Yami Bakura: She owns Yu-Gi-Oh!
Yami Kaosu: *glares* What are you doing, baka? You're gonna get me sued!
Yami Bakura: *grins maliciously, his evil intent fully visible*
Yami Kaosu: Uh-huh...well, it's not going to work. I DON'T OWN YU-GI-OH!!! But...Rokashimo is MY very own created character! I own him!

A/N: Wow, Yami Bakura's making his way into my disclaimers now...first the author's notes at the end, and now this? ^_^ Anyway, I'm getting struck down by ideas! I haven't even finished Lighthouse yet...not to mention quite a few other things...but I keep starting new things...oy! And yes, I am still on my angst kick (think about my two suicide fics...) Anyway, since Yami Bakura seems to be my center of attention right now *Yami Bakura glare* I had to start a new fic with him in it! Of course, there is a lot of Ryou in here too, being that this will eventually be a Ryou/Yami Bakura pairing. Okay, so let's start and hope that I can keep up with everything!

And...I might go about referring to Yami Bakura as simply 'Yami' once in a while... ~Yami

/.../ - denotes telepathy (such as Ryou and Yami Bakura ^_^)


Ryou Bakura waved to his friends as he headed home from school. It was a beautiful day outside; the sun shone brightly, and clouds were not to be seen. He sighed softly as he took in the scenery around him.

He would have almost considered his life perfect...except for one person. He took a moment to stare at his Millennium Ring.

/What do you want?/ Yami Bakura snapped, feeling Ryou's thoughts turn to him.

Ryou said nothing. He didn't feel like chancing making his Yami angry, especially when he had, up until this point, been having such a good day. Unfortunately, his unresponsiveness only seemed to make his dark side angrier.

Arriving at his house, Ryou set his things down and walked into the living room. Sitting down on the couch, he was slightly surprised as his ring flashed. Suddenly, he found himself face to face with Yami Bakura.

He could tell immediately that he was in for a a violent display of anger. The look on Yami's face was one he wore when he was extremely upset about something. Ryou knew this fact well, from the multiple times he had seen it before.

Seconds later, Ryou found himself on the floor, the right side of his face throbbing in pain. He looked up, only to see his Yami's angry glare. For a moment Ryou couldn't help but wonder, what it was that was making him so angry.

He did as he always had, submitting to whatever Yami Bakura subjected him to. Somewhere in his heart, he had always hoped that he was in some way showing the darker one how much he cared. But part of him had to wonder if he even noticed.

Ryou knew that Yami refused to trust anyone or let them get near enough to him to care. He knew that in his eyes, emotions such as these were only a weakness. And weakness was one thing that Yami Bakura would not accept.

After a few minutes Ryou noticed that nothing more was coming his way. Sadly enough, he wasn't used to this being done in such a short amount of time. He glanced upward to see what was going on.

Yami Bakura was leaning on the wall for support, and he was breathing hard. His hand was clutching his chest, and his eyes were widened slightly. Ryou stood up, and slowly approached him. "Yami?" he whispered, slightly afraid, seeing his Yami in this state.

The darker one didn't seem to acknowledge his presence. Ryou watched him for a moment, and was relieved when he saw that his breathing was slowly returning to normal. Finally, Yami Bakura left the support of the wall, turning to glare at Ryou.

Ryou debated whether or not to ask him if he was all right, and in the end, his worry got the better of him. "Yami?" he asked quietly, still wary, "What's wrong?"

Yami Bakura scowled. "Nothing," he replied, before disappearing in a flash back into the ring. Ryou looked at the empty space in front of him. He sighed, before going to begin his homework.

As he looked through the assignments, his mind kept pulling him back to his Yami. Ryou was worried; what he had just seen could not have been anything good. And he knew that there was no way that he would find out what it was. Pushing his work away, Ryou began to space out.


No answer.

/Yami, please tell me what's going on!/ His voice was taking on a pleading tone now.

Still hearing nothing, Ryou sighed. Yami Bakura had completely blocked himself off from any contact with him, and would allow him no answers to anything that was going on. Finally giving up, Ryou brought his mind back to reality, and started writing his history paper.


Yami Bakura sat in his soul room, upset. He wasn't sure what had just happened, but he knew it wasn't good. Standing up, he was surprised when a sharp pain erupted in his head.

"Not again..." he said, as he sought the wall of the soul room to steady himself. Everything was spinning, and he found that his breathing had quickened as he lost his balance and collapsed to the floor.

Closing his eyes, he waited for the dizziness to stop. But before an end came, he gasped as he felt an immense pain in his chest. "Wh...what's go...ing on..." he whispered, agonized by the pain and dizziness.

Suddenly, he heard a strangely familiar voice. A voice that he knew did not belong to Ryou. Focusing on that voice, he listened. And after a moment, he recognized who it belonged to.

"Rokashimo..." he said, his eyes narrowing at the very mention of the name.

But before he could say anything else, everything went black.


Why can't he understand?

Ryou sighed as he stared out the window and into the dark night sky. Moving his hand up to his face, he rubbed the bruised flesh of his right cheek. His Yami had once again used him as a vent for his anger, before closing himself off in the Millennium Ring. Ryou stared down at the ring for a moment. His Yami still wouldn't talk to him, so all he could really do was wait until he decided to come out again.

Most in this situation would have have hated the darker one, but Ryou just could not bring himself to do such a thing. He cared too deeply for his Yami, and so he always forgave him, no matter what he did. Of course, he knew Yami Bakura had no idea of these feelings. He only seemed to see Ryou as another weak mortal.

And Ryou never dared to actually admit how he felt. The truth was, that he loved his Yami. He needed him. Yami Bakura made Ryou feel complete. But if the darker one ever found out about these feelings, Ryou was quite sure that it would only heighten his Yami's disgust of him. He was already criticized for being too weak, but if Yami knew that Ryou loved him so deeply...Ryou shuddered at what his reaction would have been.

And now...Ryou was even more afraid. He knew that something was happening to Yami Bakura, who refused to tell him what. He couldn't help but worry as his thoughts turned back to what had happened earlier that day. Yami Bakura had looked so...vulnerable, as if he himself needed protection.

Sighing again, Ryou finally laid down on the bed. Shivering slightly, he pulled the covers around himself. With immense worry still plaguing his mind, he slowly fell into sleep.

Yami Bakura: Shouldn't you be working on your other story?
Yami Kaosu: Um...no?
Chaos: She should, but she's too focused on YOU right now...
Yami Kaosu: *looks at Yami Bakura* You'd think he'd like having people write fics around him.
Yami Bakura: Well, I don't. Especially when they're SUICIDE fics...
Chaos: Hey, that one was good!
Yami Kaosu: It brought out sympathy for you! Besides, as far as I know, this one's not a suicide fic!
Yami Bakura: *glares at the readers* Do not review this story.
Chaos: Pay no heed to him.
Yami Kaosu: All right, minna, review! Let's find out if this should be continued or not!
Yami Bakura: It should not.
Chaos: We'll let the readers decide that. Until next chapter, minasan!