Author's Note: Hi everyone! So this chapter is short; however, it's the point when Amy starts to realize what actually happened to her, so it's very important to the story line. Once again, as always, thank you to all that read and review the story, I love reading your thoughts, kind words, and critiques. It helps me, not only to motivate me to continue, but also to merge your ideas and/or suggestions into the plot itself, so thank you.

Following this chapter, I've written some feedback at the end to those of you who have written reviews thus far.

So with that being said, enjoy this chapter, and please let me know your thoughts! :)

Chapter Four: Am I Dead?

It's been quiet for a while now and I haven't heard Ben speak anymore since earlier. I don't know where he was or where his voice was even coming from, or where I even am for that matter. All I know is I feel as if I'm awake in my own dream, and despite my many attempts to wake myself up, I can't seem to figure out what is going on.

I was convinced this was a dream, but now I'm not so sure. I've never experienced anything like this before, and to be honest, I'm starting to get a little nervous.

I can feel a slight throbbing in my head and face; but, it tends to come and go. I can also feel something itching me on my right arm, but I can't seem to scratch it. It's like my body is paralyzed or something, and even though I want to move or open my eyes, it's like I can't.

Am I dead?

No, I couldn't be. If I am, then this is not at all what I expected the afterlife to be like.

Ugh, stop it, you're not dead! This is just some really, really weird dream, right?

For some strange reason though, I don't remember falling asleep. To be honest, I don't even remember getting home last night.

The last thing I even recall is being in the car with Ben.

I decided to just get in the car, because I didn't have a clue as to how to get home from there. We were arguing back and forth until… oh my god

*1:00am – Time of the accident*

We had driven about three blocks before either of us said a word. I was furious with him, and honestly didn't even want to look at him. I just stared out my window at the passing empty early morning streets of Manhattan, counting down the seconds till I would be at my apartment and away from him.

The car eased at a red light, and as Ben waited for the light to turn green, he placed his hand on my left shoulder.

"Amy I-" he started; but I quickly shrugged his hand from me.

"Don't Ben" I said, while still staring out the window, "I don't want to talk, I just want you to take me home"

The light turned green, and as Ben drove off, I could have sworn I felt the car jerk to the side a bit, and then back. I glanced over at him, and noticed his eyes were low; however, I was too angry to comment on them, and I just assumed he was tired… it had been a long night, and was just getting longer by the minute.

As he continued driving, I, again, felt the car shift to the side; this time a car next to us began beeping in response.

"Ben?" I said with a hint of an attitude.

He didn't respond, but instead honked his horn back at the car next to us.

"You're swerving into their lane Ben" I said.

"No I'm not. They're the one's swerving." He said.

Right then and there, my suspicions took off.

"Ben, have you been drinking?" I asked

"What's it matter?" He said smugly.

"Oh my god Ben, are you kidding me!?" I yelled, while becoming extremely anxious to get out of the car, "Pull over!"

"I'm fine!" he shouted.

"Ben I'm serious. Pull the car over, I want to get out" I said, while beginning to unfasten my seatbelt.

"Amy will you calm down?" he said, while reaching his right arm over towards me to calm me down.

"Calm down?!" I asked sarcastically, "Ben you are drinking and driving!"

"I only had a few" he said while chucking, "it's not that big of a deal"

"Ben I swear to God, I'm going to open the door if you do not pull over right now" I demanded.

He looked towards me, noticing the extreme amount of anger in my voice this time.

Suddenly in a split second, I saw someone step out from the curb just ahead of us.

"Ben!" I yelled, "Look out!"

Ben quickly shot his head forward and swerved the car to the left to avoid hitting the person in front of us.

But, in a flash, the car collided with oncoming traffic, and the last thing I saw was a massive set of head lights coming directly toward us…

…oh my god… oh my god… I am dead, aren't I?

"…beep…beep..beep.. .beep"

I feel like I'm having a panic attack, and suddenly my chest feels tight, like it's going to explode. That is, if I even have a chest anymore.

Oh my god….

"What's going on?"

"Her heart rate is speeding up, she's probably coming to"

Who is that? Oh my god, somebody help me, please. Please, I can't be dead, please!

I feel a warm hand caress the top of my forehead; it's gentle, and welcoming.

"It's okay sweetheart, you're okay"

All of a sudden I see a small slit of light; my eyes are beginning to open slowly.

Does this mean I'm alive?

I see a blurry shadow in front of me… a woman, it looks like, and she's wearing white.

Is she an angel?

"That's it hunny, you're doing great" she says, her voice calm and gentle.

I want to ask her who she is, but all I can manage is a few groans.

"Well, welcome back to the world", she says.

So, I am alive?

Lemmanuel1: I know it's crazy to have Ben drinking and driving; but I promise you there is back story to it, which will eventually surface in later chapters. As for making Ben the bad guy, not at all... there is going to be a great deal of story line to Ben, and why he decided to drink that night. I'm definitely not going to make him a bad guy though, I promise :)

Jyoti: This is definitely one of Ben's dark moments, but there is reason as to why he made those choices that night, which I will get to soon.

RamyFan1981: Thank you for the compliments, as always. :) I'm glad you like it.