Hello, Lovelies. The song is the Twenty One Pilots cover of "Can't Help Falling In Love." I suggest you listen to it! Enjoy!
"Don't read that, Clary," Jace said, taking the tabloid from her hands, the picture of her bloodied face at the concert resurfacing after the reveal of her being Jace's girlfriend. Many articles were wondering why she'd been kept a secret, playing into the idea that maybe Jace was ashamed of her. One magazine went so far as to review his previous girlfriends, Kaelie and Camille, who'd both been blondes. US Magazine speculated that she might debut bleached locks sometime in the near future. "I do not have a think for blondes," he hissed after reading the article himself, throwing the mostly unread magazine into the trashcan. "Don't listen to anyone." He whispered these words lowly so nobody else could hear.
A car honked, and Jace ushered Clary out into the rainy morning, holding an umbrella low over her hair to keep her dry as she slid into the seat. Even now, cameras were flashing, greedily capturing the sweet moment of Jace holding the door for her to later sell for profit. Privacy was a great sacrifice for this life, but while it may be an inconvenience, it was hopefully going to save her life.
The truth was, her Twitter was blowing up, both with an outpouring of support and ridicule. Jealousy was the green-eyed beast and her own green eyes were a topic of many insult, as was her soullessness. "Clary Fairchild stole Jace Herondale's soul and has made him her slave," she read into the predawn darkness, her phone glowing in her face. "Hashtag: Save Jace Herondale." Jace smirked, his chest rumbling with quiet laughter as Clary glowered.
"Hey," he breathed, putting his finger under her chin so she looked at him. "It was a pretty clever tweet." She smacked his arm, rubbing her hands over her tired face. It was four-thirty am, and Jace and Clary were in a car on the way to the airport, having been scheduled to appear on Michael and Kelly after their performance the other night. Jonathon had begged to come, but decided, in the end, it was better to let the pair go alone while he continued the search for evidence against Sebastian. "You should sleep some more, Apple. It's going to be a long day." He put his arm around her shoulders, leaning her head onto his chest as his fingers rubbed rhythmic circles against her skin.
Jace turned the brightness of his own screen down, thumbing through the millions of notifications he'd gotten from his followers at the announcement. 95% of them were from tween girls screaming of betrayal. The rest were of congratulations and men complimenting Clary. Being a celebrity and on social media could often be very stressful, as Clary was just beginning to discover. Jace often worried about his image, about the comments being left under his photographs. Jordan had already scheduled a press conference about the scars, but Jace knew he'd have to discuss them with Michael and Kelly first, which made his heart race. He'd never shared something so intimate with his fans.
The streetlamps cast beautiful shadows across Clary's face, her red hair glowing a warm shade of auburn. He found himself taking a photograph of her, tapping out a message on Instagram to further get her image out there.
Early mornings with Sleeping Beauty, it read. He pushed the button to post it and then set his cell phone down, relishing in the few moments of peace he had before the day. The partition had been raised, and Jace found himself playing with her curls, her head shifting into his lap so she could sleep more comfortably.
Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay, would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you
He surprised even himself by singing a familiar lullaby, the one his mother used to sing to him as a nightly ritual. Now, he couldn't even listen to the song without choking up, yet he could look upon Clary's peaceful face and singing it to her.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so we go
Some things were meant to be
He never felt such a strong connection to a song as this one. Maybe it was because it described their relationship so perfectly. Rushed in. Meant to be.
Take my hand, take my whole life too
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you
He felt Clary weave their fingers together, yet her breathing remained even, her eyes closed as she slumbered.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so we go
Some things were meant to be
It was funny, how a song could say everything that he wanted to, yet he couldn't find the words himself. Maybe it was because she couldn't hear him, that her being asleep made it easy for him to proclaim everything he felt.
Take my hand, take my whole life too
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you
'Cause I can't help falling in love with you
The airport rose up through the fog, and Jace squeezed her hand gently.
But I can't help falling in love with you
"We're here."
"Is it true that you have a girlfriend just as talented as yourself?" Kelly was saying as Jace shifted himself in his seat, glancing upward at the bright lights with a smile on his face.
"I believe she's actually more talented than me if I'm being honest." Michael clapped him on the back for such a smooth comment as he smiled brighter. "No, but really, she's fantastic, and I'm so lucky that she's chosen to be a part of my life."
"She's here with you, is that correct?" Kelly pressed forward, and Jace laughed some more, pointing over at the edge of the stage as he gave the affirmative. "Come on out here, Clarissa!" He could see the blush staining her cheeks as she crossed the distance to the chairs in a shimmering navy dress and tall ivory, red-bottomed Louis Vuittons, a gift from Magnus.
"Please, call me, Clary," she told both the hosts after hugging them. She seated herself beside Jace, and he clasped their hands protectively.
"Tell me, Clary, how did you meet Jace?" Her painted lips parted into a grin as she glanced at Jace, opting to tell the real story.
"It was at a bar, actually!" The crowd clapped, and she nodded, a natural in front of the camera. "I believe the first thing I said to him was something about heaving into the bar toilets." At this, Jace's chest rumbled. This was a night he remembered fondly. "And then I dumped my water over his head." Michael guffawed, leaning over to bump her knuckles and jokingly mutter something about keeping rock stars in line.
"That doesn't seem like the kind of night that would lead to a relationship," Kelly mused. "When did you two reunite?"
"My brother is actually the bassist of the band," she announced. "Hi, Jonathon," she said, wiggling her fingers at the camera. "And my best friend is Isabelle Lightwood, Alec and Jace's sister." Jace nodded, but said nothing. A person really had to dig to know he was adopted. Most people believed Herondale was just a stage name.
"So it's just one, big family affair?" Clary and Jace nodded, launching into stories of hilarious moments and ridiculous arguments that had the entire room laughing and begging for more. "On a more serious note," Michael said, and Jace stiffened. Clary squeezed his hand gently. "We all saw the photos from the night after your last concert. I know there is a press conference regarding these, but on behalf of our viewers, we just want to know that you both are okay."
Clary let Jace take the reins on this one, more accustomed to what to say on live television than she. "Yeah, we are both okay. We just hope that anyone with information or photographs of Clary's attacker will come forward to help with the investigation." Michael and Kelly thanked them both for coming and gave them hugs. Jace, good friends with Michael, whispered something about telling him later in private before exiting stage left.
"That went better than expected," Clary breathed, sighing in relief. She'd half expected to throw up all over the fancy rug.
Jace nodded in agreement, handing Clary one of the two bottles of water given to him. "I'm just going to talk to Michael quick and then we'll head to the press conference, okay?" Clary nodded mutely. This was not something she was excited about, getting all the details out there for the press to have a field day with. She hadn't even told Jace all the details. She couldn't bring herself to do it.
She'd already been told what to say, had rehearsed it over and over. Jordan had this grand idea of her becoming a spokeswoman for domestic violence, but Clary didn't know if she could do that. It made her feel like a fraud, to put on this brave front when in reality she was terrified. How was she supposed to inspire women when she herself was breaking inside?
She hadn't even noticed Jace had left until he returned a few moments later, his sad eyes trailing her as she jumped in fear at his touch. "I'm sorry," he whispered, but she shook her head, slipping her hand into his and vowing to tell him everything.
"Jace," she whispered as the car rounded another corner. "We need to talk before the press conference. I need…I need to tell you everything." He squeezed her hand, rerouting the chauffer to the Ritz.
She kept her composure collected as the gathered photographers and journalists swarmed. She kept her head ducked and face pleasant as Jace linked their arms and led them through the crowd to their prepared room. "Mr. Herondale," the woman at the front desk greeted as Jace's security detail kept the reporters out of the building. "We've been expecting you." He was handed a key, and with a curt "Thanks," had directed Clary to the elevator.
All too soon, they were seated on the sofa in the room, Jace fussing about if she was hungry and insisting he order her room service. A chocolate milkshake and cheeseburger later, she was trapped in his endless pools of gold, wondering how they'd look at her after she'd said her piece.
"We all know I was drugged, tied up, and stuffed in a trunk. I know everyone has assumed that Sebastian…well that he raped me…because my clothes were torn and tattered. And thus far…I've pretended not to know because…it was easier. You know, he and I used to be married," tears pricked her eyes, and Jace picked up her hand comfortingly, "and…like most married couples…we had sex." She looked up, but Jace's eyes were only filled with concern, no judgement. "So, I thought that when I woke up, and he…was…forcing himself on me, I could pretend it didn't happen. Because previously, sex had happened. But I…I can't."
Jace took her up in his arms, gently shushing her sobs as he massaged her back. "Clary, what he did to you was different. It wasn't consensual. It wasn't love."
"I just thought that because we'd been intimate before…it didn't hold the same severity as rape."
Jace held her back to look at her, a wild expression of pain and empathy and anger crossing his features. "Regardless of your history, what Sebastian did was rape." She nodded, thankful she finally got it out as Jace held her once more. "You don't have to mention that in the press conference if you don't want to." She nodded again, withdrawing herself from Jace's grasp to clean up before they headed out.
Jace was always uneasy at press conferences because it meant that toxic secrets had been discovered and had to be carefully recovered or tactfully diffused. There was a lot of talking as he, Clary, and a few security seated themselves at a head table. Cameras flashed unkindly in their faces, questions lost in the white noise of the area.
The only thing different about this one was Clary's presence, and the comfort it brought him as she clasped his hand under the table. "We'll get through this, okay?" she whispered, her voice somehow heard above the chaos. He nodded, hoping all the color hadn't drained from his face.
Finally, it began, as the first reporter was called for a question. "Jace, can you tell me about the scars?" This was to be expected. He remembered the rules Jordan gave him before every press conference. Give vague answers. Don't offer up too much. Leave 'em shocked.
"I was in a car accident as a child, one that killed my father." More camera flashes, more chaos. The crowd was calmed a few minutes later, and another reporter was called on.
"But your parents, Maryse and Robert Lightwood are both alive and well." Jace nodded.
"I am adopted. My true family name is Herondale. I'd like to thank Maryse and Robert for taking me into their home and loving me as their own child. To them, I am a Lightwood." Clary couldn't help but tear up a bit.
The questions continued from there.
"What happened that night?"
This one was for Clary.
"My ex-husband was able to bypass security and get to me backstage at Jace's concert."
"Are you alright?"
"I am quite alright. Thank you for your concern."
"Do you feel that because he was your ex-husband, you are partly at fault for what happened?" Jace fumed, glaring at the ignorant male reporter who'd dared to ask the question. Before Clary could speak up, Jace hissed into the microphone.
"Assualt is never the fault of the victim." Clary squeezed his hand, calming him before the same reporter spoke up again.
"Are you implying that Clarissa was sexually assaulted?" Clary silenced Jace as her eyes sliced to his.
"I was. And I am here to tell everyone out there who has fallen victim to this heartless crime that you are not alone. It is not your fault. You are strong and good and worthy and loved. You can't be broken. There are people out there who want to help you. I want to help you." She wanted the reporter to put his tail between his legs and shrink into the crowd.
Instead, he opened his mouth once more.
"What happened to your mother, Jace?" Beside her, Jace roared, only her hand keeping him from lunging at the guy.
"No further questions," someone said before quickly ushering them out.
Can I get a review?
All My Love,