Hey Fan Fictioners! I'm back with another fan fiction! This time I thought I should change-up the way I write the fan fiction. I thought that I shouldnt write in the character's Pov. If you think that I should write this fan fiction, like I wrote my old one tell me. If you think that I should write it this way tell me. All you have to do is review and I will write it that way depending on the votes. Also I would like to thank Stinkfly3 and CreativeWriter96 for the help on deciding which one of my fan fictions that I should write. Also Stinkfly3 thanks for the ideas and the help. Ok now to the fan fiction!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Grojband!

We can see that Grojband is in the Groj. Completely bored, and trying to find a new gig to play. But so far, they are having no luck.

"I am soooooooo bored!" Corey said to Grojband while trying to find something to do.

"Core, we all know that your bored. You don't have to say that every five minutes!" Laney said to Corey.

"I know, but I really am Bored!" Corey said to Laney.

"Hey I know something that we can do so you won't be bored anymore!" Kin said while being really excited.

"What would that be?" Corey asked.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Kin said as he pulled off a blanket on a machine.

"I call this my Time Machine 2!" Kin said.

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you say Time Machine 2? What happened to the first one?" Laney asked Kin.

"Well, the first one kinda blew up." Kin said while rubbing his arm.

"Ok then..." Laney said while stepping away from the machine.

"Does anyone want to try it?" Kin asked.

"Sure I'll try it. Its better than being bored." Corey said to Kin while hoping up and running to the machine.

"Cool, do you want to go into the Past or the Future?" Kin asked Corey while stepping up to the control pad on the Time Machine 2.

"I want to go into the past to when I was five years old!" Corey said to Kin while getting really excited.

"Why do you want to go back to when you were 5?" Kin asked Corey.

"There was just some things that I wanted to see again." Corey said to Kin.

"Okay then, but you can't touch or talk to anyone or anything. It could horribly mess up the future okay." Kin told Corey.

"Okay, Okay. I will not touch or talk to anyone or anything." Corey said to Kin.

"Okay then. Just step in the machine and I will send you back in time." Kin said to Corey while stepping into the machine.

"Okay, its back to the past for me then.'' Corey said as he stepped into the Time Machine 2.

Then as Kin pulled the switch to the machine. There was a blue spark, and there was smoke everywhere as the machine exploded.

"COREY!" The gang screamed as they ran to the machine.

But when they got to the machine. None of them could believe what they saw. What they saw was...

To Be Continued...

So how do you guys like it so far? I need some reviews for this! I need to know if you guys like it or not. Also if I get a lot of reviews or PM's, I will write another chapter tonight! Doesnt that sound great! Well I hope you guys like it!

Thanks for coming out everyone! (CoreyxLaneyForever said as she closed her lap top.)