This is letter from the author of the Fire King:
So, hello again, its been quite a long time. A little over four years actually. I know I promised many years ago that I would come out with a revision for this story but life happened. When I finished the story of Odin I was a Sophomore in high school; the past four years I've now graduated and I am currently in my third year of college. It's been a very long time since I wrote a story, so I decided to go back to basics. I've been going through this story and, oh my, I can tell I was very much a beginner at story telling.
I know I promised a revision of Odin's story, but after looking at this train wreck I decided to just remake the entire thing. I haven't fully decided to either follow the same premise but with major differences or just go in a completely different direction, however I can say confidently that there will be many differences from the Fire King. For instance, I just released the first chapter today, the story is now titled The Ruler with a Frozen Heart, so the title is different first off, and Odin's character is now known as Erik. I will also be exploring more in-depth than I did in the Fire King; example, in the first chapter I go into more detail about why Erik is on the run at beginning of the story and why his own kingdom hates him. So this time around I aim to be a lot better with my writing and story-telling, if you love details in your stories, I hope I will please you.
So if you read the Fire King and you loved the story, please go and support The Ruler with a Frozen Heart. I really want to get back into writing these stories again and I really want to come back with a blast. Thank you in advance and I hope you guys enjoy the story.