The last chapter. I leave this one dedicated to TatteredAngel42, she was good with advice and incentive. But all of you my readers deserve it.
Hope you enjoy the last chapter.
"Bruce," Tony spoke softly, putting his hand over his shoulder. The doctor was on the edge of tears. "keep the boy at least."
The doctor looked down. "You know I ca-"
"You turned into the Hulk. You scared the crap out of us when it happened, he didn't even seem to give a damn about it. If you use the Hulk excuse again, I smack you really hard!" Bruce looked at him sideways with a weird grin. "I mean it."
When Bruce scanned the room, he noticed Steve had disappeared already. Woo-jin was looking out the broken windows, his hands crossed behind his back; he was already waiting to be taken. He walked to him and spoke. "Woo-jin?"
The boy turned around. "Dae?" (Yes?)
Bruce looked back at Tony and then stretched his hand at the boy, telling him. "Ga ja." (Let's go.)
"Ulineun eodileul ganeungeoya?" (Where are we going?)
"Hom." (Home.)
The doctor looked back at Tony; the two exchanged a smile. He walked with Woo-jin out the door, holding his hand on his. On their way out they crossed paths with Agent Turner. They briefly chitchatted but then she entered. She stopped at the door; Clint turned to face her but didn't move. Since he was not coming closer, she did.
"We gave her a name," Tony broke the ice, expecting it to be really hard on Clint. "hope you don't mind."
"Of course not. And I'll keep it, it's the least I can do for helping. But do tell me, what's her name?"
Tony didn't speak, neither did Natasha. They left it to Clint. He put the baby on her arms and said. "Olivia Brighton. Stark nicknamed her Ozzy."
"I liked it." The Agent answered as she rocked the baby.
Ozzy started crying, Natasha bit her lip. "Can I…" Clint asked the Agent to put the baby back on his arms. She hushed instantly when in the arms of the archer.
"She likes you."
"Don't…" Natasha said almost on a cry. "Can you give us a moment?" The Agent nodded her head and exited with Tony. "You're gonna have to give her, Clint."
"She's crying."
"Babies cry, Agent Turner will have to learn how to hush her. She'll be in charge of her for the next years, she better learn." Natasha cupped Clint's face on her hands and pulled him for a slow kiss. "You deserve to leave the best of you in this world, you do, really. If you want a child, it needs to be your child, with your last name and your blood and your stubbornness and good heart. Give the baby to Agent Turner."
"Will it be just me who will miss her?"
The Widow shook her head and showed a small smile. "No…" Natasha took Ozzy in her arms and started walking to the outside, to give her to Agent Turner.
"I go with you." He said enlacing his arm around her hip.
Tony had already told her all about her powers and the precautions she needs to have with her and so Agent Turner left almost immediately. After her the couple of master assassins left too. And Tony was alone. Well, not exactly. Somebody else was shocked, mouth completely open, looking at the swathe of destruction.
"Oh my God, Tony!" Pepper said at the door, dropping her suitcase.
"I have two arguments in my defense." He began explaining, walking to her. "First, when I called you I hadn't done anything wrong. Yet! And second, I didn't do this all alone."
"We're gonna have to rebuild again."
Tony enlaced his arms around her and pulled her close. "But that's for later. I can think of better things to do."
Pepper smiled. "Why can't I stay angry at you for too long?"
"'Cause I'm charming and the sex's good!"
She threw her head back in a laugh. "Was it like that that you got women to sleep with you?"
"No, I just had to say "Hi, I'm Tony Stark". But apparently with you being naturally charming works."
Bruce's routines changed. But for good. He now had a purpose of living. Right now he didn't need to go too far to feel useful for others. He now had Woo-jin. Bruce didn't meant to be a replacer for the father role in Woo-jin's life, but truth is the boy barely remembered his father and so the doctor was the closest to a father he could ever have. The ten-year-old was enrolled on a school, just like every other kid. He was a fast learner and enjoyed, after classes, going home and spending time with Bruce, who would teach him all about science, which was something that brought them close in the first place. Bruce promised he'd get to see his sister every once in a while, and Woo-jin was happy with that decision. Bruce had much to thank to Tony for telling him such simple, and yet life-changing words.
Speaking of Tony, both his and Pepper's life turned completely upside down. A routine was something they didn't have, at least for another two years. Tony had made it clear and became more eager about the idea of having a child with Pepper. She realized that and inside her something grew too. They felt ready for that step. Though Tony didn't want to settle just for one child, at least two; he knows how tedious it was to be the only child. And little after having taken care of Ozzy, Pepper was pregnant. And they were gifted not with one, not with two, but three kids. Yes, Pepper was carrying triplets! Needless to say that the newly-parents needed a full time nanny to help and that every living day in that Tower was chaotic (not that it has never been like that before).
Pepper firstly gave birth to the baby girl. They hadn't yet agreed on her name. When they were holding her, after the birth of the triplets, Tony suggested Virginia at the same time Pepper suggested Maria. And so their baby girl was named after her own mother and grandmother, Virginia Maria. A few minutes after Pepper delivered the first of the two boys. As tradition in the Stark's family, the father's middle name turns to be the son's first name. They named him Edward and for his middle name they chose Howard. Even though Howard Stark wasn't the best of the man, and by the far, the best of the fathers, Tony felt right in putting him the name Edward Howard. The last of the triplets to be born was given the name of two people who died believing, two important people to both Tony and Pepper. Philip Coulson died believe the Avengers initiative was possible to come true, and Yinsen died believing Tony would be successful as Iron Man. And so their baby boy was named Philip Yinsen.
As for Clint and Natasha they continued with their on-and-off relationship. They were still partners in field and most of the missions were carried out by both of them. There were days when Natasha would feel like a complete wreck because seeing how Clint handled a child made her understand why people settle down and have a family. But she knew she could never have one, and she was sure she didn't want one. But even though Clint was the reason for her down moments, it was with him that she felt better. They eventually ended up sharing a flat. Clint was conscious of Natasha's situation, and he had loved taking care of that baby. But if he couldn't have one with her, they got a dog then. It wasn't the same thing as a baby, but it was a start and fairly more easy.
And Steve started feeling at ease with this new reality. He didn't have Peggy, but he hadn't given up just yet. He was looking for anyone, but he was sure that he'd end up having his dance with his better half. He wasn't even sure if he'd find anyone, if he'd ever have a family, but he wasn't much worried. If something that those days with Ozzy taught him was that all about being patient and waiting. Waiting brings rewards, he knows it. And the best thing he learnt, whenever people ask him to hold a baby to take a photograph, he no longer panics.
Who would say that such small and frail little human would touch five grown-up superheroes?
This was the story of five grown up people who were barely grown up enough to look after another person. It was the story of the genius who learnt what he did not know, of the remarkable marksman who found himself struck down by a look, of the Captain who saw for the first time the smile of a child, of the Widow who melted with a touch of a little hand clasping her finger and of the Doctor who felt empathy when holding in his arms such fragile, small and helpless little thing. This was her story, the story of the one they named Olivia Brighton and that was known to the world as Electride.
Well, that was it. I loved writing this fanfiction, hope you guys loved reading it.
Leave one last review?