It has arrived. Here is the first chapter of my post-war story. This is probably way too late, idea way overdone, and writing just plain mediocre, but I wanted to write my ending. So, here it is :P I hope at least one person can enjoy this, if even one person reads it, hehe. Constructive criticism and reviews are very much appreciated, and I really mean that :) Hope you enjoy!
Shepard's back arched as he breathed sweet oxygen into his aching lungs. It felt like he hadn't breathed in years. As he started to inhale small short breathes, he slowly opened up his eyes. It was blurry at first, but slowly he could make out his surroundings. He was laying on dirt and gravel, he could feel pressure on different parts of his back. Only 20 feet from him, he saw the beam that he saw Anderson disappear through just before he passed out. Flash backs suddenly played through his mind.
"Shepard! You're wounded, stay here, I'll go up!" Anderson yelled.
Shepard clutched his wounded and ragged body as he was practically falling over. Him and Anderson were right by the beam, crouching behind a destroyed mako. Explosions were still happening around them. Harbinger had hit Shepard bad, and there were husks running everywhere. Alliance soldiers were able to hold them off, but not for long.
"Anderson, you'll die. I can do it!"
"You don't know that, you need medical attention. You're a good soldier Shepard." Anderson put his hand on Shepard's bloodied shoulder and looked into his eyes,"You did good son, you did good. I'm... proud of you."
Shepard looked back appreciatively, but also guiltily. Anderson gave a curt nod before he ran straight toward the beam.
His name echoed through Shepard's mind as he pulled away from the fresh memories.
Anderson could still be okay. I need to know how long I've been out so I can make sure.
Shepard ran his eyes over his surroundings. He saw a decimated London, reduced to mere rubble. The beam Anderson had vanished through had no blue pulsating blast pointing to the sky.
Shepard winced as he felt an immense amount of pain coming on. He yelped in agony at the alarming rate the pain was setting in – and it wouldn't stop.
What is this? He thought to himself. Why do I feel like I'm on fire?!
Flashes of Harbinger's red laser beam ran through his mind.
That's why.
Shepard opened his eyes to a sky illuminated by the fires and lights of a decimated London. He thought of the Reapers.
Are they destroyed? Where's my crew? Ashley...
Shepard tried to move his head so he could get a better look at his surroundings. He couldn't do much though, he felt frozen, paralyzed almost.
Shepard suddenly started to feel dizzy. His eyes demanded to be closed but he tried to keep them open. He felt himself gradually slipping until he heard something that made his eyes open wide again.
A shuttle of some kind? I can barely hear..
Shepard tried to move his head again, getting dizzy from the small movement. He managed to look up into the sky. He felt relief as he saw the Normandy approaching him from a menacing gray sky. The Normandy carefully lowered onto the ground, setting it's platform down to let a crew off. It was still dark, but streaks of sunlight began to show through the thick gray clouds.
Shepard felt uneasy as he thought about Ashley, not knowing if she was okay. She could always take care of herself but, he wouldn't feel relieved until he knew for sure that she was safe.
Shepard suddenly saw three figures run off the platform. They ran in his direction, scanning the area as they went. He could hear them yelling, probably his name but he couldn't hear well, only muffles. He tried to yell, speak, anything. He couldn't get anything out, only feeling his throat tighten, feeling dry and scratchy.
He couldn't move his arms and once again felt himself slipping. Blackness pulsated around his eyes. One of the figures was now close enough for Shepard to make out. It was Ashley.
Ash. She's okay. She's okay...
He wanted to scream her name.
She was frantically running, looking everywhere. Liara and Garrus were right on her heels. Shepard's head was facing their direction. He moved his fingers a bit, trying to raise his hand with no success. Ashley ran in his direction and finally spotted him. She made eye contact and immediately sprinted toward him.
Liara was carrying a packet of medi-gel while Garrus was towing a portable stretcher over his shoulder. Ashley approached Shepard immediately.
"There you are Shepard!"
He looked into her eyes and couldn't help the tears from falling. It seemed as if time had slowed down. He could feel his heart flutter, emotion coursing through him. He was tired of holding back. The three years that had passed, their history, their nights together, the reapers, the war, his friends, his decisions. He thought of all those things in that moment.
Ashley knelt down beside him, putting a gloved hand to his bloody face. Her expression was unexplainable as she saw his body up close. She was still wearing her blue alliance uniform. It was now plagued with a mixture of blood, grit, and dirt. Tears streaked across parts of the fabric.
She looked beat up.
She looked tired.
"Oh Shepard..." She whispered.
Shepard tried to move his hand, tried to mouth that he loved her, but the pain of a thousand needles overcame any muscle that he tried to move. Although near unbearable agony consumed Shepard's entire body, every fiber of his being wanted to hold her. Shepard feebly lifted his forearm up. Ashley grasped his hand, sending another thousand needles of pain throughout his limb, but he didn't care in that moment.
He had developed such a close relationship with this woman. She was his best friend and lover, his companion, his soul mate. It was almost like a fairy tale in a way, but it was real. She embodied happiness to him, and without her in his life, he would be an empty soul. She was his other half. Without him, he was only half a man. Both of them had been through so much together, but this time was different. Shepard needed to survive.
Ashley pushed a small smile as tears were falling down her face,"I love you Shepard. Don't you quit on me, not now."
She suddenly snapped into action, determined to get him to safety and care. Her eyes went dark and her brow furrowed with concentration.
She started lifting him while Liara was applying medi-gel on any open wounds he had. Garrus picked up his legs onto the stretcher and together him and Ashley started to quickly carry Shepard to the ship.
Liara and Garrus were quiet as Shepard was looking into Ashley's rich dark brown eyes.
He opened his mouth and was surprised as he managed to mumble a few words,"Hey Ash, we," he tried to wet the inside of his mouth with a parched tongue,"We... got it... done.." He tried to smile at her, his chapped lips cracking.
Tears started to well up again in Ashley's eyes as she replied," Yeah Skipper, we got it done, now we can go home."
They got Shepard to the Normandy's opening. It was hovering over the charred ground now, ready for takeoff. They frantically ran Shepard to the med lab where Dr. Chakwas was rushing around, collecting supplies she would undoubtedly need.
They carefully set him on a medical bed. Shepard was starting to feel even more dizzy as he looked up into a bright light over the table he was laying on. Ashley was helping Dr. Chakwas and glancing back at Shepard almost every second. She came over to him, checking his wounds.
Dr. Chakwas walked over to Shepard's side, holding a big needle. She flicked it as she said,"Commander, it's going to be okay." Her usually silvery well kept hair was frizzed and unkempt. Her wrinkles seemed more prominent, stress lines lurking around her eyes and brow. She stuck the needle in his arm as gently as she could. This situation was different from her many battles and medical emergencies she has had to experience over the many years. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, which was probably the case; for the whole crew as well. As she pulled the needle out, Shepard felt liquid warmth spread throughout his body and through his veins.
"Ashley, dear, I need to help Shepard as best I can until we arrive at the nearest hospital. You'll need to leave while I do this, please." She spoke fast and with medical professionalism. She knew what needed to be done, and it couldn't be accomplished with Ashley there.
Ashley stubbornly replied,"I'm not leaving him." Dr. Chakwas wasn't surprised at her response. Garrus came from behind her and put his hand gently on her arm. Ashley glared at him.
"Ashley, come on. Let Dr. Chakwas and Liara help Shepard. You being here could... complicate things." Garrus' cool voice naturally calmed her down a bit. Every emotion was heightened. Her anger, fear, anxiousness. Ashley looked at Shepard in anguish.
Shepard wanted to tell her to stop being so stubborn, and that it'd be alright. He tried his best to look at her, not sure what emotion was displayed on his face. She blinked away tears as Garrus pulled her away. Ashley gave little restraint as she kept eye contact with Shepard until the door closed in front of her.
Shepard looked up into the light. Dr. Chakwas and Liara were towering over him. He could feel them removing what armor they could, but couldn't hear or really care at the moment. Shepard slowly started to slip into unconsciousness, just hoping he'd wake up.
Before fully slipping into unconsciousness however, Shepard thought maybe it would be okay. All the times he said he would get the mission done, and come out alive, he believed it. Right before the beam, when he said he would always love Ashley, was the first time he didn't believe he'd come out of this one alive. Shepard feared it would be his last goodbye to her. He didn't say even close to enough what he wanted to say. But now Shepard was here, on the verge of death, but still holding on. All this time, he realized what he was fighting for. As that last thought filtered through his mind, darkness started to pulsate around his eyes. Finally, blackness consumed him.