Kei-Kei Yuki: Okay. I know many of you are livid mad with me, and I'm sorry, but the truth is. . . .I BROKE-UP WITH FAIRY TAIL OKAY! I stopped watching the show, and I stopped being a fan for a while. Hey! I have my reason, but. . . .We're back together again, because I missed them so much. So I'm sorry everyone, it been a rough ride for me. Seeing how I'm focus on this new KHR story of mine, but looks like I might be taking a short break with that. ALSO I DESPERATELY IN NEED FOR A BETA! PLEASE HELP ME!
Alright now that is out of the way, this next one-shot is dedicated to Queen-Werempire who requested this, quite some time ago, I am so sorry that I'm late.
Natsu: We're back everyone!
Luke: Man, it been such a long time.
Levi: Looks like we're up next Gajeel-chan!
Gajeel: What I told you about that -chan book worm.
Story 39: Fairy Tail Ep. Air-Genderbend Version!
Standing on the battlefield, the brave water mage, unable to do any more, dropped down to his knees, head bowed down, tears sliding down his cheeks, as his heart was crying for the woman he love, who once again in her life had to witness a tragic. Wanting to do nothing more, but to embrace her, and to lend her his shoulder, not even wanting to imagine the type of grief, and heartache, she must be endearing.
"He did it." Gajeel muttered, having a mix of emotions at the moment, judging by how in distressed Julian looked. Not once have he look up, blue bangs casting a shield from his face, spotting teardrops hit the ground, which came from his eyes. When suddenly, his body stop quivering, as the long raven-haired young woman, watch how his body went still, before collapsing down onto the ground.
"Julian!" Luke called out to his blue-haired friend, running over to him. After hearing from both of their enemies, that their comrade, whom at the defeated of Keyes, ended up being poisoned by the Demon's Magical Barrier Particles as a result.
"Julian hang in there!" Luke desperately pleaded to the falling water mage. "I want to. . .see Grace-hime. I want to be. . .by my hime side." The young man turn his head away, wanting nothing more but his ice hime. Wishing for his tears to go unseen. Luke understanding his comrade/friend wish, turned his head away, fists clenched tightly at his side, as he muttered. "I know. . ."
Elsewhere, Cana and the rest of the group were looking for the rest of their fellow guild members. Meanwhile for Levi, who was searching for them as well, was separated from the others. "Shoot. I'm definitely separated from the others." The blue-haired mage continued to looks for the others. "I hope Gajeel-chan, and the rest are okay." Levi soon reach a dead-end, searching elsewhere.
Following after Erzo, helping to support an injured Minerva. The group of Exceeds following right behind the two, the two humans were having a conversation, not missing the pink blush that appeared on Minerva cheeks, every-time Erzo gave her a compliment. Taking a pause in his step, Pantherlily, look towards the dark sky. 'Gajeel. . . Please stay safe. . . '
Wearing the clothes, that were gifted to her by Luke, a pair of black pants with gold skulls on the side, a bikini style top that match the pants. Natsu stood beside Gajeel, both of the two strong female mage facing their opponents. " Luke. . . " Natsu took a look back at the blonde.
"He fainted." Luke confirmed, nodding her head at this. Natsu open her mouth. "Luke, get Julian and move him away from here. At the moment, you're both is unable to fight." Order Natsu. Gajeel cracking her knuckles, a feral grin on her face. "It's about to get ugly over here. So blondie, get lover-boy, and get to moving. You'll get injured if you get in my way." She replied, crouching low on the ground, like an animal ready to pounce its prey.
Placing Julian on his his back, Luke got ready to leave, but took one last look at the two. "Both of you. . ."
"We know!" They cut him off. Luke could only chuckle, hearing Julian faintly murmur Grace name. "Oi Gajeel! Don't you get in my way." Came the smart, and cocky replied from Natsu.
"If you get my way, I won't have a problem with throwing you off a cliff. Got it?" You could tell by her tone, that Gajeel without a doubt would follow through with her threat. Ready to fight, Gajeel and Natsu initiate the battle, with the later attacking with Fire Dragon's Roar, only to have Tempester negates it with his wind, destroying it soon after.
Gajeel then attacks Torafuzar with Iron Dragon's Club with all her strength, unsuccessful due to her foe's immense durability. Not having any effect, both Demons decide to enter their true forms, their Etherious Form, in order to defeat the female Mages.
"Oh, than how about we. . ." Began Natsu, a sea of flames bursting from her.
"Get serious as well." Finished Gajeel, in a similar state as Natsu. This seem to have prompts Natsu and Gajeel to go ahead and utilize their respective Dragon Modes.
"What the. . ? Gajeel?. . Since when. . .?" Questions began to piled up in Luke head.
"Since when did you learn that?" Natsu asked Gajeel, who smirked at her question.
"Ghihihi. I ate Rogue shadow. Now I'm even more powerful than you, Natsu-chan~" Gajeel boosted, grinning at the look that was on the other face.
"You look like a freaking villain!" Exclaimed Natsu.
"Like you can talk, you freaking volcano!" Gajeel snapped right back.
"Don't forget I got Lexis lightening. So that make me stronger!"
Seeing this, Luke tried to resist the urge to facepalm. Feeling a twitch come from his temple at the two bickering females. "Their arguing. . ." Deadpanned the blonde mage.
"Than let's make a bet than, you flame bitch!"
"Bring it on, ya freaking tsundere!"
Finally ready to clash, the two Dragon Slayers attack their opponents, greatly overwhelming them. In the eyes of their enemies, they were not woman, they were not mage, no-they were demons. Demon from the deepest pit of hell. However, just when they were about to deal the finishing blow,. . . . Natsu and Gajeel end up punching each other instead.
"Idiots!" Exclaimed Luke, throwing both hands up in the air. A tired sigh escaping his mouth, the powerful blow from each girl, made the other stagger a little on her feet, before shooting insults at each other.
"You stupid bitch, ya went overboard!"-Gajeel
"Gimme break! I didn't hit you that hard! Take it like a man!"-Natsu
"I'm a woman! You numbskull!That's it! I'm throwing you off a cliff!"-Gajeel
"Throw your own self off a cliff! Since it was you're fault!"-Natsu
This left everymen, minus Julian, muttering one thing. 'Women. . .' The two continue to bicker with each other. Continuing to squabble about who pushing who off a cliff. Getting on his feet, Torafuzar announces the victory of the Demons, surprising the Mages as he summoned his attack-Tenchi Kamei. Flooding the area which where they stood, the tide of the wave carrying the two female off, as it began flooding the ruins of the Cube.
Catching sight of the flood coming their way, Cana and her group try to run away. Levi, looking down at his feet, saw water rising up. "Where did this water come from?" He asked himself. When in that moment, he sense a familiar presence, a presence that could only belong to one person.
"Gajeel-chan. . .I just heard Gajeel-chan." He frantically search the ruins of the area. Tides of black water filling the room. "I'm sensing a bad feeling." He place a hand over his heart, when he shook his head. Getting rid of the bad feelings that were filling his chest. A determined look in his eyes, as he dive into the water.
After being trapped inside the water, the Mages were weak against Torafuzar, who lunged at both Gajeel and Natsu, with the later being unable to use her Magic. With Torafuzar having the upper hand, the two weaken at having the disadvantage, as soon everyone in their small group were unconscious, except for Gajeel.
'Damn it! He's that fast underwater. That other one is pissing me off. Sitting down there doing nothing, as if were a bunch of pushover.' Gajeel cursed at the disadvantage that were on their side, knowing something was up, when she had spotted Julian mindlessly floating in the water, unable to transform his own body.
"It seem they drank the black water of darkness." Narrowed red slits eyes glared at Torafuzar. "This water is poisonous. It's fatal in five minutes. Although for humans, they can't even hold their breaths for that long." The arrogance in his voice, did nothing but pissed the raven off even more.
Sealing her mouth shut, Gajeel swam in his direction. 'I have to kick his ass. And get everyone out of this poisonous water.' Throwing a punch, but was unable to hit due to the demon speed in the water.
"Deep Impact!" A power hit from Torafuzar, sent Gajeel crashing to the ground below, creating a crater on impact.
' Gajeel.' Levi continuing swimming in the water, eyes desperately searching for the Dragon Slayer. Back with Gajeel, who shock Torafuzar, as he saw the woman was able to recover quickly from the attack.
"For a woman, and for a human. You have spirit." He gave her a compliment. 'Fuck you and your compliment. I don't think I can be able to take on another one of those.' Next, Gajeel manages to succeed reaching the Demon via shadow, after which she attacks with her Iron Dragon's Sword.
Only to have it be proven useless against Torafuzar's hardened armor, as after this the demon began to follow up with subsequently attacking, the Dragon Slayer Mage, blow after blow, bringing the iron raven almost to the brink of unconsciousness.
'Fucking bastard. . .is . . .strong.' Darkness began to cloud her vision, feeling her last bit of air knock out of her, when Torafuzar landing yet another Deep Impact to her gut. Her body sinking deeper and deeper in the ocean of water.
'Can't. . . breathe. . .' Feeling as she was on the brink of death, as yet another burst of pain hit her right in the gut again, feeling a few of her ribs crack, as she was sent flying back. The feeling in her body going numb. 'Shit. . .I can't move. . .If only I had air. . . .I. . .could definitely take him out. Damn it. . .you scum.' Surrendering to the darkness that surrounded her, unable to see anything. 'Maa, who thought I would be defeated like this.' Gajeel smirked sadly at the thought.
'Is this the way I die?
'Is this really my end. . . .?'
'It so dark. And cold. . .'
'Even though I am the darkness . . . I hate it.'
'. . . . . Le. . . .vi. . .'
It was in that moment, that in the dark came a beautiful burst of light. A light that lit up the darkness, with sorrowful eyes. Gajeel unconsciously felt cold no more, as she was embraced with warmth. A tear hit her cheek, as the light hugged her as if she was someone cherished, and precious. A pair of lips descending down on hers own, gifting her the air she so desperately needed.
Opening her eyes, Gajeel came face to face to Levi. Who was hugging her close, when she felt his arms go limp, as he began to sink in the water, after exhaustion, and giving her his last breath of air. 'Levi! What is that Giant doing here?'
Her curiosity was soon pushed away, Torafuzar now in her sight, whom was ready to land a powerful blow to the unconscious blue-haired mage. This brought forth, fury, and undeniable pure rage, to cloud her vision. Her slit eyes glowing a bright red, as she protectively push Levi out of the way, landing a powerful heel drop kick to the back of Torafuzar head.
End of Story 39: Fairy Tail Ep. Air-Genderbend Version!!
Hope you enjoyed!