I do not claim to own Toaru majutsu no index or any of its characters I just make them dance for my amusement.
Chapter One - Accelerating Atoms
I knew the guy who stood before me.
They had once put us in the same program.
The other candidate for the Atom Vector program.
His advancement to the next level was never going to happen.
So scientists stopped the program.
Funding was needed elsewhere.
So he was discarded like rotten meat.
Yet here he was.
Thinking he stood a chance against me.
I had come to far.
Killed to many.
For when I ascend.
Nobody shall raise a finger to me!
Nobody shall ever make attempts on my life!
The greatest magicians and espers shall run as they see me!
Nobody will ever do anything to harm me!
Not even god!
Her breath was erratic and her heart mimicked this.
Holding the gun flat against her palm.
Its weighed less than expected.
She waited in absolute silence.
Goggles hung over her head.
Chestnut brown hair draped long hanging limply below her shoulders.
Her eyes, they had looked the same as the original.
But all the sisters eyes, were dead inside.
The alley was dark, leaving her shrouded in subterfuge.
This was her shield.
All she needed to do.
Was die a warriors death.
A pale blonde walked by the alley. His red eyes pierced through the crowd like a laser.
She exited her cover, her safeguard.
Following close behind the man named Accelerator.
Nobody knew his real name.
As he had forgotten it himself.
All she knew, is that he would kill her.
For a goal greater than anything Academy City had ever tried before.
The rise of a level 6!
The man turned a corner.
Going off into a shady, black corner alley.
No witnesses.
She knew what he would do.
He had tortured and killed her sisters before.
She knew.
Because she knew their memories.
She knew the way they felt, before it happened.
Their gruesome wounds, their bloody deaths.
She knew.
Before they had been forcibly removed from the Network.
From death due they part.
Slowly she crept to pursue him.
The man that was the strongest Esper in the city.
Anticipation made her shudder.
Raising the gun.
In a simple yet shaky motion, she pulled the trigger.
Stabbing pain ricocheted throughout her body sending of flares of agony in her nerves.
A cursory glance downwards.
Blood soaked into her clothes.
Collapsing to the floor.
Landing unsteadily on her knees.
Before losing consciousness.
She saw the face to be her killer.
A sadistic twisted smile, with a death glare from crimson red eyes.
People scattered. Running in all directions. I bobbed and weaved carefully trying to avoid the rampage of the frightened masses. A gunshot rang out followed by a wave of panic. I looked around for the source of the booming echo. In an alley I saw a guy in black and white V decorated clothes standing over a girl. A pool of blood nesting at her rest. I ran to her aid. I dodged the crowds attempts to ram me out of the way, as they ran not wanting to be the next victims. Approaching the crime scene. All I could see was the face of death itself.
"Accel?!" I screamed stopping dead on my heels.
"Oh. Makasu. You should just turn and leave me to my business." Accelerator casually waved me off.
As if I wasn't a threat. An ant for him to step on. That's how they all saw me. After I met some of the other Level 5s. They didn't care who I was. Just another inferior. Accelerator was the worst, he had treated me like dog in the pound. As if I wasn't strong enough to beat him. I would prove to them that I wasn't so easily discarded, that even my powers were to be reckoned with.
"Leave her now and I won't have to fight you!" I barked, he burst into a fit of hysterical laughter.
"What are you talking about. Since when could you make threats like that! Your all bark and no bite." Vector snapped his teeth hard making a clicking noise.
The earth quaked as his teeth snapped, craggy rocks jutted out ready to impale me. Holding my hands out in front of me I focused on my training. The atoms making up rock is in a solid fixed state. Changing that into a liquid would be simple. Vibrate the atoms making up the rock and they change into liquid form. The rock evaporated into a molten liquid stopping it before they made contact.
"Amateur." Accelerator brushed his white hair away from his eyes.
His hands gradually lowered to his sides. Blue energy gathered swarming into his palms. I didn't need any time to wait. Holding out my hands. Gathering the atoms composing the air. I vibrated them just in front of my fist, reaching exceedingly hot temperatures, the air was set ablaze. Balls of fire formed. I punched the balls. Jets of flame burst out ready to deep fry the Albino. He was faster. Letting loose the hyper condensed air in the form of plasma. The blue energy burst into my fire attack. Blowing it away. With seconds to react. I solidified the air creating a clear hard wall structure in front of my body. The plasma exploded destroying the barrier I had created, showering me with sharpened bits of debris.
"Leave now. Nobody else has to die. No matter how much I'd enjoy flaying you myself." Accelerator taunted. I slowly lifted myself back onto my feet.
"Not until you leave the girl." I groaned blood dripped from all over my body, deep cuts emerged all over my arms. Shrapnel was sticking out my clothes and skin. The pain was near excruciating, but I couldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing my agony.
"Not going to happen. Too much is happening that your insignificant processing power could comprehend. Why do you persist? You only live because I have allowed it. Why do you stand to powers greater than your own, knowing that you could never truly stand up to face me?" Accelerator's spoke using his usual bullshit superior mocking matter of fact all knowing tone.
Truth is, I didn't know why I was facing him. My ability could never compare to his. Mine didn't even have a name. Accelerator was right I should have gone. I should have turned my back and let him concede his business with the dying girl. But wheres the fun in that. I heard a familiar sound in the distance, one he wasn't prepared to deal with. I smiled, as usual Accelerator had underestimated me and my superior timing.
"I don't have to fight you Accel. I just need to hold you off till the police get here." I smirked raising my hands to continue the fight.
Accelerator then heard it too. The sound of sirens. His face went an even paler shade of white. But this was momentary. He regained his previous arrogant composure. In the distance I could hear something terrible. The sound of cars swerving of the road. The rush of intense wind. Blowing them away.
"You are so petty. You could never fight me yourself so you rely on others to do your dirty work. Pathetic. You can have the girl, but remember don't get too attached because I'm going to kill her right in front of your lonesome, stupid eyes." He walked away, but his foot stopped. Looking down at the girl before him. For a brief moment I thought I saw him hesitate. But like regular Accelerator that was fleeting and he moved further down the dead end alley.
I felt anger flare inside of me. How dare he insult me. My intelligence wasn't something to be mocked and prodded with a stick. I kicked the loose rock from the quacked floor. It flew up to about waist length. I stabbed my hands into it. Focusing on the vibrations in the stone and on my knuckles. My fists were absorbed right into the stone. They continued to vibrate, becoming flexible enough to be molded into rocky versions of my knuckles. I sprinted at him. Screw the power of vectors nobody is invincible. Gaining on him, meters from swinging my colossal hands at his feeble body. I was blasted off my feet and thrown through the walls of the alley. Wind whipped circling me in a tornado. Trapping me inside, I struggled against it but it was useless. Turning the air into another structure would have been worse than it already was.
"I gave you a chance. I suppose you still aren't that smart. I'll leave you, think about this confrontation of ours. And why you are going to look the other way next time." Accelerator gave his final threats before turning his back on me for good.
Leaving me suspended in the tornado, he created four smaller ones at the base of his lower body. They lifted up propelling him to the rooftops above. A few seconds after the tornado came to a slow and steady halt. I was thrown hard against a building wall, my head snapped to the side. Collapsing next to the downed girl. I struggled crawling to her. To make sure what I had done wasn't in vain. My hand found the nape of her neck. Cradling her head within my lap, my hand checked the pulse. With a beat, it pulsed. She was barely alive, but alive nonetheless.
"Fuck you Axel, I win this time!" With an overwhelming feeling of triumph I punched the air before falling hard to the floor.
As I faded in and out of consciousness I remembered being wheeled off, the smell of medicine stained my nostrils. As I watched myself being taken to the hospital. A mask was placed over my face, a strange taste touched my tongue, the doctors began counting down. The closer they got to 10 the closer my eye lids came to a close. The bright lights of the ambulance was replaced by an inevitable shroud. A blanket of darkness welcoming me into its cold motherly embrace.
Strangely enough the idea for this came from a lie on the Toaru Wiki page naming an un-named level 4 by his ability 'Absolute Zero' I was intrigued cause I never remembered a character with that power. When it was proven to have been false spam I decided to create something based on if this Esper with the power 'Absolute Zero' so I gave him life. I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter there will be more to come.