Warning: This fic is Kyman, in case you had not read the summary. If you like it, good for you! If you don't like it, I don't care! But please, don't waste your time insulting the couple, or this story, or me. The rule is simple: if you don't like it, then don't read. Of course, thank you very much c:

Cover by TheButterfly7

Fanfic dedicated to Ringo-Tensai, because she's the best friend I could ever have x3



Super Best Asshole

It only took a few days for Smith to return to visit my home. However, I convinced Ike to attend the door and tell him that I wasn't there. According to my brother, the doctor didn't seem convinced, but went away anyway.

In high school, I was now the one that avoided Cartman. I had no choice but to endure his presence in history class. He just sat two desks away, and I could feel his eyes on me settling briefly.

Stan was very understanding when I explained what happened in the boys' bathroom. He listened to me quietly, without interrupting. When I finished talking, he just got up, helped me to do the same and shrugged. He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. I thanked him silently.

It was Friday, and at lunchtime I decided to sit away from the crowd. Stan and Kenny made me company, as always. Unconsciously, I threw a glance at our usual table, and saw him. He was sitting in the left corner. Butters was at his side, and apparently talked incessantly. Cartman's expression was pure and tortuous boredom. I suppressed a grin.

"Kyle? Anybody there?" I heard my best friend's voice, so I turned my head toward him. "Hey, what are you doing this Saturday?"

"Uhm... I'll do nothing," I said slowly. I didn't like the sound of that question, let alone Stan asking.

"Well, my family and I'll go camping at Stark's Pond. I thought maybe you'd want to come with us."

I thought for a moment, taking my sandwich to my mouth and taking a bite. I probably could use a little distraction, forget the Guilty Notebook, the fatass, and all his fucking drama. I nodded, and then looked at Kenny.

"You'll come too?"

"No, I gotta work," he muttered, rolling his eyes. Suddenly, he smiled. "Maybe if you weren't stalking Cartman, you would have heard me..."

I choked on my sandwich, and I started coughing like I was about to die. But what the hell...? Stan patted my back hard, and I could finally breathe. I gave Kenny a dirty look, and he burst into laughter.

"I wasn't stalking... you know who!" I claimed, red with anger and embarrassment

"Nobody talked about Voldemort here, dude," Kenny said, winking at me. "And you weren't listening to me, were you?"

I didn't know what to say, but I knew that if I could, Kenny would be dead and I'd be a bastard.

"Sure you can camp with the Marshs!" was my mother's response my mother at dinner. "Just remember to always keep yourself warm, not leaving homework undone and..."

"Have fun," interrupted my father, with a small smile. "Remember to have fun, son."

My mother glanced at him a moment, and I threw a worried look at Ike. I expected a new and repetitive discussion, but... my mother smiled. My father seemed as surprised as we were, and hurried to smile back. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt the urgent need to smile when I saw my brother imitating them.

And so I did. I was fucking happy. I didn't remember the last time my parents had mutually smiled, but I was sure to never forget this moment.

"So... how was your day, Gerald?" asked my mom, without deleting her smile

"Well, it was a pretty busy day, you know?" he replied almost immediately, and I stifled a chuckle: my father seemed happier than a duck in the pond. "This client, Mr. Miller, isn't cooperating much. I'm a lawyer, not a magician."

My mother laughed a little at that, and laughed with her. It was amazing to realize how much I missed my mom's laugh. Soon the four of us were laughing like maniacs. As a family.

Saturday morning found me keeping clothes in my backpack, still half asleep. Stan had called me at six in the morning, and he sounded very enthusiastic despite the insults that I dedicated to him for waking me up. I snorted, keeping my sleeping bag.

At seven o'clock I was ready, eating a toast accompanied with a cup of coffee. Only five minutes later, I heard a cheerfull horn and almost immediately, my house doorbell. I grabbed my backpack, and quickly climbed the stairs. I went to my parents' room's door, and stopped there.

"Mom, Dad, I'm leaving!"

"Have fun, honey!" said my mother's voice, and I smiled: surely my father was still sleeping.

I went down the stairs, just as the doorbell rang again. I opened the door to see my best friend's huge smile. Not even a "Good morning", but he took my bag and loaded onto his shoulder, returning to the car. I closed the door, and followed him.

Inside the car I couldn't help but let out a sigh of satisfaction due to the warmth that flooded me.

"Did you bring your sleeping bag, Kyle?" Randy asked me, smiling at me from the driver's seat. His wife, sitting beside him, winced. It would be weird if you slept with Stan, right?"

"Dad!" Stan said, frowning

I forced a smile. What a way to start the day! Randy laughed again, and the car engine roared when we started the journey. I spent the time looking out the window, while hearing Stan arguing with his sister, with a catchy 80's song playing on the radio.

The thing is we ended up sleeping together.

Not together together, but in the same tent. Obviously that didn't bother me, but it bothered Sharon. She didn't seem very happy at the time to say "Good night" and looked sideways at me all the time before disappearing inside her own tent. The situation was getting me angry, but when Stan and I finally settled into our sleeping bags, I knew I would rest.

And I was wrong.

"Hey, Kyle..."


"Are you asleep?"

I sighed heavily, and turned to my friend, still lying on my back. He was sitting with a nervous look on his face. With my index finger, I pointed my open eyes in response, and saw him smiling shyly, which gave me a very uneasy feeling.

I sat down reluctantly, and looked at him expectantly.

"Kyle, you like boys," he started quietly, and I was quite surprised, so I frowned. "And I was thinking... well, I'm a little curious."

I patiently waited for him to add something more, but instead, he just looked down to not look at my face. I couldn't fully understand what he was implying, but I didn't like what I was beginning to understand. I shook my head in a vain attempt to clear my head, and let out another sigh.

"Curious about what?" I questioned, perhaps sounding angry when I actually wasn't

"You think I'm hot?"


"You heard me!"

I tried to avoid it, but I couldn't resist laughing. Laugh out loud. I didn't understand the situation, or where did that fucking question came from, but the nervousness made me laugh. Stan looked at me, somewhat surprised, and I tried to stop.

"Well... are you seriously asking?" I hesitated, breathing slowly to stop my laughter. He nodded enthusiastically, so I cleared my throat. "Well, yeah. You're hot, Stan, but you're not my type."

"What is your type then?"

"My type isn't my best friend."

This time Stan laughed, because obviously he felt more relaxed.

"Oh, I'll get depressed now," he whined, and we both laughed ourselves. Still, between the laughter, he released another question. "If you didn't know me, would you go out with me?

I looked at him straight away, quite impressed. Why was he asking all this shit? I was more than sure that Stan was heterosexual, but moments like this made me doubt. I shrugged, looking in my mind for the exact words.

"I think so. I mean, if you weren't my super best friend, brother from another mother, I would probably go out with you. But now I think you're an asshole for asking that. My super best asshole."

"Gee, thanks for that," Stan smiled, and I smiled back, still hesitating a bit. "I was just curious... nevermind."

"Whatever, dude," I said, with a yawn. "Will you let me sleep now?"

Stan nodded once, and that was enough. I settled back into my sleeping bag, and closed my eyes quietly. I knew that my best friend was still sitting there, so I formed a little smirk.

"Are you going to jack off or what?"

"Fuck no!" he answered right away, and I could even imagine his flushed face. After a brief silence, he added quietly. "But fall asleep fast, if you don't want to hear or see anything unusual..."


Finally chapter 10. Bullshit, I know, but whatever. At last I could publish it, and I'm happy with that. I won't be able to answer your reviews, but it's not like you wait for an answer anyway xD

Today I'm not going to personally thank anyone, because this isn't my computer and I don't want to abuse my luck. So a huge, long and juicy thanks to everyone who read, reviewed, added to Favorites and followed this story (?) 7W7

I'm leaving.

If you want to leave a review, then thank you very much.

If you don't want to leave a review, then suck the dog (?)

Chau c:
