Jozu slammed his shoulder into the door.
"You can do it! You can do it!" Ace cheered from the side, and the others started to join along until everyone was cheering Jozu's name.
After the tenth time, Jozu turned to him. "Melt the hinges, asshole."
Ace, stunned at first, bit his lip. "Yeah…that would have been a smart idea."
"Very so," Paulie agreed.
Ace took a step forward and set the metal piece flame. The metal twisted into liquid and flowed down the doorframe. He did the same to the next one. The door shifted in place. Paulie took a step between the two of them and poked the door.
It fell down.
"Don't tell Sabo," Ace stated before walking through the door.
Jozu and Paulie shared a glance and the blonde snickered.
Sabo was going to be told one way or the other, that Ace was stuck at a wooden door with metal hinges.
He wasn't called Fire Fist for nothing, you know.
They moved through the door, barely with everyone trying to squeeze past, where they were meant with a small tight hallway. It had to ways and both headed outside.
"Zambai, and other Franky Family members," Ace addressed them, "Head to the right. Get the soldiers' attention so we can get through to the CP9 building."
"Sounds like a risk."
"Galley-La members will join you then."
"That sounds like a bigger risk."
"What about this, head whenever the hell you want."
Zambai glanced back at his members and nodded in agreement. He raised his hand in the air and all of them raced to the left.
"Why do I bother?"
"I still wonder," Jozu replied.
"Hey!" Ace growled, climbing onto the giant's back, and them and two Gallery-La members went to the right. Tilestone somehow had gotten the mix message, which Ace could understand, and went to the right with the others.
Ace, Lulu, Jozu, and Paulie went the other way. Which, out of luck or a bad sign, ended up at the CP9 front door.
"Should we knock?" Ace wondered out loud. Before the others could groan in annoyance at his ignorance, his fist went aflame and he punched the door down. "No one answered," he shrugged and went inside.
Three people appeared in front of them.
Kaku, Fukuro, Blueno stood there with crossed arms.
"What a welcome," Paulie muttered, "From a good ol' friend."
Kaku, with his hat casted down, covering his eyes, spoke as soft as a whisper. "We cannot let you pass."
Lulu shook his head. "Remember, Little Man, we have fought before and I won!" He flexed his muscles and cracked his knuckles in a show of manliness.
"So cool…" Ace muttered under his breath. He blinked and shook his head. He pointed towards Kaku. "Hey! I remember you!"
"Sorry, but last time we've meet, I was not sober."
Fukuro glanced his way. "You were drunk?! I thought you couldn't even handle a cup!" His voice squeaked through the halls and made the Spade Pirates wince.
"Not the time, ol' chap."
"Should I call Jabra?" Blueno glanced over at Kaku.
He shook his head. "I think our numbers will fare well."
Ace raised his hand in anger. "You aren't going to defeat us!"
"You don't even know who you are dealing with," Fukuro croaked.
The captain looked over at Jozu and he nodded. "CHARGE!"
Without thinking, Paulie and Lulu charged forward to meet the enemy. And Jozu, knowing the call, moved as well. He charged with his head, now a diamond, pointed right at Kaku.
And Ace disappeared from the room, racing up the staircase that was behind the trio while they had their attention elsewhere.
"What a cowardly move," Blueno uttered without any emotions.
Lulu slammed him onto the ground, yet the man disappeared in the last second before the impact and appeared behind Lulu. "Wh-!"
"Jabra," Blueno, now away from the fighting area, called into a snail, "The Spade Captain is going up the steps."
Lulu blasted the wall right next to Blueno, who took no damaged. He looked up from the snail and onto the shipwright. "I was on a phone call, you know. I guess this couldn't wait." Blueno pulled a door opened in front of him, and like magic, appeared behind Lulu and laid his forefinger onto his shoulder.
Lulu stayed there on the ground.
Blood spattered the floor.
Kaku gulped, yet he did not show any emotions as he continued his one-sided fight with Jozu. Paulie was on the opposite end. He looked at his friend's body and back to the man in charge of it. His face turned red in rage and rope shot out of his sleeve, wrapping around the horned man.
Fukuro did not like being forgotten about.
He did not like it one bit.
And so, he bite the man's shoulder and pulled him backwards.
Paulie held onto the wound and yelped. "You son of a bitch! I will make you pay!"
Diamond appeared on Paulie attacking shoulder. He looked back at the diamond fellow. "What?!" He whispered through his gritted teeth.
A spade appeared and rose up from the ground in which Blueno stood. He, shocked, fell onto the ground.
Paulie, now understand the giant's words, nodded and looked at the three of them. He didn't want to leave Jozu alone with three members of the CP9, but Zambai and his group was only a hallway away.
"You're not going anywhere, Paulie." Kaku took his focus off of Jozu and charged forward at Paulie. His sword was raised over his head, ready to swift Paulie's head off. A diamond shard appeared between them, giving the blonde enough space between to get away.
Fukuro and Blueno pounded against the diamond wall that Jozu built around him. He stood in the center and sprayed diamonds outside of his shelter. They were easily dodged, or in Fukuro's case, swallowed.
They appeared.
All of them stood in line with weapon in hand.
Kaku gulped.
Blueno blinked.
Fukuro giggled like a little girl.
"FOR FRANKY!" Zambai lifted his weapon over his head and the rest followed.
Walls of diamond pushed Blueno, Fukuro, and Kaku off their feet and into the enraged crowd.
Tilestone stood over the body of his fallen friend and cried out tears of anger. "YOU MURDERED MY FRIEND!"
"Don't yell," Kaku, out of habit, stated. As soon as he uttered that, he cursed himself.
Habits could be the end of him.
The two sisters appeared at Tilestone's side. They looked down at Lulu's body and then to Tilestone. "He isn't dead, you know… His right shoulder is badly injured though."
"But…he isn't…"
"AHHH!" Tilestone lifted up his axe and launched it at Blueno without aiming. He skipped out of the way in the nick of time.
And the battle continued.
Alright..sorry for the long wait. I was having doubts about this story...but I felt like this story has gotten too much attention to drop now since it gotten to 100 reviews. Lots of shit has happened and the word 'shit' is now my new favorite cuss word, so expect a lot of that.
freeze47458: Took longer than I thought it would be, but it's finally out.
Son of Whitebeard: Baskerville?
Guest: Probably so. I don't see much of Shanks' crew, so I only remember the bare minimum of them, such as their names and such. Plus, I
harlequin320: Thanks, and will do!
good job, keep up the good work
general yumi: Thank you for that. Times has been hard, but hopefully I'm back for a while. Robin still has quite a ways. Luka is on her quest for Lucci. Ace is heading right towards Jabra. And Marco is unheard of.
NightHunterDeath: It's a weird devil fruit, but at least it's different. And it's alright. I'm thinking about stopping Pirate Boy, and just end this tale already. Cuz...I've been writing this story for almost a year...I take too many breaks.