They were married the weekend after she graduated from law school. Tamaki assumed the role of Maid of Honor and Best Man. Kyouya's father wasn't invited. Kyouya was disowned after a hostile takeover of the company, the only part of the Ootori clan that was present was Fuyumi. She had sat next to Ranka, passing him tissues, trying not to laugh at his endless supply of tears.
Naoki and Ranka had both walked her down the aisle. The two families had merged easily, with Haruhi spending weekends with the Hitachiins and for the holidays, Ranka was invited to stay in one of the many guest rooms. Yuzuha, got over herself and had been on the other side of Ranka, crying just as much. The twin's had embraced Ranka as an effeminate uncle. After having studied abroad started their own fashion line under their mother's empire.
Mori graduated with Haruhi and was front and center smiling as a woman he considered a sister was wed to a man he considered a close friend. Honey stood in as ring bearer and flower boy. Though he had grown in the years, he still had a strong sweet tooth and killer dimples, even after having taken over his family's dojo.
All were still close, even though the Ootori-Fujioka wedding was the first time they'd all been in the same room for almost a year. Letters, phone calls and lunches were enough maintain their connection.
Enough so that when Haruhi gave birth to their first child, they were all in the waiting room. If the hospital wasn't owned by Kyouya the argument on who would be the godparents would have had them kicked out.
Her contractions for her second child started during Tamaki's mammoth of a wedding. She made it through the ceremony to the reception before Mori caught her wincing. Tamaki dragged his laughing bride to the emergency room in their limo with the entire group. Haruhi forced him to go on his honeymoon, but not until having agreed to send daily updates.
After their third child she finally gave in to working part time, only doing some legalities that Kyouya brought to her through the Ootori Corporation.
When her children were all in middle school she renewed her license and started to work as a defense attorney, ignoring her husband's protests. All of which that were centered on the fact they she didn't need to work, he made enough. As a compromise she donated her salary to different foundations.
The day after Kyouya walked their last child, their only daughter down the aisle, both Ootori's retired. Fully and finally.
A.N.: So that was it. This has been my brain child for close to a year, and… confession time. This was fully completed before I posted it. I figured that would be a nicer way to write. Since my muse is lazy and only likes to work in spurts. I hope no one found any errors, if you did, alert me and I'll try and fix it. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. Hasta!