careful to maneuver herself around Emma, as to not brush up against her.
"I know you can hear me princess…and listen well. If you do not tell me where my daughter resides..." She paused, "I will kill you…I hope your son is prepared to never have a mother." With that she vanished in a puff of smoke.
A dark chuckle escaped the blonde beauty before her body went limp.