Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

For some reason I find Norway one of my favorite characters to just mess with.

Warning: I know I just mentioned it, but this chapter is the main reason why it is rated M. What can I say, the place between my ears tends to be both fluffy and dark at times. You have been re-warned.

Chapter one

It was time for another world meeting, and England was tired of going to them simply to be flirted with by the damn Frenchman. Honestly, half the time it seemed to him like he was the only person who had to deal with him and his lusty talk. Well, this meeting was going to be different, because England had finally found a spell to take all of those feelings out of him; even if it was simply temporary, it was still one day when he could be in peace.

And so the meeting came, and as expected France started to act up, causing England to use the spell on said Frenchman. A powerful gust of wind hit France, but he was able to hold his footing. He smirked at England after the wind passed, only to then sigh and say, "Well, that was a refreshing breeze. Now, if I remember right we were in a meeting, non? You really should act like an adult, England, and stop with all of your little temper tantrums."

England smirked to himself as he also took his seat, ignoring the comment in favor of enjoying the sight of France thinking reasonable for once. He did not even pay attention to the confused glances the other nations were giving the two of them; that is all of them except for a few of the Nordics.

"Hey, Nor, is everything alright? You've been staring at that blank air for a couple minutes now," Denmark asked, concerned about how his friend was staring at the air with a very slight hint of worry.

"I think England's spell effected Troll somehow, because he is staring at me with a very…different face than usual," Norway answered as the magical creature came closer to Norway and his friends; a large smile on his face. The troll then shrunk in size slightly, so that he was closer to human size yet still the tallest in the room.

"Well…I guess if any of us is to find out what happened to him you can; right buddy?" Denmark asked as he gave Norway a slight hug. The Dane was confused slightly, however, when Norway did not push him off and instead glared up at the troll.

In the blink of a second, Denmark found himself punched out of his seat and away from Norway. Slightly surprised, the other Nordics along with Norway got out of their seats, only for Norway to then find himself forcibly pushed against the table by a presence most of the others could not see.

"What do you think you're doing Troll?" Norway seethed, not at all pleased with the current situation and only assuming where it could go. The feeling of large, cold, hands roaming his body before working on his belt were his answer; causing him to pale and start flailing and yelling, "No, Troll! Stop!"

"What the hell's going on?!" Germany yelled out, utterly confused as to what the seemingly thin air was doing to Norway.

By the time that Troll had succeeded in undoing the pesky belt and pants, Norway had cleared his mind enough to begin reciting a spell to hopefully get the troll away from him. Troll noticed this however, and instead of letting the nation finish decided to hit Norway's head into the table with enough strength to crack the polished wood; making Norway simply moan instead of finishing the spell.

When the others saw this, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland snapped out of their confusion and sprang into defense for their friend; whatever it was that was attacking him. Both Denmark and Sweden missed, but Finland was able to land a hit to the creature. Troll was not pleased with these constant interruptions, and decided to use a spell of his own. With this in mind, he cast a defensive shield blocking anyone from getting close to him and Norway. The slight downside was that the others could see him now, and the room filled with shrieks as the nations saw him, but Troll was too preoccupied to give notice. He then told something to his captive which only Norway and he could understand; causing Norway to pale more and once again try to struggle for freedom. This only led to Troll holding him tighter.

"Nor!" Denmark yelled frantically as he banged on the invisible wall separating them, fear for his friend painted all over his face. Norway was his brother, best friend, and on-and-off-again boyfriend. The last thing he ever wanted to see was someone hurt him like this.

"Den…!" Norway began, only to end in a scream as Troll thrusted into him suddenly; the screaming pleasing the creature enough to cause him to grow a little bigger everywhere. With this the troll continued at an excited pace as Norway continued to scream and cry out of pain. Some of the other nations tried to get passed the shield, but none of them could get to Norway.

"You know about all this magic stuff, can't you do something?" America asked England after his attempts failed.

"I don't know if I can, what with that shield. If I remember right, a troll's magic can be something not to trifle with," England said uncertainly. It was not that he enjoyed watching one of his friends get raped by a magical creature, but he figured he should at least be truthful before raising the other concerned nations' hopes.

"Troll…stop…anymore and I-I'm…I'm gonna break!" Norway cried out. In response, Troll simply made a slower, deeper thrust which made Norway make a gagging sound before ceasing anymore movements.

"Well trifle away!" Iceland demanded.

"I don't think he's needed to do that anymore," Russia commented as Troll let Norway go and the bubble-like shield popped.

Angry and deciding to take their chance, the other Nordics rushed into the area with the intention of beating that troll, only to skid to a stop when it vanished into thin air.

"Where'd the monster go?" Liechtenstein asked, causing Switzerland to realize that he was in such a confusion he forgot to cover his sister's eyes.

"I don't know. To wherever it's from would be nice," England answered.

"Nor! Hey, buddy, wake up!" Denmark asked as he rushed over to Norway; figuring that if he could not hurt the troll then he should go to his second task of checking on his friend. Norway had passed out after the whole ordeal, his glazed over eyes still open.

"You should take him to his hotel room to rest. Maybe even the hospital," Hungary offered followed by a nod from several of the other nations who were too in shock from the events to speak. Denmark agreed to this idea, and after carefully covering the smaller male with his coat carried him to the room to get cleaned up and rest.

To clear up any/some confusion: Norway's troll knows a type of magic and can change his size at will/with his mood.

So what do you guys think? As said before this is pretty much it for dark stuff in this story (however there will still be angst-stuff later on).

As always, please review~