True Love

She was born on November 1990.

Sometimes, she dressed in black and liked to sing for him.

She was in love with flowers, butterflies, and headbands.

She was rarely honest and she often smiled.

She gets up too early and goes to bed too late.

In a diary, she wrote her most innermost secrets, but unfortunately since the death of her mother she stopped.

She lived with only her father and knew too much about tranquilizers.

She doesn't learn from her mistakes and prefers scotch over wine.

She fell in love on one warm night in August…

A warm night in August, about three years ago…

''I had more fun at my mother's wake,'' the brunette girl complained. She was sitting on the floor in the hotel bathroom and smoking her joint.

Last night, before the beginning of the school year, she and her blonde friend were at inconceivably boring party, organized by filthy rich people for other filthy rich people on the Upper East Side. Their lovely parents were somewhere, busy with their acquaintances, and they were in the bathroom preoccupied by smoking their weed.

''I thought that you weren't at her funeral…'' Serena took another drag of her spliff.

''Are you crazy?'' Blair tilted her head back, and then looked at her. ''Who would have danced on her grave and sloshed the champagne?''

Serena burst out laughing. ''Right,'' she said. ''Will you ever forgive her for sending you back to New York?"

''Never,'' Blair rolled her eyes. ''I have been in love once, Serena. Once. And she ruined it.'' She drew the smoke into her lungs.

''Hmm… Maybe because Aaron was your brother… I heard that in France, incest is legal…''

''Step-brother, S! Step!'' she admonished her. ''She simply couldn't bear my happiness. Don't forget that she is the one who left daddy for some bald sucker and dragged me to Paris!''

''Yeah... but catching you two in bed must have been a shock for her,'' the blonde laughed. ''It's strange that she didn't die instantly then.''

''Too bad. Because then I could be still living in the city of love.''

''But I missed you for these two years,'' Serena blew in Blair's face. ''Besides... you have Carter now,'' Serena pointed out.

''Baizen is hot and all, but… it was true love, S!'' Blair sighed.

The hammering at the door interrupted their conversation. Both of them rolled eyes, standing up.

''Zero privacy,'' Blair mumbled, dusting herself off.

After five minutes, Blair entered the main ballroom where this fan-fucking-tastic party was held. She sashayed like a professional top model. Her dress, in deep intense purple, bounced at every move, and around her shoulder was a wrapped up golden snake. Serena, clad in vivid green, walked behind her.

He was the first person to catch her eye.

He loomed from the crowd.

He was so beauteous, he was so carefree, his light dazzled her. He shone like a million coins.

Next, their eyes met and she sank into his brown exotic darkness.

It was only a moment, a while before he, ashamed, cast his eyesight down, but she knew.

It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever after ever sight.

She thought that she could faint, because his breath was as oxygen for her, and he stood too far.

Blair sighed, catching Serena's hand. ''Who is he?'' Her eyes went to the brunette boy, who was dressed in black suit with a purple bow tie under his neck.

''Who? Him? That's Chuck…'' Serena said casually, looking in the same direction and primping her long locks.

''Chuck…'' Blair decided that it was most glorious name in the world. ''Chuck…who?''

''Jesus, Blair... Chuck Bass. Don't you remember him?'' she hissed.

Blair was still making sheep eyes at him. ''Serena… I think that I just fell in love.''

The blonde rolled her eyes. ''You didn't fall in love, you are just high,'' she snapped. ''Plus, he isn't even your type. He's a well-behaved boy and he is... nice.''

''No, no, no. You don't understand, Serena.'' Blair said, with a shake of her head. ''He will be my husband,'' she announced.

Serena laughed. ''I should record you and send it to Gossip Girl.''

''Say what you want, Van der Woodsen, but you are talking to future Mrs. Blair Cornelia Bass… Wait a minute! You know him!'' It enlightened her. ''You must immediately introduce me,'' she managed.

''Course. Do you want to propose to him?'' she asked. ''Blair? Blair! Waldorf, wait for me!'' she called out, moving after her friend through the guests. ''This will be good,'' she said to herself.

Suddenly, Blair stopped half a step. Serena caught up with her.

''Did you change your mind? He isn't looking so good up close?'' She asked brunette, but Blair didn't answer.

''Who the fuck is she?'' Blair asked icily, staring fiercely at the thin blonde in a white dress, which Blair would never have put on, even if somebody paid her. She took her place by the object of her affection.

''Probably the only virgin who stayed on the island,'' Serena sighed with the boredom.

Blair blew a raspberry. ''Tell me more, S.''

''Eva Coupeau… or something like that… I don't hang out with her,'' she said. ''She is utterly devoted. If she could, she would move into the church. Besides... you know, good marks, teacher's pet, and the fucking snitch.''

Then, she leaned in and whispered, ''Lily told me that her mother was a prostitute in Paris and caught rich client. More than 20 years older.'' The girls exchanged nasty smiles. ''They got married and he brought her here. Now she is pretending to be a saint and wants to make the Virgin Mary out of her daughter.''

Blair crossed her arms over her chest, looking beady-eyed at the couple.

''Just look at her. You can't buy class.''

''True, but your new love is friends with her,'' the blonde said. ''For years. Their fathers were in business together,'' she added.

''But they are not together?'' Blair cringed at the thought.

''I don't think so. Unless they are going to church for dates,'' Serena giggled, and her friend smirked.

''I'm curious what he is thinking about, when he is jerking off…'' The blonde wondered aloud.

''So…'' Blair started evocatively.

''Yeah…'' Serena nodded with a sneer. ''I think Bass is as vestal as she.''

''Not for long,'' Blair said. ''She is no competition to me.''



''I think that Chuck really likes her. I could see them, I talked to him…''

''Oh, really?'' she asked with irony. ''So far, this is unimportant. I have Carter. But we both know well that soon Chuck will be interested in other activities than the congregational prayer… and I will be here to help him with it,'' Blair said, smiling like a Cheshire cat and never taking her eyes off of Chuck Bass.

''I'm sure that you will be,'' Serena chimed.



Blair Waldorf could make the whole list of things that you shouldn't do on a Saturday's afternoon. Like doing homework, reading books, or having tutoring lesson, even if the teacher was hot as hell. Only fun and relaxation.

But today, she was prone to do every one of these things enthusiastically than to participate in what she was facing. She was in the limousine with her father and his new boyfriend.

Her father, Harold, was a homosexual. Probably not because he loved men, but to punish the entire female population. Her parents divorced when she was 12 years old. Eleanor left him for his colleague, who she had met at a party for lawyers. Distraught and resentful, Harold devised his elaborate plan of revenge. Voilà! He decided that now he would be a gay.

And now, they were going to the old folks' home to visit Roman's father. Sweet Jesus. Until now she didn't even know that there is an old people's home in New York.

She did what she could to not look in the direction of the cute couple. Three times, she improved her make-up, texted everyone, minus one specific person, and watched the precisely silver fine designs on her turquoise skirt. But when they started groan each other names, she had to intervene.

''Hello? Daddy? Do you remember that I am also here?'' she snapped.

''We are apologizing, Blair...'' Roman tried to say.

''I wasn't talking to you. Besides, to you, I am Miss Waldorf,'' she hissed.

''Blair-Bear! You are already a grown girl...'' Her father started and she rolled her eyes. ''It's hard to control myself, when I am with my true love...''

In response to that, Blair proceeded her counterattack. It was based on Harold's plentiful sexual past. After a few long and dire minutes, when she had only gotten to half of the letter C, the car stopped.

''Here we are!'' Roman breathed a sigh of relief and left the limo first.


Charles Bass had not the foggiest idea that the love of his life was crossing the doorstep of the same building in which he was. After a week of persuasion, he surrendered to his friend, which since a year was a volunteer at the retirement home. Eva had assured him that he would not get his hands dirty. The point was to stop thinking about the beauty queen. Because of this thinking, he nearly overexerted his hand. The official point was to keep oldies company, spare a moment of the conversation, and show some interest in them.

Now he knew that Eva had lied.

Albeit everything began innocently, in reality, he had to deal with the gang of beastly, fussing, and wishing him the worst, old geezers.

He definitely had enough. After he was forced to hear out the story about their sexual conquests, he had been forced to watch the game of the strip poker played by seventy years old people, and he almost had a panic attack when one of women started pretending to be dead to see if he would give her mouth-to-mouth.

God, I'll never set foot in this place again.

Suddenly, a characteristic, unpleasant smell attacked his nostrils. He looked around the room, and then looked at three gaffers playing cards. He located source of stink. He went up closer and asked the man in the elegant yellow sweater, affecting politeness.

''Excuse me, sir, did you just shit yourself?''

''Yes, what's the problem?'' He asked, unemotionally.


''I don't like it here.''

''Blair, I am begging you...''

The three of them just entered the building, which resembled the primeval hotel and was filled with scent of old people. Roman managed their tour.

Quickly they land in a long corridor, there weren't any windows. The only lighting seeped poorly from a few pendants.

Halfway, Blair noticed a silhouette a few metres before them. A very familiar silhouette. Fuck.

''Chuck!'' her father called out before she could hold him back.

Her sunshine turned around, surprised, and saw them. Blair eyed him up. He had a grey shirt and matching trousers. Before, he twisted she also glanced at his fine ass. Sex on legs, as always.

''Good afternoon, sir,'' he said in a deep voice. She could feel his eyes on her, but she was pretending she was entirely absorbed in perusing a wooden wainscot.

''Chuck, my boy! I haven't seen you for a long time,'' Harold said, not paying any attention to the fact that Blair and Chuck hadn't even said hello to each other. ''What are you doing here? Blair didn't say that you also would be… ''

''I am here only with my friend…''

WTF?! Blair glanced at him from under her long eyelashes. Are-you-fucking-kidding-me?

''However... Later, you must come with us to our family dinner…'' Shit. Shit. Shit.

''Daddy. We broke up,'' she interrupted him.

''What?!'' Harold screamed, looking between teenagers. ''Why!? Blair?!''

''Jesus… We won't be talking about it now,'' she said, crossing her arms over her chest, which meant the end of the subject and every man in the corridor knew it.

''Okay. Leave them alone, honey, and let's go find my dad,'' Roman suggested, taking Harold's hand.

When men disappeared behind the door to the room, Blair leaned against the wall and started playing with her long hair. Chuck put his hands in pockets of his grey pants.

She started biting her lower lip, it always drove him crazy.

''So, you're here with your girlfriend,'' she said and Chuck rolled his eyes.

''She is not my girlfriend.''

''But she wants to be.''

''But you know who I want.'' he said, and she didn't answer.

''I apologized for what happened on Monday,'' she said after the minute of silence. They were alone, so she didn't have to impress anybody.

''I know. I got your text message at about 3 in the morning.''

''I hope that I didn't wake you up...'' she chuckled.

''No, of course not,'' he laughed.

They hadn't talked like that, without restraint, for weeks. That was her fault, of course.

She was like a dog in the manger.

She was afraid to be under his influence. He filled her head, like dope. Romantic texts. Funny gestures. She will have time for these all nonsense in the future, but she was a too much of egoist to refuse herself his company completely.

''I don't remember anytime recently when you were so nice to me,'' his voice shook her out of her contemplation.

''Oh, I remember,'' she smiled seductively, looking at his crotch. In spite of a faint light, she could see that he was blushing a little.

''I wasn't thinking about it...''

Blair cocked her head with simpering smile. And then she saw her.

She emerged from around the corner of corridor, pale as the eidolon. She stopped when their eyes met.

In the blink of an eye, Blair's hands were wrapped around her beloved man's neck. Even though the shock showed on his face, his hands automatically went to her waist.

''I miss you, Chuck…'' she said quietly, with one hand touching his nape, looking into his wishing eyes.

She started to vaguely grind her hips into his. She had to distract his attention so he wouldn't ask 'So then why the hell did you break up with me?'.

Now, he only groaned and grasped her tighter.


She looked at the column of his throat as he swallowed.

The object of her hatred was heading in their direction. Apparently, she couldn't believe her eyes.

''You smell nice,'' she whispered to his ear before running the tip of tongue over the shell of Chuck's ear.

The reaction it provoked in Chuck, she could feel near her pelvis. How Eva reacted, she could see before herself. It was something of a cross between bloodlust and the state before bursting into tears.

Blair really liked both effects.

Chuck breathed deeply, drinking in her fragrance. He let one of his hand grip her curvaceous ass cheek and squeezed.

''Blair… We mustn't... We can't behave this way here…'' he said huskily.

''You don't want to fuck me against the wall right now?''

''No. Of course he doesn't want that,'' said a trembling voice and Blair could feel how Chuck's whole body stiffened, aside the one organ that was already rigid.

''Eva! You naughty girl! I didn't know you enjoyed watching...'' The brunette smiled maliciously, releasing Chuck from her embrace so he could look his friend in the eyes.

Eva stood before them clasping a book to her chest. Her hair in a single braid didn't cover her pinkened cheeks.

''I was going to text to you… I'm leaving…'' Chuck started, avoiding her eyes.

''With her? '' The blonde asked with desperation and heartbreak in her voice, also trying not to steal glances at his boner.

''Even if, it's none of your business,'' Blair threw out, smiling mockingly.

''We met by chance…'' Chuck said.

''You don't have to explain anything to her, Chuck,'' Blair put her palm on his shoulder.

''Don't touch him!'' Eva cried out.

''Or what? You will send the Inquisition after me?'' she hissed. ''Besides, he really likes it when I'm touching him. Guess where the most?''

''Girls! Calm down!'' Chuck tried to bring the situation under control. ''Eva nothing happened. We were only talking.'' Yeah, sure.

''Talking! You always talk this way?'' Eva wailed. ''And... Can't you see, Chuck? She is only toying with you!'' She noted.

''Stop being so dramatic,'' Blair sighed, looking around the corridor one more time before turning to Eva and her book again. ''What have you got this time?'' she asked without any interest.

The blonde sent her fake smile.

''The Stranger by Albert Camus. The seventh position on the Bestseller Books list. You couldn't possibly know.''

''I prefer positions sixty nine.''

''And who wrote it?'' Eva asked surprised. Chuck looked at her uneasily.

''The Kama Sutra. You couldn't possibly know,'' Blair smiled smugly.

Eva flushed more, gripping her book harder.

''You are the most disgusting person I have ever met…'' she muttered through her teeth.

''Chuck doesn't think that I am disgusting,'' Blair winked at her ex-boyfriend.

Chuck responded with shy smile and Eva grimaced. She couldn't look at this scene.

Blair would have played longer, but Harold appeared in the corridor and demanded that she had to get to know Roman's father.

She didn't say anything else, only walked away from them, swaying her hips. Just before she disappeared behind the door, she turned and blew a kiss in Chuck's direction.

Because she truly missed him.

"It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight." —quote from Lolita

Thanks to my beta, statuscrawler ;), for all her help with this chapter.