Kuroko Tetsuya stood, gazing at the large wooden arch of the place he's been dreading to go to for the past month and a half; Teiko Camp.

The small bluenette looked behind him in a last ditch effort to get his parents to let him go back home. His parents just gave him a thumbs up and got back in their car and drove away.

It wasn't that Kuroko hated camp or anything, he just wanted his vacation to be peaceful, filled with lounging around and drinking vanilla milkshakes, not getting up at six in the morning every day and having to socialize with people he didn't know.

Kuroko just sighed and made his way to where he saw a group of people.

"Okay everyone, listen up!" A voice called above the chatter of excited kids, making everyone quiet down. "I'm sure you're all excited, but before we do anything else, I'm going to be assigning you to your cabins!~" Everyone stayed quiet, anxious to see if they'd be getting to bunk with friends or be stuck with people they didn't know.

"There will be seven people plus a counselor to each cabin. When I call your name, please get into small groups with your cabin members. I'll start with the boys first~ In cabin number 1.."

The person rattled off names while kids scrambled to get in the correct groups.

"In cabin 7, Kagami Taiga, Midorima Shinataro, Kise Ryouta, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi, Akashi Seijuro, and Kuroko Tetsuya."

Kuroko perked up when he heard his name called and started to look for where he was supposed to go. He walked over to a small group and tapped on one of the peoples shoulders. The person jumped in surprise and turned to look at him.

"Excuse me, but is this cabin 7?" The blonde boy blinked and stared at him for a moment before smiling.

"Yup!~ Nice to meet you, I'm Kise Ryouta~" Kuroko bowed slightly. "Nice to meet you as well, Kise-kun. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya."

Kise opened his mouth to say something else before he was cut off by a voice at the door to their cabin.

"Are you brats gonna stand out here all day? I mean, I don't really care if you do or anything, but I don't really feel like getting scolded by the head counselor so get your asses in here and unpack." The group stared at the man before slowly making their way into the spacious cabin.

"You brats aren't allowed in the back, ya hear me? I'll kick your asses if you go back there." Their counselor said before leaving the small group to unpack their belongings.

"What the hell was that?!" A tall red haired boy said, angrily throwing his bag onto one of the top bunks.

"Is he our counselor? I hope he doesn't forbid snacks.." Kuroko's eyes widened a bit when he saw a massive boy with purple hair sit on the only non bunk bed.

"Don't worry Murasakicchi, if he does, you can always hide it from him~" The large boy, Murasakicchi? nodded and opened a bag of chips.

"Oh! We should all introduce ourselves~ We will be living together for a couple of months after all~" Kise said, climbing onto the bottom of one of the bunk beds. "I'll go first! I'm Kise Ryouta~"

Kuroko couldn't help a small smile slipping onto his face as he watched the blonde wrestle with his bag, trying to untangle the clothes he must have just thrown in there.

The tall redhead spoke next, he was hanging upside down from his bunk. "I'm Kagami Taiga."

A boy with green hair and a small bear statue rolled his eyes at Kagami and set the small toy down on the top of Kise's bunk. "I'm Midorima Shintaro."

The tanned boy with dark blue hair under Kagami slapped his hand away when it got too close to hitting him in the face. "Aomine Daiki." He grumbled, glaring at Kagami.

The other boy with red hair, who happened to be standing next to Kuroko sighed at the two idiots. "Akashi Seijuro." He said curtly, going to the bunk closest to the door and climbing to the top.

"Hey, aren't we missing someone?" Aomine said, looking away from his glaring battle with Kagami.

"I'm here.." Kuroko said, making Aomine jump and hit his head and Kagami almost fall off the bed. "I'm Kuroko Tetsuya." Kuroko saw Akashi looking at him out of the corner of his eye. It sent shivers down his spine. Unfortunately for him, the only bed available was the one under the shorter redhead. Kuroko inwardly sighed and started to unpack, ignoring the loud arguing between Kagami and Aomine about who should have the top.

The group walked to the central area together when they were all finished unpacking. "Kurokocchi! I still don't see why you didn't want to bunk with meee.."

Kuroko ignored him and walked a bit faster. He heard Kagami chuckle and Kise slap his arm lightly. "Not funny..!" The small bluenette shook his head and decided to just ignore them all together. He was already starting to get a headache.

"Hello again everybody~ I'm the head counselor here by the way, in case any of you were wondering~ If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come to me." Kise and Kagami quieted down at the sound of the head counselor's voice.

"Now I'm just going to go over the schedule, then you have the rest of the day to yourselves to get to know each other more and whatnot. But be back in your cabins by six o'clock, or else.." Everyone shivered at the unfinished threat. "Anyway, onto the schedule!~ You'll wake up at six.."

Kuroko zoned him out and instead chose to slink away from the group and start to explore the campgrounds. He had gotten to the trail that led into the woods when a voice behind him startled him.

"Sneaking away before he finishes talking can get you in trouble you know." Kuroko turned around to face the sharp heterochromatic eyes of Akashi Seijuro. "Akashi-kun.."

The redhead walked towards him. "Mind if I join you?" Kuroko wasn't about to say no to someone who looked as dangerous as he did, so he just nodded. "Sure." He said simply and turned around to continue his exploration of the camp.

AN: Hi~ I hope that I didn't do too bad of a job on the first chapter.. *hides under box* I hope you liked it and sorry that it's kinda short, hopefully it'll be longer in the future.. It'a rated T right now but I might change it later, might. It depends on if I have enough confidence to actually do anything and/or if it goes that way. I'm sooo sorry if any of them are a bit OOC, if they are, please tell me and I will try and fix it in the future. Akakuro is the main pairing but I want to have some side pairings also. I'm not really sure who I want the GoM and Kagami with yet.. If anyone has any suggestions, that'd be nice~ Anyway, sorry for the long and boring authors note, see you in the next chapter!