hello this is my First story on here! (yey!) and i LOVE the twilight saga sooo much it got me thinking... What if Edward never came back in new moon? What if Bella never we cliff diving?... The goody goody act after Edward left kinda got on my nerves a little soo later on you WILL see a big change in Bella's attitude! And some new characters along the way! I Am they the best of spellers so bear with..Anywho I will let you get on... Enjoy! ;)

Bella POV

I opened my eyes to a dim lit room with candles on the walls, where am I? I thought. I could hear the distant sound of voices in the room I sat up to see two figures staring at me,the one who first approached me had dark black hair past his shoulders

"Ahhh Isabella! You've finally awoken!" His light tone shocked me...where have I seen him before? And how dose he know my name?

"Who...who are you" I struggled to speak my throat burning

"I'm Aro and this is Dimetre" he gestured to thee other dark haired man on the throne like chair. That's when it hit me! I knew these guys out of the painting in the Cullen's house! Before the...the...incident... I touched my throat once with my hand it was burning more and more each second.

"You need to hunt!" Aro's eyes it up in joy as he came to help me off the table I was on. What did he mean I need to hunt? I saw his pale skin and perfect features as he came in to clear view...he was a vampire! 'You need to hunt!' His words went round and round in my head till I finally realised...so was i!...

Aro led me out of the room..well...hall

And in to a small darkened room with no lights this didn't bother me as it might have done when I was human. Then I smelt it...its nothing I've ever smelled before! I looked up at Aro but he just smiled.

"Dinner awaits you..." He grinned a cheesy grin that I didn't like! If he was trying to scare me it wasn't working! I then heard a scream coming from the middle of the room..I gasped... He expected me to drain a human? Yes of course he did! We're talking one-thousand-year-old-vampires-with-demon-red-eyes!

"What are you waiting for?" He asked patiently,I tried to find inner strength, to make me resist but in the end my seances completely took over... and as i sat there and watched the dead lifeless body it struck me that I would never be the same again...