A/N) As much as it's a relief to say this but it also pains me… here is the final part to 'A Jedi's Love'. It's very short but I think it works.

Please read my author notes at the end as I will be explaining what will be happening next for me in fanfiction writing.

A Jedi's Love


The peace agreement drawn up between Satine's government and Death Watch was accepted by the people of Mandalore as well as the Republic. The two factions shared power, working together to build a better future. Satine kept an active role, remaining as Duchess until her nephew Korkie was old enough to take her place. He was elected Duke of Mandalore after a successful campaign trial, promising to uphold the agreement set out by the previous administration.

The Republic continued to rebuild after the events surrounding Mandalore and the Sith. Ventress was pardoned publicly by Chancellor Organa though she did not return to Coruscant for a year after her departure following Maul's death. She had decided to return to take some instruction from the Jedi Order, though she only agreed to be taught by Kenobi. She had even brought news about Mother Talzin. The threat she had posed while Savage and Maul had been on the loose had been eliminated now that she had no one to control. Though the Jedi and Ventress kept an eye on Dathomir, no problems arose from the Nightsisters, allowing the two very different communities to coexist in peace.

Ahsoka was made a Jedi Knight at the end of her trial period, one of the youngest Jedi Knights in the history of the Order. It was a great honour for her. Her success reflected on Anakin's teaching abilities. Many young Jedi apprentices wanted Anakin to be their teacher however he had decided he wanted a break from teaching, choosing to take a sabbatical from the Jedi Order for six months so he could spend more time with his children. The Council agreed to his break, recognising the service record Anakin had put in the last few years.

Padmé returned to the Senate, remaining as the Senator of Naboo as well as taking up more duties to cover Bail Organa as Chancellor. Within a few months Bail Organa would relinquish his position and Padmé would campaign for the role, knowing that she could bring a lot to the Republic if she succeeded in Chancellorship.

Over the next few months, and with many happy memories, Kia began to forget her traumatic experience. By the time she returned to the Jedi Temple again on another trip, the previous event did not concern her.

Peace reigned in the galaxy.

Nearly two years later…

Finally they were living together.

Obi-Wan wrapped his right arm over Satine's shoulders as they stood on the balcony of their new apartment overlooking the Senate district on Coruscant. Now that Korkie had become Duke on Mandalore, Satine had been elected Senator for the Mandalorian people. This meant she could live on Coruscant whilst serving the Republic and her people. Though he knew Satine retained her love for her homeworld, for now they could start a life together on Coruscant.

"I never thought we would get this far," said Satine, leaning her head against him.

"Neither did I," replied Obi-Wan. "I never thought I'd ever get the chance to be with you like this… To be able to have a relationship and love you in the way I do."

The lights of the city glinted in front of them. Reaching across, Satine grabbed his hand, squeezing his fingers. "I'm glad we got the chance to be together… I had always hoped that one day it might have happened…" She leaned up, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Obi-Wan sighed. "I can't imagine not knowing you like this… I shudder to think of what our lives could have been if things had been different."

Satine chuckled. "Let's not dwell on that, shall we?"

"No, let's not," he agreed. His left hand snaked into his tunic pocket. "There's something I want to ask you…"

Satine turned her blue eyes towards him, noting the worry in his features and the nervous voice. "What?"

Obi-Wan moved away from her. "Satine… I love you and I always will. We have been lucky to have found one another and to be able to live the way we are… I can't think of anyone else I would like to share this experience with." He began to kneel down.

She gasped, already knowing what he was about to do. They'd been together for two years now and despite the distance between them they had been able to find a lot of time to spend together, further evolving their relationship and talking about what they'd like.

"Satine… I want to spend the rest of my life with you…" He swallowed visibly. "Will you marry me?" In his hand, he held up a box with a diamond crusted ring inside.

Satine smiled, leaning down and kissing him on the lips, taking his head in her hands. Their eyes met and she breathed out her answer.

"Yes, yes, I will."

He smiled, kissed her on the lips, and took her hand in his, leading her inside to start their life together.


*when I say the threat from Dathomir was eliminated I mean Mother Talzin just continued to live on Dathomir but didn't cause trouble for the Jedi or Republic.

First of all, I want to thank all of you who have stayed with this story throughout the 15 months I've been writing and posting this story! It feels strange to have finally finished this story. I want to say a special thank you to JediPanda22 for all their hard work in creating covers for my stories. I heartily recommend them!

Several of you have asked about a sequel to this story. That won't be happening… At least not a full length novel anyway. Though I did say that at the end of 'A Mother's Love' and I ended up coming up with this story about six months later!

However, I do not believe I can do anything more with this universe in a full-length fic. I do have two one-shots, possibly short stories, planned which are set after 'A Jedi's Love'.

The first one is entitled 'Goodbye Mother' and the second is 'A Jedi's Legacy'. These are stories I hope to write and post very soon. I have already started working on 'Goodbye Mother'. I hope to have 'Goodbye Mother' posted by the end of March with 'A Jedi's Legacy' following by the end of April. These two one-shots will be the end of my 'A Mother's Love' universe.

As for other fanfictions after this, my main fanfic will be a Star Wars and Doctor Who crossover in which the Doctor and Donna crash land inside the Jedi Temple during the Clone Wars and of course… Lots of trouble can happen when Sidious finds out he could get his hands on a time travel machine… The main Star Wars characters will be Obi-Wan and Anakin. I hope you guys will join me in this story even if you've never heard of or watched Doctor Who. This is quite an ambitious project to write but I hope it will be worthwhile!

I will also be working on other fanfictions in the Harry Potter and Kingdom Hearts fandoms. So those are my plans for the next year or so.

Thank you for all the comments and feedback left. It has been such a joy to write this story and I can't say it enough but I will say it again: THANK YOU!

And May The Force Be With You!

I hope our paths will cross again soon!
