Disclaimer: Honestly, do I even need to at this point? You know what belongs to who. (Or is it whom?)

Epilogue: Final Level: Zen

The street was quiet save for a few early risers bustling about, store owners turning on the signs in their windows, and propping the doors open to let the warm, spring air flow through, greeting their customers with pleasant smiles upon their faces.

Nero shrugged out of his long, navy blue coat, draping it over the back of his chair before moving to the opposite side of the table to pull Kyrie's out for her. The songstress settled into the cushioned seat with a shy smile, allowing Nero to push her closer to the metal-framed glass table as she took a laminated menu from its pristine surface.

Satisfied that she was comfortable, Nero returned to his own seat, inhaling deeply as a warm breeze wafted in through the open café window. The main strip had never looked better; the wreckage from three months earlier had been replaced with brand new buildings, all of which had been reinforced with thicker walls and sturdier foundations, the brickwork a variety of neutral colours that were pleasing to the eye.

Fresh cobblestones paved the streets and pathways, the tiny fragments of quartz buried within each stone refracting the sun's rays as it bathed the city in golden warmth. Though there was still much work to be done, Fortuna had already begun to function as a city again. More than that, it had become a living, breathing entity, the people filled with purpose and optimism as they diligently set to work on rebuilding their homes and livelihoods.

"Good morning!" Nero glanced up from his menu to see a youthful, curly-haired waitress standing next to the table with a notepad in hand. "Can I get you some coffee to start with?"

"Uh…yes, thank you, that would be great!" Nero stumbled over his answer, averting his gaze when he felt warmth creeping up the back of his neck and into his cheeks.

He glanced across the table when Kyrie let out a soft giggle, holding a hand over her mouth apologetically when her golden eyes met his. Clearing her throat, she turned to the waitress with a smile, adding, "We'll have two, please."

"Coming right up, hon!"

As the waitress set off to retrieve their coffee, Nero reached across the table, taking one of Kyrie's hands in both of his. She flinched at first, having been preoccupied by the flowers swaying in the window box beside her, but she soon relaxed, interlocking her fingers with his. Her cheeks were a light shade of pink as she smiled back at him, the young woman peering at him from beneath thick, dark lashes as she settled her free hand on top of both of his.

Neither one of them spoke, both content in simply enjoying one another's company in comfortable silence, the couple only breaking apart long enough to accept their coffee from the waitress, and returning to their handholding again once she left.

Gazing out the window, Nero couldn't help wondering how Dante was doing. He and Trish had left only a few, short days after the battle against Mundus, the devil hunters claiming they had to get back to the Devil May Cry office before Lady had a conniption fit. He didn't know who this 'Lady' person was, but if Dante was that worried about upsetting her, she obviously wasn't someone to be trifled with.

Smiling as the mental image of Dante cowering before a human woman came unbidden to his mind, Nero let out a wistful sigh. His gaze lingered on the pink and orange streaks painting the sky for several moments before finally returning his attention to the lovely woman sitting in front of him, Kyrie's blush deepening whenever their eyes met.

He would have to visit Dante in the future. For now, all he wanted to do was focus on the here and now with Kyrie, and on creating a bright, shining future with her, filled with joy and prosperity.

Once they had finished their coffee, Nero left money on the table, and laced his fingers with Kyrie's, leading the way out of the café and into the street; the couple strolling in tranquil silence together for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

As he felt the songstress rest her head against his shoulder, Nero smiled. Whatever the future held, he was more than ready to meet it, head on. They could make it through anything, as long as they had each other.

V.2 (June 2017)

Well, that concludes "The Order of Sparda". To recap, the story was originally written by Clairavance some years ago. However, when she felt she could no longer continue on with it, she entrusted the rest of the story to me, which I originally finished updating on here sometime in 2014. Now, 3+ years later, I've seen fit to perform some minor fixes here and there-but to my chapters (13 and on) only, as I saw no fault with Clairavance's work. Even with the fixes, I know my chapters are far from perfect, but I do hope someone somewhere will still derive enjoyment from this work of fanfiction.

Again, thanks so much for reading. ^^ Feel free to leave a review with your thoughts.