After Holley and Finn cleaned up the mess with the juice, they were allowed back into class. Elsa had been busy calling all of the parents, telling them of the mess and that their students needed to be cleaned up. All of them said that it was alright, mainly because they didn't want their kids staining the furniture or anything else with the grape juice. The humans were sent to nurse Anna because she had a shower in her office, and Elsa helped give the animals baths, mainly a small grey mutt that liked to go by Tramp. He hid in a corner until all of the others were done, even the cats, and then Elsa ended up chasing him around the room until she caught him stopping for a moment to catch his breath. When the three little girls came back from the nurse after they cleaned up, Elsa decided that they and the animals could go outside for a second recess since the cars needed to go outside anyways to get cleaned up.

Sally volunteered to go first, as she was one of the most badly stained of them all, besides Francesco, who was hiding under a table inside the classroom. Duchess and Lady got hit by part of the mist from the hose, so they scurried over to the other part of the playground to stay dry.

"You know you're still purple," Lady said, noting that Duchess never got all of the juice out of her fur.

"I know, nurse Anna said that my mom could brush the stained fur out, but it could take a while for me to shed all of the fur that got dirty," she said, annoyed, "I wish I was orange, then I wouldn't have to worry about it."

Lady, watching Francesco be dragged out of the classroom by his back tires, realized something that she thought would make Duchess feel a lot better about the first day of school. "You know, there's one kid who isn't having a bath today."


"The Jeep that tattled on us, I think his name is Miles."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I think so, let's do it!"

The kitten and the puppy snuck around Elsa, who was helping nurse Anna clean up the cars, and into the classroom, where they found a lot more boxes of grape juice. They enlisted the help of Mulan (and Mushu), Stitch and his small group of friends, and O'Malley, who Duchess really wanted on their side. They loaded the juice into a giant water gun (which Stitch somehow snuck in), and Lilo sent both him and Angel to climb the walls and position themselves on the roof. Miles was playing by himself in one part of the playground, clearly happy that he didn't have to have a bath, and then Mulan gave the signal to Stich, who was carrying the gun, to fire. Stitch happily obeyed, leaving Miles almost completely covered in juice. Surprised, he tried to turn around to see what was going on, but turned too sharply, causing him to land on his side, and then rolled onto his roof, covering half of him in dirt.

"ELSA! SOMEBODY! HELP ME!" cried Miles.

Elsa, soaking wet from trying to wash Mater, came running in the direction of the panicked screams, and then noticed Stitch and Angel on the roof.

"How did you get up there?" she asked

"Crabba snabba…" Stitch said, and then jumped off, with Angel following him, trying to get away from the scene of the crime.

"You aren't going anywhere," Elsa said, "You are going to help Miles up, and I know you can because I've seen you lift up whole tables with one hand."

Stitch narrowed his eyes, "Naga bootifa." Then he stomped over to Miles and threw him in the air, scaring Elsa, before catching him and placing him nicely on the ground.

Miles looked genuinely scared after that, "How does Holley fly anyways? I know I never will after that."

Elsa told him to go over to the makeshift car wash that they had set up across the playground, and he reluctantly agreed. "Wait… Holley can fly?"

"Yeah, that's how she sort of started the war earlier. Finn was on the roof, so she flew up and shot him with her water gun."

"Finn was on the roof? Oh, forget it. They've already had their fair share of work today." She sprayed him with the hose and got the dirt off, "You know, they would like you more if you didn't tattle."

"Yeah, but even if I didn't, they still don't like me very much."

"Well, Tramp doesn't have any friends, either. Why don't you try to make friends with him?" she tried to console after getting all of the juice off of him.

"I guess I could try," he said. When he was released, he looked all over for Tramp, and found him on the outside of the fence. "What are you doing out there?"

"I don't like fences. I like to go wherever I want to go,"

"Why don't you come back inside? Maybe we could play a game of tag."

"Thanks, but no thanks. There's a trash can over there that looks like it has some good stuff in it, and I would rather not get run over any time soon." He ran off to go knock over the can, when a woman came out with a rolling pin. He yipped and ran back through the hole he dug under the fence, "Actually, a game of tag sounds like fun," he tagged him, "you're it!" he scurried away and wiggled his way behind a building, where he knew he was safe.

"That's not fair!"

"Yes it is! You can go faster than I can so I can fit into smaller spaces than you," he stuck his tongue out.

"Fine," he said, annoyed, "I'm going to go somewhere else," he said. He backed away from the crack and parked in a spot where Tramp couldn't see him. After a minute, Tramp came out, and Miles sped out of nowhere and tagged him, "Ha! You're it!"

A/N: Any requests for stories? Reviews?