Warning: This fanfic contains mostly the Kyman pairing (Best Pairing Ever in the Whole Wide World *w*). If you don't like this pairing, or you are homophobic, or you ship other pairing... -coughcoughStyle/Candy/AnyOthercoughcough-and you cannot stand this one... please, stop reading now. I don't care the classic review: "ooohh, kyman, yuck, no sense, blah, blah, stupidity, blah", right? Thank you very much. ;)

Cover by TheButterfly7

Fanfic dedicated to Ringo-Tensai. Because I'm so mean I turned Kyman into one of her OTPs mwahahahahaha xD Oh, and because she's the best friend, reader and future writer of the Galaxy ;3



Damn Monday

It was late afternoon and the sun was starting to set, but I couldn't be less interested in that. I was only interested in getting next to that bastard and smashing his face.

I opened the front door of our High School, and I realized that I had come in the second recess. Perfect. I walked among the students, pushing some of them out of my way, cursing steadily and earning poisoned stares and insults of all kinds, but again, I couldn't be less interested.

Then I saw him putting something in his locker and laughing with another guy. My hands turned into fists as I hurried toward him with narrowed eyes like a hunter trying to intimidate his prey.

The guy who was at his side, Kenny, saw me coming and made a surprised expression that almost made me laugh. I pushed my wild red hair out of my face and continued.

My prey was a very tall person, much taller than me, but that wouldn't make me chicken out. When I got to him, I touched his shoulder absently and he turned to me. His hazel eyes widened, and he even opened his mouth to say something, but I didn't want to hear him.

It seemed like time ran slower while my right fist inevitably went straight to his face. The impact was so strong that it resonated throughout the hall and attracted everyone's attention to us.

All witnesses of my furious punch to Eric Cartman.

But let's stop here. Before continuing, I should tell you everything from the beginning. Maybe then you'll understand why I was so pissed off.

It all started on a Monday. I hate Mondays, as almost everyone does, because Monday meant High School, and High School meant assholes, and asshole meant Cartman. And I couldn't stand any of those things.

Waiting for the bus every morning had become a habit. We took the bus since Primary together, why would we stop doing so the last year of High School?

I don't know why, but the four of us were still together. I thought that when we had to begin in High School, Cartman would look for neo-Nazis little friends, Kenny would join Porn Addicts Club, and Stan would be the only friend I'd have. However, Cartman was still a fucking neo-Nazi, but a lonely fucking neo-Nazi; Kenny still saw porn everywhere (even when he closed his eyes), but he was with us; and Stan, he was the same as always.

Something that really struck me was the fact that Kenny was single. He was very handsome, really nice, and had a job, but he still didn't have a girlfriend. From the sixth grade, he had left his eternal orange parka, and now his ash blond hair and blue eyes were his best presentation card. Obviously, there were some girls who drooled for him, but he didn't take any of them seriously.

Stan was the opposite to that. He did take girls seriously, but only of them: Wendy. Sometimes I wondered how and why those two had managed to stay together for so long. He, for example, knew how to look his casually messy hair, and his deep blue eyes were reasons for many fangirling around him. Besides being tall and athletic, he was South Park team's quarterback, and offered him some benefits with teachers and other students.

Meanwhile, Wendy is not left behind which was concerned with popularity, as well as being Star Student, Class President, Editor of School Newspaper, Drama Club Member and Expert in First Aid, she was also Cheer Leader, and some say she can breathe underwater, like Seaman .

So how had they managed to keep their relationship afloat for so many years? I never asked to Stan, but I probably should.

Someone who didn't know a shit about long-term relationships (or relationships themselves), was Cartman. His longest relationship lasted a week, and it was with Patty Nelson was in seventh grade. He broke up with her because he got bored, and he wanted to "show her what it feels like to be rejected." After that, we never saw him with any other girlfriend. And it wasn't because he couldn't have one.

I really hate to say this, but since his mother forced him to join the Fight Club in sixth grade, Cartman was no longer the same. He had lost weight in a matter of months, and although he wasn't as slim as a top model, where he isn't skinny, he's got muscle. That asshole was the tallest of the four of us, and also strongest too! I'm sure that anyone would think twice before getting him mad.

Anyone but me.

I, by the way, haven't changed much. I'm the shortest of our group, as well as being skinny as a ballet dancer. Kenny often said that my body was like a girl's one, but without boobies. And although I know he's kidding, I think he might be right. Even the features of my face are too delicate, my green eyes are huge, with long eyelashes, and my nose is small and upturned, plus some freckles covering my cheeks.

When I just turned thirteen (and my Bar Mitzvah declared me "adult Jew"), I literally ran to the nearest salon. When I returned home, the big fluffy thing I had for hair was gone (to the horror of my mother), and now attractive red curls fell over my face. And it's like that since then, although I keep my green ushanka covering my head, some curls escape from it.

I never had a girlfriend, and I'm not planning to have one. And that's because I'm gay.

I realized one night at Stan's house, when we were having a sleepover. I noticed that my friends were excited to see a girl in a bikini, and I felt nothing. On the other hand, every time I saw a tall, hot shirtless guy, I started trembling from head to toe, and a burning was present my cheeks. At first I was scared, but then I managed to accept myself.

However, I didn't tell anyone but Stan. I remember when I told him, he was silent a few minutes, staring nowhere. Then he laughed, and that relaxed me a little.

"If that makes you happy, it's fine for me" he said, poking my arm playfully

His reaction made me so happy, that I couldn't help but throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. As he was taller than me, he had to bend a little, and even corresponded my hug throwing his arms around my waist, but I could feel him completely froze and I started to feel uncomfortable.

I was away from him quickly, and then I saw him smile again. Since that day we haven't been talking about that, which is good and bad at the same time.

Good: because Stan doesn't feel uncomfortable around me anymore and that's fantastic, because I hated to see my super best friend getting all nervous every time we were alone.

Bad: because I had no one to talk to about my feelings.

But back to the beginning, it all started a fucking Monday afternoon. I had just come home from a normal day (waiting for the bus, argue with Cartman, reaching High School, argue with Cartman, ten-minute recess, lunch, argue with Cartman and go home... oh, arguing with Cartman, obviously).

As I just put my ass on the couch in the living room, my mother appeared in front of me.

"Bubbala, leave your stuff and we'll get going," she warned, her hands on her waist

I lifted my eyes lazily, deep sighing, and before I could ask my father said:

"Liane, your friend Eric's mother, decided to conduct an intervention for him. "

Now I couldn't help but snort. I came home to have a break from that asshole, and now I had to go to his house. That's why I hate Mondays.

"Intervention, huh?," I repeated, getting up and throwing on my backpack to the couch. "Why this time?"

"Well, a psychiatrist found out he's a sociopath...," continued my father, as I rolled my eyes: that wasn't new. "And Liane asked us to go and help her."

I considered the option of pleading him to leave me at home, stating that Cartman wasn't my friend, but I stopped. Stan and Kenny would probably be there too, so we could laugh at the fatass (nah, even if he has lost weight, old habits never change).

My father opened the door to my mother, then waited for me to come out. But I was too busy watching Ike settling himself into the couch and taking the TV remote.

"Aren't you coming?," I hissed squinting

"No, I'm too young for those things...," he said, rolling his fingers elegantly through his black hair. Then he smiled. "Have fun, Kyle. "

And as I walked out the door, gritted my teeth to the victorious look of my eleven years old brother...

Damn you, Ike!

Oh, and damn Mondays too!

Hi to everyone who's reading this!

First of all: thanks for reading! Second of all (?): thanks for reviewing, if you feel like it! This is my fourth fanfic, but the first one about South Park! *O* Also this is the first time I'm publishing in English... I'm from Uruguay and I speak Spanish, so maybe there are some errors in this fic, as I don't speak English frequently... if you notice anything wrong, just tell me ;)

This chapter was mostly for introduction, that's all. Like I've already said, I have no problem if you like any other pairing and not this one, only if you read under your own responsibility and don't come insulting later. Anyways, constructive criticism is always welcome (grammatical errors, OoC -Out Of Character-, anything).

Whatever, I hope you liked this, and you leave your opinions in the reviews box. I always respond every review I get, so you'll have your answer in the next chapter. :)

Read you soon.


Edit: This chapter was edited today -January 14th, 2014- A friendly reviewer, sun-stone-r-rain, noticed some grammatical errors. She told me and I fixed them. If you see any other error please let me know. Thank you.