A piercing scream disturbed my slumber,my eyes snapped open. I looked around the dimly lit room to see my foster comforting another child. I sighed and pushed back the covers of my Iron bed. They tried to make the room as comfortable as possible regarding our situations but keeping in mind all the children here are younger than the age of 7 apart from me. Walking across the carpet the wool tickling the soles of my feet. I sat at the window and looked out. The rain bouncing off of cars and the road beginning to overflow. I hated England. Why could I stay with my mum,this Mi 9 safe house was too noisy. I looked back at the room,the crying infant had woken all of us. Other child came over and looked at me curiously with her big blue eyes. 'Why are you up at this time?' I smiled I 'm not tired'. She nodded and got up and went back to her bed. I was sad for her,she thought her mum and dad would come back for her. Well she better grow up soon I thought,which was harsh but remembering I'm sixteen she's seven,I've experienced the world and all it's troubles she hasn't not yet.

The next day I woke early. On entry to the kitchen my foster mum Lucy cleaning the kitchen tops. I smiled and went to the fridge. 'Are you nervous?' she asked me. My stomach churned. 'No' I lied. She smiled and stretched out her arms to hug me. I backed off,much to her disappointment. She looked at the clock and left the room quickly saying she had to wake the children. I nodded sarcastically at her back and bent down into the fridge. A few seconds later the room was full of screaming children. I groaned and moved around them all. I grabbed the waiting toast out of the toaster and went upstairs. I looked at the new uniform hanging in the wardrobe. I pulled it off the hangers and put it on. It was too big and I felt so small. Half an hour later I walked down the stairs. Lucy had managed to dress seven children in thirty minutes. 'Not bad' I nodded. She smiled and ran us out of the door. She tried to pack them all into the car as I made my own way. 'Morgan' she called. I spun around 'Yes?' She bit her lip 'Will you be okay,walking to school'. I laughed 'Yes' I called walking away..'I'm an Mi 9 agent

On reaching St Hearts. I stopped at the front door. The office women seemed to be asleep. She did not notice the girl standing at the door. Drenched with water. Finally she did and then lazily pushed the button and went back to her desk and started reading a book. I pushed open the door and went in. The woman ignored me and carried on reading. I cleared my throat. Nothing 'Excuse me' I growled. She lowered the book and sighed 'Yes'. I forced a smile. 'Mr Flatley'. She rolled her eyes and pointed to the left. 'That way' and then went back to reading her book. I growled and walked in the direction of this Mr Flatley's office.